42 Ti KDVI h:BKi 19 2008 UpFront THE RECORD HERALD Other deaths WHflTZITr? Grits Gresham Area Obituaries t.rn: ih,. : (,n,. , [>'ir s.lvMH or n.iKi. TI '-iv 'Vcnit-nt i»r letters NATCHITOCHES, La WILLIAM J. "BILL" HOFF­ GIVE GET (AP) — Grits Gresham, noted MAN, 78, of 320 Antietam Dri­ GIVE GET outdoorsman, writer and tel­ ve, Waynesboro, and formerly GIVE GET evision personality, has died of 403 Cherry Lane, John­ GIVE GET after a lengthy illness, his stown, died Sunday night Feb family said He was 85 17, 2008, in the Village of Lau­ Solution on A3 Gresham, who served as rel Run, Fayetteville field host and producer for Born Jan 17, 1930, in Word off God "The American Sportsman" Johnstown, he was the son of television > series on ABC, the late William and Mildred died Monday at his home on STORYTIME.. Joshua 2:11 (Leckey) Hoffman Mr Hoff­ The Lord your God, He is the banks of Cane River Lake man was raised by his aunt God m heaven above and on and uncle, Mary and John Gresham's affable person­ earth beneath. ality and love for the out­ Verkin doors combined with his He and his wife of 52 years, (Don't be shy; tell the stories trademarks, a driftwood hat Barbara (Oldham) Hoffman, and white muttonchops, were married June 4, 1955, in of God's greatness.) PAUUNE C. (KENNEDY) 1 made him a recognizable fig­ ALMA G. KUHN, 105, of VERNON H. GOODUNQ, 80, Walnut Grove Church of the ure around the world Q0NDER, 86, a resident of the 2236 Philadelphia Ave , and a resident of Quincy Village Brethren m Johnstown A Thought Entertainers such as Bing Village of Laurel Run, Fayet- formerly of North Sixth and formerly of 145 Coquma Mr Hoffman graduated 'The secret of joy in work is Crosby, Burt Reynolds, teville, and formerly of 13691 Street, both of Chambersburg, Sands Drive, Waynesboro, from Richard High School, Jonathan Winters and Andy Lower Edgemont Road, Way­ contained in one word - ex died at 11 p m Sunday, Feb died at 8:25 a m Monday, Feb Johnstown, with the Class of Griffith joined him on hunt­ nesboro, died at 12 20 am 17, 2008, m Linda Wilson's 1947 and served as class cellence. To know how to do ing and fishing trips, as did 18, 2008, in the nursing home Sunday, Feb 17, 2008, in the Residential Care of Cham­ treasurer Olympic decathlon gold He had been m failing health something well is to enjoy it. nursing home She had been He served with the U S medalist Bruce Jenner bersburg for the past two months. in failing health for the past Marine Corps during the Ko­ two years and critically ill for Born Oct. 16, 1902, in Born May 10, 1927, in - Pearl S. Buck Greencastle, she was the rean War and received the Mickey Renaud the last six months Wicorusco, he was the son of Good Conduct Medal, Nation­ American author daughter of the late Russell S. Born Aug 25, 1921, in the late Vernon Charles and al Defense Service Medal, Ko­ WINDSOR, Ontario (AP) and Sarah Belle (Wagner) Greencastle, she was the Ruth Devona (Klinger) rean Service Medal and Unit­ — Mickey Renaud, an ice Kuhn daughter of the late John E Goodhng He spent most of his ed Nations Service Medal. He hockey player with the junior and Sally "Sadie" A. (Butler) Miss Kuhn was a 1921 league Windsor Spitfires, has life m Millersburg was trained as a welder at www.therecordherald.com Kennedy She lived her early graduate of Greencastle High died after collapsing at his He and his wife of 56 years, Camp LeJeune, N C life in Greencastle School home in Tecumseh, the team Betty Jane (Bachtell), Mr Hoffman was a welder • See box on Commentary page tor She and her husband, Fred Early in her life, she names, telephone numbers and e- said Renaud was 19 Goodhng, were married Oct. at Bethlehem Steel in John­ E "Ike" Gonder, were married worked in sales at the former mail addresses of key executives Renaud, a fifth-round 6, 1951, m Hagerstown They stown for 35 1/2 years and contact people draft pick by the NHL's Cal­ Feb 10, 1944, in Hagerstown. Montgomery Ward, JC Pen­ lived on State Street, Millers­ He was a member of Acacia WAYNESBORO main office gary Flames, was taken to a He died Feb 3, 1996. ney and the former Wonder F&AM Lodge 586, Waynes­ burg, for 50 years and moved and printing plant 30 Walnut St., hospital Monday with no vi­ They moved to the Lower Hat Shoppe, all of Chambers­ boro, and a former member of PO Box 271 tal signs and attempts at re­ Edgemont Road address on burg to Waynesboro in June 2002 Lodge 538, Johnstown Waynesboro, PA 17268 suscitation were unsuccess­ Aug 3, 1948. Mrs. Gonder en­ He entered the nursing home General Information. Miss Kuhn had been a Mr Hoffman also was a 717-762-2151 ful, team physician Dr Roy tered the nursing home in member of Otterbein United in December 2007 - member of the First Marine Toll-free: 800-839-1090 Dikhch said July 2005 Brethren Church of Greencas­ Mr. Goodhng graduated Division Association, AAA, Renaud was pronounced Fax: 717-762-3824 Mrs Gonder was an assem­ tle since 1902 She taught from Millersburg Area High USMC Transport Association, Lobby Hours: 8 a m. - 5 p.m Mon­ dead in the emergency room bler at Fairchild Aircraft Man­ Greencastle Sportsman's As­ day through Fnday at Windsor Regional Hospi­ Sunday School and sang in School with the Class of 1945 ufacturing in Hagerstown the choir He served m United States sociation and Joe Stickell tal, the Ontario Hockey during World War II She lat­ GREENCASTLE office She was a member of Army during Korean War, American Legion Post 15, and League team said on its Web er worked for Lutheran Social Center Square site An autopsy was sched­ Rhodes Grove United working troop trains in the a life member of the Harry D Greencastle, PA 17225 Services in Chambersburg for Zeigler VFW Post 6319, uled today, police said. Brethren Camp Meeting Assor United States Telephone: 717-597-2210 eight years Greencastle, and the Disabled Renaud, the captain, was ciation and attended camp at Mr Goodhng owned and Fax: 717-597-5811 in his third year with the Mrs. Gonder was a member American Veterans of Evangelical Lutheran Rhodes Grove for many years operated VC Goodhng and Advertising is for Spitfires and had 21 goals until 2004 Mr Hoffman enjoyed wood­ and 41 points tn 56 games Church, Waynesboro, and the Sons in Millersburg for more working, hunting and fishing. .EVERYONE! this season. church's Discovery Sunday Miss Kuhn enjoyed knit­ than 50 years. ting and crocheting for her In addition to his wife, he is To place a classified ad: 717-762- The 6-foot-3, 220-pound School class Mr Goodhng attended Cal­ survived by two sons, Scott family and collecting and 2151 (8 a.m-5 p.m Monday through center showed solid develop­ She also was a member of vary Assembly of God, Way­ Hoffman of Hamsburg and wearing hats She also en­ Fnday), fax 717-762-3824 ment last season, when he the Lutheran Social Services nesboro, and while living in Jay Hoffman of Manassas, You can also place a classified via E- scored 22 goals and amassed joyed visiting her great-niece, Auxiliary of Chambersburg Millersburg, he was a member Va , one- daughter, Beth Wil­ mail 54 points in 68 OHL games Nancy Helman Stafford, in Mrs Gonder is survived by of First United Methodist son of Knoxville, Tenn , four classified ©therecordherald .com Mark Renaud, his father, a daughter, Regina M Eigen- Tallahassee and Pensacola, Display/retail: 717-762-2151 x126 Church grandchildren, and one broth­ played 142 NHL- games with brode of Indian Trail, N C , a" Fla , for the past 25 years. Legal Advertising: the Hartford Whalers from Mr Goodhng was a mem­ er, Ronald Hoffman of John­ 717-762-2151 x128 son, Michael L Gonder of She is survived by two stown 1979-1980 through 1982-83,, ber of the American Legion, Toll-free from outlying areas for all Waynesboro; three grandchil­ nephews, three great-nieces In addition to his parents, of the above: 800-839-1090 and 10 games with the Buffa­ dren, one stepgranddaughter; Loyal Order of the Moose lo Sabres in 1983-84. and one great-nephew he was preceded in death by two great-grandchildren, two In addition to her parents, Lodge 59 and Susquehanna one brother, Jack Hoffman Circulation, customer step-great-grandchildren, one she was preceded in death by Lodge 364 F&AM. Services will be private Alain Robbe-Grillet sister, Gladys Myers of Hager­ five sisters, Viola Gift, Beulah He Goodhng enjoyed golf­ Burial will be in Richland stown, one brother, Amos E .To subscribe, to change your de­ PARIS (AP) — Alain Stumbaugh, Blanche Martin, ing and traveling Cemetery, Johnstown Kennedy of Punta Gorda, Fla , livery address, to suspend deliv­ Robbe-Grillet, an avant- Olive Senseny and Clema In addition to his wife, he is The family requests memo­ and a number of nieces and ery temporarily or subscription garde author who dispensed Kuhn, and two brothers, survived by one daughter, De- rial donations be made in ta_ : billing questions: 717-762-2151 or nephews with conventional story­ McKinley Kuhn and Roy bra Marlene Jones of Waynes-, the chanty of one's choice -800-839-1090 In addition to her parents !(8a.m-5p.m Monday through Fri- telling as a pioneer of the Kuhn boro, two sons, Jack Richard­ Arrangements were made and husband she was preced­ "day; 8 a.m.-noon Saturday) postwar "new novel" move­ by Lochstampfor Funeral ed in death by one sister, Bet­ Services will be held at 11 son Bachtell of Millersburg , You can also subscribe via E-mail .
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