THE MALTESEMALTESE CROSSCROSS MAGAZINE OF PHI KAPPA SIGMA FRATERNITY SPRING 2003 SEE INSIDE: Member News Page 2 Volunteers - Key to Success Page 4 Chapter Eternal Page 6 True “Men of Honor” Page 10 “Men of Honor” Program Page 12 Scholarship Winners Page 14 A “Thing in the Bushes” Page 18 Chapter News Page 22 A Recommitment to Volunteerism and Fraternal Values Brigadier General, Mike Sumrall, Beta Mu '70 and Former AL Lt. Governor Steve Windom, Alpha Kappa '71 exemplify the values of Phi Kappa Sigma and the "Men of Honor" spirit. MITCHELL CHAPTER STANDARDS AWARDS MALTESETHE FOR 2001-2002 ................................................................ CROSS The Mitchell Chapter Standards Program (MCS) was implemented in 1994 to lend structure .............. to the common goals of which all Phi Kappa Sigma Chapters should be aspiring to attain. The Magazine of Phi Kappa Sigma The intent of the program was, and still is, to provide the Chapter and the International International Fraternity Fraternity with a means of assessing performance on an annual basis. Volume 142, Number 1 The MCS assesses a Chapter’s performance in six areas: Chapter Management, Financial Spring 2003 Management, Risk Management, Fraternity Involvement, Community Involvement, and Official Publication of Phi Kappa Sigma Membership Development. It also allows the Chapters to receive bonus points for going above International Fraternity, a society of and beyond the call of duty. The Mitchell Chapter Standards Application is due at International University men, founded at the University of Pennsylvania. Member of the National Headquarters by June 1st of each year. Winners are announced either at Grand Chapter or in Interfraternity Conference and the September of a non-convention year. College Fraternity Editors Association. MCS helps us work together to build upon Chapters’ strengths and to improve upon areas Phi Kappa Sigma of weakness. The program is also used to help the International Fraternity recognize Chapters Two Timber Drive worthy of awards or special recognition. The Chapters and individuals who received awards Chester Springs, PA 19425-9982 for the 2001-2002 School year are listed below. They received their awards along with the Phone: (610) 469-3282 2000-2001 winners at the 91st Grand Chapter in New Orleans, Louisiana. Fax: (610) 469-3286 Web: www.pks.org Founder’s Cup Most Improved Chapter Award Community Service Award Hamilton F. “Toby” Smith Phi ‘83 For Greatest Combined Score • Delta Chapter (Washington • Delta Lambda Executive Director 2000-2002 & Jefferson University) (Niagara University) Editor-in-Chief • Delta Eta Chapter • Alpha Delta Chapter • Gamma Lambda Chapter [email protected] (McDaniel College) (University of Maine) (UNC-Charlotte) Christopher M. Hanes Outstanding Chapter Award Beta Mu ‘01 Best Presentation Award Chapter Newsletter Award Director of Chapter Services • Delta Eta Chapter 1st Alpha Epsilon (IIT) 1st Alpha Upsilon Managing Editor (McDaniel College) 2nd Gamma Gamma Chapter (University of Washington), [email protected] • Alpha Epsilon Chapter (IIT) (Carthage College) The Alpha Upsilon Extra Eric J. Conrad 2nd Alpha Mu Chapter (MIT), Alpha Delta ‘02 Distinguished Chapter Award 3rd Alpha Xi Chapter (Purdue University) 530 AM Educational Consultant • Delta Iota Chapter 3rd Alpha Xi Chapter (Purdue Editorial Assistant (Marist College) [email protected] Estes Finance Cup University), The Alphasite • Delta Gamma Chapter For Outstanding Deborah Kurynny (Rowan University) Financial Management Hart Newsletter Award Administrative Assistant • Gamma Lambda Chapter • Delta Eta Chapter For Best Undergraduate Article Editorial Assistant (UNC-Charlotte) (McDaniel College) in The Maltese Cross [email protected] • Alpha Upsilon Chapter • Alpha Epsilon Chapter (IIT) • Delta Iota Chapter Dana Long (University of Washington) (Marist College), Foundation Assistant J. Orvis Keller “National Philanthropy Editorial Assistant • Gamma Gamma Chapter Scholarship Award Has a Local Impact” [email protected] (Carthage College) For Highest Scholastic Average Best Website Award Chapter Excellence Award • Mu Chapter (Tulane University) Winner: Alpha Nu Chapter Copyright ©2003 • Gamma Epsilon Chapter (Georgia Tech) All rights reserved (Seton Hall Univerisity) Printed in U.S.A. Jens Scholarship Award Runner-up: Alpha Xi Chapter • Mu Chapter For Greatest Scholastic Improvement (Purdue University) Printing and distribution (Tulane University) • Rho Chapter by Banta Publishing through • Alpha Xi Chapter (University of Illinois) Neal L. Hospers Outstanding Enunciate Marketing, Inc. (Purdue University) Undergraduate Award • Alpha Delta Chapter Foundation Scholarship Award Winner: Jonathan Paul LaBonte, (University of Maine) For Highest Campus Average Alpha Delta Chapter • Rho Chapter • Gamma Rho Chapter (University of Maine) (University of Illinois) (Bryant College) Runner-up: J. Peter Shindel, • Delta Chapter (Washington • Epsilon Chapter Beta Chapter & Jefferson University) (Dickinson University) (Princeton University) • Delta Eta Chapter (McDaniel College) A MESSAGE ........................................................................................FROM GRAND ALPHA DANIEL LUND, III, BETA XI ’85 Dear undergraduates, alumni, volunteers and friends, Since the new Executive Board was handed the reins at Grand Chapter in New Orleans in late July, 2002, the As I write this, our country is at war with Iraq. I have been Fraternity has made strides in several areas, which have informed that there are several Phi Kaps involved in the been of significant concern for years: myriad aspects of the battle. Of those gentlemen we are all extremely proud, and wish them safety and success. • Growth of the Fraternity: It is important that peace-loving nations like the United The Fraternity has colonized or re-colonized at UCLA and States and Canada work toward a goal of world peace and Miami of Ohio, with colonizations at the University of Maryland, recognition and enforcement of human rights around the Baltimore County and George Washington University expected globe. One sees, however, how easily the ties among nations to be in place by the time you receive this publication. can be strained in difficult times. As a Fraternity, the ties Additionally, our Expansion Committee is presently working with Duke University, University of Virginia, University of Southern that bind our Brotherhood together are far different than California, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, University those that connect the nations. The esteemed Dr. Brian V. of New Orleans, Florida International University and several Credo, Beta Xi ’82, is fond of telling the story from the other schools in an effort to introduce or restart a Chapter of Civil War in which Phi Kap Union and Confederate soldiers the Fraternity at the institutions. would meet at night in between skirmishes for social events. • Fraternity Insurance: While the face of war has likely changed in such a manner that Through the efforts of our Insurance Committee, a fair means of such behavior would not make allocating liability premiums to the Chapters is being implemented. sense today, the story illustrates Additionally, because the Fraternity has over the last several that the deep, inalienable con- years greatly improved its loss history, we are able to work for victions to which the Brothers lower premiums for the Fraternity as a whole. of Phi Kappa Sigma pledge • Improvement at Headquarters: their allegiance result in a bond Our Executive Director, Toby Smith, has turned Headquarters into between men which should a well-oiled machine. With a focus toward vastly improved fiscal not be broken, not even by responsibility for all, Toby and his dedicated staff have helped the declaration of war. Chapters plan for and handle their financial accountability to As Grand Alpha, I view my the Fraternity and for insurance. Additionally, Headquarters is primary responsibility to be that no longer viewed as “big brother,” but is known by all Chapters to be run like a business which treats the Chapters as its customers. of upholding the principles upon which our Fraternity was founded in 1850. To do that takes It is a tremendous honor to be able to serve as Grand Alpha, a firm understanding of every aspect of the Fraternity – and I am especially grateful to immediate past Grand Alpha, a level of knowledge I simply do not possess. However, Jim Martin, and the other past Grand Officers for paving the by virtue of the gathering over the years of an exceptional way for the current Executive Committee and Board. Truly, group of volunteers – particularly, Grand Officers, Chapter the honor is made more special by the incredible selflessness advisors and committee members – the body of knowledge of the current volunteers and the positive response we have among those that direct the course of this Fraternity and its received this school year from the actives. future is complete. Coupling that knowledge with what can As Phi Kaps, we must not allow stressful situations to only be described as the most humbling display of dedication separate us from our founding principles, or from our fellow I have ever witnessed, your volunteers are taking steps to Brothers. Let us be an example to the world on the manner ensure the vitality of Phi Kappa Sigma for years to come. in which properly principled individuals conduct themselves in difficult times. With best personal regards, I am, Fraternally yours, Daniel Lund, III, Beta Xi ’85 The Maltese Cross of Phi Kappa
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