/ ✓ \ ■AH \ . ■ / V ■',r ■' 'V, . - v ; , ■'1 I A ■.,' PWOB /■ I-:,-; FRroAY, OCTOBER* IB, 19M ATerasa Daily Nat J m s a Ran annual JaaOberaa af- Bowera PTA wiU ba M d at |Layiiteii to Preach l^stch Year TV ToaigKt W w maettog M t pan. to Mm • ,H ia aehool tomorrow, rain or aMna, Mpderator Named ” 8 ? « «*>a heapttM. TW FoturaModU.HWaaMarR^ Jeta Ntekt, S n from 10 Ant to 3 Ant b addition SJ? — B»a oonMuMon of ■at honor At Veni6ii^Cht|rch .tte Brat and only time tha aftoniouna prngrm«i THIS WEEKEND SE SURE TO VISIT ,461* X to the uaual fair ix>otha, rafre^- wqrnor Jolur Lodge / in Hospital Panel Ita la n t Sdr. ooMor. Low to SilvJ _ • pMiy mentn will ba available and gamea Mesnbenhip in $ e auxiliary ia Member of the Audit ijM tlw oocaaSon of Sunday, Oct 17, the Vernon A. A. Ribiroff, candidates for cyan to anyone interested In its por 8ra. StoMay fair, sold. High. and moviea will ba provided for governor, on the same Mrs. Willlaai J. Shiia, progntot Bureau of CtrautoMon' r .aanlytnary Methodiat Church wtU “Joinxwlth alM. and there are many forms of to'Sppor MTa. Gia children. gram/* tune Nn Channel chairman of the Women's Auxili­ M onchesterr^A City of Village Charm _ . SutMtay. Over Methodiat Churchea the world WNHC-TV at 1 ^ 6 . Qui P«tlclpaUon in lU pro- CORNELL " ■ . ■ ■ ■■ fc _ aiMl Menda were over in obeerving Layman's Day. p am . Viattons who would Uka to Honday, Oct. IS, wUl be “neigh- will be aoked tht^candidatos ary, klancheater Memorial Hospi­ — preaenfea the couple The purpoee of thia annual event tal, announcea tlikt Mrs. Jay Ru- k n ^ more of ita work will be wei- YOL. LXXIV, NO/14 • wfiLtf flmloca aet and nuuiy oUw bora” n irtt with Sunaet Rabekah ia to give lay memhera of the bn governmental prot^nu fac- ««ed.meet cordially to the meet- tOtoaaiflcd AdvarMstog aa Id) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, lj>54 c r^ g lw A dhiner waa aerved and Lodge. Aepraaent§tivea. _____ ,___ _____ fromthe local imurchea an opportumty to Ing^nnecUtut by binow wHl ha moderator _of the (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS dneihlf Clayed, n a couple haa foUowing lodgaa wiU be preaant participate more fully in the wor­ of Wdfben Votera. panel dlacusaton for Uie quarterly BAKE SHOP one ao«. John. and furnlA the program of enter­ ship experience and to acquaint Thu entire prograni 'masting of the organtaatlon Mon­ tainment: Hartford Rant Hart them with the duties of the min­ been arranged for anct ls day. 449 Hsrtford Road — Near McKaa StrMi^ tte-l^aat hupaniaca at the ford; Wethenfield. Portland, Eaat uter. The Methodiat Church takes sored by the Leggi^ of Wom­ Bayer Appointed JOSEPH S. LUKAS, Prop, aad ahifh Uhltad Na&cna General Aa hampton, Glaatonbury, Rockville, great pride in the fact that lay­ en Voters Of ' <0oonectlcuL program, with its over-all aamfely now In aeaaion tn New Windaor, Willlmantic and Stafford men have always played an In- Don’t miss It to:dght.x ^ of "Forward—Auxiliary,” To Igracl Group Torit a t y will be reported by l^ringa. Local memhera are aak^ fluntial part In the overall life of *bjlew the. early organisation Hinr Anna Guthrie at the Hart- to. bring gifta for the "teacup.” Re the church. alma of tha Women's Auxili- Weekend Speeiah lord Oouiaat auditorium next freahmenU will be aerved by Mra. and nlutrate, too. the scope Hie appointment of Atty./Philip I- T^e Vernon Church ia fortunate Town Chartar haa prompted the of the premnt activities of aux- liy at 7:30. undey the Bernice Oox. Mra. Flora Gra/de thli^ar.ln having aa its guest lay Etoyer to the Connecticut State 4SH0G0UTE OREm P n E \ a t the Sendee Bureau for and th i^ committae. league to achedule these work­ Wary work, V rf ita relationaMp preacher Dr, Charles Rice Gad- shops to which community orgiui' to its hoepital ahd the whole com­ CommU.ne for the Defense Of WemMi'a Orgaaiaatlona in Hart- alre, prominent educator aiid lay NE feed. Mae Outhila la conaultant to dileltaar Maraoiial Temple, icaUona are invited to send repre- munity. It has been designed to Israel was annoiinrnl last night leader of Ludlow, Maas. Dr. Gad- sentatiyes. The series will an i^se bring to both old end new mem­ tha UN Bcooctnlc and Social No. S3, PytMah Siatera, have can­ aire. who received his Doctor of by state Chairman Emanuel lE A i PIE ODuadl fbr tha Bitaraational Al- celed their meatihg for tonight the charter in the li|ht of the bers of the auxiliary axealliiaUon Gratenatein of New Haven. Philosophy degree from the Ual- town's experience since its adop­ of the accomiriiahmenta possible in Uuaaa a t Women. Reaervatlaiu which waa to have bean held with verilty ot Toronto. U Profeasor of Initial activity of the commit­ for thia meetlnar and for the aa- Mnr. Joaeph Rollaaon, 71 WaaMng- tion and will try to decide whether an orgsmlzation alive to th>^eeda Natural Science and Biology, and or not it U fulfllUng the intent of and intararta of the hosoltel. tee. accordliig to Gratenatein, will riaa a t flua maaOnya may ba mada ton St. It WiU hb h M Friday at director of student activities at be the promotion of a state-wide at tha Sandca Bureau, MM Main those who drafted It and thoae who Other members of the auxil— UlfON next week a t M ra Rollaaoh'a American International College, vtAed for it. The primary purpoae Defend Israel Dinner at the New PIE St, Baitfbrd.' home. and hospital oigwiisation who will Jewish Center Sunday, Oct. Springfleld, Mass. In recent years of thU study is better community take part in the panel discussion he has been active in the field underatanding of tha charter under which Mrs. Golds Myerson, ^ T O R E \ OUR <»DEB DBrr.^ of Othcer Research and is an of- are Mies Bva Jedmaon. Mni. Philip I Minister of Labor, ivlll be la ready to aenr* She W ent Th«t>a*Way which Manchester is-governed. Newcomb, Mrs. Merrill Rubinow apaelal avw t Cottage C rum ble Under Heavy W ind flcsr at the Maasachusettii Cancer the guest of honor. HOURS ■Mda. Wa can prM,, Ma daSetow jHurricane Research Council— ^J***^’^* *• J*cohaon, Jr., at and Mra. William J. Shea. Hie _ "We ^ grit'ified that Philip Wyllya Street, local affairs chair­ penel dleeqasion will be followed Open baked goods for aay Other laymeii:vwho wiU partiei- man of the Manchester League is Bayer haaxconMnted' to serve on by a short “queetion and answer” this impoxtut' committee," TuiM. thru Sun. WeapedaHzo'in: w J-’’ • • : pate In the service are Maurice In charge of arrangements for the period to .round nut the picture Fielding. lay leader a t the Vernon workshop series. She Oratenstein skid. "As an im­ BIRTHDAY CAl li^ v e s ^ S t a t ^ — ——r — —. urgea all of the oigsuautkm. portant leader in^hla community, 7 A.M. to 8 P. M. Church: Wiliam Kaydeii.x finan­ orgaoisaUons interested in sanding AH auxiliary members are urged We d d in g c a k e s cial secretary; and William Mil­ a repreaenUtlVe to caU her. In<M- he can hejp aaaure^at Manches­ AH Oar Products ^COOKIE TRAYS, ate. ler, lay aaalatant to the mtn<i,t>r vidual diiuns will also be very to attend thia Quarterly meeting, ter will toe well re p re ^ te d at this which will be aponoered KTca^^mmunity . dentiqistration Oven FrMhsDaily S i ^ Punch welcome to attend the meetinga. which will be opened with a brief Ml.9 4 t 7t / To Halt Storm I-«ague Sponsors By THE ASsb^TED PRESS . ' \ ■ Hurricane Hazel hit Con­ Charter Studies necticut only a glancing blow, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' Huiricane HaZel,^ with a deadly swipe at eight statca. Hie The Uague of Women Voters of but its force was strong Manchester announces that it will HRST 9 UAUTY DARK SEAM enough to leave one death in District of Columbia and Canada, yesterday left a deatJi toll •Poeoor a series of three commun­ its wake today together with of at least 68, countless injured and untold millions of doUara ity workshops for the purpose of in property damage. studying Manchester's Town Char­ «0 GAUGE ARKWRIGHT SHE|Ht widespread interruption of ter. The first semion will be held electric power. Termed one of the worst continental storms of the Cen­ on Monday, Oct. » a t8 p.m. at the The single death i>ccurred ' in tury and spawned 11 days ago in the Windward Islands about Emanuel Lutheran Church, with a Greenwich last night while t ^ 1.600 miles east-southeast of Miaihi. Hazel’s ISO-mile-an- subsequent session on Nov. 8 and a NYLON HOSIERY atom was blowing iU hardest. ^ u r center devasUted the island of HaitLlast Tuesday, leav­ Una! one later in November. Mrs. Katherine J. Duncan, 42, was ing reportedly more than 100 dead on that tropic isle. Recent public interest in the AU in new fall shades. Sizes 8>/, to 11. Saturday ahocktd to death by s fallen wire Bale price. Pair ................................ ................. Outside her home; She smashed north northwest to bash the U. S- iwintowA Body Found In Leaves early yesterday. Her hurricane winds were "calmed” to gale RANGE She had stepped outside to put force by Pennsylvania’s Allegheny and Pocono Mountains— NEl^ FAU STYLES IN out a fire ignited in s ' pile of but.she pick^ up enough punch to disrupt upper New York VERY SPECIAL! rUEL OH leaves.
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