Copyright 0 1992 by SAl vador Freixedo All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or trnnsm1Hcd in any focm or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopy, recording, or any Introduction information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review wriuen for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broodCBSL Library Of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Freixedo, Salvador. He does not just enter a room. He explodes into it, [Visionarios, Misticos y Contactos Extmterrestres. English] full of dynamic energy, bristling with ideas, anxious to Visionaries, Mystics and Contactees 1 Salvador Freuedo; translated by Scott Corrales. bring about change. At an age when most men are think-_ p. em. Translation of: Visionarios, Misticos y Contactos Extraterrestres. ing about retiring to a placid country home, the padre, Includes bibliographical references. as all his friends call Salvador Freixedo (pronounced ISBN: 0-9626534-4·6 : $12.95 I. Parapsychology-Religious aspects-Christianity. fray-cha-do), is trotting about the world, lecturing, col• 2. Unidentified flying objects-Religious aspects-Christianity. I. Title lecting new material, writing and making a difference. BRII5.P85F7413 1992 His many books have caused a great stir in the vast 261.5'1 -dc20 92-52506 Spanish-speaking world but this is the first one to ap• Translated from the Spanish by Scott Corrales lmroduction by John A. Keel pear in English. Over twenty years ago, I was living in a hotel on Cap• Cover an "Chaos in Poetic Motion" by Greg Hannon Back cover text by Monica Willlilms itol hill in Washington, D.C. It was not an easy place to lllumiNet Press find and only my closest friends knew where I was. But P.O. Box 746 somehow the padre tracked me down, bubbling with en• Avondale Estates, OA 30002 thusiasm, and we became good friends. Our paths First IllumiNet Press Edition, 1992 would cross many times in many places... even in Costa 109 8765432 1 Rica. I never knew where or when he might turn up. Printed in the United States of America American readers often are not aware that many of the manifestations and phenomena which are so baffling here in the U.S. are also occurring in many other coun- iiI Visionaries, Mystics and Contactees Introduction I iii tries, particularly in South America and Spain. Our en• a wild-eyed amateur who has been sitting on a hilltop tire planet has been under cosmic siege for centuries. waiting for the "space people." This is a highly learned People with various belief systems have contrasting ex• man who has worked very hard for many years to col• planations for what is happening. Only one thing is cer• lect and study this material and now he is sharing some tain: these manifestations are directly connected to the of it with you. human race and, in most cases, have no meaning except Put aside your preconceived notions and let the padre what we try to give to them. A religious overview is far take you for a ride on a whirlwind. more cogent than a scientific approach. But when we gain real insight into what has been going on we are John A. Keel likely to realize that our religions are based upon the New York, NY same kind of fallacious interpretations that have inspired belief in wondrous spaceships and ufonauts. Salvador Frei.xedo is uniquely qualified to study all this. He was a Jesuit priest for many years and he has come to terms with religion in his own fascinating way. What he has to say about religion is important and you should not skip over the religious sections of this book in your eagerness to get to the next UFO anecdotes. The padre is a great rarity in the UFO field. He is a thinker. Most UFO books are just a form of pornogra• phy, designed to titillate the reader by reaching out to them on a very low emotional level. The average UFO reader wants to be stimulated to a fit of irrational anger with tales of conspiracy and government suppression. As a result, you don't need an I.Q. to deal with the ma• terial, you just need suspension of disbelief and a naive gullibility. Crashed saucer stories are accepted as blindly as the impossible antics of James Bond in the movies. The padre is not offering this kind of porn. He is trying to jar your thinking apparatus into functioning. Imagine that you are sitting in a coffee shop in Barce• lona and Frei.xedo is holding forth, telling you what he has experienced and outlining the conclusions which he has reached based upon his extensive studies. This is not 1 There is Something Going On! Millions of things are constantly happening that are totally irrelevant to the progress of humanity or the development of particular cultures. There are occurrences which fill the pages of newspa• pers and magazines and which are newsworthy only be• cause of the skill of interested parties or the ineptitude of those in the news media. A celebrity getting a divorce, for instance, is of no importance but to the vast unen• lightened masses looking for something to assuage their endless boredom. A politician's statements should be of interest to no one either, because politicians waste their time in games and declarations which not even they treat seriously. Their one belief is that of their need to stay in power. And others of their rank - a great many, to be sure - believe only in making the news. But there are events which do not appear in either newspapers or magazines and are nonetheless of great relevance to humanity. Some are not made known due lo the inability of the news media to recognize their sig• nificance. It is easier to announce the passing of an el- 2 I Visionaries, Mystics and Contactees There is Something Going On! I 3 derly fashion designer or the sum of money paid for a on the table. This vast portion of humankind has in no baseball player. Others remain unknown due to the exis• way discovered the unsuspected capacities of the mind, tence of forces which choose them to remain unknown, nor even that they are endowed with them. Rather, they harkening back to the days when kings and feudal lords have been conditioned by their overlords to expect the chose to keep their subjects ignorant, as thinking can be• crumbs to fall from the edge of the table, or else they come a dangerous sport. will sweep them off in a violent surge when the over• By occurrences I do not mean bombshells (such as the lords grow careless. assassination of a president), but currents or trends that Nonetheless, a minority has become aware of the arise in the moral, cultural or intellectual fabric of wonders encased within our skulls, and not only within human societies. Many times, sudden events that shatter the skull, but throughout the divinity which composes a nations or continents are but a reflection of more pro• human being and endows it with endless potential. The found trends taking place in the human mind, albeit un• main symptom of this state of awareness is the surge of consciously. Human history is full of transcendent interest in parapsychology. When these powers ap• events which went by totally unnoticed by those who peared in ages past, they were quickly monopolized by were alive when they occurred, and it was not until religions and manipulated accordingly. They were much later that these events were awarded their proper wielded as "proofs" of God's approval of the clergy, merit and place. since God was their source. When these powers occurred outside a religious framework, or in those unwilling to Three Fundamental Events abide by the rulings of the theocrats, then they ceased being miracles and became the devil's work. The psychic 1. The Discovery of the Powers of the Mind then had to exercise great care to keep from being burned to a crisp. The first event is directly related to parapsychology. In my book Parapsychology and Religion I discussed Humanity is growing increasingly aware that the capac• this subject in the chapter on paranormal events in reli• ity of its mind is greater than had been suspected. What gion so I will not repeat myself here. Let it just be said we mean by humanity's increasing awareness is to be that parapsychology has provided us with undeniable interpreted broadly. Sadly, the greater part of the human proofs that these events have natural or extra-natural ex• race ignores this and many other truths. A small part of planations which should not be, by any means, offensive mankind has achieved the economic security to allow it• to God. self a few moments of spare time, and unfortunately As far as telepathy goes, mathematics has given us wastes it on trivialities rather than improving itself and proof that on numerous occasions, the human mind has evolving its intelligence and conduct. The bulk of hu• been able to read the thoughts of others or jump ahead manity, meanwhile, as a result of the tyrannical interests of current events. We must not forget that the "reading of ruling cliques, slaves away barely able to put bread of minds" abounds in the Catholic doctrine and was 4I Visionaries, Mystics and Contactees There is Something Going On!I5 used as a means of diffusing this doctrine.
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