THE J OURNAL OF CARIBBEAN ORNITHOLOGY SOCIETY FOR THE C ONSERVATION AND S TUDY OF C ARIBBEAN B IRDS S OCIEDAD PARA LA C ONSERVACIÓN Y E STUDIO DE LAS A VES C ARIBEÑAS ASSOCIATION POUR LA C ONSERVATION ET L’ E TUDE DES O ISEAUX DE LA C ARAÏBE 2005 Vol. 18, No. 1 (ISSN 1527-7151) Formerly EL P ITIRRE CONTENTS RECUPERACIÓN DE A VES M IGRATORIAS N EÁRTICAS DEL O RDEN A NSERIFORMES EN C UBA . Pedro Blanco y Bárbara Sánchez ………………....................................................................................................................................................... 1 INVENTARIO DE LA A VIFAUNA DE T OPES DE C OLLANTES , S ANCTI S PÍRITUS , C UBA . Bárbara Sánchez ……..................... 7 NUEVO R EGISTRO Y C OMENTARIOS A DICIONALES S OBRE LA A VOCETA ( RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA ) EN C UBA . Omar Labrada, Pedro Blanco, Elizabet S. Delgado, y Jarreton P. Rivero............................................................................... 13 AVES DE C AYO C ARENAS , C IÉNAGA DE B IRAMA , C UBA . Omar Labrada y Gabriel Cisneros ……………........................ 16 FORAGING B EHAVIOR OF T WO T YRANT F LYCATCHERS IN T RINIDAD : THE G REAT K ISKADEE ( PITANGUS SULPHURATUS ) AND T ROPICAL K INGBIRD ( TYRANNUS MELANCHOLICUS ). Nadira Mathura, Shawn O´Garro, Diane Thompson, Floyd E. Hayes, and Urmila S. Nandy........................................................................................................................................ 18 APPARENT N ESTING OF S OUTHERN L APWING ON A RUBA . Steven G. Mlodinow................................................................. 22 ADICIONES A LA A VIFAUNA T ERRESTRE DE C AYO S ABINAL , C UBA : Hiram González, Eneider Pérez, Patricia Rodríguez, y Omilcar Barrio……………………................................................................................................................ 24 PRIMER R EGISTRO DE STERNA SANDVICENSIS EURYGNATHA PARA C UBA . Eneider Pérez, Patricia Rodríguez, Daysi Rodríguez, Alain Parada, Omilcar Barrios, y Edwin Ruiz............................................................................................... 29 BIRDS ON THE O UTER C AYS OF THE T URKS AND C AICOS I SLANDS . Michael W. Pienkowski, Ann E. Pienkowski, and Bryan N. Manco................................................................................................................................................................ 31 FIRST C ONFIRMED B REEDING OF THE W EST I NDIAN W HISTLING -DUCK AT A BACO , B AHAMAS . Kurt Radamaker and Cindy Radamaker............................................................................................................................................................. 44 PRECISIONS SUR C INQ E SPECES D’O ISEAUX DONT LA N IDIFICATION A ÉTÉ D ECOUVERTE EN G UADELOUPE (A NTILLES FRANCAISES ) DEPUIS 1997 . Anthony Levesque, Frantz Duzont, et Anasthase Ramsahaï................................................ 45 ESTADO DE LA P OBLACIÓN DEL F RAILECILLO B LANCO ( CHARADRIUS ALEXANDRINUS ) EN R ÍO M ÁXIMO , C UBA , DURANTE EL P ERÍODO 2002-2003. Ariam Jiménez, Antonio Rodríguez, Susana Aguilar, y José Morales..................... 48 RECENT B IRD O BSERVATIONS FROM D OMINICA , W EST I NDIES . Niels J. Larsen, Morten Heegaard, and Bertrand Jno Baptiste……………………………………………………………………………………………………..................................... 52 MORFOMETRÍA Y A LIMENTACIÓN DE LA C ODORNIZ ( COLINUS VIRGINIANUS ) EN D OS Á REAS DEL O CCIDENTE DE C UBA . Martín Acosta e Ianela García-Lau…............................................................................................................................. 54 FIRST R ECORDS OF W HITE -EYED V IREO , B LUE -WINGED W ARBLER , AND B LUE -WINGED W ARBLER × G OLDEN -WINGED , WARBLER H YBRID FOR S T. M ARTIN . Adam C. Brown and Natalia Collier.................................................................... 69 CONSERVATION I MPLICATIONS OF M ULTIPLE H ABITAT U SE BY N ORTHERN W ATERTHRUSHES DURING THE N ON - BREEDING S EASON . Sherman L. Burson III, Leonard R. Reitsma, and Pamela D. Hunt…….……….............................. 72 THE A MERICAN W HITE P ELICAN ( PELECANUS ERYTHRORHYNCHOS ), A W INTER R ESIDENT IN C UBA . Lourdes Mugica, Martín Acosta, Ariam Jiménez, Antonio Morejón, and Javier Medina..........….……...................................................... 77 TWO O BSERVATIONS OF A LPINE S WIFT ( APUS MELBA ) ON B ARBADOS . Martin D. Frost and R. Wayne Burke.................. 79 Continued on back cover THE JOURNAL OF CARIBBEAN ORNITHOLOGY THE J OURNAL OF THE S OCIETY FOR THE C ONSERVATION AND S TUDY OF C ARIBBEAN B IRDS LA R EVISTA DE LA S OCIEDAD PARA LA C ONSERVACIÓN Y E STUDIO DE LAS A VES C ARIBEÑAS LE J OURNAL DE L’ A SSOCIATION POUR LA C ONSERVATION ET L’ E TUDE DES O ISEAUX DE LA C ARAÏBE Editors in Chief FLOYD E. H AYES , Department of Biology, Pacific Union College, 1 Angwin Ave., Angwin, CA 94508, USA; telephone: 707-965-6401; fax: 707-965-7577; e-mail: [email protected] JEROME A. J ACKSON , Whitaker Center for Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, Florida Gulf Coast Uni- versity, 10501 FGCU Blvd. South, Ft. Myers, FL 33965-7193, USA; telephone: 941-590; fax: 941-590-7200; e-mail: [email protected] Please note that all future communications should be sent to Floyd E. Hayes at the above address. Associate Editors WAYNE A RENDT , P. O. Box 534, Luquillo PR 00773-0534, USA; e-mail: [email protected]. P. A. B UCKLEY , 211 Meadowtree Farm Road, Saunderstown, RI 02874, USA; e-mail: [email protected] DENNIS D ENIS A VILA , Facultad de Biología, Universidad de la Habana, Calle 25 e/J e I, Vedado, Ciudad Habana, Cuba; e-mail: [email protected] ANDREW D OBSON , Warwick Academy, 117 Middle Rd., Warwick PG01, Bermuda; e-mail: [email protected] PHILIPPE F ELDMANN , Cirad, TA 179/04, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France; e-mail: [email protected] RUUD VAN H ALEWIJN , 14 Adelaarhof, Utrecht, 3514 TZ, The Netherlands; e-mail: [email protected] SUSAN K OENIG , Windsor Research Centre, Sherwood Content P.O., Trelawny, Jamaica; e-mail: windsor@cw- jamaica.com OLIVER K OMAR , SalvaNATURA, Colonia Flor Blanca, 33 Ave. Sur #640, San Salvador, El Salvador; e-mail: oko- [email protected] LOURDES M UGICA V ALDES , Facultad de Biología, Universidad de la Habana, Calle 25 entre J e I, Vedado, Ciudad Habana, Cuba; e-mail: [email protected] ANTONIO R ODRÍGUEZ S UÁREZ , Facultad de Biología, Universidad de la Habana, Calle 25 entre J e I, Vedado, Ciudad Habana, Cuba; e-mail: [email protected] JOSEPH W UNDERLE , International Institute of Tropical Forestry, USDA Forest Service, P.O. Box 507, Palmer, Puerto Rico 00721; e-mail: [email protected] Book Review Editor STEVEN C. L ATTA , PRBO Conservation Science, 4990 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970, USA; e-mail: [email protected] Editorial Assistants BRYCE C HUN , P ATRICK F ERGUSON , J ANICE N AM , Y VETTE R ODRIGUEZ , M ELISSA U RQUHART -BITZER , AND T RAVIS YOUNG ; Department of Biology, Pacific Union College, 1 Angwin Ave., Angwin, CA 94508, USA; e-mail: [email protected] © Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds, 2005 The Society for Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB) is a non-profit organization under section 501(c)3 of the United States Internal Revenue Code. All contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by U. S. law. We welcome private support from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Outright gifts and pledges may be made by con- tacting the SCSCB Treasurer at [email protected] or by writing to PO Box 863208, Ridgewood, NY 11386, USA. Typeset in Microsoft Office Publisher by Antonio Rodríguez Suárez. Printed by Preferred Images, Pacific Union College, Angwin, CA, USA. ISSN 1527-7151 T H E J O U R N A L O F C ARIBBEAN O RNITHOLOGY S OCIETY FOR THE C ONSERVATION AND S TUDY OF C ARIBBEAN BIRDS S OCIEDAD PARA LA C ONSERVACIÓN Y E STUDIO DE LAS A VES C ARIBEÑAS ASSOCIATION POUR LA C ONSERVATION ET L’ E TUDE DES O ISEAUX DE LA C ARAÏBE 2005 VOL . 18, N O. 1 J. Carib. Ornithol. 18:1-6, 2005 RECUPERACIÓN DE AVES MIGRATORIAS NEÁRTICAS DEL ORDEN ANSERIFORMES EN CUBA PEDRO B LANCO Y B ÁRBARA S ÁNCHEZ Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, Cuba; e-mail: zoologí[email protected] Resumen .—Se expone la información de 1802 registros de aves acuáticas migratorias del orden Anseriformes, anilladas en América del Norte y recuperadas en Cuba durante el período comprendido desde el año 1930 hasta el 2002. Entre las especies recuperadas con mayor número de registros se destacan: Anas discors , Anas americana y Anas acuta . Los sitios de anillamiento de mayor importancia para las aves recuperadas en Cuba resultaron ser: Sas- katchewan, Manitoba, Ontario y Dakota del Norte. Palabras claves: Recuperación, anillos, aves migratorias, Anseriformes, Cuba Abstract .—BAND R ECOVERIES OF N EARTIC M IGRATORY B IRDS OF THE O RDER A NSERIFORMES IN C UBA . We re- port data for 1802 records of aquatic birds of the order Anseriformes, banded in North America and recovered in Cuba during the period from 1930 to 2002. The species recovered with the greatest amount of records include: Anas discors, Anas americana , and Anas acuta . The most important banding sites of the recovered birds were: Saskatche- wan, Manitoba, Ontario, and North Dakota. Key words: band recoveries, migratory birds, Anseriformes, Cuba LA RECUPERACIÓN DE BANDAS metálicas o anillos Herrera 2000). colocados en las aves, ha contribuido de forma efi- En el presente trabajo se exponen los resultados caz al desarrollo de innumerables investigaciones de
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