t EstudiosGeoI.. 59: ~12 (2001) ~ THE PIG CONOHYUS SIMORRENSIS FROM THE UPPER ARAGONIAN OF ALHAMBRA, MADRID, AND A REVIEW OF THE DISTRIBUTION OFEUROPEANCONOHYUS J. van der Made* and J. Morales* ABSTRACT The suid remainsfrom Alhambra (Madrid, late Aragonian, Middle Miocene; MN6. wne F) are describedand assignedto Conohyuss;morrens;s. Conohyus is well known in Spain from late MN5. or zone E. MN7+8. or zone G, and MN9. The material from Alhambra fills the gap in the lberian record. The Iberian record showsthat Cononhyus becamelarger. with relatively larger posteriormolars and with reducedpremolars. This evolution occurredin a large ateathat extendsfrom westemEurope to Anatolia. We pre- senaan overview of the Europeanand Anatolian localities with Conohyus. Key words: Conohyus.T etraconodont;nae . Suidae. Aragon;an, M ;ocene,b;ogeography. RESUMEN Los restos de suido de Alhambra (Madrid. AragonienseTardío, Mioceno Medio, MN6, lona F) son descritosy asignadosa Conohyussimorrt'nsis. Este génerose conoce bien en Españade la unidadMNS": o lona E. y MN7+8, o zonaG, y en MN9. El material de Alhambra llena un hiato en el registro ibérico. La evolución de ConohyUSocurrió en una vasta área que se extiende de Europa occidental hasta Anatolia. Presentamosun sumariode yacimientoseuropeos y turcoscon Conohyus. Palabrasclave: Conohyus.T etraconodontina~. Suidae. Aragoniense. Mioceno. biogeografla. Introduction Aves Aves indet. The locality of Alhambrawas discoveredin 1991 Mammalia by the geologistJavier Gonzálezwhen a new street Soricinae indet. was constructed near to the banks of the Manzanares Galerix sp. river in the La Latina quarter in the center of Madrid Pseudaelurus quadr;dentatus The locality was excavated during two campagns.the Hemicyoninae indet. first one in november1991 was directed by Laureano Lagopsis verus Merino and SusanaConsuegra and the secoOOone in Democricetodon darocensis november 1994 was directed by Esther Herráez and SusanaConsuegra (Herráez el al., 2000). Megacricetodon gersii The fossils were found arcosic sandy clays. corre- Megacricetodon rafaeli Armantomys tricristatus sponding to the middle levels of the Unidad Superior Heteroxerus rubricar; (upper unit) of the Madrid basin (Peláez-Campo- Heteroxerus gr;vensis manes el al., 2(xx». The faunal association is typical of the earlier Gomphother;um angustidens Anchitherium cursor part of the Upper Aragonian. biozone F (Soría el AI;cornops simorrens;s al.. 2000) and includes: Conohyus s;morrens;s Reptilia H;spanomeryx aragonensis Ophisauru.\' .\p. Heteroprox morales; Chelonia indet. Bovidae indet. MuseoNacional de CienciasNatunlles. CSIC. JoséGutiérrez AbascaJ 2. 28~ Madrid. 304 J. VAN OER MAOE ANO J. MORALES Conohyus is a suid with enlarged premolars, which is typica1 for the Tetraconodotinae, to which it belongs. It is assumedto have evolved from the Indian form Sivachoerussindiense when it spread into Europe (Van der Made, 1999). In west and central Europe, it appearedlate in MN5 or zone E and is becoming known írom an increasing number of localities oí this age. Cono- hyus becamelarger, increasedthe size of its pos- "(Y) terior molars and reduced the size oí its premo- a.. I lars (Van der Made, 1989, 1998, 1999; Van der a.. Made & Ribot, 1999; Mazo et al., 1998). During ~ the Vallesian, the genus spread írom Europe to the Indian Subcontinent and Africa and went extinct in Europe. Conohyus is becoming known from an increasing number oí European locali- ties, especially from late MN5, or zone E and from MN7+8, or zone G. There are relatively íew MN6, or zone F, localities. The locality oí Alhambra is of this age and thus increases OUT know ledge of a less well known section oí this lineage. DTp- P3i Methods and material . Conohyus 6., Alhambra Here we use the MN units (Mein. 1975; De Bruijn et al.. Fontedo Pinheiro Tutzing 1992)and the zonationof the Aragonian(wnes B-G; Daamset . al.. 1999). The classificationof the Tetraconodontinaeis after Van der . Hommes X P. steinheimensis Made (1999) and the nomenclatureof the teeth and measure- mentsare after Van der Made (1996). AlI measurementsin this Fig. 1.-Bivariate plot of fue P3 of Conohyus and Parachleua,t- paperare in mm. Abbreviations: tochoerus steinheimensis. Length (DAP) against width (DT). DAP =solero-posterior diametre or length. Conohyus from Goriach (SUG, NMW; data given by Van der DT =transverse diametre or width. Made, 1998), Puente de Vallecas (cast in MNCN), VilIefranche DTa = DT of fue anteriorlobe. d' Astarac (cast in MNHN), Pa~alar (PDTFAU). Klein Haders- DTp =DT of the posteriorlobe. dorf (IPUW), Mira (IPS), Sto Gaudens? (cast in MGPUSB). Ha or HI =Height measuredat the first lobe of a tooth. Fonte do Pinheiro (LM), Hommes (Ginsburg, 1989) and Hp or H2 = Height measuredat the secondlobe of a tooth. Alhambra (MNCN). Parachleuastochoerus steinheimensis is from La Grive (old collectionsin MGL). The material studied is stored in the following institutions: lGGML = lnstitut fUr Geowissenschaften / Geologie der Montan Universitat Leoben. Description IPS =lnstitut Paleontológic M. Crusafont, Sabadell. IPUW = lnstitut für Palaontologie der Universitlit, Wien. Farni1y SUIDAE Gray, 1821 LM =Geological Museum of Lisbon. MNCN = Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. Subfarni1y TETRACONOOONTINAELydekker, 1876 MNHN = Muséum National d'Histoir Naturelle, Paris. Tribe NYANZACHOERINIVan der Made, 1999 MGL = Muséum Guimet, Lyon. Genus Conohyus Pilgrim, 1926 MGPUSB = Museo di Geologia e Paleontologia, Universita degli Studi di Bologna. Species Conohyus simorrensis (Lartet, 1851) MPZ = Museo Paleontológico de la Universidad de Zaragoza. MT A = Maden Tetkik ve Arama (geological survey of Material Turkey, Ankara). NMB =Naturhistorisches Museum Basel. NMW =Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien. Tu534 - right P3 (DAP =23.4; DTa = tl.l; DTp = 13.9). PDTFAU = Palleoantrulpoii, Dil ve Tarih Cografya Faclute- Tu863 - left M2 (DAP = 20.t; DTa = t4.7; DTp = 13.9; Ha = si, Ankara Universitesi. 11.7; Hp= 10.0). PIMUZ = Pala(mlologisches lnstitut und Museum der Uni- so - rigbt M¡ (DAP = 19.4; DTa = 14.9; DTp = 13.6; Ha = versitat, ZUrich. 11.2; DTp = 9.H). SUG = Sleiermarkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz. (The prefIX Tu stands for Túneles, a name initially applied UCM = Univen;té Claude Bernard, Lyon. for fue locality.) THE PIG CONOHYUS SIMORRENSIS FROM THE UPPER ARAGONIAN 305 - - - . 0'- O . .. "-"" :': Fonte do Pinheiro .. .. "Haute Garonne" . Mira . Klein Hadersdorf . ~ Pa~alar .. Elgg Villefranche d' Astarac . Alhambra . Puente de Vallecas . Góriach . - -- . .. ... 20 2122 2324 2526 2728 2930 11 ,~ 13 14 15 16 17 130140150 160170 180 190 DAP- p. DTp. P3 P3 - Index 100 DAP/DT Fig. 2.- The length (DAP), width of the posteriorlobe (DTp) and index (100 DAP/DTp) of the P3in Conohyussimorren,~is. The localitics arc in approximateorder from old to young: GOriach(SUG, NMW, NMB; data given by Van der Made, 1998),Puente de Vallecas (cast In, MNCN), Alhambra ~CN), Villefranche d' Astara.c(cast in MNHN), Elgg, (N~B), Pa~alar(PDTFAU), Kleln Hadersdorf(IPUW), Mira (IPS), StoGaudens? (cast In MGPUSB),Fonte do Plnhelro(LM). 17 18192021 2223242526 12 1314 15 16 1718 19 12 13 14 1516 17 1819 ~ Fonte do Pinheiro . El Buste . "Haute Garonne" . Mira . Le Fousseret . Klein Hadersdorf . .~ .. Pa~alar . P itten . Urlau . Elgg . .. Alhambra - Puente de Vallecas . Góriach . .. L . ,~. BAlA . 17 18192021 22 23 24 2526 12 1314 15 18 171819 12 1'3 14 1516 17 18 19 DAP - M2 DTa- M2 DTp - M2 Fig. 3.-The lengili (DAP) and width of the first (DTa) and second (DTp) lores of the second lower molar in Conohyus. The local- ities are in approximate order from old to young: BaJá (MTA), Goriach (SUG, NMW, IGGML, NMB; data given by Van der Made, 1998), Puente de VaIlecas (cast in MNCN), Alhambra (MNCN), Elgg (NMB), P~aIar (PDTFAU), KIein Hadersdorf (IPUW), Le Fousseret (MNHN), Mira (IPS), StoGaudens? (cast in MGPUSB), El Buste (MPZ), Fonte do Pinheiro (LM). Description and comparison genus there is a tendency to reduce this tooth (fig. 2). This reduction seems to be clearest in the width. The variation in the length is bigger, but al so seems to reduce. However, not all The P3 (Plate 1, fig. 3) is a massive tooth with a high proto- specimens fit this tendency well and apparently, reduction is con id and protopre- and protopostcristids that end very low. accompanied by an increase in variability. If there is a tendency Thcrc are IwO posterior roots, which i!i common in the Tetra- in the lengtb-width index, fue tooth becomes more elongate. conodonlinae, but not in other Suidae. Teeth of this size and None of fue values of the AIhambra specimen is indicative for a morphology are typical of the Tetraconodotinae. In Europe, very old, nor for a very young age. Conohyus and Parachleuastochoerus steinheimensis have P3 of 80th Mz (Plate 1, figs. 1 & 2) are wide bunodont molars with about this size. The P3 of P. steinheimensis tends to be smaller low crowns. Molars of Suinae tend to be much more elongate. than that of C onohyus, but in the sample from La Grive there is The specimens have fue size of fue M2 of Conohyus simorren- one abnormally large specimen (fig. 1). Tbe specimen from sis ¡md Parachleuastochoerus steinheimensis or of the MI of Alhambra is even larger than thi¡¡ larsest llpeC1men from La the latest Ara~onian and Vallesian ConohV/ls. Because of the Grive and is well within the ranges of Conohyus. Within this tendencies in L'onohyu.f in increase in the size of the posterior 306 lo VAN DER MADE ANO lo MORALES 18 1b 1c 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c 3c 38 2cm Plate 1.-(1) Tu863,
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