COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 SESSION OF 2015 199TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 59 SENATE Please note that the letter dated May 7, 2015, for the nomination of Leo Dunn, 3508 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg 17110, Dauphin County, TUESDAY, October 20, 2015 Fifteenth Senatorial District, for appointment as a member of the Penn- sylvania Board of Probation and Parole, to serve until October 3, 2018, The Senate met at 1 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. or until his successor is appointed and qualified, but not longer than ninety days beyond that period, vice Randy Feathers, Altoona, resigned, should be corrected to read: The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack) in the Chair. October 19, 2015 PRAYER Leo Dunn, 3508 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg 17110, Dauphin The Chaplain, Most Reverend JOSEPH C. BAMBERA, County, Fifteenth Senatorial District, for appointment as a member of Bishop of The Diocese of Scranton, offered the following prayer: the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, to serve until October 3, 2018, or until his successor is appointed and qualified, but not longer than ninety days beyond that period, vice Randy Feathers, Altoona, Let us pray. resigned. Lord God, in Your word to Isaiah the prophet You pro- claimed, let justice descend, you heavens, like dew from above, TOM WOLF Governor like gentle rain let the skies drop it down. O God, today we make these words of the prophet our prayer. Let Your spirit descend HOUSE MESSAGES upon our legislators that justice may reign down upon our Com- monwealth, and our laws reflect Your truth. Watch over both the SENATE BILL RETURNED WITH AMENDMENTS powerful and the powerless that the former may always remem- ber the latter in all they do. Grant peace to our communities, The Clerk of the House of Representatives returned to the work to our laborers, health, and prosperity to our citizens. May Senate SB 765, with the information the House has passed the we especially treasure and respect the poor who walk among us same with amendments in which the concurrence of the Senate and who most clearly reflect Your presence and life in our midst. is requested. Help us to serve them generously through the work You have The PRESIDENT. Pursuant to Senate Rule 13(c)(2)(i), the bill entrusted to our care. In all things, may we give thanks as we will be referred to the Committee on Rules and Executive Nomi- remember You, our Creator and gracious God. Amen. nations. The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Bishop Bambera, who is HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE BILL the guest today of Senator Blake. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Clerk of the House of Representatives returned to the Senate SB 890, with the information the House has passed the (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) same without amendments. COMMUNICATION FROM THE GOVERNOR BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED CORRECTION TO NOMINATION The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senate REFERRED TO COMMITTEE Bills numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which were read by the Clerk: The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following com- munication in writing from His Excellency, the Governor of the October 20, 2015 Commonwealth, which was read as follows and referred to the Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations: Senators FONTANA and SCHWANK presented to the Chair MEMBER OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SB 1024, entitled: An Act repealing the act of February 12, 2004 (P.L.73, No.11), BOARD OF PROBATION AND PAROLE entitled "An act providing for intergovernmental cooperation in cities of the second class; establishing an intergovernmental authority; provid- October 20, 2015 ing for financing, for bankruptcy and for sovereign immunity; and mak- ing an appropriation." To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: 1104 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE OCTOBER 20, Which was committed to the Committee on COMMUNITY, HB 1411 (Pr. No. 2397) (Amended) ECONOMIC AND RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Octo- An Act amending Title 26 (Eminent Domain) of the Pennsylvania ber 20, 2015. Consolidated Statutes, in special damages for displacement, further providing for moving and related expenses of displaced persons, for Senators VULAKOVICH, BARTOLOTTA, SCARNATI, replacement housing for homeowners and for replacement housing for COSTA, DINNIMAN, FONTANA, GREENLEAF, tenants and others. HAYWOOD, HUTCHINSON, RAFFERTY, SCAVELLO, LEGISLATIVE LEAVES VOGEL, YUDICHAK, BAKER, BROWNE, BROOKS, WAG- NER, WARD and AUMENT presented to the Chair SB 1039, The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from entitled: Centre, Senator Corman. A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, I request temporary the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for exemptions and special provisions. Capitol leaves for Senator Greenleaf, Senator Rafferty, and Sena- tor Ward, and a legislative leave for Senator Gordner. Which was committed to the Committee on VETERANS The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from AFFAIRS AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, October 20, Allegheny, Senator Costa. 2015. Senator COSTA. Mr. President, I request temporary Capitol leaves for Senator Leach and Senator Williams. Senators TEPLITZ, WOZNIAK, SABATINA, COSTA, The PRESIDENT. Senator Corman requests temporary DINNIMAN, GREENLEAF, TARTAGLIONE, RAFFERTY Capitol leaves for Senator Greenleaf, Senator Rafferty, and Sena- and AUMENT presented to the Chair SB 1040, entitled: tor Ward, and a legislative leave for Senator Gordner. An Act designating the bridge on State Route 225 that crosses the Senator Costa requests temporary Capitol leaves for Senator Armstrong Creek in Halifax Township, Dauphin County, as the Staff Leach and Senator Williams. Sergeant Brian K. Mowery Memorial Bridge. Without objection, the leaves will be granted. Which was committed to the Committee on TRANSPORTA- LEAVE OF ABSENCE TION, October 20, 2015. Senator CORMAN asked and obtained a leave of absence for BILLS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE Senator ARGALL, for today's Session, for personal reasons. Senator RAFFERTY, from the Committee on Transportation, JOURNAL APPROVED reported the following bills: The PRESIDENT. The Journal of the Session of September SB 62 (Pr. No. 41) 16, 2015, is now in print. The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the Session of An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consoli- September 16, 2015. dated Statutes, in licensing of drivers, further providing for probationary Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, I move that further reading license. of the Journal be dispensed with and that the Journal be ap- proved. SB 146 (Pr. No. 93) On the question, An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consoli- Will the Senate agree to the motion? dated Statutes, in accidents and accident reports, further providing for duty to give information and render aid. The yeas and nays were required by Senator CORMAN and were as follows, viz: HB 838 (Pr. No. 1006) YEA-48 An Act designating a bridge on that portion of Garrett Road over the Darby Creek, Upper Darby Township, Delaware County, as the Alloway Eichelberger McIlhinney Tomlinson Honorable Nicholas A. Micozzie Bridge. Aument Farnese Mensch Vance Baker Folmer Pileggi Vogel Bartolotta Fontana Rafferty Vulakovich HB 1278 (Pr. No. 1836) Blake Gordner Sabatina Wagner Boscola Greenleaf Scarnati Ward An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consoli- Brewster Haywood Scavello White Brooks Hughes Schwank Wiley dated Statutes, in other required equipment, further providing for televi- Browne Hutchinson Smucker Williams sion equipment. Corman Kitchen Stefano Wozniak Costa Leach Tartaglione Yaw HB 1335 (Pr. No. 1817) Dinniman McGarrigle Teplitz Yudichak An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consoli- NAY-0 dated Statutes, in powers of department and local authorities, further providing for emergency telephones along Pennsylvania Turnpike. A majority of the Senators having voted "aye," the question was determined in the affirmative. The PRESIDENT. The Journal is approved. 2015 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 1105 GUESTS OF SENATOR MICHELE BROOKS end J. Carroll McCormick and was ordained to the priesthood on PRESENTED TO THE SENATE November 5, 1983, by the Most Reverend John J. O'Connor. Bishop Bambera's first priestly assignment was as assistant The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentlewoman pastor of the Church of Saint Mary of the Assumption in from Mercer, Senator Brooks. Scranton. He served in this position until 1987 when he was Senator BROOKS. Mr. President, today I have the pleasure appointed assistant pastor of the Cathedral of Saint Peter in the of introducing Hannah Leonard and John-Michael Yurisic, who city of Scranton. In 1989, Bishop Bambera was appointed to are Serving as guest Pages in the Senate. Both Hannah and further studies in Canon Law, awarded a licentiate in Canon Law John-Michael are eighth-grade honor students at Saint Michael from Saint Paul's University in Ottawa, Canada, and a master's School in Greenville. degree in Canon Law from the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Hannah is the daughter of John and Kathy Leonard. She is the Canada. Following the completion of graduate studies, he was vice president of her eighth-grade class and has participated in appointed judge in the Tribunal of the Diocese of Scranton. In the Academic League Games of America, the Youngstown Eng- 1995, Bishop Bambera was appointed by Bishop Timlin to as- lish Festival, the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science, and sume the role of Vicar for Priests for the Diocese of Scranton and National History Day. She is a member of her school's varsity at the same time, he became the Diocesan director of continuing cheerleading squad, track and field team, choir, and band. Addi- education for priests. While serving in numerous diocesan posi- tionally, she choreographs school musicals and volunteers at tions, Bishop Bambera was appointed administrator and then Saint Paul's Nursing Home. pastor of the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus in Scranton. He John-Michael is the son of Mike and Beth Yurisic.
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