r’’ •a;. »■ ■' -i-y;- , T > r ^ v;< ■' -Av^'iht. »!^W .. wC :' ; » ' .................. ■•' a iv-^- I .'.'*rfV2 : -y: qa^:x"::-Sg».y^S«!' V-. ■ ri,\- --’‘ '‘ >-''-‘ ^ ' l j n ' '^ ?fe' ,iy > •■;, 1M|]UF OKOU LATIOM .a'..i:; fc5*.>' “Vvw^ • ■.•y3<Sli-‘- ><> fo r mm of iniiwiir. ittt 5,246 m ui-;.;- * r..-“ • ■ >■'*1 •4. ' ^*V' V : ( t m & L V t (daarU tod ; ra Pac« 10^) BfANCHSM R, GONNn THUBSDAy, O C T O l^ 26, 1938. y oii, lU L, NO. 22. TRUCKMEN’S STRIKE Where 30 Perish^ lit Wreck of French Express H A ^ BEEN SETTLED But Differences Betwea SARRADT NAMED Goverameiit WOl Set Ma­ Expert Sees Increase Operators and Driyers PREMIER; PICKS chinery to Block Profit^ Stiff Remain — Egan Says In the Retail Trade eering — Consumers to Walkout Unnecessary. A NEW CABINET Get Protection as Gold. V New York, Oct ae.__(AP)—^No^because of the code, the next two would be a period o f “In­ Magna Charta of retailing—«tlH, A ..u-i New Haven, Oct 26.—(AP)— French Senator Accepts tense retail activity.” ‘notable document”-<—was the de­ Operations {r in g S ^ e r Trucks rolled freely over the high­ "There will be rapid reorganiza­ scription of the new retail code giv­ tion of operating methods,’’ he said. ways of Connecticut again today Post— Several Old Minis­ en today by Professor Paul H. Ny- "We "hall see a period of highly Basic Prices — Common- after the second drivens’ strike stiom, Columbia University mar­ aggreasive merchandising.” within a month, but differences be­ ters Keep Old Position— keting expert and wlddy-known for He termed the code’s j>rohibition ity Boards Planned on tween the drivers and truck line Uts on department store of dleboneet or misleculing advertis­ operators still clouded the horizon. ing its "most far-reaching ahd con- The T m tive List In A q;>eech prepared lor delivery structlye ialr trade practice rule.” Lines of Labor Bodies But The Elaste^ Motor Freight con­ "The code may not be, as some ference accu ^ the union leaders before the Amerlcsui Marketing So­ ciety, Professor Nystronv declared tove enthusiastically asserted, the of bad faith in calling the second Magna Charta of retailing,” Prof. NRA W 9 Keep Own strike, claimed the strike bad been Paris, Oct. 28.—(AP) — Senator that despite certain deficiencies, ths “brokM,” but asserted "the strike Albert Sarraut definitely decided code waa decidedly an auibievement. Nystrom declared, “but it is still a notable document." germ still remains.” to become premier of France "It will probably result in elimin­ Watch Too— New Gold today Provli^ms had been made for in­ Frank E. Crowther, business and a short time later a probable ating price cutting below certain agentf'tbr the drivers’ union, claimed Cabinet was seml-offlcisdly an­ points,” be said, adding: terpretations, additions, recommen­ the strike was still in effect against nounced showing several old minis­ "But it seems certain that we dations and amendments, he said. Price Today Is 18 Cents all but the 29 companies in the ters in their old posts. shaU still have active cutting—per­ and the administrative setup facili­ Eastern Conference, which had ar­ Three former ministers were re­ haps more than ever an^ perhaps tated additional - progress towards Higher Than Yesterday’s bitrated the matter through the tained, but were shifted to different on more goods than heretofore.” elimination of unsound practices Connecticut NRA board. portfolios. Professor Nystrom predicted that. amcmg retailers. And John J. Egan, secretary of Unofficially the Cabinet was said — RFC Paying for New the State Federation of Labor, to line up t.Tiii. way, with the minis­ asserted; ters’ former posts listed: “Events of yesterday afternoon Premier and Minister of Foreign Gold in Notes. and last night prove conclusively Affairs—M. Sarraut (Marine). THINK KAMINSKY UNABLE TO LOCATE that the second strike of the truck War—Edbuard Daladler (Former drivers was absolutely unnecessary P rem ier). Washington, Oct. 26—(AP) — Justice—Joseph Paul Boncour and that they must go back to IN THIS SECTION LUBBE’S COMRADES The admlntetratlon sought to gl-ve w ork.” (Foreign Affairs). Conflicting Reports. Marine—Louis Barthou or Anatole increased impetus to its price boost­ Through the welter ^ conflicting de Monzle. (Copyright 1938, by NEA Service. Cable by Bartlane transmission.) ing program today by increasing statements came the report of po­ Interior— Camille Chautemps More 30 passengers were killed and 50 Injured when spreading rails sent the Cherbourg-Paris express the •price it wfll pay for newly mined (Same Post). lice authorities and trucking head­ Viiirtiingl Into the River Iton near Evreux, France, at a mlle-a-nxlnute clip. This picture, flown to London Escaped Prisoner Who ()Desti<Hi of Who Helped to gold by eighteen cents an ounce quarters that the machines were Finance—Georges B(»net (Same and cabled to NEA Service and this paper, shows the shattered wreckage fxt the wooden coaches. over yesterday, the figure eet being moving and there was no ^dteting. P ost). Budget—Francois Pletrl or Maur­ Kiffed Guard. Reported Start Reichstag Fve, Paz- 831.64. A e second strike was call^ It, was susserted at the White Tuesday night after the agreement, ice Palmade. > Agriculture — Henri Quenille House Uter that the increase did (bawn up by the board named to Here; Scour Mansfield. des the Court not mean necesseuily that there arbitrate the first strike, fafied to (Same Post). CONNECnCUTYOUTH provide for recognition of tiie Ckunmerce—^De Monzle or Bar- RUSSIAN RECOGNITION , would be a dally Increase. tbou. Indications were voiced that so Berlin, OcL 26.— (AP) —Aftmr 24 ong as th* Ameixcan price keeps lU s second strike was abandon­ Posts and Telegraphs—M. Lau- IS ARSON SUSPECT With the death laet night of ed the ™.»n, however, a fter a rent-Elyiiae .(Same Post) Merritt W. Hayden, Springfield jmi aslons. toe OMame Reichstag eTiofd of foreign market levels, a PubUe W oilu—Joseph Paganon. APPROVED BY McADOO )oint may be rea.'hed when it wJU of th^ representatives building BAe trim narrows down to guard, who was alugf^d over the lot be felt necessary to increase last hljjl^t, with a representattvs of (Same Post). Labor—^Albert Dallm ler (C olo- head by two escaping prisoners Sun> toe quastfon: ths owners and Dr. Edward G. Do- toe quotation. Bies). "Who were Marinue van dw Purebasee of toe metel wiU coB" Jan, oiMrfTTwtm of the State NRA Edward J. Paritea of Derby day, stai^ police of Mauaehusetto Educathm— ^7von Delbos. LUbbe's dicbmpllees?” n . S. S a a tw , Betnmed . y . Idpg W K Appeared .toe tinne-oa a dAily basis. ix>ard. OcfioniciH-lCaree} Regnler. |Bd Copneepteet today srera totenslr The metnters of the eastem nourt-mfajbt^dtopt. toe'Dotefaman’s esterdHT,' whe» this Rooesvelt „ AaMlow-^-Pierre v^Aocosed of Setfiag fytag their search "for Alexander .py vna hmugUfAted, toe domes. feraoo^ fBAtotg teday ia HafA 28."C<,.Kew BritaiU; toe dft-M W itoa aAsertiOB that he set Garde, issued a statement saying poin. '' 'vT . ' frimr Soviet leD a toe fiai liurt IMiruary 27, aloae. ^ _ price WM fixed at I8L86 against Merchant Marines—Eugene Frdt remaining prisoner who le at large, a jx m d o n figure o l 181.06. At ei^ the strike had been ended Iqr the Same Post). te'BoiMiiv. in toe general vlctiiity of Mansfldd A Isxiftoy Array of wltneateA men themselves'before the mtetiag broufto no evldauje that he had any dumge rate of^ 14.76, today's Lon­ Pensiotis—Hippolirte Ducos. of His ImpessioBS and Coventry. Paid Wargo, 21, of don quotation was 181.06. WhUe last night, but saying the issue was Health—Laurent Bmmevay. Wallingford, the other prisoner, was not iret settled. the 22nd day of toe hear- this was a decrease of three cents If M. Sarratit succeeds in listing Washington, Oct 26.—(AP)— captured near Springfield a few The Statement That Coimtr;. Cliafges, Counter Charges ings there came a turning poin' as compared with yesterday, tbero Final arguments were presented to­ hours after his break for liberty. when ebemioal emierts testlxlea and WM Bctiudly an increase in the Lon­ ’The statem ent read: (Oonttnned an Page Two) "The members .of the Eastem day in the areon .al of Edwprd J. Lieut RueseU. L Hannan, in evidently satisfied the Judges by don gold price in British currency. H w led % .(^uriidates as charge of toe State Police barracks It Jumpk from 180 shlUlngs, one Motor Freight Conference feel that New York, Oct. 26—(AP) —Say­ Parlton o f Derby, vJonn., and H. A l- experiments, that van der Lubbete though issues relative to the at Stafford Springs, said today that deed musit bave been carefully pre­ penny, to 180 shillings, 9% pence. ing that he saw no loafers in Mos- b ^ Smith of Humphreys, Mo., bis men were thoroughly combing present controversy in the truckiag charge with setting fire to the pared by others. Variations in foreign exeb ^ e ae- cqw. United States Senator WllLam the Election Nears. known haunts of Kaminski in Since then, toe oourt, toe prosecu­ indiistry are clear cut and plain, FORD’S BID LOWEST Sigma Chi fraternity house at eounted for the decrease in toe dol­ •M’a.wflairi and Coventry. Kamlnslri tion and toe four otoSr defendant! that these issues are now being Gibbs McAdoo of (^a^omia, re­ Ororge Washington University lar vmue. ^ odee lived in Tolland cotmty and accused in toe fire hove been R ip ­ camouflaged. turned from a short tour of Europe July 9. Today's price was determined by "The T^n issue is not union rec- New York; Oct.
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