Presidential Files; Folder: 4/2/80; Container 157

Presidential Files; Folder: 4/2/80; Container 157

4/2/80 Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 4/2/80; Container 157 To See Complete Finding Aid: WITHDRAWAL SHEET(PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) " FORM OF CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT " rnerno Bob Thomson to the President. 4/1/80 c Re: Senator S,. I; Hayak,awa. (1 p.) ' '0 0 ' 0 ' 0 ,, ,0 0 ' • ' " ' . I> ,, � 0 : ', ' " 0· ' ... FILE LOCATION Carter P;r-es�d�'p.tial Papers,... Staff. Offices, Office of· Sta,ff Sec ..... 'P;r-es. "Handwriti;i'ig,Fil�, "4/2/80�". Box 179 R�STRICTION COOl::� . ,.,. ') ' (A) Closed by Exec�tive Order 12356'governin\:�caccess to national security information.' (8) .. Closed by statute or'by the agency which originated the document: (G) Clo�ed in acC:ordance with restrictions contained in the donor's aeed of· gift .. , ------------��------��--------�------�--�-=-- NATIONAL AFiCHIVESAND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION NA FORM • 0 1429 (6-85) � •' (] .... 0 � :. THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE NOT ISSUED Wednesday - April 2, 1980 7:30//' Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski The Oval Office. C<:�-� Breakfast with Economic Advisers. ( 60 min.) Kahn) - The Cabinet Room. Signing Ceremony for Windfall Profits Tax Legislation. (Mr. Frank Moore) - East Room. (,u(. "'�t)J,_..�;> 10:00 Mr. Hamilton Jordan and Mr. Frank Moore. The Oval Office. 12:10 GREETINGS/PHOTOGRAPHS - The Oval Office. (SEE ATTACHED) PRIVATE LUNCHEON WITH MR. IRVING SHAPIRO/ BUSINESS LEADERS. (Ms. Anne Wexler). Second Floor Private Dining Room. I 1:4 5 Mr. Hedley Donovan The Oval Office. ( 30 min.) 2.;.-:fo Reception Honoring--Bl-ack -Artists. (Mr. Louis V{15 min.) Martin) - The State Floor. r-: 30 Buffet/Briefing for Senate Group. (Mr. Frank Moore) - The State Floor. �-ru-t::.) . GREETINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS Wednesday -April 2, 1981 / _ : _ _ 1 Ambassador Philip C. Habib. (Dr. Zbigniew ( Pmrn.) Brzezinski) - The Oval Office. � 12:,� 5 Congressman Harley 0. Staggers and Ms.� Lisa (3 D. Simmons, West Virginia Strawberry estival Queen. (Mr. Frank Moore). n The Oval Office. Presentation of the Cancer Courage Award to Mr. Otto Graham, Athletic Director, u.s. Coast Guard Academy. (Ms. Anne Wexler) - Oval Office. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 02 Apr 80 secretary Brown The attached was returned in the President's outbox today and is forwarded to you for appropriate handling. Rick Hutcheson . :_·: _ .. __ ,_. :. ., . --.--.·-.;_·:- ,- i ·i. ;·:··------� . :. : THE WHITE HOUSE -- 'JfJtJft� - . - �· - -- WASHINGTON {� .. · ... ... .. .. � . a..> fo-zn.--c . �/'J"Jj�.trW fr' �� de/ - -- . : . ___ - - /;._ -· · . · c<2/�� ht � L?Jc �A/ . -' . � . - · . · .. ),.J /�/· � ; »re � - -· · _. - - · -- - -- · - - . ' . - ) �- �� _ ,_ -, - ' - _ . - 4' /W/�- -. - � . · . ..... - -- . - r·•-- � J(P . \ . -: -."":.· - -i-. ::...·:· - · .:· . · · · ...,...- - . -- . � - - --· - . -- - . : - : . - _ . :: . _ . - . - .. - - -- �- . : - - __:_ ----=-� - - - -, � - -- - - , - - · - · . - .. - -- - - - - _ . - - _ . - • . · : : -:- . - · _ · - � , - :: � · : :·- - - =>-i: - :· . - :_ . :2:-�:��ut - - - - - --� - - .- - - -- . - - . - . _____:: - :__ -- -.:. - :.:.::: ---- ---· - . - - ·.. - � - -- - l � � . )0�,��:·�=-,:���i.;{L,;'C( • ' - : \' - · . , .· ,: .· ''<�f{t,:,";·:p {\? _'j't, , }2 . Til E. \\".\1.1. � STRE.E.T JOl'R� Al��ll��l_nl·�day._ April __!. I'J���- l,M.ob�l '1... "''�""': 0(JViris:�154:.2,.Jtl��@J,;;,Q?f}if§fl.C. - - · ·: --F --� - From u:·s�--Des iierJ\hiwJ{eb·.o:-· >-� carter: � :­ _ . ' . ' . , · . , '�:�;::.. •' .. ·�·. .c-:.:;�-'��:. r:"�;� -- •. ' ·� H}l u WALL .STREETJO!."R:-IAL Stu//_ Reporz..,- ·-'-_>" wA.SHiNGTON_:__.Mobil-_Oil··Corp:-� :gOt. =�·_;_�:neV.-·: rebuke -fro��Piesident and ·:·=new Sl54.2 million> i:ontract. the Deferisi{l�ie1 - n . : · . m Departme t'-' :::,�;::�:ci:;�.;;,;;�:: � <:� ;__ cdifica.tloltl.. .- :_-_. __ . The jet fuel e . contz:act..Jssuea by th De-' - - c-Three-lnc.; :··-:-·fense l..cgisticsAgenc y; v.'i;s armciun� only_ Army-- ""••t.-�"·t� .,._ · a ·few hours 3..fter the President renewed his .mente:, -�-eriticis1D·of the Mobir'corp':su"bsidiary for - - Loc:k he"E� �ussiJes - what'lie sai " were ·Violatfcms" o the" ·.·: d f · · · · - • t·--ffient's .Volimta:Xf · · :-;;:::-_rlay's:�cnticism,· -�--�,_,.___ )ri•�etimg ·of _. �-.-:� -struct.lon. union. :·:·� ,- �- e t replay-of_the _!h� r_;. Ji.,.��J? . - gram.-:T c··'o-·.s·_, : ,., - · gav'e Mobil -..:·!f::s:lF�f:·:·::c :::.�:r,�'i� -,:· - · d :Ho�-e-- ·cii" �·'l�"' :..._��:':: ·-:-�t_that_�me.,t?e:_��!!�}�:.on.�age �. ·· .· . ::._: . _.Price _Stab1hty _s;ud ��- :!V� add g o l ·tt:act.rof m M bi 5- - - _Hughes Alrcraft'Co. a� SID million AITri.y_ . -.�name .to a list �f_ C?n.�erns tha may t be_ ccinfract-fof sparepa� for rao;!r,uSed' )9: barred f g t ng v e c n c to . _ J?� e ti _� .:�ll1 n.�: � � .t: cate enemy· : ·v:. t-i' · - m6rtar-s and artitl'er-Y:.S _- . of_ S5_rrulhon o�. m(Jre. -�- - .> · - . _ •. _ ,_-. :":.::-,;_·: ,- Bendix.Corp., :a. $9.9. million .AU: Forc:e _ : -. - Pentagon spokesman. srud the contract -�- .- A · contract for fuel controls arid"SenSorS lor en· _ ..• was actually awarded Friday, even though- 'iJ _ nes useid in Fis and FI6 fighter plan-es: �J yesterday. Moreover, it was only an.noumced - . Western Electric Co., the mamufacturing ._ ce e plai a s pokesman. for the pri counc� x mt:l arm of American Telephone & -Telegraph agency's regulations. Mo?il that, under the eo. -im SS.7 million Na:vy contract for ocean.· .. w on't be formally listed as a noncomplier -. �, . .- · ographic research. : :->: :: _ . ; . : :�- - _ been premature until today. It would have · McDonnell Douglas Corp .. a S7.6 million ..• to :.,;;:for the government the_ contr<u:t, N avy c ontract for HarPoon missiles and re- . · . the spoke in s��._:>-.; :·":--.;.·�.:.:.::�--.:-:-: ·-'r lated s ru:'_ '- · sp":irej:iart.s;'eqUipment amdservices;:. _;;- · Mobil Another reason got the ,. Kentron International, a $7.4 million AU: one Pentaciln official saJd; was thatthe type Force contraetfcir base-operating Services. of jrt fue!"'involved is �arce. :·:rt�-_Dep�:, 'c: General.E lectric Co., a $6.8 million �avy ��[�:f'f_;f��·;;::-.21; ment of Defense is�_busm e_�. of.-J?·. .contra,ctfor . improvement of a gas turbme. tional security,". said (; enth�. a ::,-Coopers &-Lybrand, a _su mi �on .N?-'lY deputy assistant defense ._secretary·. We ;, , contractJ�.r ciyil �_rv:ice personnel,trammg. _ e ·. ·needed the fuel, so w proc�ed. --.He Oirysler Corp.,: a· S4 _million Army con··.,...,.,...�.,.,.· a continue - a dded th t it's possible Mobil will tract- for engineeringv;orl(on installation of .,,-=,_..,...,.. �,., to t fuel-supply con acts el _ ge tr if the_ fu is a 120-mlllimetei- gun on the'n·ew XMl tank. _. er t e scarce. The price .rule� woulcf p mi _ th •: Armament Systems Inc., a $4 million �:;;::i.:,'��l�'ll��;-;�.�.�2 · :. contract in such a _situation. - . • · . _ ·. - contract for services, mate lals . Navy � an.<:l_ · In other developments, �obi! ann?unced facilities used in.evaluating weaP?ns sys·_ in its annual report tha will test this year . ._� · t it terns.,, ; ..- .. .-: � ... .· ·:·_,::;��-- ;:..,:-:1 "��-,. : a system for deep-ocean dri�inf;in wate.r as . Lanc�rcio ttiillg-'eohi., a $3.3 millioil'ron-­ as deep 6,000 feet. Mobil srud 1t has.devel· tract from the Defense Logistics Agency �r oped a method for connec:tlng flow lines to · cold-weather jackets� . - :-,: ::;.:;,- ;' . <,_;-_:.'-:• oil or as wells that will s fic tly a d . · �-,�-,.:=-;"#�i;;7?-��§?��-:GiJ:,;�f!,��#i� g igni an d to - · - -- - �-· - the depths at which commercially viable �- �-�- ��- - - - - - - done Technology � ���� �� drilling. can be offshore. ����i4]�� �� ������� currently restricts production from water to ��� :. "-- · depths of about 1.000 feet. :-: ' - · - · - · · At the same time, MobU said Ne\l.'found· lamd Pro\;nce has made a novel claim to a -l-0% eql.:ity interest in the- Hibernia discov· ery, in which Mobil holds the largest inter­ est. 21.8%, among the drilling partners. Mo­ bil indicated the claim could take a long ,...,.,. ._.,, time to resolve in the courts. Separately, Mobil said it has largely v.'Tit­ ten off its expenditures in the Baltimore Canyon, where it drilled tv.·o unsuccessful wells. _ �1obil v.·:J.Sn't the only compamy to get a big fuel contract yesterday. Atlantic Rlch· field Co. was awarded am $83.3 million con· tract from the Defense Logistics Agency for jet fuel and marine diesel fuel. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April 1, 1980 . ·.' --.�;::-�·/. ,/, /. MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT� FROM: LOUIS MARTI!j , SUBJECT: NATIONAL C'�FERENCE OF ARTISTS RECEPTION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1980 2:30 P.M. EAST ROOM I. PURPOSE To receive members and guests of the National Conference · of Artists who are in Washington for their 22nd annual convention and to recognize ten elder Black artists who are being honored by NCA. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS, AND PRESS A. BACKGROUND: The National Conference of Artists was founded at Atlanta Universjj;y in 1958. to preserve, promote and develop the creative forces and expressions of African-American artists. NCA is the largest and oldest organization of Black visual artists in the United States. Membership consists of African-American artists, art educators, art administrators and others involved in art and is organized int o regional, state, and local chapters throughout the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean. This year during the 22nd annual convention, NCA is giving special recognition

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