Environmental Events Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol Swansea Abertawe February - July 2011 Chwefror - Gorffennaf Introduction This is the first of two editions of the 2011 Environmental Events booklet and provides details of over 230 events taking place in and around Swansea from mid-February to the end of July. These events include guided walks and cycle rides through some of the UK’s most beautiful countryside, and a wide range of talks, workshops and training courses about wildlife and environmental issues. There are also lots of children’s activities in local nature reserves, in parks, on beaches and in other interesting places. Most of the events are FREE or at low cost so everyone can get involved. This booklet is compiled by the City and County of Swansea’s Nature Conservation Team with the support of Swansea Environmental Education Forum (SEEF) and funding from the Countryside Council for Wales. If you have relevant events for the second edition, which will cover the period from June to December 2011, then please contact the Nature Conservation Team (contact details below). Please note that information on events run by other organisations is published in good faith and the City and County of Swansea cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. For further information on local organisations, please refer to the contact list at the back of the booklet. Additional events may also be listed on their websites. City and County of Swansea Nature Conservation Team Tel: 01792 635749 Email: [email protected] Website: www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam 2 Cyflwyniad Hwn yw'r cyntaf o ddau rifyn o daflen Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol 2011 ac mae'n darparu manylion am fwy na 230 o ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir yn Abertawe a'r cylch o ganol mis Chwefror tan ddiwedd Gorffennaf. Mae'r digwyddiadau hyn yn cynnwys teithiau cerdded tywys a theithiau beicio trwy rai o fannau gwledig harddaf y DU, ac amrywiaeth eang o sgyrsiau, gweithdai a chyrsiau hyfforddiant ynglyn ˆ â bywyd gwyllt a materion amgylcheddol. Mae llawer o weithgareddau i blant hefyd mewn gwarchodfeydd natur lleol, mewn parciau, ar draethau ac mewn lleoedd diddorol eraill. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r digwyddiadau AM DDIM neu'n rhad fel y gall pawb gymryd rhan. Lluniwyd y daflen hon gan Dîm Cadwraeth Natur Dinas a Sir Abertawe gyda chymorth Fforwm Addysg Amgylcheddol Abertawe (FfAAA) ac arian gan Gyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Os ydych yn cynnal digwyddiadau perthnasol i'w cynnwys yn yr ail rifyn, ar gyfer y cyfnod rhwng Mehefin a Rhagfyr 2011, cysylltwch â'r Tîm Cadwraeth Natur (gweler y manylion cyswllt isod). Sylwer bod gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir gan sefydliadau eraill yn cael ei chyhoeddi'n ddidwyll ac ni fydd Dinas a Sir Abertawe'n derbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw wallau. Am fwy o wybodaeth am sefydliadau lleol, gweler restr y cysylltiadau ar gefn y daflen. Mae'n bosib y rhestrir digwyddiadau ychwanegol ar eu gwefannau. Tîm Cadwraeth Natur Dinas a Sir Abertawe Ffôn: 01792 635749 E-bost: [email protected] Gwefan: www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam 3 Biodiversity in Swansea The City and County of Swansea’s natural environment is of outstanding quality and beauty. The diversity of landscapes and habitats include upland moorland, coastal cliffs, sandy beaches, heathland, woodland, wetlands, river valleys, grasslands, sand dunes and estuaries. These habitats, together with the many historic parks and gardens, pockets of urban green-space and large areas of farmland, support a huge diversity of plant and animal species and make Swansea one of the most attractive and ecologically diverse counties in the UK. There are, however, many threats to Swansea’s wonderful biodiversity such as lack of awareness, inappropriate management, recreational pressure, invasive species, pollution, climate change and development. To find out more about biodiversity in Swansea and what you can do to help visit www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam or make a pledge for biodiversity in Wales at www.biodiversitywales.org.uk. Swansea’s Nature Network Swansea’s Nature Network is an innovative multi-site approach to increasing visitation and economic development across the City and County of Swansea’s community wildlife sites. The project will capitalise on Swansea’s natural environment by promoting and improving access to and enjoyment of a network of wildlife sites and natural open spaces in and around urban Swansea. A wide range of events have been organised throughout the year as part of this project. Swansea’s Nature Network is a project part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Assembly Government and is a component element of the Countryside Council for Wales’ Communities and Nature strategic project. 4 Bioamrywiaeth yn Abertawe Mae amgylchedd naturiol Dinas a Sir Abertawe o ansawdd a harddwch eithriadol. Ymhlith yr amrywiaeth o dirweddau a chynefinoedd mae gweundir uchel, clogwyni arfordirol, traethau tywodlyd, rhostir, coetir, gwlyptiroedd, cymoedd afonydd, glaswelltir, twyni tywod ac aberoedd. Mae'r cynefinoedd hyn, ynghyd â'r llu o barciau a gerddi hanesyddol, mannau gwyrdd trefol ac ardaloedd helaeth o ffermdir, yn cynnal amrywiaeth aruthrol o rywogaethau planhigion ac anifeiliaid ac yn gwneud Abertawe'n un o siroedd mwyaf deniadol ac ecolegol amrywiol y DU. Fodd bynnag, mae bioamrywiaeth ragorol Abertawe’n wynebu llawer o fygythiadau megis diffyg ymwybyddiaeth, rheoli amhriodol, pwysau gweithgareddau hamdden, rhywogaethau ymledol, llygredd, newid yn yr hinsawdd a datblygiadau. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am fioamrywiaeth yn Abertawe a'r hyn y gallwch ei wneud i helpu, ewch i www.abertawe.gov.uk/natureconservationteam neu gwnewch addewid dros fioamrywiaeth yng Nghymru ar www.biodiversitywales.org.uk. Rhwydwaith Natur Abertawe Ymagwedd aml-safle flaengar at gynyddu nifer yr ymwelwyr a'r datblygiadau ar draws safleoedd bywyd gwyllt cymunedol Dinas a Sir Abertawe. Bydd y prosiect yn manteisio ar amgylchedd naturiol Abertawe trwy hyrwyddo a gwella mynediad i rwydwaith o safleoedd bywyd gwyllt a mannau agored naturiol yn Abertawe a'r cylch, a'r cyfle i'w fwynhau. Mae amrywiaeth eang o ddigwyddiadau wedi cael eu trefnu trwy gydol y flwyddyn fel rhan o'r prosiect hwn. Prosiect a ariennir yn rhannol gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop trwy Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yw Rhwydwaith Natur Abertawe ac mae'n elfen gydrannol o brosiect strategol Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru, Cymunedau a Natur. 5 Everyone Welcome Most events listed are open to anyone. Please always be considerate to others and the environment – remember the countryside code and use sustainable travel where possible. Cancellations: The event leader will usually be at the start of an event even if it has been cancelled due to poor weather or other circumstances. To avoid unnecessary journeys, you may wish to call in advance. Disability: If you have a visual, hearing or mobility disability and need further details in order to join in some of these events, please contact the organiser for more information. Dogs: Dogs are not allowed at many events, especially countryside walks. Please call event leader to check. Car Parking: Not all walks or other events start from recognised car parks. Please be considerate when parking and take care not to obstruct gates, other vehicles, etc. Sustainable Travel: Many of the events in RESPECT this booklet can be accessed using public PROTECT transport or cycling. For bus routes and ENJOY timetables please contact: Traveline Cymru at www.traveline-cymru.info or on 0871 200 2233 or visit the BayTrans website www.baytrans.org.uk. PARCHWCH DIOGELWCH Croeso i Bawb MWYNHEWCH Mae croeso i unrhyw un gymryd rhan yn y rhan fwyaf o'r digwyddiadau a restrir yma. Cofiwch fod yn ystyriol o bobl eraill a'r amgylchedd bob tro - cofiwch y côd cefn gwlad a defnyddiwch gludiant cynaliadwy lle bo modd. Canslo: Fel arfer bydd arweinydd y digwyddiad yn bresennol ar ddechrau digwyddiad, hyd yn oed os yw wedi cael ei ganslo oherwydd tywydd gwael neu amgylchiadau eraill. I osgoi teithiau diangen, mae'n syniad i chi ffonio ymlaen llaw. Anabledd: Os oes gennych nam ar eich golwg neu'ch clyw neu anabledd symudedd ac mae angen mwy o fanylion arnoch er mwyn cymryd rhan yn rhai o'r digwyddiadau hyn, cysylltwch â'r trefnydd am fwy o wybodaeth. Cˆwn: Ni chaniateir cwn ˆ mewn llawer o ddigwyddiadau, yn arbennig ar deithiau cerdded yng nghefn gwlad. Cysylltwch ag arweinydd y digwyddiad i gadarnhau hyn. Meysydd Parcio: Nid yw pob taith gerdded neu ddigwyddiadau eraill yn dechrau o faes parcio cydnabyddedig. Byddwch yn ystyriol wrth barcio a sicrhewch nad ydych yn rhwystro gatiau, cerbydau eraill etc. Cludiant Cynaliadwy: Gellir mynd i lawer o'r digwyddiadau sydd yn y daflen hon trwy ddefnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus neu feicio. I gael llwybrau ac amserlenni bysus, cysylltwch â Traveline Cymru trwy fynd i www.traveline-cymru.info neu ffoniwch 0871 200 2233 neu ewch i wefan BayTrans www.baytrans.org.uk. 6 Penclawdd Local Produce Local Produce and Craft Market Third Saturday of month, Markets 9.30am–12.30pm Below are the details of regular Penclawdd Community Centre, local produce markets in Penclawdd Swansea. Brief entries are listed Local produce market including throughout the booklet with fresh Gower vegetables, fresh details of special events. fish and meat, dairy products, crafts, etc. For further Clydach Local Produce and information contact Craft Market Dave Williams, 01792 850162. Last Saturday of month, 10am–1pm Pennard Produce Market The Moose Hall, Beryl Street, Second Sunday of month, Clydach 9.30am–12.30pm Local produce and crafts, Pennard Community Centre, including cakes, fruit and veg, Pennard cheese, honey, jams and chutney. Local vegetable produce, fresh For further information contact fish and meat, and dairy Helen Hinder, 07707 787791. products. For further information contact Mark Smith, 01792 Gorseinon Food and Craft 232093. Fayre Second Saturday of month, 9.30am–1pm Canolfan Gorseinon Centre, Millers Drive, Gorseinon Local produce, arts and crafts.
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