March 1960 COMMERCIAL F ISHERIES REVIEW 37 International on t h e Effects of Atomic Radiation, whlch was scheduled to meet in January 1960. FISHING FAIR AND NAUTICAL EXPOSITION TO BE HELD IN The Chief of F AO' s Atomic Energy ITALY, JUNE 25 TO JULY 10, 1960: B ranch and technical secretary of th The XX International Fishing F air Committee, said in an interview follow­ and the VI International Nautica l E xposi­ ing t h e me eting: tion will be held concurrently at Ancona, Italy, June 25 to July 10, 1960, acc ord­ " The applications of atomic energy ing to an announcement by the Italian a r e unavoidably associated with the re­ Government. l ease of varying quantities of radioactive materials into the environment, which FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION m ay present a potential problem since th ey may be taken up from soils and wa­ EXPERT GROUP URGES ters by crops and livestock, and thus n­ GREATER STUDY OF ter food. RADIATION IN FOOD, AGRICULTURE, AND FISHERIES: "Th e scientific principles underlylllg An expert committee on radi oa ctive agriculture, fisheries, and food produc­ materials has recommended that the tion and utilization are, therefore, of par­ Food and Agriculture Organization and t icular significance for a proper und r­ its member governments, when deter­ s tanding of the way in which radioactlv mining "the radioactivity burden of substances behave in food and agricultur­ man," place greater emphasis on the al materials. Such understanding is s­ importance of agriculture, fisheries, sential if man is to learn to live safely and food. in the presence of the general and 10 al rises in environmental radioactivlty hat The Expert Committee on R adioactive may occur in this atomic age. 1\ Materials in Food and Agriculture, o r ­ ganized by FAO, met in Rome Nov em­ Among recommendations put forward ber 30-December 11, 1959, with s cien ­ by the Committee are the following: tists present from Canada, the German Federal Republic, Japan, the Neth erlands, (1) Research on metabol ism of radIo­ Sweden, the United Kingdom , and the U­ active materials should be encourag d nited States. as a prelude to means of reducing po­ tential hazard; The group was established to enable FAO to provide its membe r nations with (2) Research on decontaminatlOn of expert opinion on the pre s ent state of food products should lllclud aa dIe ar knowledge of the move m ent and behavior items that are relatively important car­ of radioactive materials in food chains riers of radioactive materials, III ord r (uptake of radioactiv e isotop e s from soil that scientists may be pr par d 0 op to plant to animals t o human diet), and on adequately with situatlOns tha mIgh a­ survey and research programs needed to rise in the future; extend that knowledge. (3) Governments should provid ror The F AO Committe e 's report, now representation by agncul ural author I being completed, will be made available on national radioac ivi y comml e s or to the United Nations Sc ientific Committee should establish advi or ' commi s 0 Vol. 22, No.3 38 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW International (Contd.): 1959, were discussed and reconsidered in view of suggestions submitted by the AdviAory Committee at a meeting held by the Comm.ssion on January 19, ensure collaboration among atomic en­ 1960. Action taken by the Commission in modify­ ergy ' public h e alth, me~ical and f?od, ing the original proposals is detailed as follows: agricultural, and fishe nes authontie~ 1. An analysis of the originally proposed clo­ in programs of r esearch and c ontrol m sure in Juan de Fuca Strait scheduled for the peri­ r adiation protection; od August 7 to 28 revealed that the limitation of fishing to three days weekI y prior to August 7 ac­ (4) FAO should place inc reased em­ tually made the effective starting date of the proj­ ected c losure August 4 instead of August 7 ° In phasi s on a dv ising m ember governments view of possible interfere nc e by the originally sug­ in their responsibilities for resea r ch on ge sted closure pe riod with an allowable full partic­ and control of env ironment al r adiation; ipation in the Chilko run, two days of fishing were add ed to the wee k commenc ing August 7. (5) The Director-Genera l of FAO 2. D ecision on the d a ily opening and c losing should periodically convene expert c om­ hours fo r purse seines and gill nets in Canadian m ittees and technical meetings and s ym ­ Area 20 was d elayed by r e quest pending possible posia on the subject. agreement between the two ty pes of fishermen op­ erating i n the a r e a. INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION (UNITED STATES AND CANADA) 3. In the event of an emergency closure of Canadian District I fo r the c onservation of sockeye during t he p e r iod Se pte mber 9 to 30, approval was PROPOSED P ASSAMAQUODDY given to the us e o f sprin g s a lmon nets under gov­ e rnment r e gulation. T IDAL POWER PROJECT EFFECT ON FISHERIES SLIGHT: 4 . Appr oval was giv en to a pro posal that a The International Joint Commission (Canada and the complete closu re of United States Convention wa­ United States) concluded a 3-day meeting with members of ter s lying eas ter ly of the Angeles Point-William its International Passamaquoddy Engineering and Fisheries Boards. At the meeting held in Boston on January 13- 15, H ead line from August 14 to 28 follo wed by a re­ 1960 the Commission was briefed by members of the boards linquishm ent of r e gulatory c ontrol on the latter conc~rning the possibilities for development of tidal power in d ate be s ubstitut e d for the o r i ginal suggestion of a Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays in Maine and New Bruns­ two-d ay fishing w eek fo r the period August 14 to wick. September 18. The repor ts of the boards, which have previously been made available for examination by interested parties, indicate Recomm e nda tions Approved for Regulatory that an inter national tidal power project using the waters of C ontr ol of Sockeye and P i nk Salmon Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays on the east coast of Cana­ da and the United States is feasible from an engineering stand­ Fishing in Convention Waters for 1960 point. There are questions, however, as to the economic feasi­ bility of the project due to differences in interest rates in the UNITED STATES CO VENTIO WATERS: two countries and other factors. The project would have to be combined with an auxiliary power source in order to obtain effective utilization of the tidal power. The boards also con­ All Unite d State s Convention Waters : cluded that the construction, maintenance, and operation of the tidal power project, which would include fish passage facilities, Closed June 20 to July 18 - except for sprmg would not have any significant adverse effects on the fisheries of the region. s a lmon nets in waters easterly of the Wil­ liam He ad-Angeles Point line under regula­ The sessions were chiefly concerned with an analysis of tion by the Sta te of WaShington but having a the basic surveys and studies on which the board's findings were based. Also considered were the economic and financial mesh of not less than 8t inches. aspects of the project reported upon by the boards. West of William He ad-Angeles Point Line: Other factors requiring further consideration by the Com­ mission include: the impact of the proposed project on the economies of the area; the significance of recr eational bene­ July 18 to August 7 - purse seines open daily fits which may result from construction of the pr oject; and 4 :00 a.m. to 8:00 p .m. Monday through evaluation of possible benefits peculiar to this unique project. Wednesday. Gill nets open daily 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Monday afternoon to Thursday In order that the Commission may have the ben efit of the views of all who are interested in this unique project, it morning. has been decided that public hearings will be h eld i n Maine and New Brunswick, Canada. An announcement will be m ade August 7 to August 14 - purse seines open daily later of the time and place of such hearings. 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday and Tuesday only. Gill nets open daily 6: 00 p.m. to 8: 00 a.m. Monday afternoon to Wednesday morn­ INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC SALMON FISHERIES COMMISSION ing. August 14 to August 28 - closed. SALMON F ISHING REGULATIONS East of William Head-Angeles Point Line: FOR 1960 IN CONVENTION WATERS: July 18 to August 14 - purse seines and reef nets open daily 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday The tentat iv e suggestions for regulatory con­ through Thursday. Gill nets open daily 6: 00 trol of the United States and Canadian 1960 sock­ p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Monday afternoon to Fri­ eye or red salmon fishery in Convention waters in day morning. British Columbia and the State of Washington as submitted to the fishing industry on December 11, August 14°to August 28 - closed. March 1960 COMMERCIAL F ISHERIES REVIEW 39 International (Contd.): It is not known whether the new agree­ ment will result in increased trade between CANADIAN CONVENTION WATERS: the two countries.
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