t————_INTEPy£CH _ ———{fa—— -————^Ad___-========M* PLASTIC ———tfrLEAGUE f- \ N D H- t D __ft C I. t A^ t VOL. XIX AUSTIN, TEXAS, DECEMBER, 1935 No. 4 Practice Varies Number Agitation for 18-Year Age of Spaces After Colon Rural Declamation Winners 100 COUNTIES LIST LETTER, bO\ and Limit Began November 1927 \ COMMERCIAL teacher asks In 1935 State Meet of League OFFICERS ELECTED PERSONAL -X the following question coneern- ITEMS ng grading of typewritten material All Those Reported to State This-Is-So-Sudden" Ob- n League typing contests: Office Placed on League jection Not Valid in NEW YORK STATE'S "The rules for grading typing pa- Mailing List Reporting county officers from Val View of Record Ders in Bulletin 307 state that there Verde County, W. F. Jourdan, County 1-TEACHER SCHOOLS hould be two spaces after a colon. /^OUNTY organizations num- Superintendent of Schools, says: The latest Gregg Manual says to use "We expect to have the greatest PUDDEN," "a surprise," "no ^-' bering about one hundred Writer Calls Them "6,000 Rat- )nly one. Which will be used in meet in March ever held in Val inter- have already been reported, and previous discussion" are holes"; Cost $284 Per grading the papers of the Verde County." cholastic meet?" of the various officers ome of the phrases used in de- Pupil Year the names Miss Florence Stullken, Manager of entered on the LEAGUER mailing plan of the Leakey cribing the unanimous action "It is the he State Typing Tournament, replies list, and also on the mailing list Schools," says Superintendent Z. B. f the last State Meeting of ,s follows: (By W. W. Christman, Delanson, to receive any special announce­ Gray, of Leakey, "to weave the delegates in lowering the age- N. Y.) "No error is counted either way. League work in with the regular mit for participation in Inter- i'here are some places in which more ments that may be issued con­ and thereby be A COMMITTEE has been ap- work of the school cholastic League contests. han one space after a colon makes cerning changes or new inter­ able to give more attention to the -^ pointed to investigate the he typed material look awkward. We have often remarked that large pretations of rules affecting the work and at the same time get all \.nd so this variation is a good one. move slowly, and the move- New York State rural education of county organizations. of the pupils in the school to take odies )f course, there are still places work nent of the League towards this very system. Similar committees to be re­ part and get the many benefits that vhere the two spaces are really bet- Many counties remain :nsible legislation can only be de- have functioned several times were 219 county or­ the work offers. By having all of the er, but we can't make such detailed ported. There cribed as gradual. There was noth- within my recollection, but "the ganizations last year. Do not delay pupils to take part, we feel that we ules. are, to a certain extent, following ng sudden, there was no surprise, deestrick skool" seems to be an sending in the names of officers the method the League desires, 'to lere was ample previous discussion, act of God and, like the weather, elected as soon as the election takes or confirmation let us look back place. The list already reported is reach all of the pupils and have the nothing can be done about it. Left: Wilbert Bruggman, BurKngton, Texas (Cyclone School), first place schoolas a whole receive the benefits irough the files of the LEAGUER arranged alphabetically in the fol­ every year when NEW RULE MAKES late winner in rural boys declamation. Right: Mildred Page, Winchell, instead of just a few that are espe­ /hich is the official organ of the I grieve a little lowing paragraph, and the lists of or 6,000 one-room schools econd place State winner rural girls declamation. cially gifted with some talent.' " eague. the 5,000 officers reported for the first time in Age Limit Lowered in 1926 in the Empire State reopen to receive SANER ATHLETICS this issue are also arranged alpha­ three, four or A pupil of the Clemens school The age limit was lowered from 21 their quota of two, betically. If you find your county few for Henrietta High Organizes writes to the Seguin Enterprise of o 20 in 1926 (not by referendum but more unfortunate pupils too 8-Year Rule Disqualifies Only in neither list, it has not been re­ and too few to spur impres­ SCHOOLS NEED TO November 8 items of school news y action of the State Meeting of games 3 Football Players of Early to Capture Honors ported. Each member-school should rivalry. I from which we cull the following: 'elegates and State Committee in the sionable youth to friendly Cameron High be interested in seeing to it that the the cheap, bare buildings "The last period each Friday is de­ sual constitutional way). Many ex- visualize year the students of BE RE-CLASSIFIED county in which it is located is duly the road, just as they did sixty '"T'HIS voted to Interscholastic League work, erienced school executives, however, toeing reported, and reported at once. ago when I got my "edication," By E. A. Perrin, Superintendent of * Henrietta High School, en- and twice a month during the same aw that the recruiting snake was years Bowie County Man Says League Following counties have already a playground. Schools, Cameron) success of last period the Clemens Athletic Associa­ lerely sketched. Three recruiting and many without ouraged by their Should Adopt State's been reported in the LEAGUER: tion meets. We are now taking up ears were still left wide open. Near my home is a decadent one- " WISH to indorse the officials ear when they won the literary System Austin, Bee, Bell, Bexar, Brazoria, Story Telling instead of Arithmetic 18-Year Agitation in 1927 room school. Teacher's salary, fuel, * of the Interscholastic League vents in the county and second Brazos, Brown, Burnet, Caldwell, Cal- janitor service and incidental ex­ houn, Coke, Collin, Comanche, Crosby, and Spelling. The purpose of this is In the November (1927) issue of n their drive for saner thinking lace in the district, are begin- (By H. E. Markham, Superintendent first page, big head, we penses cost $1,757.19 during the school Duval, Ellis, Erath, Falls, Fannin, to help us express ourselves better." le LEAGUER, n the administration of Inter- ing to think and plan for Eylan Junior High School) * "Wants Age-Limit Further Re- year of 1934-35 at least that was Fayette, Grimes, Guadalupe, Hans- ead, League activities, The Fort Davis High School Trus­ uced." There follows an article by the amount of the budget of which cholastic jeague work a little earlier TT SEEMS to me that the Uni- ford, Harris, Hays, Henderson, Hock- tees have made a ruling that the local uperintendent C. W. Bingman, 00 was raised by local tax and specially football. The recent han usual. *- versity Interscholastic League ley, Howard, Jeff Davis, Kaufman, by the Kleberg, Knox, Limestone, Live Oak, football team, the Indians, may not outh Park, in the course of which $1,157.19 was contributed ircular letter sent out by you is The coach for debate, Mrs. Pope, be reorganized to fit into State. It is estimated that the cost Miss Hop- should McCulloch, McLennan, McMullen, play games with any teams not play­ e says: clear-cut pronouncement of nd the coach for speech, the State's school system. Under League for 1935-36 will be approximately ins, are both starting to accumulate Marion, Maverick, Nacogdoches, Nu- ing under the Interscholastic It seems to us very ridiculous tie truth as it relate to foot- classification made by rules, according to a statement ap­ that the University Interscho­ 0 less than last year. There are naterial and to solicit and encourage the new ces, Orange, Red River, Robertson, pearing in the Alpine Avalanche, lastic League, an organization six scholars enrolled. This long- >all and educational principles. upils to enter these events. Thb the State the school system is Runnels, Rusk, San Augustine, San sponsored by the State Univer­ suffering State will pay about $284 Beneficial to All ubject for debate this year is con- truly divided into three divi­ Patricio, Tarrant, Terry, Tom Green, sity, will continue to offer in­ Jasper County expects the best per pupil for their education this It is my belief that the 18-year erning government control of cot- sions, namely: (1) The Elemen­ Trinity, Upton, Van Zandt, Walker, ducements for students to stay term. Wharton, Wheeler, Wichita, Wil- county meet in years. "It is our in­ in high school who are three ule will be recognized as beneficial on. For extemporaneous speech and tary Schools, composed of the tention," writes R. B. Martin, Prin­ years older than the average of The nearest consolidated school is o all the schools when it has gone or declamation, the general subject barger, Willacy, Williamson, Wilson. cipal, Buna High School, "to make freshmen entering the Uni­ about two miles away. Its Board of nto practice. A few of the schools s "Texas" with the historical, eco- first seven grades; (2) The Jun­ Anderson County ... Director General, Bonner Frizzell, Palestine; this the best county meet Jasper ever versity Education charges $24 per pupil per vill feel the effects of it the first lomic, social, and traditional Texas ior High School, composed of Debate, W.
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