-~-. '···· .~,-... ~~-~- .,..... • I • ' • j ate' 1 t Berlin Political Meet 'Reminiseellllt ·of Jllitier' BONN, OTA) - West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in a public address here, hos indicated censure of anti-Semitic de~ velopment~ at a meeting whic_h w_as held by the German party fn West Berlin lost week. The rightist party is a member of the no­ For Eoeru Jewf3h Family and Eoeru Memher of the Familu-Manitoh':', Saskatchewan, Alhr:rta, British Coiumhia, Ontario tional coalition government and the Berlin rally was addressed by Bonn Minister of Transport Hans C. Seebohm. · r.':' The Berlin municipal parlla- · Vol. XXIX, No. 48. WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954 Sc Per~. ment, meanwhile, hns condemned the German party rally, at wltleh several persons were beaten when §nrr w DDD§Il®rm they were thought to be Jews be­ cause they would not rise and sing (l;Q;{t§ EI:cmlh>llce the ultra-nationalist song "Deuts­ Borrod rRece©rd hil Sllght.; chland Ucbe~ Alles," The city council resolution, demanded that IFrr@mm ([;ceDllD(Bnr the "strongest measures" be taken Edward E. Gelber, president, aga.lnst those responsible for the Wednesday sent a cable to Sir OperniUrrog Rea incident. Mayor Wa.lther Schreiber Winston Churchill on the occa­ DinH11eir said that It was reminiscent of the sion of his 80th birthday, on be­ Winnipeg's Israel Bond drive is expected to get away to a "dark past" of Adolf Jiltler, half of the United Zionist Council @Broker Hf)nors The headquarters of the German record-breaking official start at the openfng dinner this Monday, of Canada. party here has disclaimed all re­ Dec. by registering on estimated total of around a quarter million Text of the cable follows: Jewish Doctor 6, sponsibility for the incident. It as­ dollars in Development Bond sales to date by the conclusion of the serted that· provocateurs had set off "Ancient Hebrew tradition as­ NEW York investment brok­ · evening. sociates the concept of greatness er has established a chair at the anti-Semitic demonstration and A Guest of honor at the com- with the favored individual who ~arvard university to study heart * * * that it was they who shouted "Jewish munlty-wide bond event, slated reaches hi.s 80th birthday. This is diseases to honor a Polish-born swine" at those who refused to join for 6.15 p.m. at the" Royal Alex­ the singing, no cliche in your case, honored Jewi~h doctor who saved his life. FETE SET andra hotel, wlll be M. J, Coldwell, sir. Your understanding of, and Charles E. Merrill, of New York, M.P,, distinguished Canadian- pul>- Jews Protest contributions toward the achieve­ announced a girt of $400,000 to Har­ . · lie leader who has just returned Meanwhill), the Jewish community ment and implementation of the vard to endow the- chair to be named To HONOR from Israel. lie will present a of Berlin has protested the anti­ Zionist ideal carry with them the after Dr. Samuel A. Levine. his old spcclally-prepared confidential· re­ Jewish violence. The Ge rm an hallmark of greatness in recog­ friend and physician. Dr. Levine is n THE WOMEN port on behind-the-scenes aspects Societies for Christian-Jewish Co­ nizing that a restored Israel could professor at Harvard Medical school of the Israel sltuailon today. operation warned the Berlin city right nn ancient wrong and make and a member of the staff of the A celebration honoring the fem­ The function will also be highlight­ M.,·J. council ·that there was a dangerous possible once again the spiritual Peter Bent Brigham hospital. inine sector of Winnipeg's Israel ed by ceremonies conferring the first revival of anti-Semitism and na­ flowering of a people in its own The 63-year-old physician was Bond drive will be held here 8.30 Guardian and Sponsor of Jsra~ Coldwell tionalism taking place, of which this land, born in Lomza, Poland and came to incident was one manifestation. Stu­ p.m. Thursday, Dec. 16, in the form awards on men and women of the "For all this the Zionist family this country at the age of three, A of a Chanukah Cabaret. community who have purchased dent and foreign press associations school prodigy, he reached the sixth "Speci~l in Canada expresses its profound lllghUghtlng tlte program of $1,000 or more of the bonds. in Berlin protested to the German gratitude to you as one who has grade at the age of eight and helped ,, party because students were among entertainment and music will be Awards Ready been the great leader and ex­ support his family by selling news­ R epor t ... those beate'n and two foreign news­ the world-famous star of Yiddish Special Guardian rosettes-lapel pounder of ideas in our time, May papers in downtown Boston. men were threatened !or refusing to stage and screen, Molly Picon. pins in blue and white-will be pre­ you know of health, happiness and As a member of the newsboys ·sing the German anthem. union, he received that organiza­ The festive cabaret event, sponsor­ sented the men and women Sponsors, fulfillment for many years to come tion's scholarship to attend Harvard ed by Winnipeg Women for Israel Guardian rank for the ladies, will NEW YORK, (JTA)-The Ameri­ to lead a distraught world to Bonds, will be in the nature of a receive gold menorah Sponsor pins. Annual -Diiirilim@EP ~@-~ can Jewish' Committee, expressing peace and a harassed mankind to and graduated from the medical school in 1914. He became a leader reward for the women buying or sell­ Israel Trustoe awards will also be "deep shock" at the anti-Semitic 'a sense of worthwhile purpose," in the treatment of heart disease. ing developmentbonds. made. demonstration in West Berlin cabled Chen Award Anot)lcr g11est who wlll speak IF@ll3 W @if?ml?@ IFunoo@l an offer to "assist in any way we can" Admission will be open to all at the dinner will be David n. to Heinz Galinski, leader of the Jew­ Yueh!•( of Denver and Long The. Winn!r(,t, J<:>wish, community's yearly "stock-taking" thll anmial * * * ·wc,1,l.t!n bu.,,.ing or i;.. Uing the:J)onds. ish community in Berlin. To Probe Israel ~ells OJ1111comr Cairu Islan~ member of the national dinner-meeting of Jewish Welfare fund, will take place 5.30 p,m, Wednes­ The cabaret also will feature spe­ Ask Assurances One of mankind's greatest prob­ cial ceremonies and awards for out­ day, Dec. 15, in Royal Alexandra hotel, it was announced by President board of governors of the U.S. bond Dr. Isrnei Goldstein, president of lems, the leaky· faucet, may now re­ standing service to Israel, including Saul M. Cherniack. drive, who has visited Israel and Tickets !or the dinner-meeting arc the American Jewish Congress, Sabbath Clash ceive the attention of one of the the unique Chen gold char<D award Highlighting the event will be a Europe several times, urged the United States government JERUSALEM, (JTA) - Premier 20th century's greatest intellects. in~titutcd by the National Women's panel discussion on "Our Community available &t the Welfare Fund office, to make certain that in agreemen'ts to Moshe Sharett will personally in­ Albert Einstein has been equipped Division of State of Israel Bonds, D. P. Gotlieb, general chairman of --Crisis or Just, Complications?", telephone 03-8437. be concluded with West Germany vestigate recent clashes in Jerusalem with a plumber's union card. honoring those women who sell the Winnipeg drive, strongly urged featuring a guest expert from the there be "iron:clad" assurance that arising from attempts by ultra­ Professor Einstein received his $2,500 of the bonds. (Continued on page 12) United States and three well-known Orthodox clements to prevent the union card - and accepted it with Winnipeggers. energetic measures would be taken against any revival of anti-Semitism movement of traffic on the Sabbath, thanks - after his recent statement Panel Listed he told the cabinet. that if he were a young man now he The U.S. guest will be Melvin and ultra-nationalism. Mr. Sharett's intervention came wotdd go into plumbing rather than Edmonton Rabbm lUrrgQ;§ Zaret, of Milwaukee, West Central AdoU Held, chairman of the Jew­ after a clash here when a group of sQcnee. Region director for Council of Jewish ish Labor Committee, cabled Ernst young men from settlements in the Federations and Welfare Funds. Par­ ~a;w YEaar E-,,E ·W OIT$h6p Charnovsky, president of the Berlin Jerusalem area came into town in ticipating with him in the discussion trucks and dashed with religious will be Samuel J. Drache; Q.C., Myer Federation of Unions lauding him for Chaplain* * Hono* .. ed EDMONTON, (Special)-Rabbi Dr. Louis L. Sacks, of Beth groups attempting to block traffic. Sharzer and Harry Walsh, Q.C., with lodging an immediate protest against Shalom congregation is uring Jewish organizations to refrain from Minister for Religion Moshe The school board of York, Pa., has the latter as moderator. unanimously approved a resolution holding New Year's Eve parties this year, as it falls on a Friday, the anti-Semitic rally held under the Shapiro, who raised the issue at the Assessment of the past year's to name a new elementary school for auspices of the German Party in cabinet meeting, said that the settle­ Instead, Dr. Sacks suggests attendance at the synagogue "as a trends and developments in the West Berlin. "This development," ment youth had invaded· several Rabbi Alexander D. Goode, one of memorable lesson in Judaism for our children." Following the community will be provided at the the Four Chaplains who went down services, he suggests that those who wish can visit one another at Mr.
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