Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991 2-14-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 14, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1991 Volume 76, Issue 99 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 14, 1991." (Feb 1991). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian So ulhern Illinois al Carbu nda le U niv e r ~i:y Thursday, February 14, 1991,Vol.76, No.99. 20 Pages i1Edgar declares war ,Ion high property tax SPR INGFIELD. !il. rU Pi) _ " Thvt.:g h we 3TC faced with !he speec h lacked the verve of hI< Dc. laring the s l ~HC "rr,lo ' [ act s(' vcrc bJdgct restraints lhis year predecessor. James R. Thompson. nov. ., Gov. Jim Edgar used his and ncxL we have the opponunity Edgar delivered !he address to a [i l> . Slale of Ihe Slale add ress 10 move Illinois forward," Edgar packed Illinois Hou se chamber Wednesday to ca ll an imm ~dial c [o ld a ioint meeting of th e s pecial session of the GC I.rral using avid\!o telepromptcr [0 aid Legislatu re. "Out of our difficulty his delivery. a first fu, any Illinois Assembl y to tty 10 pass a propo...1y must come innm ati vc answers. not governor. He looked out on a laX limi!ation law. the superficial rc5JA,"scs that in the chamber thaI was awash in yellow The 4O-minule speech by Edgar. pa st have been cloaked in ribbons honoring U.S. lrOOps in the who has only been in offic\! 30 expensive. new programs." P~rsian Gulf. days. touched on theme.< he made Lawmakers often interrupted Edgar said he wo ul d work to familiar in hi s campaign like Edgar's remarks with appla"",. one improve early childhood education education, me cnviro:1mCnl and sign his honeymoon period as chief programs 10 lower the dropout rate drugs in hi s effort to map a exec uti ve is nOl yet over. However. in public sc hool s. try 10 increase fram ework for Illinois' next four some said aLc{wards that he pa rental involvemcnt and get the years. offered too large of an agenda and business community in .... olved. Fresh mel 1 minorities expand By Jackie Spinner Staff W'ner "ALL 86 FAll87 FAl188 FAll89 FAll9u IlT ~ tudcnl P<J LrI CI :l Knowles IS 11.1.' :i~ ... t In her Afncan -Amcri can SiUCI ~ fam il y 10 go 10 college. The senior In soc ial work from (aJfo L~ p:lI1 of 3 ~m ~1 bUf growing WHrrEI~:: n um~r of mmofll )' " t udc nl~ enter­ mc: COllege In we la~1 fi ve years. American beauty Of !.h e fin t-tim c freshmen \01,11- 0 April K:;ight, employee at The Flower Box in Cartxmdale, entered U.S. colleges and univc.· S Ir.i C.~ when Knowles did. only J 2.2 takes a linal count of a dozen roses before boxing them for pe r C'll v. crc African Americans, ~ORmI ~r: Oelivery lor Valenline's Day. and 10.9 tJCrcc.nt were minorities, according to statistics compi\cd by the American Council on 'Hundreds' of civilians killed Eou Jtion and the University of ealif0mia at Los Angele.,. ::, t The number of minority fresh­ by stealth bomb in Baghdad men nationwide has increased by 1.6 percent in Lie last five yCJ.fs. EASTER ' SAt.; DI ARABIA aro und the Iraqi c <l pi lal used to The nu mber of African-American (UPI) - U.S. m.lital)' offl c.als said hou se Inlclliccncc and mililary f;"~ ~ ~m c n ha s increased by 1.1 Wedncsdav an F·11 7 A slcallh opcr:ltlOns for Iraqi Pres iden t percent nationwide. airCiafl using two laser-guided Saddam lIu ssein . Penlagon Although Knowles is nOI a hombs destroyed a "criti cal " offic ials said . typical college sluden! by national '''OR"'I ~t: Baghdad miiiwy command center, It became active over th e last slandards. slue is nOI a typical Freshman minority enrollment at slue is up 9 percent hom fall whi ch Iraq claimed was a shelter several weeks. fo ll owing th e university for minority students. 1986 to fall 1990. Freshman mInority enroll ment nationwide is up ~ h c r c hundreds of civilians were destruction of Ird4 's principal In .he past fiv e yeatS. the num ber by 1.6 percent if' The same live-year period. Percentages apply killed. military complex. Ll. Gen. Thomas of minorit y fr cshmcn en tering only to first-lirr,o fr .. hman enrolled in faU semec;ters. The building, heavil y fo n ified Kell y. dircclOr of oper.Jtions for th e slue in the fall has increased by 9 with rcinforcct1 melal and steel. Sourc.: American College Fr.shman survey and slue Admissions and R• .:ords was one of several faciliuc in and See IRAQ, Page 5 MINORIllES, Page 5 Trustees to discuss $125 increase Experts: War Flov ·.~rs sales to cause little heat up in student fees to install cable TV -Page 3 economic flurry DEs shipped By Natalie Boehme gives people a chan\..c (0 have some Evergrccn Terra:e. and Am'"! Cooper inpul." said Wilscn, who serves as Improvements at Evergreen By Brandl Tipps overseas Staff Wr ners board treasurer. Terrace are designed to make the Staff Writer -Page 7 Universily Housing proposed !he 2~- yea r-old apartments more Money to supporl a 5500.000 increase to cover funding for a energy effi cient, Juhlin said. A swift end to the war in projcct 10 in stall e., ble lelevis ion in University-owned cable telev ision The cost of utilitic.1;I will t- \! oW d me Persian Gulf will restorc campus r e~ldc n cc halls will come system. ren m :nions 10 Evergreen 10 the renl , so tenan ts can hava cono.;. umer confidence, but a from a Sl25 in c. rease in student T.:- rrace (i:'! d inflation. said mo re conlrol over th eir monthly long war r: ould resl ,t in a residence ha ll fee s, a uni versi ty Lawrence Juhlin , associate vice longer. dccper recession , offici," said. president for student affairs. See FEES, Pog,' 5 slue experts said. Kim Harris. associate Dona ld Wil son. vicc chancellor The housing staff will mCCI wid. professor of agribu s in c ~ . for finan cial affairs. said th e !he Residence Hall Association 10 Gus Bode economics. said he minks thc projec~ approved by the Board 0f discuss Lhc cable issue agai n if the United Stales would havc Tru slccs in September. needs fund s hou sing fcc increasc ~ s not gone th rough a rcccssion to go ahead wit.h installation. approved. Juh lin said. E"terta inment with or WithOut the Waf. -Page 7 The Beard of Truslees will nOt The cable projccI was approved Harris said c\'en if t.he war Comics ma ke a decision regard ing a 4· wil.t, the agreement thJI SI U will were to end nex t month , ~l at -Page 15 percent residence hall fcc incrc;lSC OW11 !he cable system and thaI !he docsn't mcan th c rcc cs!'o lOn Classilied at ItS meeting at II a.m. Thursday. cost of in stallation wi ll be paid .... 'ould end right away. -Pages 12-,4 bu t it will discuss the incrca.<iC. during the nexi. live years. Juhlin Al lhough mo~ Amcm .. ~I0 "; said. Bids for insta ll alion and arc under me imprc.'\s ioll tJlal A 4-pcrcent increase would raise war helps boost the economy. • Jej t!' ~ i - Ihe resident hall fee 5125 from hardware shou ld come in by March. "this war is an cxce r.~i on to ~3. 114 for a S<.hool year to 53,239. !he rule." Harri s said. Wil son said fee increases must University Housing al so IS Gus says now you and your ~3 Valentine may be able to go go to Ihe board Iw ice before a asking for SI50,()()() from housing See RECESSION, Page 5 Cloudy, mld-20s decision is made. f\!\'en LJ CS to renovate the heating to the movies In your cozy "This is pan of !he process thaI and air conditioning systems in room. Fehruary IJ. 1lj<)1 Sports . • , . ;.---7-., . ' Southtnl In... VDhwsIIy III C I ... Indiana State Sycamores steal Salukis' win SII ·,.. lndi.lnl Sl.II~"" SIl.:C(~rJ By Eric Bugger who ha Ye struggled in opponents' 9:32 left in the second hair. Thei r two from tnc line in th e ta., t two Am.)'I (,.11. 4.1"·.16: M.ah.a" 7 IS. (\·6). Staff Writer arenas thi s sca!'o n with a } ·9 tenac ious de fense got the lead m inUIC1\ 10 ~a ca l the vich"l ry from 15. Shtplq' ).10, (o. I). )..9. 9; w )'M 2 S. I !"ccord. BOlh lea .s finished the away from the Sycamores. who SlUe. (2S),6,1.<l .... clyl .4.(!·2). 2·2.S. The Salukis had the wi n in thei r 3 3 Gal"". 1·1 .2·2, 4. Ben 2·7, (0 I).
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