
Non·Members can obtaIn thIs publicatIon from the Hon. Secretary, post free 2/. per annum NOVEMBER, 1925. Cb~ montbly R~cOrd of Soutb Plac~ €tbjcal SOCj~ty, South Place, Moorgate, E.C.2 ebleet of the Soeloty• .. The Object of the Society is the cultivation of a rational religious sentiment, the study of ethical principles, and the promotion of human welfare, in harmony with advancing knowledge. " SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES. The following DISCOURSES will be delivered on Sunday morning s, Service beginning at ELEVEN O'CLOCK. October 25. - C. DELISLE BURNS. M.A. • D.Lit.-Mediaeval Art and Religion. 1. Organ Solo. Andant<l from Symphony in D... Hayd" 2. Readin g. 3. onnta fo r Violonoollo and Pin.nofor te ... H rnry Ecclcs (1670-1i42) 1. LA r go. n. Oorrente: A llegr o con spirito, HI. Adngio. I V. Vivoce. Mr. ]'mmgnrc GOT'FIATtD a nd .bfl- s. Doll., GOTIuRn. 4. Hymn No. 133. Lie open.' soul I nround thee press. 5. Notices and OoUeotion. O. Discourse. November l .-Rlght Hon. J. M. ROBERTSON. _ Tbe Pretensions of Religious Emotion. 1. Orgnn Solo. Concer to No. 12 (Three :Uovements) 2. Ronding. Coretl; 3. onnta in et major... .. '" .\ndnnte; .1 IJegro; .Idngio; .l lIcwo. Halldr/ Pin.no: lIIiss rlIEI.MA BnYAN. 'Violin: Mi,. GwrNN1'Tn rnOTTEIl. 4. H;nnn :\"'0. 50. Do not. crouch to·cln~· and worshjp. 5. Xotires ond Ooll<)ction. 6. Discourse. November S.-C. DESLISL£ BURNS. M.A .• D.Lit . What I heard in German)-. Qunl't~t . ..I. storm eped over SCl1 OJld lond (No. nil .. Bl'elhol'/'/1 010 (D.). 'fJlO ugb I spcnk with t he tongues of men Bra/Ill,. No. 216. Forwnrd I thE' dny is brC'llking. Hymns { No. !'11. 0 pun' reformers I not in vnin. November 15.-JOHN A. HOBS ON. M A.-Party Politics: A Study in Ethics. Duet (S. "nd C.l. OINUlsin« fir. '" ... ('nll'rll Qua l·tet. Ma n is hi. own atM H. Smith TV/'bpfPr { No. 120. The henrt it hnth its Own "state. Hy",n. No. 1. Be true to every iD most thought. Novemou 22 ·-S. K. RATCLIFFE. _Th ~ Fog of Engl1sh Religion. Solo (D.) ond Qunrt(·t. If I ,toop into n dnrk tremendous fea of clpud Dp Lart." Qunrt"t. U«ht. I ight in darkness... ... '" ... ...... HummPI FI { Xo. 100. Ifho! is it thot the rrowrl rpqllite. ymu :\0. 1. TlleTO nrc lonrly h~nrt' to eh cri h. November29. - C.DELISLEBURNS. M.A. • D.Lit.- What I sa w In France. Rolo (R.) and Duct. Corn!' n,'r smiling liberty... H'''rlpl Qunrtet. rnl1t,ur. Ergo . Se/IlI',prt No. 20 ..\ 11 mon nre eqlln I in thei,· birth. Hymns { No. 61 .•~ Dohl,· .. order yet oholl 1*. A Hymn Pract;ce. to wh:ch all p e r80;tS d esiroulC of impro!Jinv the hymn lIinll 'ng are invited, i. held at the c/o8e of each Scrm·ce. Oruani. t: H . SlfITD WEIIRTER. 5S . Lorain. Rond. N.r. SundaViya ilomo" n al ireng8 invi. ted to obtain information rruardinu the Society in the Library on ezp""rR;l CollectiOn Of the. SocIety.i8 made at .ach Service. to enabl. thaRe pr08 M t la conlrlbute to Ill, Uycli81. de8irin" to attend I1le Service. arc informed that the Committee have mad. arrange",ent. for hausinu their machineB in the balCmont. The BUild ing is to be let for Mee tIngs, ete Appll ca"on may be mAde to the Cfl retnk"r 12, SOUlh Pl nce, F.C.2 Or to Mr. N. Lids tone, 96. nJaekSlock noad, Flnshury Pnrk. The Chopcl Is Ileen. cd tor &lnrrl u~es . ~'.4 Arrung,, ",ents can be made tor Funernl So vIces Oil npplicatlon to the Sccre!.r) . Lending Library. The Lending Library is open free to Members of the Sooiety on Sunday lrornings before and after the ServiceB. Associates o.nd Non-Members of too Society may undrr oertain conditions be granted the use of the Library upon payment of a subscription of %S. 6d. per annum. The Oatalogue, ineludin&, several supplem"nts, is on sale, price Bd. A written Catalogue, containing up-to-dnte ndditions, is available tor tb<> referenoe ot b()rrowers. Subscriptions towards the purohase and repair of books are invited. WALLIS MANs.onD, "The OuLlook;' Kingsend A venue, Ruhlip, Middlese1- Hon. Librarian. { F. JAM.S, S02, Dalston Lnne, Rackney, E.8. MI •• V. A. ALEXANDER, 165, Ashmor. Road, Paddington, W.9. Trea,urer .. _ _.. MRS. STEVENS, 147a, Olapton Oommon, E.5. Esperanto elrcle and elas8. The Circle will meet cvery Sunday in November, at 8.30 p.m. Light refreshments. The Class for beginners will meet every Wcdn ~s dlty in November at 7. 30 p.m. League of Nations Union Branch. A moeting \vill be h.. ld early in December, particnlors of which will be given in the DeQember MON'rllLY RECOnD. Thow wishing to join the Branch are requested to apply for particular. to R. M. FAIRRALL, HOII SecretatU, 8, Scarborough Rond, Stroud Green, N.4. Tuesday Evening Lectures. The following Lectures will be delivered on the Tuesday evenings ill November, n~ 8 p.m., under the joint auspices of the outh Place Ethical Sooiety nnd the n"tionalist Press .tssociation, at the Rooms of the _tssociation, 4-6, Johnson's Court, Fleet Street. E.O.4. Each Lecturo will be followed by Discussion. November S. Dr. STANTON COlT, re The Future of the Ethical MOVlement.'t 10. Mr. G. E. CUAWll'ORD, " Dci:e rmjuism .and MornJ8'." 17. Mr. J. O. T'noM,ls (Ke riuon), " Is Persecution Ever Ju,stifinble?" 24. Mr. RODEnT ~tRcn, " R as cienoe SUI>ersedod Philosophy? " Sunday Popular eoncerts (C!bamber Mu.lc). The FORTIE'I'II SE.i OX will cOlltinue every nndn~' evening until further notice. November l.-l',anoforte: Ricbnrd R. WltIthew. Violin: Chnxlcs Woodhouse. Vio:a: Ernest 'fonge. T'iolol!ccllo: Chr.rl"" .\. Orabbe. rocalist: R erbert Simmonds. Rermnnn Uoctzls Piano Quartet; " 'nlthcw's Five Diversions for String Trio; Dvorak's Pinno. Quart<>t in D. November S.-THE KUTCRER STRING QU,\.RTET: Samnel Kutcber, Gcorgc "'hitaker, James Lockycr, .,'-'"bro",", Gf1untlott. Pianofo,·te: Gordon Bryan. rocali8t: Dale Smith. Beethoven's String Quartet in 0, Op. 59, Xo. 3; D"bussy's tring Quartet. Xovember 15.-Conc<'rt on bell"lf of THE GERV"R ELWYS FUND FOR MUSICI'NS. Sl'LNCJm. DYRE STRING QUAR1,£T: 'pcncer Dyke, Edwin Qnnifc, Ernr..st Tomlinson, B. Putterson Parker. Pianoforte: Evtl.I'D Suali:. rora:i~t: Plllnkct Greene. Mozart's. String Quartct in 0, K.465; Pclmmnnn's P iano Quintet. November 22.-Pianoforte : Reginn.ld Paul. riolin: H arold Fnirlmrst. Pinno nnd V iolin Sonntn.s; Schumann in D minor; BIg-ar in R minor. November 2fJ.-TnE XINI::iEY PUNO QUAltTJ:T: Olive Bloom, H c rbcrt Kin sof>Y, Frank Hownrcl, Anthony Pini. l'ocaiixtR: Hdon Henscl el, ,Tohn Gcos. Mozurt'. Piano Quartet in E flat; Sebum-ann's Etlld('!:. Symphoniquc-s for l.liano; FaunS's Pinno Qu.artet in 0 minCl r j Vocal Dlle-tS. For further detail8 of the above Concerts see Pro(lrummcs. Doors open at 6.10, commence ut &.30 p.m. Admission Free, with Oollection. Transferable Reserved Sl'nt Tick-ets. 25 . 6d. eSl{'h. f('lT the Hnlf· St nson to D~(ember 20; l'rogrnmn:e Subscription, 2s. 6d. udra. ,Ipplicat'ons should be mn.d c to the Hrn. TlX:'asurcr of thC' Cono!"rts, F . .:.\. H I\WKINS, 13, ,]'huri()w Purk Ron d. Dulwich. S .E.21, nccompnnitd by remittance nnd stnmpC'''d nddrc.F.S>ec1 envclopp. Oommittee meeting on Sundny. November 1, nt 5 P"D1 . l1on. T7'I ' a~.: FRANK A. RAWK1N8, 13, Thnrlo\V Pnrk Rood, Dulwich, S.E.21. Hon. Sec.: ALFRED J. CLEMEN'rS, 8, Finchley IYay, N.S. Hon A88t S6C8 . {Mr•. D. M. CL'MEN'rS, S, Finchley Way, N.S. .. W. S. !U:ADMonE, 64, Lowndes Square, Knightsbridgn, S.W.l. Social Section. 'l'he Monthly Dunee tokes pluee on Fridny, October 30, from 7-11 p.lO., in the large. hall of tho ~\ . hhurton Dluh. Tickets, Ss. each, can b-o obtained from Mrs. UrCLlrFE, or in the Library. A oil'co will bo held at ollth Place on TburS{iny, November 12, r..3~9.30 po.m., when Mr. K. nA,·cr.u'I<·J~ will talk on <I American Boo]{s in Eng1and." On December IQ- ' Mr. RmoLD .JACKSO.N, of Birkbeck College, will t"lk on "Invisible ~les£ongers." Ticht. to these oir6es, Gd. ench, including light refreshments" may bc obtairuxl of Mr •. HAWKINS, or in the Librn·n". A \\' hi .. t Drivo will be held in the ro·stn urnnt of tlle .Ishburton Club on W<duesdov. November 18. 'I'his is strictly limit<>d to twelve tables, so tho,", clesirillg tickets. (price ~ •. , including supper) should npnly ns soon os possible to hI iss M. GIHSON, 10, OleV<'c1on Mansions, Righgat,. Road, :\' .W.5, or in the Library. The _-oV<'mber Monthl~- Donce takes ploce on Friday, November 27, from 7-11 p.m. Tickd. n. for Octo1101' Dunee The Club-room (3rd floor, A.shburton Club, 28, Red Lion Square, W.O.) will be Op"n.' 8 on !londll.l'S, 1\"<<lnc,<luJS :Illd Fridays from 6.3C1-!J.30 p.tn. Ilcfr.~bment.s can ~ obtuim<l at the CI:,!b Restaurant up to 7 p.m. PROGRAMlIE. MONDAY. DI CU IOX. lIr. Fish in oharge. The subject will usually be the previ.
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