. ·... - .... ~ -~- -~ . .. !--· .. ~ , . ; \ .OP ERATI:NG ENGINE'ERS .LOCAL l ·sTATIONARY ·ENGI·NEERS LOCA~ 39 .- . VOl. 12-No. 4 SAN fRANCISCO. • CALIFORNIA APRIL, 1954 Cdliforitia, NeVada Members- I. I ·E 8 ~ CD ti t r1 ry IS-. it Last Day to Register: In Calif.-- April 15; in NeYada, April 30 YO~ M~ ST ~ ~ Gg;) 'f g~ !?~~- tion for another term- by default of the v oters. · 1. F OM fwve fli'HHI' ed since yo1_1 knzt registered, er There are millions of people all You dffd fG.@f v ote i n the l ti.~st ge raetr e:li ele(;ticm, or ai:ound the world who would give their right a.rm to become Ameri­ 3. Y©u lwve duaru;:~d ;•oa~ r name ·or just come can citizens,. and you can be sure of ~ g e, or ,. the y would treas ure a right and ANOTHER ENGINEER JO~Th i s look-down view from high over a duty such as voting. They would the San Francisco Bay shows the . recently com pleted Texa.s Oil Com~ 4. r 024 have n~t registered in the state bef-ore. do a tiwusand · times more than pany plant at Richmond. A num ber of: Local 3 m en, worldng for vario1L1S. we !lo· as citizens .lust rfor the pre­ local firms, participated in m ost phases of construction on this n eMr We cannot sttess too strongly the importanc"e of all Oper­ cious ·right of citizenship. · pl~t. Picttire was taken by Bro. J im Jennings of Local 3. a:ting Engineers taking part in this year's vital elections, ana The rest of th'e world also is. it may depend upon your actions in the next few days whether wli-tchlng and waiting to see ho\~ or not you will have any part at all in this year's voting. we conduct ourselves in this year's elections. If America . turns out ~HERE'S WHERE YOU REGISTER - ' Thousands of voters in California are going to lose their and votes it will be a plain signal Hn· 'San Francisco} vote this year simply . because they don't vote in the vital to the ·world that we. are vigorous election-and they won't.be · able to vote in the pri­ and interested .in our . democracy. Registration deputies will · be Walgreen 'Drug Co., Stonestov;:n, primary But if we lag in ·this fund!Unental available at· t he following loca­ 1 p.m. to 9 . p.m. ,., . mary if ·they are not prop-erly registered-last day to reiis- of _r egis­ duty it will be an impo! tant vic- ·tions to _take affidavits :!\fission District--' ~ 15. · 2nd ter ·in' Calif01•nia' is ··next Thursqay, April tory to other ideologies, whos·e ex- · tration from Frida y, April Sears, Roebuck ' <Co.,· Al'my & Undei' California's vicious cross- pon e nt~ ar~ lJope~qlly aw~iting through~ April 15th: ·Mission, 9:45 a.m. to 5:25 ;p.rn. ,to s_ee that they are fl~Operl y reg~ weakness and _decline of American ~tM system about half of the of- istered. _ Downtowl\­ (Monday ·and Friday, 12:30 p.m .. den1ocracy. fices are filled at .the pril'l\ary_ In addition to getting your pre­ Emporium, 835 Market St., 9;30 t o 9 p:m.) you neglect to reg- election-so if cious vote in' order, see to it that , a.m .. to 5:30 p.m. Owl Drug, 16th & · Mission, 1 ister a nd vote in ·the primary you other members· of your fami'y and Macy's, Stockton & O'Farrell, P,:m. ·to 9 p:m. will have no say on who fills these ·,all your friends ar_ e properly regis. 9:30a.m. to 5:30p.m. Hale's, 22nd & Mission 9:30 a .m. offices. · -, , , tered to go to the polls in the pri- Death Benefits Paid White House, Sutter & Grant, to 5:30 p.m . (Monday and Fride.y, . · . On the other hand, if you vote inary election.· 10 -- a.m. to 6 p.m 1 12 noon to 8 p.m.) in the primary you have greater The politicians hope. we will fall Under Independent, City of Paris, Geary & Stockton, Outer 1\fission- . choice of candidates. In the gen- for -the old line, "I won't bother to 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Safeway, 4940 Mission ·(Geneya era! .election the choice ' is greatly v ote in the prima ry; but I'll vote (Above_ stores, Mondays ~n ly , & Onondaga), 9:30a.m. to 5:30p.m . n a rr owed down, an·d usually you in the general election." AGC Welfare Plans ~ • open yntil 9 .p.m.) . E ureka Valley- have to choose. only between the They know we are busy with The benefiCiaries of t he follow- B'ank of America, 1 Powell St ., Wulzen's Rexall Pharmacy, 18th lesser of two evils. spring and summer wor,k and va- ing deceased member s have · re- 10 a.m. to 6·p.m. & Castro, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. In Nevada, the l~st day to reg- .cation thoughts, and they . dearly ceived the death benefit payment Bank of America,· 300 Montgom- from· the AGC Health and Weifare ery, 8:30a.m. to 5 p.m. Bayview- ister for the ,primary election is hope w e will fail to vote 'in the Torino Market, 3rd & P alau, 12 Matson Bl(ig., 215 Ma, rket, 9:30 April 30. · All members are urged primary, thus cinching their elec- Plan: . noon to 8 p.m. Da.te Pd. Amt. a.m. to 5:30p.m. R p; · ~ L i d Bakas, Albert J. 2-26-54, $2 000 omers nar macy, 0 8 e an . ' Upper Market- Ave. , 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. 0 0 g:~.~·e:. ·:ilbur ;=i~=:! ~:o~o W e!ns5t:3i0n's, 1051 Market, 9:30 I F ar mer' s Market, Bayshore Bl\•d. a. m. to · p.m. ,- (F riaay ~n d SatuRday only), 9:_30 ~ l;LFARE 2-10-54 4,000 Merritt, -Oran B. I _ of members who have p II D'str1'ct- am to o ·3Q p m · ' / The following _lists 'contain the nam,_s 1 Monroe, John 2-10-54 2 000 o { 1 ·- · · · · ....< r:eceived benefit payments under the health and welfare plans, IRevilla, Marcelino 2_10_54 z:ooo ABC Rexall Drug Store, Polk & P otrero- · · and the amount of each payment. One list shows those under the ___ _ ICalifornia, 12 noon to 8 p.m. Warehouse, 150 P otr ero Ave., 8 f · am to 5 p m ( clo d s t dav l · AGC plan, and the other tho~e u_ nder Independent Plan. T heb enefi c1anes· -· · o f ht e o 11 ow- North Beach- , . se a ur . ·Gc PI - ~ d . d 't PI mg deceased members have re-[ Reina's Venice Drug Store, 532· .·· : ~~ , er · . an n epen en : an ceived the death benefit paym~nt Columqus, 12 noon to s p.m. U• d A . · from the Independent ConstructiOn . · · b h ' D' · · . Marma Distr)ct- · T he followmg· ·. meml:iers· .h ave' · re-· The 1ollowmg mem ers ave re- IVISIOns . S f · L b d b t . '" . · d. ' ·f th I Date Pd Amt a eway, 2444 om ar , e w. · ceiv. ed pay~ents .fro.m. tht AG9 f ceive . pay_m. e~ts ,. rom e - c~~- - . ' - . 2-9 ~54. $2,00~ Scott & , Div:isadero, 9:30 , a.m. _, _ . Health and ·.Welfare ,Plan: J' s~ructwn dlV1SIOn and other ~1v1- C~r~, Chester 5:30 ~-rri~' ' · - .. ·. s1ons of the Independent Plan; G~hs, James . 1~12 .~5-t 2,000 · · · · . Name. · . Amount Name .· Amollrit Gray,_Claude L 6-11-53 2,000 Fillmcire Distric_t;;..:._ Agar·d.' Charles .. , ............:. _. .. $ 32.0Q Acc11.tino, Thomas ....... :...... $ 4w,76 Hatcher, _Will - 1-26-54 4,000 Safeway, Turk &, Filimore, ASliLEY S. BOYD. -'}lbomco, John .................... -· 180.75 Ackel, Nick ........... .'.. ........... ~ 121.50 . Hudman, Al~~rt 12-30-53 2,000 no;o~l;o~t~~. Fillmore at Geary, Oiikland, Calif., Mar. :>, 1954 ,George_ 9.-3 -53 4,000- Allen; Sl}erman , ....... :.... ,::-- 30.00 Ada!fis, Joe ........: ... , :............ 7'8.00 . K~llogg, MAT_T HOFFMAN Raymond E ' ... :.. .4 King! Manu.el W. -9-6-53 2,00.0 9:30 . a.rri: to 5:30 p.m. · Alter, Robert.. .. , ..... ,. .........; .. 54.00 ·Adams, ~. 88 5 Oakland, Calif., Mar .. lO, 1954 ,A:nderson1 An!lrew· H. -........ 15;0() ,A.dler, George. ~ .. , ....~ ::.: :·...... •- 20R75 Meier, JQhn, E_. 12-30-53 2,QO_Q Haight AshQur.y~ JOE_PIMEN.['EL Anderson;_ Osc!j.r A .. ..... : ...... : ~ 3~~.30_, Alberich, J. ,V. .................... 95.00 I Moore, Homer · 4-24-53 2,00~ Superba· ~a r ket; _ . Haight & ·Bel- Hal~ ·Moon Bay, ·Calif. ,_ :,.... 17.00 Albrecht, Donald ............. ~ . 142.40 Nevers, Arth~r D. 9 - ~0-53 '· 2,000 veder:e, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ~~d_; rson, Turner ,W ... I M ar. 13, 1954 .A:pland, Robert E. ·.. ........... : 1.0.00, Aldridge, c. D ........... ,:...... 101.00 Paret, Cornelius 3- 5 -53 4,000 Richmond Distdct- PROBST A;rchibald, Emanuel ,.... : ,.... 275.14. Aldridg-2, Gerald ....... :...... 25:oo· Roberts, George D. 3-29-54 2•000 'Sears, ·Roebuck Co., Masonic & I LEE E. ( Rockaway Beach, Calif., Atkin_s,- :Leslie E . .... ,.... :...... _ _'514.85 Alexander , Cecil ......... ,...... 8.50 Souza, August 11- 8 -53 __ 2,000 G 9 : 30 a.m. t o- 5 :30 p.m. on · A _ eary, Mar . 23, · 1954 tkinson, ·J?ert _W.
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