2013 Issue The Issue of Ellen White A Church or a Cult A compilation of papers on the subject of Ellen White. The purpose of this compilation is to make this material freely available in an easy to access format. The hard copies are sold at a price to cover their production and the PDF downloads are available at a cost to cover expenses only. It is not the intention of the compilers to make a living or a profit from other peoples work, but rather to promote their evidences. Copy right:- All the material in this compilation is freely available on the internet and as such there is no copyright on the material this publication contains other than that stated on the various web sites. However, this compilation is available for personal use only. No further copies should be made for resale, distribution or sharing and we do ask that no one copies the material to make a profit from it. The information contained within the included papers does not necessarily coincide with the belief of the compilers. The information is included to enable you to determine its validity, it gives you the opportunity to see what others are saying and have found out. Introduction The Seventh-day Adventist denomination is one of the most successful exports from the United States of America with a global membership. Nineteenth century America spawned a number of religious organisations that have as their base a similar ideology. “You must become one of us to be saved”. In addition to the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, they include among their number the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, the Churches of God and Fellowships of God as well as many other Pentecostal style groups. Today there are multi-millionaire television evangelists business men who are peddling the same type of religious hype. In the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, one of its early leaders made claims of receiving visions from God. Her name was Ellen Gould White. As a result of the continuous promoting of her writings and publications, she built up a cultic status inside the denomination. In fact, so much so that a belief in her has today become a requisite of membership. Let me make it clear, that I view myself as a loyal Seventh-day Adventist, and I believe that my denomination has the closest doctrinal position to that of the Jerusalem church as set up by Jesus Christ. But unfortunately, it is suffering from its American roots. This has left it with a number of weaknesses, some of which should not be found in a Christian community. Having said that, the denomination is not a united church as there is a large proportion who like myself stand on a “Jesus Only” platform. We believe that the final authority for all members of the “Body of Christ” is Jesus Christ. On the other side, there is a large area of membership that are following the denominational propaganda without much study, or if they study, they choose to read or watch only that which supports their viewpoint. The reason for this compilation has been prompted by the many questions that have arisen as we have been promoting Jesus as our final authority within the denomination. The papers it contains answer most of the questions that we have been asked. The chapter titles should lead you to the information that you are interested in. Do not become despondent, remember that our salvation does not depend on which denomination or group within a denomination you belong to. But it depends on our personal relationship with Jesus, who is our only Lord and Saviour. For more information on this subject go to www.thewayofjesus.org.uk May God bless you as you seek to know the truth and the Holy Spirit give you the means to understand the difference between truth and error. You are probably reading this because you already have questions in your mind and have read the denominational information and are interested in to see what the evidences are. You will find many viewpoints herein. Make your choice. The question a believer has to determine is whether or not to believe that the writings of Ellen White are in fact:- 1. The thoughts of Jesus 2. Inspired in a special way 3. Compilations of useful material 4. Or none of the above The Seventh-day Adventist denomination states clearly in the book “Seventh-day Adventists Believe” the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist church; that the writings of Ellen White are “a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provides for the church comfort, guidance, instruction and correction”. Either we accept this statement or the claims made by the proponents of Ellen White are false. The reason this is important is as follows, a true Christian believes that Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit are in fact our only continuing and authoritative source of truth which provides for the church comfort, guidance, instruction and correction. So, which is the truth on this matter. Are the claims made by the denomination and the Ellen White estates true, or are the teachings of Jesus true? The following papers have been compiled in this easy to source material to enable the reader to decide for themselves. May God bless you as we like the saints of old study for ourselves. The Problem of Ellen White and the Adventist Communion. By K.J.Rosier. The Nub of the Issue. One Sabbath morning in the mid 1970s two American visitors came to my home church. The lessons for that quarter were on Hebrews. We had not reached very far into the lesson when the older of the two began quoting Ellen White with page references, while the younger of the two began to tell us that every time we sinned Christ bled afresh in the heavenly sanctuary. The text the younger man quoted as proof for this proposition was that there was no forgiveness of sin other than by the shedding of blood. (Hebrews 9:22) To give support to their view a few more quotes from Ellen White were given with page references. For the most part the members ignored this intrusion but after the morning service the issue was raised again. I pointed out that when taken in context, Hebrews does not support their view, and that it clearly says that everything was covered by one atoning sacrifice for sin for all time. Therefore the blood of Christ spilt at Golgotha was complete for all sin and all sufficient. As such there was no need for him to bleed afresh, it was all done, it was completed at the cross. At this point the younger of the two produced a note book in which he had a series of quotes to the contrary apparently taken from Ellen White. As I held my ground over what the New Testament actually taught, and rather frustrated at my refusal to accept the authority of the Spirit of Prophecy on this matter, as well as a cluster of other matters relating to the arrival of Elijah before the second coming and the re-establishment of the temple in Jerusalem, (all of which I rejected on similar grounds) he said to me, “You have a choice, you either believe in the Bible or Ellen White.” It had been already clear to me for some years that one could not have both, and my stand for the teachings of the New Testament and what the text under discussion actually said in context clearly irritated him. I had to some degree met this before especially among American Adventists, but not quite so intense or extreme. Nevertheless, for many of my American Adventist friends, and those I spoke to in passing, the figure of Ellen White and her writings had seeped deep into their religious psyche to such an extent that whenever they tried to study the Bible, it was not long before they resorted to Ellen White as if they could not trust what they were reading in the scriptures unless it had her imprimatur found in some passage from her writings, assuming there was one to find, which is not always the case. At Newbold College they confronted the same problem in the Pauline Epistles class. The teacher forbade the group the use of commentaries and Ellen White’s books, forcing the class to read, discuss and exegete the text of each epistle; the result was not just a revelation, the method also led to opposition since some discovered that Paul’s writings were not as Adventist friendly as they believed. In fact, for some Paul was just wrong! This was especially so when it came to the issue of the gospel (justification by faith) and the law. Usually the law, I discovered, gained ascendancy over the gospel rather than the other way round. If read properly, of course, as we were made to do, the gospel triumphed. Every one was left in no doubt that all in Christ are already saved. The same problem, though with different students from the same part of the world, occurred in the Biblical theology lectures, especially when it came to salvation, grace and judgement. I began to realise that there was a problem within Adventism when it came to certain topics that were at the heart of biblical Christianity, but raised and living in the UK, it was to be another seven years or so before the significance and import of this attitude I had witnessed made any lasting impression on me. Most of us took the view, and were certainly taught, that Ellen White’s writings were for devotional reading and little else, a view I still hold.
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