Newsmagazine Bringing the Good News to the Diocese of Fort Worth Vol. 27 No. 11 December 2011 New Anglican Ordinariate Anglicans will be able to become Catholic and retain elements of their liturgy and traditions in national structure parallel to Military Ordinariate, as of Jan. 1 Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, speaks from the floor of the Fall Bishops' Meeting of the USCCB. Cardinal Wuerl has served as the Vatican's representative helping gauge the interest of Anglicans in the U.S. wanting to come into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. (CNS photo / Nancy Phelan Wiechec) Bishop Kevin Vann anoints the forehead of one of the catechumens from the St. Peter the Rock community of former Anglicans who were received into the Catholic Church at. St. Patrick Cathedral Sept. 25. (NTC Photo / Juan Guajardo) Cardinal Wuerl: Ordinariate Holy See names Fort Worth Bishop Kevin Vann as for former Anglicans in the U.S. will be created Jan. 1 Ecclesiastical Delegate for Pastoral Provision Bishop Vann responds to his appointment as Editor's Note: The following news Fall meeting of the U.S. Conference Doctrine of the Faith. release was distributed to local news of Catholic of Bishops in Baltimore. Among the duties of the Ecclesi- Ecclesiastical Delegate for Pastoral Provision media outlets Tuesday Nov. 15, after Bi s hop Va n n i s suc c e e d i n g Ne w- a s t ic a l D e le g ate i s to en su re t he for mer the announcement was made by the ark Archbishop John J. Myers who has Anglican ministers in formation re- By Patricia Zapor Catholic Church, and 35 of those United States Conference of Catholic been the delegate since 2003. Bishop ceive thorough theological, spiritual, Catholic News Service have received initial approval from Bishops in Washington, D.C.: Vann assumes the office of delegate and pastoral preparation for ordained BALTIMORE — A new the Congregation for the Doctrine immediately. ministry in the Catholic Church. ordinariate — functionally similar of the Faith. A s t he E c c le si a s t ic a l D e le g ate for Once formation is completed, the to a diocese — will be created That means they can move to atholic Diocese of the Pastoral Provision, Bishop Vann former Anglican minister becomes Jan. 1 to bring Anglicans into the the second stage of approval, which Fort Worth Bishop will be the Holy See’s delegate assist- eligible to petition for Sacred Orders, U.S. Catholic Church, announced includes a criminal background Kevin W. Vann has ing former Anglican ministers who which leads to the diaconate and Washington Cardinal Donald W. check, psychological evaluation, and been appointed the have been received into the Catholic priesthood. Wuerl during the annual meeting recommendations from the Catholic Ecclesiastical Del- Church and who wish to be ordained The Pastoral Provision is under of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishop where he lives and from his Cegate for the Pastoral Provision in a s C at hol ic pr ie st s. T he Pa stor a l Pro - the jurisdiction of the Holy See’s Bishops Nov. 15. Anglican ecclesiastical authority, the United States by the Holy See, v i sion h a s b e en i n e f fe c t i n t he Un ite d Congregation for the Doctrine of the Cardinal Wuerl also said 67 he said. Washington, D.C. Cardinal Donald States since 1980. This appointment Anglican priests have submitted their Wuerl announced Tuesday during the is made by the Congregation for the BISHOP VANN, P. 20 dossiers seeking ordination in the ORDINARIATE, P. 21 PAGE 2 NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC, DECEMBER, 2011 ShepherdOur Speaks While being grateful for the gift of religious freedom in our country, there is also a need for ‘New Evangelization’ in our modern world. Dear Brothers and world. Th is, of course, was one of the primary of believers attains force and vigor that can visions of the Second Vatican Council, and never fade away. Faith grows when it is Sisters in Christ, the call to a New Evangelization was certainly lived as an experience of love received and he month of November reinforced and often repeated by Blessed Pope when it is communicated as an experience of John Paul II and our current Holy Father Pope grace and joy. It makes us fruitful, because gives us much to refl ect Benedict XVI. However, there have been two it expands our hearts in hope and enables us upon and prayerfully recent events that seem to be hastening the to bear life-giving witness: indeed, it opens T arrival of the New Evangelization and signaling the hearts and minds of those who listen to celebrate not only as Catholics, an even more urgent need in our modern world respond to the Lord’s invitation to adhere to but also as citizens of this great for a new and compelling witness to Christ. his word and become his disciples. The first event was Pope Benedict — Apostolic Letter, Porta Fidei, 7 country of ours. First, the month XVI creating the new Pontifi cal Council of November is the month that we for Promoting the New Evangelization, Th erefore the Year of Faith will not only (Ubicumque et Semper). The creation of allow all of us to more deeply learn and know remember those who “have gone this Pontifi cal Council shows that the New our faith, but to put our faith in action. Th e before us marked with the sign Evangelization is a major priority in the Church Year of Faith will encourage all of us to become and the function of the Council is to provide more de eply ro ote d i n ou r C at hol ic ident it y a nd of faith.” the guidance, support, and resources to the mission so that we can become more eff ective Bishop Kevin Vann We began this month with the great feast of Church to more fully implement the New witnesses to the presence of Christ who is present blessed Th anksgiving, but to especially off er All Saints in which we celebrate the “great Evangelization. In addition, the Holy Father and working in the world through the Church. my heartfelt gratitude to so many of you for cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1) that is also called for the subject of the next General I think it is also very important that we your dedication and service to the parishes and the Communion of Saints in heaven and ask Assembly of Bishops in October to be the seek to more fully understand what the task the work of the Diocese. We should all be very for their prayers and intercession for us who New Evangelization and its implementation. and work of the New Evangelization entails. thankful to be in a Diocese that is so vibrant are the Church on earth still continuing our Traditionally, this General Assembly will be Th is, of course, will be the work of the new and growing, and all of the good work in our pilgrim journey of faith. Th e feast of All Saints followed by an Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Pontifi cal Council in Rome and of the General Diocese of building up the Body of Christ is unique in that it is a celebration of all the Benedict XVI on the New Evangelization. Assembly of Bishops in October, but as we would not be possible without your generosity saints in heaven, not only the ones who have Th e second event occurred last month move forward here in the United States and in and dedicated work. been offi cially proclaimed saints by the Church, when Pope Benedict XVI called for a Year of our own local Church in Fort Worth, we need We also need to recall that Th anksgiving but all the unnamed saints that are in heaven Faith to be celebrated throughout the entire to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help has been a part of our national heritage from who fought the good fi ght and ran the race Church beginning on Oct. 11, 2012 through us discern our work and activities in the New the very beginnings of our history as a nation, and now enjoy fullness of life with the Lord the end of November 2013. Th is Year of Faith Evangelization. and it is a holiday and tradition that is deeply in paradise. Th is feast is a reminder that each corresponds with the 50th Anniversary of the Recently, Cardinal Wuerl of the Archdiocese Christian. Th anksgiving, as we all know, dates of us, no matter our state and vocation in the opening of the Second Vatican Council and also of Washington, D.C. gave an excellent address to back to some of the fi rst European settlers who Church, is called to be holy, to become a saint. the 20th Anniversary of the promulgation of the seminarians at the Seminary of the Immaculate colonized North America. We commemorate The following day, Nov. 2, we then Catechism of the Catholic Church. In this Year Conception in Huntington, New York that their great feast of Th anksgiving off ered to God celebrated the feast of All Souls in which we of Faith, the Holy Father is calling upon the gives us some good insight. In his address, for the blessings of life, freedom, health, and remember in a special way and pray for the poor Church to once again rediscover the gift of our Cardinal Wuerl sees the urgency of the New protection as they began their new life in the souls in Purgatory or the Church Suff ering, who f a it h, p a r t ic u l a rly a s e x pre s s e d i n t he do c u ment s Evangelization as a response to the growing New World.
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