
■; V ■ AVEBACnC DAILT CSHOtlLAtlOM THE HVATUBB Foreeaat ot t . a Wsstbar BaishgL . MS tbs sMstb s< Aagasl. t9M Hartford OknUiy, probably ticcaalnwal obow- 5.341 era tonight; aomewbat wanner to- filiiabsr af Iba AaHt night ambFBtFr Borau St arealatisns. VOL. u n ., NO. 307. Advartlaing sa rnga lA) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Garaure Leveled In Hunt For More Ransom Money | BOLTON AGAIN ITALY OFFERS ......... ■ ' -------- ------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------- ♦ CHICAGO POUCE HOLD OUVE BRANCH SCENE OF HUNT TO M S S IN IA FOR KAMINSia ' LINDY CASE SUSPECT for Attempt to Steal Aito at Her Statement Answers car- Bears Remarkable Resem- Browa Home in Qiiarry- ' Romors That TronUe Is Survey Shows Women blance to Hlytteri6us viDe hvestigated; Pkir Brewing There — Note Change NRA Opinion Job" Wbo^^pted Raa- Try to Open Garage. Professes Friendship. New York, Sept. 29.—A chart<^ar to measure trends In public opin- son Meii^ — Arrested showing changing opinions about ion. sta te Police Oommisslener An- Rome, Sept 29—(AP)—A mutual NRA among 16,000 women is made "We were not primarily Interested public by Dr. Paul S. Ancbilles and in NRA," the psychologists state, jouilp from New York. thony Sunderland has orlthdrawn expression of an attitude of friend- Dr; Rensis Libert, psychologists on "but merely took thie one good ex- all but twelve stato policemen en- ship and non-aggreaslon was issued ample of current problems. the faculties of Columbia and New gaged In tbe manhunt for Alexan- by Italy and Abyssinia In an offi- York Universities respectively. The "The women were of that large New York. Sept. 29.—(AP) — group wbo do their own housework, de. Kaminski, phantom slayer of a cial statement Issued here today. study covert the post 11 months Chicago police held 'for questioning The statement was an answer to and finds a decrease in tbe number have a family of average else and today a man who they said bore a Springfield jail guard, bocause of of women who believed in NRA. live In houses having no more tbao the fact that no progress has been thousands of rumors which have "very remarkatoe” resemblance ' to circulated in Italy In the lost two The report states the study was un- one bath room. made in the zearcta. In a ztatement dertaken primarily to discover how "John," alleged missing acomplice giveiLto a reporter for The Herald, months over a possible Italian ex- few people must be questioned In or- (OoBttnoed OB Page Two) of the I^dbergh kidnaping. Commissioner Sunderland said: pedition into Abyssinia and a posai- James Bowman..28, was taken ble attack on the adjoining Italian "In view at the fact thaC no prog- Into custody last night. He denied reoa has been made In thiz search, colonies of Eritrea and Somaliland. any connection with the Lindbergh The rumora arose after Italy, In we feel it la necessary to pull some case, but Walter Storms, deputy of the men out of the Manchester tbe laat three montha, began to.re- chief of detectives, said the ques- district and assign them to regular inforce tbe colonies considerably Spurred on by tbe discovery of the additional $840 of Lindbergh ranaom money cleverly concealed in a piece GOV. CROSS UUNCHES tioning would continue. while Abssinia formed a formidable of wood, police carpenters have demolished tbe garage built and used by Hauptmann to secrete his hoard tours of duty." Bowman's companion also was 12 Left Here army under tbe direction of a Bel- of bills. Every piece of lumber in the structure is being minutely examined by inycstlgators to make held by raiders who acted on a tip gian military miasion. sure no other secret caches have escaped them. Above the last stag$ of destruction of the garage Is Commissioner Sunderland said that the Internationally bunted that all but 12 men would be sent The Announcement pictured. HIS STATE CAMPAIGN John would be found to a rooming baek to their respective barracks. Tbe announcement said: house. She identified herself as "Tbe Ethiopian charge d'affaires, All of tbe MsBaachusetts state. Goldie Ferris, the suspect’s wife. lice returned to their diatricto laat Megodras Afework, baa dammuni- Took tbe Ransom night, while the Bpringfleld marks- cated to the Italian government ENGINEER, FIREMAN i D e c l a r e s T h a i OppoaentsjLrniERICIIGIRL John was the man wbo took $50.- men left Thursday night. that be has beea authorized by His 000 from John F. Condon, Col. Majesty Haile Selassie, Emperor of FIRST SLUM CLEARANCE Asked If he thought Kaminski Charles A. Lindbergh's emissary for still was in tbia vicinity, Commla- Abyssinia, to declare formally that the safe return bl 30 months old the Imperial Government of Ethiopia KniEI) IN CRASH! **™’|! c ENTER OF QUARRE Stoner Sunderland -asaerted . that Charles, Jr. The baby already- had from the reports turned in to him has never had and does not now been slain- have any intentions of aggression LAWICHED IN ATLANTA Him; Talks on Liquor and| from tte su^rior officers In charge Bruno Richard Hauptmann, to of th<e hunt he vraa convinced that against Italy and Intends to con- whose garage $14,590 of the blood form In tbe moat abaolute manner t^e elusive murderer atUI was in the Strikes in State. Coitody of Yonng Millionair- money was found, began hla second general vicinity of Manchester. to tbe letter and spirit of the Italian Train Derailed When It .Hits week end to a New York jail under and Ethiopian treaty of friendship $150,000,000 PWA Howiiig BUST OF JEFFERSON „ Headquarters Oeoertod ceaseless watch. The discovery yes- Police be^quarters In Manchea- of 1928, not having any motive to ess Will Be Deiided by terday that he had broken uid hid- disturb the good and friendly reta- Stafled Anto— None of Hartford, Sept 29.—(AP)—With tar was deaerted this morning, la den a pewter spoon, one piece of striking contrast to acqnea during tiona existing between tbe two gov- Program Started - Sec. POUNDINFRANCE c militancy which stirred hla audi- which was sharp enough to Inflict ernments. ' Court Monday. the past week when more than a Passengers Hurt. ences to repeated applatue, Gov. serious Injury, led to the vigil. hundred State police officers report- Italy’s Besponse Ickes Makes Speech at __ i Uses Paper Spoons “In taking note of this communi- Wilbur L. Cross last night began ed there for orders during the night He la eating now with paper plates and day. cation, tbe Italian government haa liU platform campaigning for re- New York. Sept. 29.—(AP)—The and spoons,' but officials- at tha replied to the charge d'affaires of Start of Ceremony. Convoy, O., Sept. 29.— (AP) — A report came through tbla morn- Boston Mnsenm A cipres e'ection by addresses a t Thompson- little millionairess, Gloria Morgan Bronx county jail are taking no Ethopla that Italy does not have Both the engineer and the firemen chances, Hauptmann’s necktie, and ing that a house in Bolton bad been viUe and Windsor Locks, to which Vanderbilt was likened to "a poor entered during the night and feiod- any intention that it is not friendly What k Thought the Gotham Limited of tbe Penn- he assailed tbe platform of the Re- belt have been confiscated. etuffs stolen. Captain Hermpa towards the Ethiopian government, Atlanta, Sept. 29.—(AP)—Secre- 'i^lvania railroad, east bound from orphan today”, to the Vanderbllt- Attorney General David T. WII- with whom we are bound by the publican Party to Connecticut and Morgan-Whltney quarrel over her. Scbendel said he hiad not heard tary Ickes, public works adminis- Chicago to New York, were Icllled i&serted “there is no statement to It enth of. New Jersey, where tbe treaty of friendabip of 1928, Who should have custody of the baby waa kidnaped to 1932, came to about the report. Lieutenant John trator today called on the nation to Likeness of Him. when part of the train was derailed about tbe governor of Connecticut C. Kelly and other state police off!- "ItMy intends to continue to after it had struck a stalled automo- ten year old child-*-her mother, Mrs. New York to confer with Samuel J. cultivate with Ethiopia tbe ' most see that "every child bom under the which la not a lie or miarepresentm- Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, or her cent were not at headquarters. Ef- bile early today. All of tbe passen- ticn." Foley, district' attorney of Bronx forts to obtain verification of tba friendly relations as a necessary American flag shall have equal op- gers, however, were reported to lamt, Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney— county where Hauptnuuuj has been. means of augmenting reciprocal, Boston, Sept. 29—(API—What The governor , made many othai will be decided Monday in an open report were unavailing. No one la portunity under tbe law with every have e$caped serious injury. assertions, one being that tbe cam- Indicted for extortion of the ran- politteal and economic relations.” other such child.’’ several autkoritles bdleve the best Harry Tourgee, 68, of Fort trial befdra Suprema Court Justice som. Bolton had heard of the rumored Utions." paign was opening with a long line break. Participating in ceremonies here likeness of Tbon^Ui Jefferson yet to Wayne, Ind., the engineer died of mlsrepreaentatlcfla. John F. Carew. Ftdey, generalissimo of Federal. Miss Georgia Foley, who lives at marking the first actual alum clear- come to Ilgbt.hlu. recently emerged while being taken to a hospital a t The governor defended hit course Mra. Laura Kilpatrick Morgan New Jersey and New York officers, the house of Edward J.
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