St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church 820 Hickory Street Sebring, FL 33870 Parish Office/Mailing 882 Bay St., Sebring, FL 33870 Tel: (863)385-0049 Fax: (863)385-5169 Tel: (863)385-6762 (Spanish) Web: www.stcathe.com E-mail: [email protected] Monday—Friday 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM CLERGY Pastor Very Reverend José González, V.F. [email protected] Parochial Vicar Reverend Pawel Kawalec (863)385-3993 Deacon Reverend Mr. Max M. Sévère Reverend Mr. James R. Mc Garry (Ret.) SCHEDULE Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday—8:00 & 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon (Spanish) DAILY MASS Monday—Friday 8:00 AM Sat. 9:00 AM First Friday 6:00 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION First Friday 7:15 AM to 7:45 AM Saturday 3:00—3:45 PM HOLY FAMILY YOUTH CENTER The 12 Noon Daily Mass 900 US Hwy 27 N., Sebring, FL 33870 will resume on Monday ST CATHERINE SCHOOL September 30th Principal: Mrs. Nicole Loseto 2835 Kenilworth Blvd. Pre-School 747 S. Franklin St. Sebring, FL 33870 Tel: (863)385-7300 Fax: (863)385-7310 Web: www.stcatheschool.org Office Hours Monday— Friday 8:00 AM— 3:15PM September 8, 2019 St. Catherine Parish Page 2 GRANDPARENTS DAY All-Parish New Item Baby Shower for Sunday, September 8 Choices Family Resource Centers September 21-29 Blessing of Grandparents Good and gracious God, St. Catherine’s Catholic Women’s Guild is you have given us the gift of children, collecting NEW items for the Choices Fami- who in turn give us the gift of grandchildren. ly Resource Center. Please consider placing Bless our children any of the below items in the Pack-N-Play and help them to be good in the Vestibule from September 21—29. parents to our grandchildren. Let the little children come to us with arms wide open. Baby wipes, fragrance free Help us to open our hearts Diapers In sizes 4, 5 and 6 (please we need LARGER as wide as those little arms size diapers) that wrap around our necks. Newborn and 0-3 month new sleepers Protect them and their parents Baby bath, baby lotion and diaper ointment from worry and stress. Gift cards from Walmart or Amazon And give us as many days of life as possible to hear those little voices cry, "Saba!" If you have questions, please contact Marge Rafferty We ask all this in Jesus' name who is your (863-214-3312) Son and lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen. Pope announces 13 new Cardinals Matteo Zuppi, (Italy), 63, Archbishop of Bologna. for the missionary Church Cristobal López Romero S.D.B., (Spain), Archbishop After reciting the Angelus in St Peter’s Square of Rabat, Morocco. on Sunday, September 1st, Pope Francis announced a Michael Czerny, S.J., (Czechoslovakia and Canada) consistory to be held on 5 October for the nomination of 73, Under-secretary for the section on migrants in 10 new Cardinals. He said that the places where these the Dicastery for the Service for Integral Human new Cardinals come from express the missionary voca- Development. tion of the Church as she continues to announce the merciful love of God to every person on earth. After read- Francis also named three non-electors as Cardinals: ing their names, the Pope asked everyone to pray for the new Cardinals so that, confirming their adhesion to Michael Fitzgerald, m.Af. (England), 82, Christ, they might help in his ministry as Bishop of Archbishop emeritus of Nepte. Rome for the good of all the faithful Holy People of God. Sigiotas Tamlevicius, S.J., (Lithuania) 81, The full list of new cardinals who will be able to elect the Archbishop emeritus of Kuanas. pope in the next conclave are: Eugenio dal Corso, P.S.D.P. (Italy), 80, Bishop Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, M.C.C.J. (Spain), Emeritus of Benguela, but worked some years in 67, Archbishop and President of the Pontifical Argentina. Council for Inter-religious Dialogue. José Tolentino Calaça de Mendonça (Portugal), The College of Cardinals now has 228 members of whom 53, Archbishop, Chief Archivist and Librarian 128 are electors with a right to vote in the next conclave. of the Holy Roman church. One hundred are over the age of 80 and so have lost that Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo (Indonesia) right. 69, Archbishop of Jakarata. The Cardinal electors are divided as follows by geo- Juan de la Caridad Garcia Rodriguez (Cuba), graphical area: Europe, 56 (including Italy, 23); North 71, Archbishop of San Cristòbal de Havana. America (USA and Canada) 12; Latin America, 23; Afri- Fridolin Ambongo Besungu O.F.M. CAP (Democratic ca, 17; Asia, 16; Oceania (Australasia, Melanesia, Micro- Republic of the Congo), 59, Archbishop of Kinshasa. nesia and Polynesia), 4. Jean-Claude Hollerich, S.J. (Luxembourg), 61, Archbishop of Luxembourg. Alvaro L. Ramazzini Imeri (Guatemala), 72, Bishop of Huehuenamgo. September 8, 2019 St. Catherine Parish Page 3 PARISH EVENTS LADIES BOOK CLUB in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10 face of Christ.” from 4:00 to 5:30 PM in the Parish Hall, room #15 (enter Have you considered answering the call to help from the back of the building). The book for September is serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent Beartown by Fredrik Backman. All women of the parish de Paul? and their friends are invited to attend. More infor- Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 17th at 4:00 mation, please contact Kimberly Millerick PM. And if you know a family who is struggling, our (786)897-9082. Help Line is open: Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM — GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 5:00 PM (863) 835-0571. “se habla español” Seasons of Hope, a bereavement support program, meets for a series of six gather- ST. CATHERINE’S WOMEN'S GUILD ings beginning Sunday, September 15, 2:00 Card Party to 3:30 PM Room #14 in the Parish Hall. For more information. Please contact the coordinator, JoMarie Grinkiewicz: [email protected] For Men and Women or 414-1119 because all are welcome! CHOIR Date: September 19, 2019 For questions or more information please contact Rob Time: 12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM Gilmore at (863)414-1843 or e-mail: [email protected] Place: St. Catherine’s Youth Center Cost: $5.00 includes the table, dessert and beverage SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 5 0/50 drawing AND Chinese Auction In today’s Gospel, Jesus lays out the demands of follow- ing him, the great cost of discipleship. The Mission For more information please call Linda Sherman (317- Statement of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul states: 582-1190) or [email protected]. “Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice…the Society makes no distinction RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RITE OF CHRISTIAN INTIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the way adults come to learn about and experience the Christian life, specifically our Roman Catholic tradition, and become initiated GRADES K-5TH into the life of our Church through the Religious Education Classes will be on Wednesdays, celebration of the Sacraments of Initia- from 6:00—7:30 PM in the Parish Hall. For ques- tion: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. tions or more information please contact Ms. Rebec- If you know of anyone who is interested in learning more ca “Becky” Lazo at (863) 991-3346 or email: about our Catholic Faith, about becoming Catholic or in [email protected]. need of the Sacraments, please extend an invitation to them to come to the RCIA sessions. EDGE, CONFIRMATION & YOUTH GROUP Classes will be on Wednesdays at the Holy Family These classes will begin on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00 Youth Center from 6:30—8:00 PM. PM in the Parish Hall and will continue every Thursday at the same time until Easter. For more information, or to reg- New students registering for Confirmation should ister for classes, please call (863)385-0049. bring a copy of their Baptism and First Communion certificates. "But it is God who establishes us with you in Christ and has For more information please contact Evelyn at anointed us, by putting his seal on us and giving us his Spir- [email protected] (609)694-8397 or Jeff at it in our hearts as a first installment." [email protected] (609)313-4073. —St. Paul September 8, 2019 St. Catherine Parish Page 4 ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC SCHOOL St. Catherine Catholic School St. Catherine Catholic School The first days of school can be an emo- 2020 CAMPAIGN tional time for the students, parents and teachers alike. With the promise of RAISE THE BAR new beginnings, new friends, and new Raising the quality of experience for our adventures, the first days can also be a students time for big changes and invariably some tears. On cue some tears Join us in this campaign toward purchasing a school streamed down cheek and smiles shone gymnasium. We are asking for a $20 donation per Aug. 12, when the 2019-2020 academic week through the end of the year. Envelopes will be year began at St. Catherine Catholic School. available in the church pews. Make checks payable to St. Catherine Church. The tears were evenly split between parents and the young- est of students. The older students struggled to get back into THE SCHOOL READINESS PROGRAM a routine of waking up early for school but led by example as We are happy to announce that St.
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