www.InsideVandy.com HUSTLER THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2012 ★ 124TH YEAR, NO. 24 ★ THE VOICE OF VANDERBILT SINCE 1888 THE VANDERBILSPTS OR T Jenkins to forgo senior season Living on a prayer SEE SPORTS PAGE 7 Professor evaluation system needs CHRIS HONIBALL/ THE VANDERBILT HUSTLER More than 100 students gathered in Benton Chapel Wednesday night for prayer and praise to unite the religous commu- improvement nity at Vanderbilt, following the decision of 11 student groups to reapply for registered status with clauses prohibited K ELLY HALOM by the university’s all-comers policy remaining in their constitutions. STAFF REPORTER Now that professor evaluations will be The coalition submitted applications available to undergraduate students during Eleven religious Each of our 11 for registered status with constitu- the registration process, some Vanderbilt organizations is a tions containing faith-based require- professors are calling into question the ef- organizations refuse to ments for leadership in an act of pro- ficacy of the evaluation system. faith-based group test against Vanderbilt’s all-comers Director of Teaching for the Math Depart- comply with university’s dedicated to sharing policy. ment John Rafter said he would advise stu- all-comers policy “Each of our 11 organizations is a dents not to make decisions purely based off the light of the faith-based group dedicated to sharing the evaluation forms because of the limita- Gospel of Jesus the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ tions within the system. KYL E BLAINE Christ on campus. on campus. As such, we simply cannot “The averages of categorical data are sta- SENIOR REPORTER allow those who do not share our faith tistically invalid. Looking at those numbers As such, we simply to lead our ministries, as Vanderbilt is looking at nonsense in the first place,” Raf- Eleven student organizations are like- cannot allow those now demands,” the release said. ter said. “I think that a drive to take a class ly to be denied university recognition The 11 groups associated with just because a professor’s teaching it should after applying for registered status with who do not share Vanderbilt Solidarity are Asian Amer- be based on far more first hand knowledge the university. our faith to lead ican Christian Fellowship, Fellowship than a few averages of some multiple choice The group of organizations, calling it- our ministries, as of Christian Athletes, Cru, Medical questions.” self Vanderbilt Solidarity in a statement Christian Fellowship, Navigators, According to Rafter there is a fundamen- released April 9, said it could not in Vanderbilt now de- Graduate Christian Fellowship, tal difference between two students saying good faith comply with the university’s mands. Bridges International, Lutheran Stu- that someone is average versus one person requirement that all registered student dent Fellowship, Every Nation Minis- saying someone is poor and another one say- groups must have open membership and V ANDERBILT SoLIDARITY tries, Beta Upsilon Chi and Christian ing they are above average. leadership policies, regardless of race, EXCERPT FROM STATEMENT Legal Society. “This system says they’re equivalent. gender, sexual orientation and religion. see RELIGION page 2 see EVALUATIonS page 2 Vanderbilt social H ail to the chief enterprise generates national attention KATIR E K OG ton’s support of the company STAFF REPORTER have recently been featured on Good Morning America, Bill Clinton recognized Fast Company and Bloom- Triple Thread, an organiza- berg. tion started by Vanderbilt Triple Thread was found- students to provide jobs for ed in 2010 by then-senior ex-convicts, in an April 2 Kyle McCollum, along with interview with ABC News other Vanderbilt students. about the Clinton Global Ini- The company employs resi- tiative. dents of the Dismas House, The Clinton Global Initia- a halfway house in Nashville tive is an annual summit for former offenders. The which funds and encourages company produces custom t- organizations started by col- shirts, but the purpose of the lege students. Triple Thread company goes far beyond the was one of two organizations product. that Clinton focused on dur- According to Chris Cole, a ing his interview with ABC. founding member of Triple “If every college in America Thread, McCollom had the within 40 miles of a prison idea for the company when did that, it could have a huge he was living and volunteer- CHRIS HONIBALL/ THE VANDERBILT HUSTLER impact,” Clinton told ABC ing at Dismas House during News. his senior year at Vanderbilt. Maryclaire Manard was inducted into the office of Student Body President during a turnover ceremony in the Student Life Center Board of Trust Room Wednesday. Triple Thread and Clin- see TRIPLE THREAD page 2 ABBOTT WEST SELF STORAGE • Prepaid summer storage discounts • Lowest box prices around 615-320-5700 • Affordable monthly pricing www.absolutemgmt.com/abbottwest • Ask us about our referral program [email protected] • Closest storage facility to Vandy ★ ★ ★ 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2012 THE VANDERBILT HUSTLER WWW.INSIDEVANDY.COM TRIE PL THREAD: Tight-knit team crucial to success RELIGION: Decision comes after Vanderbilt Catholic goes off campus from RELIGION page 1 Vice Chancellor for Public Af- troversy with House Bill 3576, Beta Upsilon Chi, Graduate fairs Beth Fortune reiterated which, if passed, will prohibit Christian Fellowship, Christian the all-comers policy in an email public universities in the state Legal Society and Fellowship of statement to The Hustler. from enforcing nondiscrimina- Christian Athletes have been on “All registered student groups tion policies on religious student provisional status since last fall, at Vanderbilt must be open to all groups. when the university reviewed all students, and members in good The Tennessee Board of Re- student organizations to check standing must have the oppor- gents Chancellor John Morgan for compliance with it’s all-com- tunity to seek leadership posi- told Nashville Public Radio that C HRIS HONIBALL/ FILE PHOTO ers policy. tions, and we stand behind this he did not see how the bill would from TRIPLE THREAD page 1 The statement comes two policy,” Fortune said. “Vander- affect public institutions. Since Triple Thread began, T riple Thread employee Wil- weeks after Vanderbilt Catholic bilt trusts our students to decide “Far as I know, that has not the company has employed liam Williams prints some decided to not reapply for regis- who among those seeking office been an issue at any of the pub- more than 30 Dismas House of the first t-shirts at the tered student organization sta- are chosen for those positions. lic institutions in Tennessee, yet Triple Thread Apparel Ware- residents to create 16,000 tus, saying its ability to choose The university does not dictate we’re going to pass a law that house Friday, September shirts for more than 160 cus- 10th. Williams continues to leaders who share the Catholic who can and cannot be chosen.” only applies to public institu- tomers. work with Triple Thread to faith is necessary for its exis- The Tennessee state legisla- tions? It’s hard for me to under- “My favorite thing is seeing the present day. tence. ture has responded to the con- stand that,” Morgan said. ★ hope and confidence restored to former offenders simply be- Cole said that his favor- cause they have a supportive ite part of Triple Thread is community and the opportu- former offender and current nity to work and earn wages,” Lead Printer William Wil- Triple Thread Marketing and liams. Whereas most of the All-comers policy Development Manager Lily employees remain at Dis- Smith said. mas House for a time rang- targeted by According to Smith, the com- ing from a couple of days to pany does not have any plans a little more than a month, television ads to expand in the near future, Williams has remained as a KYLE BLAINE but they would like to eventu- full-time employee through- SENIOR REPORTER ally develop a retail line. out Triple Thread’s entire Triple Thread received history. Restore Religious Freedom at startup funding from the “He (Williams) is the heart- Vanderbilt, a group opposed to Clinton Global Initiative and beat of Triple Thread,” Cole the all-comers policy at the uni- Corrections Corporation of said. “Simultaneously its versity, began an ad campaign America. In 2011, the Frist greatest success story and its Tuesday imploring alumni to Foundation awarded Triple secret weapon.” stop making donations until Thread $30,000 to buy a new For more information about administration officials change press and to update their web- Triple Thread, visit http:// their position on the issue. T o see the ad, go to www.InsideVandy.com site. triplethreadapparel.com. ★ “Why is Vanderbilt Univer- sity forcing student groups to dia and will air on the Fox net- The ad campaign comes before abandon their beliefs — call- work in Nashville. the Board of Trust meetings next ing bigoted those who want Vice Chancellor for Public Af- week, and is part of a renewed their leaders to subscribe to fairs Beth Fortune responded public effort to draw attention to EAUV L ATIONS: their principles?” the ad asks. Wednesday to the television the controversy over whether the “Vanderbilt now demands these media campaign. university should require all stu- groups adopt a code of politi- “We are aware of the commer- dent organizations to have open Committee to revamp cal correctness or be forced off cial and find it interesting and membership and leadership poli- campus. Now it’s up to alumni unfortunate that a third-party cies, regardless of race, gender, to use their leverage.” out-of-state group is investing sexual orientation and religion. fromevaluation EVALUATIONS page process 1 dissatisfaction in thewith the fall instru- According to a report in The resources to inject itself into The ad is funded by Americans They’re not equivalent,” Rafter ment itself.” Tennessean, the media cam- what is a student organization United for Freedom, an advocacy said.
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