New Books List Added to Collection: September 23, 2019 1. REF BS410 .R48 2018 8. BL65 .W2 O77 2018 Society of Biblical Literature. Perry T Hamalis, and Valerie A Karras. Review of biblical literature. -- Atlanta, Orthodox Christian perspectives on war - GA: Society of Biblical Literature, c1999. - Notre Dame, Indiana : University of Notre Dame Press, 2018. 2. REF BS440 .B68 v.16 G. Johannes Botterweck, Helmer Ringgren, and 9. BL473 .L48 2018 Holger Gzella. Albert Micah Lewis. Theological dictionary of the Old One : an invitation to those who seek -- Testament -- Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, New York : Paulist Press, 2018. 1974-2018. 10. BP133.7 .M35 G46 2018 3. REF BS440 .E63 2009 v.16 Rita George Tvrtkovi‚c. Hans-Josef Klauck. Christians, Muslims, and Mary : a history Encyclopedia of the Bible and its -- New York : Paulist Press, 2018. reception -- Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 11. BQ6092 .S4 K6213 2018 4. REF BX845 .A75 Isidore, and Thomas L Knoebel. Annuario pontificio. -- Città del Vaticano: Sententiae -- New York : The Newman Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1912. Press, 2018. 5. B2898 .K37 2018 12. BQ6505 .A8 V3813 2018 Walter Kasper. André Vauchez. The absolute in history : the philosophy Catherine of Siena : a life of passion and and theology of history in Schelling's late purpose -- New York : Paulist Press, 2018. philosophy -- New York : Paulist Press, 2018. 13. BQV8 2013 .A5 G34 2018 6. BJ1012 .G44 2018 Blase Cupich, Grant Gallicho, and James F Harry J Gensler. Keenan. Ethics : a contemporary introduction -- Amoris Laetitia : a new momentum for New York : Routledge, 2018. moral formation and pastoral practice -- New York : Paulist Press, 2018. 7. BJ1249 .C354 2019 Charles Christopher Camosy. Resisting throwaway culture : how a consistent life ethic can unite a fractured people -- Hyde Park, NY : New City Press, 2019. 14. BQV8 2013 .G38 21. BS550.3 .D62 2018 Catholic Church. Sébastien Doane. Rejoice and be glad : Gaudete et Zombies, unicorns, cannibals : strange exsultate : apostolic exhortation -- tales from the Bible -- New York : Paulist Press, Washington, DC : United States Conference of 2018. Catholic Bishops, 2018. 22. BS2545 .C48 G569 2018 15. BR195 .L42 S49 2018 Anthony J Gittins. Katherine Ann Shaner. Courage and conviction : unpretentious Enslaved leadership in early Christianity - Christianity -- Collegeville, Minnesota : - New York : Oxford University Press, 2018. Liturgical Press, 2018. 16. BR330 .E5 2009 v.56 23. BS2655 .M85 I5 2018 Martin Luther, Christopher Boyd Brown, Michael J Thate, Kevin J Vanhoozer, and Martin Luther, Benjamin T. G Mayes, and Constantine R Campbell. James L Langebartels. In Christ in Paul : explorations in Paul's Luther's works -- St. Louis: Concordia theology of union and participation -- Grand Pub. House, c2009. Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2018. 17. BR526 .C78 2018 David Crump. 24. BS2715.53 .M32 2018 I pledge allegiance : a believer's guide to Scot Mcknight. kingdom citizenship in twenty-first century The letter to the Colossians -- Grand America -- Grand Rapids : Eerdmans Publishing Rapids : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co, 2018. Company, 2018. 18. BR1642 .U5 F57 2018 25. BT10 .C7 2019 v.1 Frances FitzGerald. Linda Hogan, Alina Krause, Markus Büker, and The Evangelicals : the struggle to shape International Association of Conciliar Theology. America -- New York : Simon & Schuster The city and global development : Paperbacks, 2018, c2017. beyond the North-South paradigm -- London : SCM Press, 2019. 19. BS411 .E9 v.34 Frederick Neumann Symposium on Theological 26. BT10 .C7 2019 v.2 Interpretation of Scripture. Thierry-Marie Courau, Susan Abraham, and Ex auditu : an annual of the Frederick Mile Babi‚c. Neumann Symposium on Theological Populism and religion -- London : SCM Interpretation of Scripture, Princeton Press, 2019. Theological Seminary. -- Allison Park, Pa: Pickwick Publications, 1985. 27. BT10 .C7 2019 v.3 Linda Hogan, Michelle Becka, and João Vila- 20. BS1455 .B24 2018 Chã. Samuel E Balentine. Technology : between apocalypse and Wisdom literature -- Nashville : integration -- London : SCM Press, 2019. Abingdon Press, 2018. September 23, 2019 2 28. BT75.3 .D669 2012 v.2 35. BT738.3 .Y68 2019 Robert M Doran. Susie Paulik Babka, Elena Procario-Foley, and The Trinity in history : a theology of the Sandra Yocum Mize. divine missions -- Toronto: University of You say you want a revolution? : 1968- Toronto Press, c2012-2019. 2018 in theological perspective -- Maryknoll : Orbis Books, 2019. 29. BT83.575 .I47 2018 Natalia M Imperatori-Lee. 36. BT873 .L6313 2018 Cuéntame : narrative in the ecclesial Gerhard Lohfink. present -- Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, Is this all there is? : on resurrection and 2018. eternal life -- Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press Academic, 2018. 30. BT265.3 .S78 2018 Eleonore Stump. 37. BT993.3 .M93 2018 Atonement -- Oxford : Oxford University Benjamin Myers. Press, 2018. The Apostles' Creed : a guide to the ancient catechism -- Bellingham, WA : Lexham 31. BT306.43 .M4213 2018 Press, 2018. Johannes, Bonaventure, and Sarah McNamer. Meditations on the life of Christ : the 38. BV194 .R4 C35 2019 short Italian text -- Notre Dame, Indiana : Fred A Baumer, Stephen Wroblewski, Graziano University of Notre Dame Press, 2018. Marcheschi, Nancy Seitz Marcheschi, Aelred R Rosser, Lawrence E Wick, and Catholic Church. 32. BT431.3 .H54 2018 Workbook for lectors and gospel Riyako Cecilia Hikota. readers. -- Chicago, Ill: Liturgy Training And still we wait : Hans Urs von Program, Archdiocese of Chicago, 1988. Balthasar's theology of Holy Saturday and Christian discipleship -- Eugene, Oregon : 39. BV194 .R4 C35 2019 Suppl.- Pickwick Publications, 2018. Peter J Scagnelli. Sourcebook for Sundays and seasons. -- 33. BT625 .N35 2018 Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1988. Hans-Ulrich Weidemann. Der Name der Jungfrau war Maria" (Lk 40. BV194 .R4 C35 2020 1,27) : neue exegetische Perspektiven auf die Fred A Baumer, Stephen Wroblewski, Graziano Mutter Jesu -- Stuttgart : KBW Bibelwerk, Marcheschi, Nancy Seitz Marcheschi, Aelred R 2018. Rosser, Lawrence E Wick, and Catholic Church. Workbook for lectors and gospel 34. BT695.5 .D343 2018 readers. -- Chicago, Ill: Liturgy Training Ilia Delio. Program, Archdiocese of Chicago, 1988. A hunger for wholeness : soul, space, and transcendence -- New York : Paulist Press, 41. BV194 .R4 C35 2020 Suppl.- 2018. Peter J Scagnelli. Sourcebook for Sundays and seasons. -- Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1988. September 23, 2019 3 42. BV210.3 .S49 2018 49. BV4647 .S9 R86 2018 John Shea. Joyce Rupp. To dare the Our Father : a Boundless compassion : creating a way transformative spiritual practice -- Collegeville, of life -- Notre Dame, IN : Sorin Books, 2018. Minnesota : Liturgical Press, 2018. 50. BV4647 .S9 R863 2018 42. BV2063 .W44 2018 Joyce Rupp, and Joyce Rupp. Samuel Wells. Prayers of boundless compassion -- Incarnational mission : being with the Notre Dame, IN : Sorin Books, 2018. world -- Grand Rapids : Eerdmans Publishing Co, 2018. 51. BV4910 .G38 2018 William C Gaventa. 43. BV4211.3 .M57 2018 Disability and spirituality : recovering F. Russell Mitman. wholeness -- Waco, Texas : Baylor University Preaching adverbially -- Grand Rapids : Press, 2018. Eerdmans Publishing Co, 2018. 52. BX935 .M32 2018 44. BV4408.5 .M46 2018 Diana Macalintal. Dean K Thompson, and D. Cameron Your parish is the curriculum : RCIA in Murchison. the midst of the community -- Collegeville, Mentoring : biblical, theological, and Minnesota : Liturgical Press, 2018. practical perspectives -- Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing 53. BX1378.3 .P825 v.76 Company, 2018. Istituto Paolo VI. Notiziario -- Brescia, Italy: Istituto Paolo 45. BV4509.5 .K25 2018 VI, 197. Peter M Kalellis. Paths to inner peace : living with less stress -- New York : Paulist Press, 2018. 54. BX1378.3 .P825 v.77 Istituto Paolo VI. 46. BV4509.5 .S66 2018 Notiziario -- Brescia, Italy: Istituto Paolo Klyne Snodgrass. VI, 197. Who God says you are : a Christian understanding of identity -- Grand Rapids, 55. BX1378.7 .F85 2019 Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Aristide Fumagalli. Company, 2018. Journeying in love : Pope Francis' moral theology -- Bayswater, VIC : Coventry Press, 47. BV4580 .B97 2018 2019. William J Byron. Growing old gratefully -- New York : 56. BX1752 .D34 2018 Paulist Press, 2018. Michael J Daley. What keeps us Catholic? : 40 reasons to 48. BV4630 .L48 2018 feel good about our faith -- New London, CT : Matthew Levering. Twenty-Third Publications, 2018. Dying and the virtues -- Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2018. September 23, 2019 4 57. BX1753 .M62 2018 65. BX2350.3 .S64 2018 Kenneth R Himes, Lisa Sowle Cahill, Charles E Mary Elizabeth Sperry. Curran, David Hollenbach, and Thomas A Making room for God : decluttering and Shannon. the spiritual life -- Notre Dame : Ave Maria Modern Catholic social teaching : Press, 2018. commentaries and interpretations -- Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University 66. BX2380 .V57 2018 Press, 2018. Tina Beattie, Diana Culbertson, and Catholic Women Speak Network. 58. BX1912 .K34 2018 Visions and vocations -- Mahwah, New Francis D Kelly. Jersey : Paulist Press, 2018. Priests for a new era : a ministry of service and hope -- New London, CT : Twenty- 67. BX4705 .G61393 G84 2018 Third Publications, 2018. Rhina Guidos. Rutilio Grande : a table for all -- 59. BX1970 .W67 2019 Collegeville, Minnesota : Liturgical Press, 2018. Gerard
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