ETALE´ COHOMOLOGY OF CURVES DANIEL LITT 1. Introduction The main theorem we will prove today is the following: Theorem 1. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic prime to n. Let X=k be a smooth projective connected curve of genus g. Then 0 H (X´et; µn) ' µn(k)(' Z=nZ noncanonically) 1 2g H (X´et; µn) ' Pic(X)[n](' (Z=nZ) noncanonically) 2 H (X´et; µn) ' Z=nZ: This should be though of as an analogue to the well-known computation of the cohomology of curves over C. Theorem 2. If X is a smooth projective curve over C of genus g, we have 0 an H (X(C) ; Z) ' Z 1 an 1 an 2g H (X(C) ; Z) ' H (Jac(X)(C) ; Z)(' Z noncanonically) 2 an H (X(C) ; Z) ' Z: 2 Observe that there is a canonical generator of H (X´et; µn)|just as in the complex case, smooth projective varieties are canonically oriented. Theorem 1 is the first indication we have that ´etalecohomology is a good theory, in that it agrees with our intuitions from complex geometry. This note aims to give an essentially complete proof of Theorem 1|the main difference from standard sources will be that I will use twisted sheaves instead of central simple algebras in the computation of the Brauer group of the function field of X. Here is a brief outline of the steps in the proof of Theorem 1. Our main tools will be the following two exact sequences of sheaves on X´et. Lemma 1 (Kummer Exact Sequence). Let X be any scheme with n invertible in OX . Then there is an exact sequence of sheaves x7!xn 1 ! µn ! Gm −! Gm ! 1 on X´et: Lemma 2 (Divisor Exact Sequence). Let X be an integral, separated, locally factorial scheme, and let η be the inclusion of the generic point. Then there is an exact sequence of sheaves 1 ! Gm ! η∗Gm ! Div ! 0 on X´et: Here Div is the sheaf M Div := ν∗Z: ν2Xcodim 1 The direct sum runs over all codimension 1 points of X. This latter exact sequence is an ´etaleversion of the usual sequence relating regular functions, meromorphic functions, and divisors on a normal scheme. We will use Lemma 2 to compute the cohomology of Gm, and deduce from this the cohomology of µn using Lemma 1. In order to use Lemma 2, we have to understand the cohomology of η∗Gm and Div. We will show: 1 Lemma 3. Let C be a curve over an separably closed field. Then Div is acyclic, i.e. i H (C´et; Div) = 0 for i > 0. 1 1 Lemma 4 (Hilbert 90). Let X be a scheme. Then H (X´et; Gm) = H (XZar; Gm). Lemma 5. Let k(C) be the function field of a curve over an algebraically closed field k (e.g. a finitely generated field of transcendence degree 1 over k). Then 2 H (k(C); Gm) = 0: Likewise for every Galois extension k(C0)=k(C), 2 0 H (k(C )=k(C); Gm) = 0: Lemma 5 will be by far the most involved part of the proof. It will also be the only part where I sub- stantially depart from standard sources, since I prefer twisted sheaves to central simple algebras. Combining these last two lemmas with some results from group cohomology, we'll be able to conclude that Corollary 1. Let k(C) be the function field of a curve over an algebraically closed field. Then i H (k(C); Gm) = 0 for all i > 0. and Corollary 2. Let C be a smooth projective connected curve over an algebraically closed field, with η the inclusion of the generic point. Then i H (C´et; η∗Gm) = 0 for i > 0. Using Lemma 2, this will imply that Corollary 3. Let C be a smooth projective connected curve over an algebraically closed field k. Then 0 ∗ H (C; Gm) = k ; 1 H (C; Gm) = Pic(C); and i H (C; Gm) = 0 for i > 1: Finally, using Lemma 1 and the structure of Pic(C), we'll be able to deduce Theorem 1. 2. The Kummer and Divisor Exact Sequences Let's begin by proving Lemmas 1 and 2. 2.1. The Kummer Exact Sequence. Recall the statement of Lemma 1: Lemma 1. Let X be any scheme with n invertible in OX . Then there is an exact sequence of sheaves x7!xn 1 ! µn ! Gm −! Gm ! 1 on X´et: −1 n Proof. Recall that Gm is represented by Spec Z[t; t ] and µn is represented by Spec Z[t]=(t −1). Zeb showed last time that representable functors are sheaves in the ´etaletopology (this followed from ´etaledescent), so both µn and Gm are indeed sheaves. It's easy to see that for any scheme U ´etaleover X, x7!xn 0 ! µn(U) ! Gm(U) −! Gm(U) is exact, so the sequence in question is left exact. To see right exactness, we must show that for any n ∗ f 2 Gm(U); there exists some ´etalecover s : V ! U and some g 2 Gm(V ) with g = s (f). 2 Consider a cartesian square V / U f t7!tn ( m) 1 / ( m) 1 G Z[ n ] G Z[ n ] The map V ! U is ´etalebecause it is the base-changed from of an ´etalemap; the map V ! ( m) 1 gives G Z[ n ] desired root of f. (In fact V = Spec (O [t]=(tn − f)); U U whence t is the desired root of f; we deduce the ´etalenessof the map V ! U from the ´etalenessof the n-th n x7!x 1 power map Gm −! Gm over Z[ n ].) If you think a bit about this argument, you'll see that we've shown that if X ! Y is a surjective ´etalemap, the map of ´etalesheaves Hom(−;X) ! Hom(−;Y ) is an epimorphism (in the category of ´etalesheaves). 2.2. Pushforwards of Etale´ Sheaves. Before explaining the statement of Lemma 2 (and proving it) we must first discuss pushforwards of ´etalesheaves. Let us first briefly consider the pushforward of sheaves on topological spaces. Suppose p : X ! Y is a continuous map of spaces, and F is a presheaf on X. We may view F as a functor F : Opens(X)op ! C, where Opens(X) is the category whose objects are open sets in X, with a unique morphism U ! V if U ⊂ V . Then p : X ! Y induces a functor p−1 : Opens(Y ) ! Opens(X), sending an ∗ −1 open set in Y to its preimage under p. The pushforward p F is defined via p∗F = F ◦ p . If F was a sheaf, so is p∗F. −1 Now, suppose p : X ! Y is a map of schemes. Such a map induces a \morphism of sites" p : Y´et ! X´et| that is, a functor sending covers to covers|via −1 −1 p (U) := U ×Y X; p (f : U ! V ) := (f ×Y X : U ×Y X ! V ×Y X): op −1 Again, for a presheaf F on X´et (e.g. a functor F : X´et ! C) we define p∗F := F ◦ p . Again, we may check that if F was a sheaf, p∗F is as well (exercise). The usual formalism of derived functors, with which I will assume the reader is familiar, goes through to i obtain functors R p∗ as in the case of sheaves on a topological space. 2.3. The Divisor Exact Sequence. Now let's recall the statement of Lemma 2: Lemma 2. Let X be a Noetherian integral, separated, locally factorial scheme, and let η be the inclusion of the generic point. Then there is an exact sequence of sheaves 0 ! Gm ! η∗Gm ! Div ! 0 on X´et: Here Div is the sheaf M Div := ν∗Z: ν2Xcodim 1 The direct sum runs over all codimension 1 points of X. ∗ Proof. Suppose U ! X is ´etale. Then η∗Gm(U) = Γ(U ×X Spec(k(X)); Gm). We claim that this is M (U) (that is, meromorphic functions on U). WLOG U is integral and affine, say U = Spec(A). U ×X Spec(k(X)) is ´etaleover Spec(k(X)); hence U ×X Spec(k(X)) = Spec(B), where B is a direct sum of fields seperable over k(X). A ⊂ B, so B contains Frac(A); on the other hand, B is generated as a ring by k(X) and A, so ∗ ∗ B = Frac(A). But Gm(Spec(B)) = B = M (U) as desired. That Div(U) agrees with the usual Zariski sheaf of Weil divisors is immediate from the definition. Then exactness follows by the usual exactness of this sequence in the Zariski topology (e.g. Hartshorne 6.11). (Note that we need that an ´etalecover of a locally factorial scheme is locally factorial.) We may rather easily prove Lemma 3: i Lemma 3. Let C be a curve over a separably closed field. Then Div is acyclic, e.g. H (C´et; Div) = 0 for i > 0. 3 Proof. Let L be a separably closed, and let ν : Spec L ! X be a morphism. As a first step, I claim that ν∗ is exact. Indeed, any sheaf on (Spec L)´et is constant (exercise), so it suffices to show that if 0 ! A ! B ! C ! 0 is an exact sequence of Abelian groups, 0 ! ν∗A ! ν∗B ! ν∗C ! 0 is exact. Let U=X be ´etale,so r that ν∗U = (Spec L) for some r.
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