X. {■ WEDNESDAY, JUNE IT, 19» Average Dally Net Press Run PAGE TWENTY-POUR .r iHanrt|p0tpr lEmnins Efralb Far toe WssK BaOM : x May ttfd. 1W» 12,925 About Town MsatbMr tos Audit Onr«M st OlreolnUon O u o( t)M Koat Holy Mancha$ter~^A City of Village Chflrm KoMnr Orel* will noM lU umuai dlnnw tonistit at 7:S0 at Okvay’a RetUiirant. M «m b«r» art VOls LXXVIII, NO. 220 (TW ENTY-FOUR PAGES— TWO SECTTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, JUNE 18. 1W9 Mntiitod to brtof their donations fo r toe Greater Hartford Catholic h llh aehoel buUdlnf fund or to eeatact Mrs. JamN letber. GREEN DOUBLE Governor Long D m Canter Church Mothers Queen, Philip Flying Chib family picnic scheduled for toolsiit has been canceled. Put in Hospital Minrhsstrr Barracks. Veterans CASH SALES! «( Worid War I. 4Ad lU tiSdiea IMTH Atlantic for 45-Day In Louisiana Auxiliary, Wiu admit to- member­ ship toe lariest class of candl* dates in their history Sunday New Orleans, June 18 (/P) aftamoon at the VFW Hwne. A — A -w ea ry but determined membership drive has been con­ TAKE ADVANTAGE Trip Across Canada Gov. Earl K. lAing was back ducted duTinc the past month. All sum m er h an d bag s in Louisiana today, confined candidates are asked to be pres­ OP J. W. HALE'S ent at 2:80. A Fathers Day social JUNE FABRIC SALE St. Johns., Nfid., June 18t The Queen's.plane took off from to a $22.50-a-day hospital .Nikita to Make Statement wOI follow the meeting. New atyles in easy to clean (4V —Queen Elizabeth II and London at 8:05 a.m. EDT and room overlooking the Mi.a- was due In Newfoundland about sissippi River bridge his The library committee of the Short Terry Buy Your Summer Fqb/ics Prince Philip arrived here to­ 11:30 p.m. EDT. With her and bags. All white, smooth finish tier husband were 11 attendants. brother built. Guild of Our Lady of 8L Bar- day aboard a Comet Jet air­ The 63-year-old Long returned tholomsw'a parish .will meet at 8 At Reduced Prices! liner to start a tour that will Canadian warships and planes plastic calf in many styles. were posted on the Comet's flight last night from a 19-day stay in a o'clock tomorrow nlfht In the All are from the better manufacturers. Finest drip-drj' cottona, easy to care take them across Canada and Galveston. Tex., psychiatric clinic. bsseaent of the rectory, 741 E. BEACH path in the western half of Lhe Soviet Leader Meets Also removable edver jiags in The return trip began a* he stated ■c Middls l^ke. for. synthetics in prints and plain colors, ______________ ' , to Chicago. Atlantic In case of trouble. British vessels and the Royal Air Force firm intentions of resuming his eotto.n, linen and nylon. duties as chief executive of his Members of 8t. Bernadette's JACKETS .St. Johns, Nfld., June 18 furnished protection along the first half of the route. home stste. Mothers Circle will hold their an­ WE HAVE RECEIVED MORE and MORE OF THOSE WONDERFUL </P)—Queen Elizabeth II and The extent to which this will be East German Chiefs Newfoundland was chosen as nual eirele dinner tonight at 8 Here’s just the jacket 1.00 .98 Ea. Prince Philip sped over. the possible, at least immediately, re­ o’clock at the Hawthonie' Inn on the start of the royal tour partly for over your bathing To Atlantic in a Comet jet air­ mains unanswered. Beriln Tpke. No-lros E||lwnMl Polislisd Cottos BEDSPREADS and DRAPES *2 for political reasons. This year Genova, June 18 (/P)— The Bij? Four foreigi) ministors to­ liner today to start a 45-day marks the 10th anniversary of the Nearly a dozen doctors today suit. Three quarter began checking th? physical con­ day poatponed their talks for 24 hours at the fequest of The ebSdren of too PoUto and flieeves, side pocket, so SPECIALLY PRICED SPECIALLY PRICED HANDBAGS tour across Canada. act of confederation making New- foundiand a province. dition of the ailing governor, who Soviet ForciRn Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. Sunday Bchools of S t John'a Po- easy to care for. Other The sun came out here after sev­ vows he. will seek an unprecedent­ bto Nattonal Catholic Church will Main Floor A t Entrance eral days of coastal fog. Before that it, had been governed The postponement was announced ahortly before theihiniB* styles with tie belt and Beautiful Print Solid Colors In ed fourth' term in December. have a hot roaet Saturday Pink, Yellow, This raised expectations that from London. ' ters were scheduled to meet at Gromyko’s villa. In Pink, Yellow, The anniversary year- haa ' The hospital's first bulletin on I mi"m4ns at 10 o'ckxdc on the par- two front pockets. Aqua, All White the royal, plane woUld land at St. The Soviet foreiRii minister requested the delay during a Aqua brought a political squabble be­ the governor's condition said he lab grounds. The Rav. Walter A. White ‘ only. Sizes: For Spread* or Johns as. originally scheduled, For Spreadn or tween Newfoundland's peppery was given a thormigh physical ex­ private luncheon with British ForeiRn Secretary Selwyn HyaMto, amristad by Sunday School Pair of Drape* thoOgh arrangements had been Smai), medium, large. Pair of Drapea prime minister, Joseph Small­ amination by an internal medicine Lloyd. Lloyd quickly obtained HRreement from U.S. Secretary taachera, will ba In charge of made for It to put down if necee- specialist last night. The bulletin eporta end gamea .. Regular 39c Columbia Maid aary at the U.'S. A ir Base In Ar- wood, and the Canadian govern­ of State Gbristian A. Herter and French ForeiRn Minister Priced ment. Smallwood ha., been agi­ said there was no evidence of gentia, on Placentia Bay 85 miles virus condition but he had "some Maurice (knive de Miirville. ' Richard C. Moirtson, ftl Finley A 85.98 value! Twin or full aizee. Pinch pleat drsp®*' will want to r^ecorate all your 8outh\\’est of this city. _ tating for moro aid from Ottawa The postponement will allow Gromyko another day to con­ bedroom* when you eee these ensemble*. W e haVe put a real low price on these to sell at least 1009 for his provlncp, Canada's poorest. shortness of breath” due to a S t, reoetved a bajchelor cf adanoe Th^'ceiling at Torbay Field, St. bronchial dlsea.se. sult Moscow and study the new western compromise formula degraa In oomnoencacnent exerdses ensembles. RAYON TRICOT BRIEFS John's Airport, lifted to 800 feet Recently he made a special trip to The governor had a good night, at Princeton Uidvewity, Prince­ *3.98 ..d In midmomlng and ail regular air London for diacuaaions \\ith the for a stqpRap Berlin settlement. It was a.ssumed the Soviet the bulletin said. ton, NJ,, yesterday. Elastic leg and band leg traffic there resumed. Argentia Commonwealth Relations Office. Rovernment still had not reached a definite decision on the reported k ceiling of 300 feet with "His heart action is'quieter and ‘‘last chance” proposal. styles. All white in sizes his general condition seems satts'r Advartlsamanll^ ilt’s HoufDwares Dapartment prospects of fog. (Contlnned on Page Eight) Moscow Radio reported that So­ *5.98 Wondtrful June Buys From Hi factory. The governor was very 6, 6 and 7. viet and East German leader* trialt Ashford Lake tola weak- cooperative during the examina­ T SPORTSWEAR GEM DUST MOP— REG. $1.49 ADJUSTii;BLE IRONING TABLE $ m#,t St the Kremiln today to dis- Third League and—M milea aast of Manchester tion.” < 2nd Floor SPECIAL Save 61c. Reg. $7.95. BPECI^lL, ^ ^ g g Save $1.97 1.00 cu*irj.he Big Four problem in an —off Route 44. Tal- MI 8-6440. Doctors at the" famous Ochsner atmosphere of "complete mutual Foundation Hospital removed the (inderatahdjng and friendship" For Baseball On* piece perforated steel top, extra Strong telephone from the governor's All rayon yarn for maximum dust pickup. A l­ 3 PAIR Merging Protestants The Moscow broadcast said the and rigid, extremely lightweight, gives ven­ "medium priced” room. They In­ ways fluffy, nbver mats, long laeting. Pad Soviet and visiting East Germans tilated Ironing surface. Adjusts to several poei- sisted a “ no visitors” ban include Being Formed LT. WOOD GO. remove8”!'earily for washing. Full 13" x IS" tlona for comfortable Ironing; sitting or stand­ politicians. met St the Kremlin in an atmos­ size. Cornplete with smooth handle. ing. Rubber-Upped legs prevent slipping or .The big questions now: Will phere "of- complete mutual under­ ICE PLANT standing and friendship.” _ . New York, June 18 IJP^ The Special Sale marring floors. Given Constitiitioii Lohg run again ? Will his health $ l BISSELL ST.. GIRLS' COTTON , permft^lt? Will he call a special An Important statemeht'on the chairman of the Mayor’s Commit­ tee for Baseball said today ths - Gube»42ru»h«d-Block» TROPIC TORCH, S3.7T ia. legislative session to resurrect Berlin crisis is expected to come By GEORGE W. OORNEU. 4 It must be approved by that from tnb final meetings between fovmatlnn of a third major league BROADWAY PLOOR BRUSH meeting, and then by two-thirds some of hi'b-pet bills that failed In ' (.\F Religious W riter) Soviet Premier Nikita S, Khrush­ will be announced between July 1 Reg. $1.98. SPECIAL ^ g of the E. and R. Regional Synods, the flscal setoion? 2 *6.99 Now York, June 18 (J*)—A con­ chev and his guests, Walter IM- and July 15.
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