Van Gogh Van Draft Public Environment Report Environment (PER) Draft Public Van Gogh Oil Field Development Oil Field Development Oil Field Draft Public Environment Report (PER) EPBC Referral 2007/3213 February 2008 – February 2008 – February APACH301925 For further information www.apachevangogh.com.au Myles Hyams - Environment Manager Caroline de Mori - Public Affairs Manager Email: [email protected] Tel: (08) 9422 7421 Apache Energy Limited Level 3, 256 St Georges Terrace, Perth, 6000 www.apachecorp.com Document no : EA-00-RI-166.01 This document has been printed on paper manufactured from 100% recycled fibre. Invite to comment The Proposal Public Display and Availability of the Draft PER Apache Northwest Pty. Ltd. (Apache, the operator), along with its Copies of the Van Gogh Draft PER are available for viewing during the joint participant Inpex Alpha Ltd (Inpex), is proposing to develop public review period at the following locations: and recover oil from the Van Gogh oil pool. The name of the proposal DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT, WATER, HERITAGE & THE ARTS is the Van Gogh Oil Field Development. The field is located within a defined areas of petroleum exploration permit WA-155-P(1) in John Gorton Building, King Edward Terrace, Parkes, ACT Commonwealth waters, 53 km north-northwest of Exmouth off the DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION LIBRARY Western Australian coast. -FWFM 5IF"USJVN 4U(FPSHFT5FSSBDF 1FSUI 8" The proposed action involves installing subsea equipment to control EXMOUTH COMMUNITY LIBRARY and direct reservoir production fluids to a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, which will recover, process and Maidstone Crescent, Exmouth, WA export oil from the Van Gogh field. EXMOUTH VISITOR CENTRE First oil production is planned for the first quarter of 2009, with Murat Road, Exmouth, WA an estimated operational life of between 12 and15 years. The area surrounding the Van Gogh field is considered highly prospective for SHIRE OF EXMOUTH potential oil discoveries and therefore the development has proposed 22 Maidstone Crescent, Exmouth, WA a Notional Development Area where it is envisaged that any future KARRATHA COMMUNITY LIBRARY discoveries can be incorporated into the Van Gogh infrastructure as potential tie-backs, extending the production life. Millstream Road, Karratha, WA SHIRE OF ASHBURTON Commonwealth Environmental Assessment Process 2ND Avenue, Onslow, WA Environmental assessment and approval of the Van Gogh development is required under the Commonwealth’s Environmental ONSLOW TOURIST CENTRE Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Under 2ND Avenue, Onslow, WA this Act, a delegate of the Commonwealth Minister for the then BATTYE LIBRARY Environment and Water Resources decided that the proposed Van Gogh development (EPBC 2007/3213) was a "controlled action" Alexander Library Building, 25 Francis Street, Perth, WA requiring environmental approval, as the proposal has the potential Hard copies of the complete document ($20), Executive Summary to have a significant impact on the following matters of national (free) or electronic copies on CD (free), can be obtained from Apache environmental significance: (see contact details overpage). r -JTUFEUISFBUFOFETQFDJFTBOEDPNNVOJUJFT TFDUJPOTBOE" Electronic copies of the documents may also be obtained free of r -JTUFENJHSBUPSZTQFDJFT TFDUJPOTBOE" BOE charge by downloading them from the Van Gogh development website at: http://www.apachevangogh.com.au r .BSJOFFOWJSPONFOU TFDUJPOTBOE" It was determined that the Van Gogh development be assessed by a Opportunity for Public Comment on the Draft PER Public Environment Report (PER). The Draft PER provides a basis for the public to comment on 6OEFS4FDUJPOPGUIF&1#$"DUBOEJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIHVJEFMJOFT Apache's proposed development, its potential environmental and issued by the then Department of the Environment and Water socio-economic impacts and the mitigation and environmental Resources (DEW), now the Department of Environment, Water, management measures. Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), Apache has prepared and published Public submissions received will be acknowledged and addressed this Draft PER for public comment. A Draft PER Executive Summary is by Apache in finalising the PER, which will be published as a also available as a stand-alone document. Supplement PER. Copies of all submissions received are forwarded The Draft PER is available for public review and comment for four to the DEWHA. XFFLT GSPNUIFEBUFPGSFMFBTFJO'FCSVBSZ1VCMJDDPNNFOU Submissions will be treated as public documents (unless otherwise on the proposal can be made to Apache. specified) and may be used in part or whole in the Supplement PER. The finalised PER will form the basis of the Recommendation Report that the DEWHA prepares for the Minister, who will consider the Report, and other information, in the decision regarding approval of the Van Gogh development. Invite to comment | I Lodging a Submission It is important to keep the following points in mind when lodging your submission so it can be reviewed and adequately responded to. You will need to: r 1SPWJEFZPVSOBNF BEESFTTBOEEBUFPGTVCNJTTJPO r 8IFSF SFMFWBOU JEFOUJGZ BOZ TQFDJBM JOUFSFTU ZPV IBWF JO UIF proposal. r 8IFSF SFMFWBOU JEFOUJGZ BOZ PSHBOJTBUJPODPNQBOZBTTPDJBUJPO you are a member of. r *EFOUJGZXIFUIFSZPVXBOUZPVSTVCNJTTJPOUPCFDPOñEFOUJBM r $MFBSMZTUBUFZPVSQPJOUPGWJFX"UUFNQUUPMJTUQPJOUTUPUIFJTTVFT you are raising so they can be clearly identified. r .BLFSFGFSFODFUPUIF%SBGU1&3 TFDUJPOT IFBEJOHTBOEPSQBHF numbers) to the relevant points raised. r *GEJTDVTTJOHEJíFSFOUTFDUJPOTPGUIF%SBGU1&3 QMFBTFLFFQUIFN separate in your response so it is clear which Sections you are commenting on. r *OEJDBUFUIFTPVSDFPGZPVSJOGPSNBUJPOPSBSHVNFOU JGBQQMJDBCMF r 4VHHFTUSFDPNNFOEBUJPOT TBGFHVBSETPSBMUFSOBUJWFT Submissions can be sent by post or email (contact details below). :PVIBWFGPVS XFFLTGSPNUIFUJNFPGBEWFSUJTFNFOUPGUIF%SBGU PER being available in which to provide comments to Apache. Apache Contact Details To obtain a hard or an electronic copy of this Draft PER, or to lodge your submission, please contact Apache at: Van Gogh Oil Field Development Draft PER Apache Energy Ltd 10#PY 8FTU1FSUI 8FTUFSO"VTUSBMJB Email: [email protected] Telephone: II | Van Gogh Oil Field Development Contents Executive Summary....................................................................................................xxiii Proponents xxiii Apache xxiii Inpex xxiii Development Area xxiii Van Gogh Oil Field xxiii Apache's Environmental Performance xxiii Environmental Approvals Process xxvii EPBC Act xxvii Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act xxvii The Proposal xxvii Preferred Option xxvii Drilling xxix Installation and Commissioning xxix Production xxix Decommissioning xxx Alternatives Considered xxxi Public Consultation xxxi Existing Consultation xxxi Van Gogh Consultation xxxi Consultation Feedback xxxi Environmental Setting xxxi Physical Environment xxxii Biological Environment xxxii Socio-economic Environment xxxii Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures xxxiv Cumulative Environmental Impacts xxxix Environmental Management xlviii Conclusions xlviii 1. Introduction.............................................................................................................1 1.1 OVERVIEW OF THIS DOCUMENT 1 1.1.1 Proposal Title 1 1.1.2 Proponent 1 1.1.3 Location 3 1.1.4 Defined Area and Notional Development Area 3 1.1.5 Development Objectives 6 1.1.6 Background 6 1.1.7 Summary of the Proposed Van Gogh Development 6 1.1.8 Size of the Development Footprint 10 1.1.9 Other Activities in the Exmouth Sub-basin 10 1.2 EPBC LEGISLATION 11 1.2.1 EPBC Legislative Requirements 11 1.2.2 Approvals Process 11 1.3 OTHER COMMONWEALTH APPROVALS 13 1.3.2 Offshore Pipeline Licence 13 Contents | III 1.3.3 Safety Case 13 1.3.4 Environment Plans 13 1.3.5 Oil Spill Contingency Plan 15 1.4 ENVIRONMENT CODES OF PRACTICE AND POLICIES 15 1.4.1 Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association 15 1.4.2 Greenhouse and National Pollutant Inventory 15 1.4.3 Energy Efficiencies Opportunities Act 17 1.4.4 International Agreements 17 1.5 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 17 1.5.1 Environmental Management Policy 17 1.5.2 Environmental Record 17 1.5.3 Environmental Monitoring and Management 19 1.5.4 Legal Proceedings 19 2. Project Description................................................................................................21 2.1 PROJECT OUTLINE 21 2.1.1 Van Gogh Reservoir Details 22 Predicted Production Profile 23 2.1.2 Development Schedule 23 2.1.3 Development Costs, Income, and Taxes 24 2.1.4 Engineering and Procurement 24 2.2 DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES 24 2.2.1 Assessment of Development Alternatives 25 2.2.2 Inherent Development Constraints 27 2.2.3 Preferred Development Alternative 27 2.2.4 Design Alternatives Assessed within the Preferred Development Alternative 27 Dual-lateral Wells 27 Disconnectable Turret-mooring System 28 Double-sided Hull 28 Subsea Configuration 28 2.2.5 Project Justification 28 2.3 SUBSEA INFRASTRUCTURE 28 2.3.1 Production and Injection Wells 28 Production Wells 30 Injection Wells 30 2.3.2 Wellheads and Xmas Trees 30 2.3.3 Subsea Manifolds 30 2.3.4 Dynamic Risers and Riser Base 33 2.3.5 Flowlines and Rigid Spools 33 Production Fluid Flowlines 33 Gas Injection Flowlines 33 PFW Injection Flowlines 33 Rigid Spool 33 2.3.6 Electro-hydraulic Umbilical Line 33 2.3.7 Disconnectable Turret-mooring System 33 Anchors 34 IV | Van Gogh Oil Field Development Mooring
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