Regulation 16 Consultation Summer 2020 Appendices Contents Volume 2 of the Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan is a supplementary document to provide the end user of the Plan (community member, public Contents body or commercial developer), with additional information to inform projects and justify the inclusion of planning policy. This section will also Appendices: assist the formation of the Neighbourhood Plan for the post 2033 plan period. Where the explanatory context and justification in Volume 1 is A - Consultation and Public Engagement 3 considered to be sufficient it has not been addressed in Volume 2. B - Community Action Plan Projects 4 C - The Coggeshall Village Design Guide 2019 5 D1 – Housing 6 D2 - Allocated sites 14 E - Non-residential Development 23 F – The Natural Environment 24 F1– Protecting and Enhancing Green and Blue Infrastructure and The Natural Environment 24 F2 - Green Buffers 26 F3 - Local Green Space 40 F4 - Green Amenity Areas 59 F5 - Open Space 77 F6 - Preventing Pollution 79 F7 - Managing Flood Risk and Drought Prevention 90 G – Heritage 95 H - Design Policies 95 H1 – Design Management within the Built Environment 96 H2 – Design Management within Rural Areas 106 I - Transport and Accessibility 127 J – Infrastructure and Developer Contributions 128 2 Appendix A - Consultation and Public Engagement Community consultation has played an important role in the development of the Neighbourhood Plan and has been used to inform its policies and ensure that these 2017 policies reflect the needs, values, concerns and hopes of the community and the ● Meeting with BDC to discuss early draft of the Plan. environment. ● Community Survey carried out. ● CNPG becomes Sub-Committee of CPC Planning Committee. The website was set up to enable the community to engage with and find out more ● Working Draft of CNP created. about the Neighbourhood Planning process. Minutes of meetings were posted and ● olicy options produced by the Topic Groups. online copies of the surveys made available. An email address and website (www.coggeshall-np.com) for the group was also established. 2018 The Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan Facebook page proved to be a valuable direct ● Policy options presented to CPC. method of communication for those in the community who use Facebook. At the ● Policy options presented to BDC. end of 2019 the page had 456 members who either live or work in the Parish. ● Community Consultation event. (www.facebook.com/groups/coggeshallneighbourhood.plan) ● Critical friend assessment of the plan. Traditional methods of communication, posters and leaflet drops, and paper ● Plan modified following assessment. surveys were designed and distributed by the Sub-Committee. ● CPC approve Plan. A regular planning report was presented to Coggeshall Parish Council at the 2019 monthly planning meeting. Where necessary the Parish Council was asked to ● Regulation 14 consultation. review and approve the activities of the Sub-Committee. At key junctures in the ● Review and modification of Plan following Regulation consultation. development of the Plan presentations were given to the Full Parish Council at ● The following were prepared and completed: public meetings. Village Design Guide Consultation/public engagement events and timeline: SEA & HRA Assessments Housing Strategy Report 2015 Consultation Statement ● Leaflet drop by Coggeshall Parish Council (CPC) and initial public meeting Basic Conditions Statement on a Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan (CNP). Community update newsletter delivered to every home in the Parish. ● Steering group and Sub-Committees set up. ● Formal approval by Braintree District Council (BDC) to establish a Cogge- 2020 shall Neighbourhood Planning Group (CNPG). ● CPC meeting to approve Plan prior to submission. ● Business survey. ● Final meeting with BDC to discuss Plan prior to submission. ● Community consultation event. ● CPC meeting to approve Plan prior to submission. ● Regulation 15 submission to LA 2016 ● Regulation 16 CNP submitted for independent examination. ● Household Residents Survey carried out and analysed. ● Plan revised following examination. ● Dedicated website established. ● Community Referendum on CNP. ● Community consultation (Roadshow) event. ● Plan ‘made’ by BDC. 3 Appendix B: Community Action Plan Projects The community communicated their ideas for public projects and facilities 8. Encouraging and supporting businesses which want to locate or re- to benefit the Parish at initial consultation events. The initial ‘Big ideas’ locate in the Parish by providing guidance on suitable and were developed by the CNP Sub-Committee and at the Community appropriate locations. Consultation roadshow event in November 2016, people were asked to Results: vote on 5 ‘Big Ideas’. The ‘ideas’ and results are set out below. ∙ Coggeshall to Kelvedon cycleway (83 votes). Initial Proposals for “Big Ideas” or the future: ∙ Riverside walk (82 votes). 1. Exploring the status of having the largest number of public footpaths in Essex. Developing a “Walking / Cycling Village” for local ∙ Vicarage Field public open space (73 votes). people as well as promoting it to visitors as a destination. Policies ∙ Village Centre shared space (61 votes). will be created to enhance / improve and create footpaths and bridleways across the Parish. Linking existing footpaths with private ∙ The Green Bridge (36 votes). footpaths (i.e. Marks Hall) creating cycling routes to Feering, Kelvedon, Bradwell and The Teys. The 2019 Regulation 14 Plan set out the ‘Big Ideas’ as ‘Community 2. Improving the Village centre around the junction of Stoneham Aspirational Projects’. Street, Church Street, Market Hill and Market End. Introducing Post Regulation 14 discussions between Braintree District Council & the traffic calming via “shared space”, re-aligning roads, moving bus Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan Sub-Committee revealed that some of the stops and creating a focal point / meeting area. Aspirational Policies might be suitable for consideration as part of the 3. Reconnecting the north and south of the Parish divided by the A120. Plan’s Infrastructure Policy. These along with additional infrastructure 4. Promoting new housing to complement the existing unique nature policy ideas identified in conjunction with Coggeshall PC and suggestions of the centre of Coggeshall by introducing good design guidelines, from the community are described and assessed in detail in Appendix K of uses of traditional materials and detailing (i.e. pargetting), this document. Set out below are the projects that were determined to be promoting self-build and creating an interesting streetscape ‘Action Plan Projects’. (avoiding drives / garages on the frontages). 5. Improving signage into the village. Provide better located notice and information points. Signage to walking routes, etc. 6. Applying for a Community Asset Transfer for Vicarage Field. 7. Protecting surrounding open countryside by creating policies to safeguard it from development, ensuring the village remains unique. 4 Action Plan Projects: Appendix C: The Coggeshall Village Design Guide 2019 1. Coggeshall to Kelvedon Cycleway. 2. A new Bowling Green / Croquet Lawn with club pavilion on Stone- Community consultation demonstrated the importance residents place on ham Street. the character of the built and rural environment of the Parish which has 3. Upgrade of the existing basketball court in the Recreation Ground, evolved over the centuries. To ensure that development makes a positive East Street. contribution to the Parish, and the continued development of a ‘Sense of Place’, the CNP Sub-Committee commissioned and worked with The 4. Installation of outdoor, adult gym equipment in the Recreation Landscape Partnership to develop a design guide to inform the Ground, East Street. Neighbourhood Plan Group, the Parish Council, residents and importantly 5. Village Centre Improvements. anyone wishing to make changes to the urban and rural environment. This document is publicly available from Coggeshall Parish Council and Braintree 6. A new riverside walk from Long Bridge to Nunn’s Bridge District Council. 7. Vicarage Field public open space (a recreational community re- source and a viable wildlife corridor). 8. Enabling cyclist, pedestrian and wildlife safe access and connectivity across the A120 9. A new footpath connection between St Anne’s Close and across the southern section of St Peter’s School Field to connect with the recreation ground. 10. Coggeshall to Earls Colne Cycleway via Marks Hall Estate. Action Plan Projects have been proposed by the community and therefore are evidenced as having community support so that they may be taken for- ward by members of the public or the Parish Council and can therefore more easily attract external support and funding. In accordance with Policy P18 they may also be eligible for Developer contributions. 5 Appendix D1 - Housing Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan Sub-Committee has prepared this appendix This approach to development would protect the countryside setting and to justify the Housing policy and explain the local context. Research into the heritage assets that the community value highly. It is an approach housing need in the Parish, demographic, and the community’s preferred that is in line with the NPPF guidelines and an approach that has already strategy to meet the housing need was undertaken by the group. BDC were proved popular and effective - between 1992 and 2015 282 new homes, consulted throughout this process and a Housing Strategy Report (2019) including
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