./ • •" r •; •/• ; A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures Full Local Coverage Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest And Impartially Each "Week , Published Every Thursday VOL. XIX—NO. 31 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1957 at 18 Green Street, ^Wopdtaidge, H. 3. PRICE BIGHT CENTS NJ to Hear Meyner for Governor Won't Cut ' When an election campaign has be most effective under such circum-' seemed to us to be only a contest between stances. Board Plea Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee, .we have The Republicans have been unable to • School Aid refrained from expressing a preference. develop any significant issues. They cer-. Nov. 14th We feel 'that the gubernatorial election tainly have been responsible for total MeynerSays to be held in November is a matter of negligence for nearly tru'rty years of the Tentative Hearing Date vital importance, and because of this fact state's potable water supply require- Over 600 Enthusiastic we should express our opinion concern- ments. Governor Meyner, frankly, should Announced by Boylan in provide the leadership which the Repub- Party Stalwarts Greet School Progress Report ing it. f Governor at $25 Dinner This newspaper will support Governor licans have failed to do even though they WOODBRIDGE — November Robert B. Meyner, the Democratic can- have controlled the Legislature and the WOODBRIDGE — Labeling the 14 has been set as the tentative Governor's office during much of the opposition's "Truth Squa'd". as a date for a hearing before the didate, against Senator Malcolm S. "Truth Distortion Squad," Gov- State Department of Education Forbes, the Republican. period that the water problem grew and ernor Robert B. Meyner last night- on the first phase of the local was ignored. If this state hopes to keep at The Pines in Metuchen school construction pi-ogram, Su- We make this selection on broad told an enthusiastic gathering of the industry which it has and to attract over 600 Woodbridge Township perintendent of Schools Patrick grounds rather than on small or particu- new industry, it certainly must be in a A. Boylan informed the Board of lar issues. We have no delusions that Gov- Democrats and guests that the Education, Monday. position to guarantee adequate water i^November 5 election will give At the hearing before the State ernor Meyner is a paragon but we feel that supplies—this, of course, in addition to the answer to a program he has Department, the Board will have during; his term in office,he has grown sponsored during his four-year domestic necessities. term and which he intends to con- to Establish need for the new immeasurably in stature; that he has buildings. Later, another hearing As the campaign progresses we shall tinue as Governor of New Jersey. must} be held before the'State De- made independent and excellent choices have more to say regarding the relative The governor who gave the paridScint. of Local Government for high state positions; that his first term major address at the Woodbridge **which decides whether the Board positions of Governor Meyner and Sena- Township Democratic Organiza- f experience has prepared him well to DO YOU ElSMEMBER when Sewaren was the tow in summer resorts and the Sewaren House, tion's "$25 a plate" dinner asked is in a financial position to in- tor Forbes. We will withhold comment above, with its broad porch was the place to spend a wonderful summer vacation? This photograph undertake the vast and pressing prob- that the critics of his fiscal poli- crease' its bonded indebtedness. on such matters as Senator Forbes, with and another on page 2 were loaned to us by Police Sift. Andrew Simonsen, a member of an cies stop talking in generalities The first phase of the. program, lems which face our state today. the state facing dire and pressing needs, old Sewaren family. and get down to facts. Eighty per- to cost $11,000,000, includes five Governor Meyner is a liberal thinker. cent of this year's appropriation, elementary schools, of which two taking out time to wade into a brook in he said, goes for education, high- will be in Colonia, one in Iselin, He has a clear concept, in our judgment, search of vot'es. But we will try to dif- ways, welfare and institutions. one in Avenel and one in Fords; Sewaren Termed Idea! Day "How can my opponent cut ex- three Junior High Schools, one in of the responsibility of the governorship, ferentiate as clearly and fairly as we can Fords, one in Inman Avenue, and he has the spirit and stamina to between the Meyner concept of the gov- ssions Resort at Turn of Century Colonia and one in Iselin. A Sen- meet it. It is unfortunate that in pur- ernorship and Senator Forties's. Wilentz Commends Us ior High School is to be built on By RUTH WOLK Free School Lands, as soon 'as a suance of meeting this responsibility he If what we have said in Mr. Meyner's WOODBRIDGE — The second j SEWAREN—At the turn of the century, before this area became WOODBRIDGE — "One of court decision is forthcoming. has heen constantly bedeviled by a co- behalf isn't totally convincing — please Wednesday of each month was industrialized, the Sewaren section of the Township was known far the most highly regarded Unions Protest terie of Republicans whose sole aim is to don't ^forget that there is always Mrs. set by the Town Committee Tues- and wide as a summer resort. weekly newspapers in the na- With Shell Oil and Royal Petroleum tanks on one side of Staten tion— the Woodbridge Inde- Opposition to the'awarding, of succeed him. No governor can possibly Meyner. - day as the time for regular meet- pendent-Leader, has come out printing contracts to two non- Island Sound and Standard Oil tanks on the other, it is difficult to ings with the Board of Education visualize Sewaren as it was then, a favorite picnic ground for folks in support of Governor Robert union shops, both out-of-town, and Planning Boards "to discuss j ted day's outing now B. Meyner for reelection in was voiced by spokesmen from wh 0 wan a problems of mutual concern to all." Ian d then beslde the sait'water or November," former Attorney printers' and pressmen's unions.. BPWBarron Library Drive Edison Democrats General David T. Wilentz told The contracts were given to R-ari- Committeeman R. R i c h a r d . a grand place to spend' a vacation a capacity audience at the tan Printing Co., South Amboy Krauss, in making the suggestion. at the Sewaren House. Woodbridge Township Demo- for elementary school printing Donations Arriving Daily. Picnic Saturday said that in the past the Town A booklet issued by the owners cratic Dinner for Governor and to .Rahway Publishing Co., Committee met with the School of Boynton Beach, Sewaren, de- Mej'ner at The Pines last night. WOODBRIDGE—Although requests, for donatitas for the Barron EDISON—Five buses will trans- Rahway, for High School print- Board but "some folks have cre- scribed the spot as "an ideal day Mr. Wilentz, New Jersey's : Library Fund, sponsored by Woodbridge Township Business and Pro- port people to the Edison Township ated the impression that there is ing. : • -• . •.--,•", ;. •• fessional Woman's Club, have been out but a few days, Woodbridge resort for Sunday School excur- national committeeman, after When the matter .came up for Democratic picnic on Saturday, no cooperation between the residents are already responding generously. sions, ' society conventions and pointing out a number of pro- a vote, Harry F. Burke, who has Picnic Chairman John Ellmyer, Township Committee and the It is the hope of the club that sufficient mone"y will be raised to private parties." They made it Republican daily newspapers in consistently favored contracts Si\, announced today. Board of Education." make necessary repairs to the library building and stock it with very clear that the beach was the state, which have voiced with union firms on all services Departure locations and times approval of the governor for much-heeded new books—fiction, Mr. Krauss was evidently re- "conducted on temperance prin- and supplies, passed on ^ the vote. for those who want to use buses, reelection, read to the group non-fiction and reference — for ferring to the 11th point in the ciples" and they "kept at a dis- The others, including Mrs. Irving are: Potters Community Center, 12 Republican platform announced an editorial last night, prior to children and adults. Based on a and -1 P. M.; Clara Barton School, tance all disorderly and demoral- Kahree, chairman of the supplies careful survey, the BPW has set Simonsen Lashes last week by the Republican its appearance on the front committee, all voted in the ••af- 12 and 1 P. M.; Main Street and izing elements." page of the Independent-Lead- a goal of $5,000. This sum, plus Woodbridgs Avenue, 12:15 and Municipal Chairman, Arnold S. firmative. Francis. Wukovets was hoped-for donations of labor and Graham, which read as follows: At Boynton Beach there was a er today. the only Board member absent. Out at Democrats 1:15 P. M.; Nixon Lane and Wood- grove shaded by tall Maple trees, materials; will be ussd to. buy bridge Avenue, 12:30 and 1:30 P. 'Set regular meeting dates, at In mentioning the Independ- books;, eSnstracV'l'-crilldrgn's: read- least onc& a month, between the ™der which were arranged picnic ent-Lefider, Mr. Wilentz com - of the:-'Berth. Ambby Allied Print- WOODBRIDGS Frederick J. M;;" Town and* 1 ' P".
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