V \ KlUtfULMX LL Candy Sales Winners liMlKiHsnimcNci... W\}rt)w u> hii\ (he bcM-sdiino SJngU CopI,, (.ulilhucwr. ' ; 21k Singlt Copi«t . Mi^UMt rtvrf* pit Ukr lak *^r*k*mi. ' •Off tkf Mwomon af SUt» Gtmt Wu*nt Sam (awiflW Cpupr*Vie«*J C99lrr. am rflart w aurir EAGLE LAKE. TEXAS 774M THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1977 a^ -irpiiir «c«eif«ia«| a Friday to IMW a »>»•<« fa«t AC 713 234-2783 NUMBER 15. H Sc fkar»i«>aBiBit iw «wi r inr the New Superinfendenf For U If "* *• 2"J* «•««• iiAilmj^ t**^* •<lwt faiM wtm nneco P/onf noe. • •oMfar fator fave way Nit Smday Council Delays Action On tkr eflarls arilk two ^wxw^ n^MH Opening School D ate raptOTMi awl tkea awvMl to •^fM^i^ COW toi»«H tk* an area where they miffkl nal Sewer Extension Bids •tripMM j nuMitiii to tkr he ii«\irf\ed with iwUwwra Ei«W liyw- Ctmmmkj r«* *«r water «kier» t«r Ntgotiofionf On TV firtf af (Krv tlOOO • TV week nf Jahr Stk Probably Wfll Be Ang. 25 thrt>«(k 3lM ha« been devifiiated National Farm Bond For Low Stallman Dryer Davi^ Wifitermaaa this aad <vifKy Week Wnk the Now Logiilotion harvr<( veawn nti u«^ thi« t* a Bidder Contifiuo New Comm. Qenier Presidenf WaiMrfl p«rtir«UHT rood tme to he Fire Daiiiages Cut$ Roquirod Oayi TimtratntoliBn* t« Mr aail aware ol the hazard* at E^e lake Citv Council, in Mr%. KraitKli Malulitr <m mc amund farm mark- 'a! session last Friday From 180 To 175 tlKnr ni«et»*ntli veddiae fVartirr «afKy at all rnoon, voted to table for a Bins, Some Rice mmunary <Uiar4av. Juh second lime a dcciskm on •&•< The date for the opening of 2S. May tlwy lia«v maflv • Pr»e«meTer» in Oarwond t* accepting or rejectinr bids The Stallman Rice Dryer, the 1977 78 school year for •wrr kappy T***^ tfUliii. makinf an itnii«ual offer July for a sewer extension northwest of Garwood, for­ Rice School District students ?1 M wbea they will di«mun< prorram in the western part • Mn. O H iSaMijr) Kim tunately escap#d with min­ is indefinite at this time, hut the priee af Red Win( hon(« Plater AfrM et the I9T7 E^te I.ake I^tie ttftft of the city to be financed oy a mrir of Pa«adb«a ipaal the imal damage early Mondar probably will be on Thursday. hv two rent* tar earh pound -* in tKf-rj<>dv •«lr«raoteat hfMnirVrllMi wum Community Development MOratSMC. WW to ad wilk IMT —th»r. mominr due to the quick August 25th instead of o^ yngr wetfbt See Rtm from the ^W »nnu»iu pr,n«lr fu-vK fnr «,,ralil. TtVEUfcTT.^r?^^'^*''^ Bk>ck rrant from HUD. The Mr*. Ijiara Crim Mr« work of employees of tV August 18th as originally Prie*m»yer at Garwood fnr prncram, I^ ,„ r^, .^ R^^ Klekar^T^'lrJmT {^ '"*' '^^^ decision to table the bida was KiinmrT ramr i lyafUBy lor dryer and volunteer firemen planned due to the fact that 323 S McCofty Eof W Uk* more drtaiK plare rVavKl Sehnrlemmer fifth place Rifkard WieJ\LIST«h tT .•"*"' *•*"• made in order to rive the low 234-2513 tar awNlMr'< tertMay anai frrtm Garwood. the .School I^egislation pas.sed • The Farle fake Hifh r.ndr^ S,e,en Herman ^J^fir7!S^ ^nTtJ^rlll ^t^j:' " "^ "' bidder. Robert Niora of 7 M, rrrvaj. Manday. John Foley, manarer of the hy the 6.5th Legi.slature in 'SmYta DtpL Qpm 0» iA %^lonl rU«< of IW: will hnU M «hown. were Franr,»« R*m« ^ ^^Tllial, ^i I ,^ ^^ '"*» •««•«. Inc. of Alvin. more time to dryer, said that a fire special session this month cut • I j0t •rwk, are eeraneottwT a ten y^ar revntoe Saturday ^ eark ami drew for ,h^ pn^^ne J^ll^Sil^Jt-^^-^' """^ •« "" ^- arnuire. if possible, for a apparently started when a tne required number of school fM«d dnn Walarr. who k«i al the Fjffte take Rerreation Performance and Payment bin was ovi^rfilled and the days from 180 to 175. bond, hut set Aurusi 9th as Center Be«l »i«be« to the«e »Vn the Creat Fire a rice came in contact with an efsi Kmff rhaHe* H (••« f-afl at !Midn«- annuaJU the final date for delay of a The .school calendar adop­ the Kre Srk«ml Di^lrvt. aa a former FIif5?*er». electrical circuit. He said the >«• deMmyed I1J» h«U KMaujwrdf the"nirte~l«',;il";:;the n»b« i« -« —«;- rllir^'TTT."""**"' ' decision on the bids since ted by the Rice School fire humed down the middle Talte S^ ^. ^ state law requires that action District's hoard of education P«»v"dfd Fnciand of one bin of stored dried rice •TV RiNr Siodr ria*. nl UndwahaMJ A vear. ami Da^ .h^rijH ^'*'**''••^•^•'••" must he taken to accept or earlier this year called for the and through the wall of Oar |jd* of ^uadalupr reject the bids writhin a teacher in-service sessions to another adjoining wooden. begin on Monday. August TathoMr (>Brt+ wtH ha»e j Clyda P. BravB, iafi, raltrtifaaparlalaadant of Ttaaaoa'c CbaatanrtOa Plaal, aad fluany thirtyday period (the bids bin. He estimated that 15th and the cla.s.ses to start FHaKes rike »«)e in front of Tiaa, ncM, dw aaw a^irlBtaiiilaiil of tha plaat aflacdea Augual lal, Inapact oparatlaoa were first opened July 12th). z TaiFmnla City Coaicrl around 200 to 300 barrels of on Thursday. August 18th. Fmihr* Really thr« Saturdav Dan Kennedy of the of ito pa procaaaUiff plaat, a portico of which our ba aaen tji tha background of thla rice were damaged by the fire. herinnmf al taim. enrineerinr firm of CMalley But when the Legislature photo. Brown tiaa baao aiyanntandanl of th^ plaal for all but two /aara of tua 12 yaara The fire wa.s reported at t Clav, Inc. of Fkenham met adopted the shorter school i«r» n«te |n»i fVvmlet trurfc viUi Taonoco. Tioa bofao aavloyisaat with Tieaaco ia Chaatamlla la 1064. 3:00 a.m. and Garwood . --ytCa«fc*r«, with t)ie council in tV special year, they also recommended fnr tUXen TV depan firemen were first on the • A movie "fadaaJV the IVup aes.sion Friday and diaruased that the five day reduction he I mem aniwred tVeetwrte scene and had the fire under ™«* '*»^JJJ«-' a-/ Gary PMML tmJmmS^ Dolphin" will V «howti several options for considera F)avjd R. Wintermann, right, has served as president of made at the beginning of the control by the time other fire thmwfb it« #»wn llfuwirr* Frwii» nicf»t al the Tom tion of tne council. I*rimary school year. equipment arrived on the the Eagle lake Community Center for-25 years and has 31«. raine.-..-r^d tbmuKifTT^urkn Rtt*« vanowvannw,i munitmufirt«* Center (or rowth of Fire Damages divussion centored around a In a discussion with Rice SAMMY TISE NEW SUPT. AT "!cene from Eagle Ljdce and El been the only president the Center has had since it was hy the tai P'^^rram* a»d mowey makmc •'^"'b'T. of Oah Moairrwna proposal to allow the con built in 1951. He is shown above congratulating J. T. District officials this week, it m IkyPMe Campo. )fr. Ii)e*wn <aid be P^J^rT' •• **** Itowe^er *»»d thew fw^, tractor (Mora* to provide (Tommyl F*ilkington, left, who was elected president of the is antiripated that this will V mi •aud iffam«( (he motion on alloraled to the the recommendation of tV WW alloralMi i» iv- TV Centre«• **^ ope* fr* a - Apartment In performance and payment Foley praised the work of Center Monday aftor Mr. Wintermann declined to accept I that be tbooffbt that drfurlmeni thmuch a rvunty P"" to 11 p.m Trmf «r TENNECO CHESTERVILLE PLANT nond in the name of another the firemen in handling the administration, hence the re election as president. He will continue on the hoard as a JiwKfct«r. AmiLfwi Lyi, Slala^alar af hemtk wwT^«*|i,*ti I primtity w vahM<i under fund belpied m tbe pa^rwav. I contractor, if such contractor in service training probably rowtfc eniertaiament The situation and for the backup director at large. 9ee page 11 for more on the annual meet. fi^ aaura. VlV aftlMeU.*,) the formula fkhnvld be %tt arr»'»ion»« aal iaeladrd mo»-ir mid hr <h«>«n at * ID 1977 Clydf Brown li El Apartments can he found. Kennedy noted assistance provided hy fire­ will start on Monday, August I IMn-af TaikMa. Han re^aHmted either np or i oM tV lr«rk artH V bail »n4 Pm.. •*".J d Mr* Gerald that if such an ajfraenient men from Eagle lake and El 22nd and the cla.sses on All (Tewde—ea af Port mounted Kv Wal la'iawa. Hrad«hjw Campo. Thursday. August 25th. **«w> Mwaeta 2-0M> Rotiring Aft«r 22 Farle lake volunteer fire could be reached hy Mora, it L«*at*. Manr I^a 'tiii af rra the iifimiawadKiiia would cost him about 10% of If such is the ca.se. the TV amtian ande by Jiid|» Eagle lake Drugs men had a break in their The dryer had considerable Catamhv. Gfnk SMar af of l^mv Straaa. thp Cnaard the bid price ($79,087,001 remainder of the school Cranek to di^eontinue v<e of meetinr Monday nirht at damage in a fire eight or nine nwMred to write a letlpr to the Ytors With T«nn«co instead of the normal one calendar will not be affected.
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