'January 26, 1979 KNIGJITS SHINE ON LHA - CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters fro10 Composite Marine and ·stories .about the 35th Marine Amphibious Unit (MA U) Combat Readiness Evaluation Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMH)-262 embark day and n!ght from the flight deck of the (CRE) exercise bel~ ab Barking Sands on ·Kauai, see pages 5-9. · USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3) during Exercise "CREE Victory" last week. For additional.photos -""' ,. > ~:1-- ~ NO;w WIDCH WAY? - Si'!ortly after landing ashore, Lance Corporal I f!!loto by Sgt. Phil s-•tt Redd Lanier, a Weapons Platoon squad leader with "Echo" Company, "CENTER BEA.CH"- Shore Party Marines erect a Sho.r.e Party is responsible for the beach organization ,shoots an azimuth to evaluate the correct direction of his next moye. red flag to d;!lignate this area as "Center Beach." The operations. See page 9 for story and photos. · --- --· · -- • -- Page 2, Hawaii Marine, January 26, 1979 Prayer ,.-N-a..,.._v_y_L_e_a_g_u_e_A_w_a_rd_d_e_a_d-1-.in-e-n-ea- . r-s Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard commanders in Hawaii have Award, the Admir~l Claude V. Ricketts Award, the General Gerald C. breakfast until February 19 to submit their nominations for the 1979 National Thomas Award, anti the Captain Winifred Q~ick Collins Award. Na_vy League Awards. Other awards are the Rear Admiral WilliamS. Parsons Aw11rd for According to the Secreta'ty o.fthe Navy, the National Navy League sCientific and technical progress, the Stephen Decatur Award for held of the United States awards provide an opportunity for all levels ot sea operational competence, the Alfred Thay~r Mahan Award for literary service commands to recognize military and civilian men ai;Jd women achievement, the Robert M. Thompson Award for outstanding A former Navy LieutenantC:::otnmauder who­ who have "distinguished themselves through inspirational leadership, civilian leadership, and th_e-:John A. Mcintire Navy Judge Advocate is credited with sinking two enemy submarines professional competence, scientific skill, technical progress, and Writing Award. during World War II told the 1979 National literary achi'evement." To qualify for consideration, each award nomination (an original, Prayer Breakfast audience at Camp Smith The awards, which will be presented at the annual Navy League and six copies) plus a suggested citation must be receive_d by the that the armed forces an: responsible for Convention in Dallas, Tex., April 17-21-, include four individual February 19 deadline at the Bureau of Awards Office, Navy League of keeping the peace, not waging war. awlirds for "inspirational leadership." They are the Jo·hn Paul Jones the Unit.ed States, 818 Eighteenth Street, N:W., Wash. D.C., 20006 Father Mark E. Guerin, assistant to the Bis­ hop of Honolulu, was the guest speaker at the breakfast, held January 18th at the Sta.ffNon­ commissioned Officer's Club, Camp Smith. His speech, "The Martial Man of Peace," Sa.nds of lwO Jima remembered highlighted the breakfast. As "Martial Men o'f Peace~" he said, military personnel have the When one looks at a map of the Pacific it's easy to overlook the 2,400 B-29s with 27,000 crewmen aboard had made unscheduled land· obligation to keep the peace by being pre.pared unimpressive dot tht signifies lwo Jima. The volcanic sands that ing on the airfield at Iwo Jima. to defend against aggression. stretch across the pork chop shaped island presents a bleak panorama. The battle also gaveth·e Americans and the Marine Corps one oft~e Father Guerin holds a Master of Arts Its certainly not the kind of real estate one would put a high price on. most famous and lasting symbols of courage and resolute determina­ Degree in Theology, Magna Cum Laude, tion in its history when a small band -qf Marines from the 28th Regi· from the Angelicum in Rome. He was And yet, 34 years ago, it cost the Marines 566 lives and ment braved sniper fire to raise the American Flag on the heights of ordained to the priesthood by rope Paul VI at another 1, 755 who suffered wounds during one day's fighting to wrest Suribachi. The audacious act was immortalized on film . Joe Rosen­ St. Peter, Rome, In 1975. the tiny atoll away from its Japanese defenders. Among the casualties thal's photograph inspired Americans at home much as the act had A Knight o.f Malta and member. of the Papal was Medal of Honor winner "Manila" John Basilone, who died lead­ inspired the Marines on Iwo. Court of the Pope, Father Guerin is presently ing his men across the island. The battle raged from Feb. 19 through The victory cost.the Marines 5,931 killed and 17,272 wounded. TjJ.e the Director of the Catholic Church's Family· March 26, 1945. Wheri it was over America had a valuable forward Japanese suffered some !9,000 casualties. The victors and the Life Pr0gr_am in H~waii. base from which to launch bomber attacks. By the end of the war, vanquished shared a common bond: uncommon valor. - · MC News Charlie Batfery .CPX keeps Marines in tune Suddenly the radio comes to life. "Adjust fire, over." ln ~ tantly the fire Direction Center reacts. By the time the entire fire mission ha-s been received from the forward observer, th ~ target has been plotted and the initial fire command ·has been sent to the gun line. Deflection and quadrant (adjustments on the ·piece) soon follow and "SHOT" is rect<ived over the land line from the adjusting gun. · One or two more adjustments and the battery responds to "FIRE 'FOR EFFECT." "End of mission,'target destroyed, over." A Jive fire exercise in the Zambales? No. It's another battery command post exercise (CPX) conducted by Battery C. lst Battalion. 12th Ma.ri,nes.(I U 2J, aboard the USS Vancouver. ---~~~"'tt''-""'..:.l.:~~'7-\o.l;-"'·,;.:·· sp~c es . you e\lcounter an obser~a tion po-~ t (0.1?).. Here gathered around a map on are the (or:ward observers ( FO), carefully· locating and plotting the enemy positions and relaying the calls for fire ove ~: the land line to ti\e fire direction center. "This is great training.for the FO party." explains Lance Corporal H.C. Blaine. a battery scout observer. "We've got a good opportunity to perfect our procedures and techniques without expending live rounds." Following the wire out oft he OP, through a couple of compartments. past a large stack of sea­ bags and through the NCO quarters, the gun line is at -work. "Here you have to •use a lot of imagination," states Staff Sergeant M.W. Frisby. the gun platoon sergeant. "We can't bring the howitzers up here so we concentrate o·n fire co mmands and proper recording techniques for the section chiefs." Continue following the wi re to the next compartment and you find the bat!ery Fi re Direction Center. Here a maze of charts. plotting boards, maps and radios appear to form mass confusion. But there Staff Sergeant G. H. Locke, the battery operations chi"f, keeps everything un-comfused. "The Fire Direction Center r~ceives excellent training from these exercises," says -Locke. "We have been able to reduce our response time considerably because of them." ~he battery_CPX is t~e brai~child <:f Firs~ Lieutenant D. M. Johnson, Battery C, commandin-g. officer, andh1s ExecutiVe Officer, FJrSt Lieutenant J.R. Hiner. "Actually all we did was take the same principles used in the Combat Simula.tion Center Eiy the 3d Marines and modifie·d it for our purposes," says lstLt. Johnson. "We realized at the beginning of this float that we would spend about·half of our time aboard ship and we needed a training program to keep the men busy arid to maintain our hjgh state of readi·ness." · ACCURATE RECO"RD - Corporal D. Vasquez, Battery C, 1st Battalion, 12th Marines, Hiner added. "Along with our training program, we have conducted seve ral landing exercises ,records a fire mission during a batterr ..command post exercise on the USS· Vancouver. The ~ith the BL T and we are confident ~hat if ever needed, we will respond with maximum effective battery holds these exercises aboard the ship in order to sharpen their firing skills. fire ." At a glan ce~ REACH Classes will be held at the Education Center AWA LAU WAHIN·E Registration fo ; the 1979 Winter/ Spring at Hickam AFB on weekend schedules. The ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Commander. Marine Corps Bases Pacific Fun Program sponsored by REACH, the program is only for military personnel. Awa La u Wahine is again offering four $500 LIGen. Andrew ODonnell Joint Services Recreation Association for For further information contact Evelyn Officer-in-Charge achievement scholarships. to a college ·or Capt. W.E. Wood (257-3319) Handicapped Adults and Children, is now Anderson at 499-9702. ·university. An applicant must be a dependent Editor being accepted. daughter or son of a naval services com­ SSgt. Ruben Martinez Jr. (267-2141) Sporu Editor The 19-week program provides recrea­ PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY missioned officer, active or retired, living in . Sgt. John M. Prosser (257-2142) tional facilities and programs to minor Pepperdine University is now accepting Hawaii. Entertainment Editor i LCpl. Randy Daugherty (26.7-2431) dependents who need special attention due to applications for the Masters of Art in Human The applicant must have completed a physical, mental or emotional handicaps. Resources Management program. portion of his high school on Oahu and must The Hawaii Marine is published weekly on Friday for The centers are located at l{ickam AFB and l Marines, Navy personnel. dej]endenu and civilian .
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