ENGINEER - Vol. XXXXV, No. 01, pp. [page range], 2011 © The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka ENGINEER - Vol. XXXXV, No. 01, pp. [page range], 2011 ©ENGINEERENGINEE TheFuture InstitutionR - Vol. of XXXXV,XXXXVImpact Engineers, ,No. No. Sri01, 01, Lankapp. pp.on [25-38], [page Maharagama range], 2012 2011 Town Traffic Flow and © The PedestrianInstitution of Engineers, SriSafety Lanka due to Southern Expressway and Future Impact on Maharagama Town Traffic Flow and FutureOuter Impact Circular on Maharagama Highway: Proposed Town Traffic Solutions Flow and Pedestrian Safety due to Southern Expressway and PedestrianOuterA. S. Circular Amarasinghe Safety Hdue, Aighway. I. toGurusinghe Southern: Proposed and K Expressway. S. Weerasekera Solutions and Outer Circular Highway : Proposed Solutions Abstract: Maharagama town becomes severely congested due to traffic & pedestrian activities during daytime. The A.absence S. Amarasinghe of proper road, shouldersA. I. Gurusinghe makes the pedestriansand K. S. enterWeerasekera the carriageway, which in turn creates aA. safety S. Amarasinghe hazard and results, A .in I. slowing Gurusinghe down vehicular and K. trS.affic. Weerasekera After the completion of the Abstract: Southern Maharagama Expressway townand Outerbecomes Circular severely Highway, congested it isd ueexpected to traffic that & pedestrianadditional activitiestraffic volume during in daytime.Abstract:Maharagama The Maharagama absence town area of town proper will becomes result road shouldersin severely traffic conge makescongestedstion the pedestriansanddue safetyto traffic situation enter & pedestrian the evencarriageway, worse. activities In which orderduring in to turndaytime.find creates a solution The a absencesafety for hazardthis of propersituation, and roadresults capacities shoulders in slowing of makesroads down thewere vehicular pedestrians evaluated traffic. enter by Aftercompiling the carriageway,the completion data of whichvehicular of the in Southerturnflow, creates pedestriann Ex presswaya safety movements hazard and Outer and and results Circular other in supportive slowingHighway, down information it is vehicular expected of tr thatthataffic. area additional After for thepresent completiontraffic condition volume of theandin MaharagamaSoutherfor yearn 2030Expressway town (i.e. 20 area years and will fromOuter result now) Circular in withtraffic Hdo congeighway, nothingstion it option. isand expected safety situationthat additional even worse. traffic In volume order toin findMaharagama a solution town for thisarea situation, will result capacities in traffic of conge roadsstion were and evalu safetyated situation by compiling even worse.data of In vehicular order to flow,findAccording apedestrian solution to the for movements obtained this situation, field and data othercapacities, and supportive capacity of roads informationcalcu werelations, evalu ofallated that the byroadsarea compiling for in thispresent area data condition will of vehicular badly and fail forflow,to yearcater pedestrian 2030 to (i.e.the movements20future years traffic from and now)demand other with supportive (i.e. do nothingfor year information option. 2030) unless of that some area drasticfor present improvements condition and are forconducted year 2030 immediately (i.e. 20 years. Alsofrom it now) was foundwith do that nothing even atoption. present, available pedestrian facilities were not According satisfactory to thein this obtained area, fieldand thedata rate, and of capacity accidents calcu werelations, high. all Hence the roads road in widths, this area number will badly of lanes, fail toAccordingwalkway cater to shoulders,tothe the future obtained and traffic pedestrianfield demand data, andcrossings (i.e. capacity for were year calcu designed 2030)lations, unless usingall the some the roads US drastic in highway this areaimprovements capacity will badly manual arefail conductedtoto caterevaluate to immediately thethe abovefuture conditions . trafficAlso it demandwas in foundthe zone(i.e. that . forAlso even year geometric at 2030)present, unlessdes availableigns some for pedestrianislands drastic were improvements facilities conducted were based notare satconductedonisfactory AUSTROADS immediately in this guidesarea,. Alsoand and the ittemplates was rate found of. accidentsObjective that even ofwere at this present, high. study Henceavailable is to introduce road pedestrian widths, suitable numberfacilities layout ofwere plan lanes, not for walkwaysatMaharagamaisfactory shoulders, in townthis area, andarea pedestrianand with the required rate crossings of roadaccidents wereimprovements, weredesigned high. using roadHence thesigns, road US and highwaywidths, pedestrian numbercapacity facilities ofmanual lanes, to towalkwayenhance evaluate shoulders,traffic the above flow andconditions an pedestriand pedestrian in the crossings zone safety. Also werefor geometric futuredesigned operational des usingigns forthe islandsconditionsUS highway were with conductedcapacity the Smanualo baseduthern ontoExpressway evaluateAUSTROADS the and above guidesOuter conditions Circularand templates inH ighwaythe .zone Objective in. Alsooperation geometricof this. study des isigns to introducefor islands suitable were conducted layout plan based for Maharagamaon AUSTROADS town guides area andwith templates required. roadObjective improvements, of this study road is to signs, introduce and suitablepedestrian layout facilities plan forto enhanceMaharagamaKeywords: traffic M townaharagama flow area an dwith Townpedestrian required Traffic, safety Sroadouthern improvements,for Efuturexpressway operational ,road Outer signs, Cconditionsircular and H pedestrianighway with the facilities Southern to Expresswayenhance traffic and Outerflow anCirculard pedestrian Highway safety in operation for future. operational conditions with the Southern Expressway and Outer Circular Highway in operation. Maharagama Town Traffic, Southern Expressway, Outer Circular Highway Keywords: 1. Introduction Keywords: Maharagama Town Traffic, Southern Expressway, Outer Circular Highway Maharagama town is administered by the 1. Maharagama Introduction Urban Council and it’s situated 1.around Introduction A4 (High Level Road), about 15 km Maharagama away from the town centre is of administered the commercial by capital the MaharagamaMaharagamaColombo. Town Urbantown Councilareais administered governed and it’s situatedby thethe aroundMaharagamaMaharagama A4 (H UrbanighUrban Level Council Council Road), and andabout it ’sis situated 15around km awayaround1.245 from km A42 . the(H centreigh Level of the R oad),commercial about capital15 km Colombo.away from theTown centre area of thegoverned commercial by capital the MaharagamaColombo.As Figure Town 1 Urbanindicates, area Council tgovernedhe studyand is areabyaround thewas 1.2Maharagamaselected45 km2 .between Urban Maharagama Council and Bo- treeis aroundjunction Figure 1 - Location of the study area (Source: [7]) 1.2 45 km2. (A) to President’s College junction (C) along As Figure 1 indicates, the study area was Old Road (distance of about 800m) and along selectedAs Figure between 1 indicates, Maharagama the study Bo-tree area junction was High Level Road (distance of 820m). Figure 1 - Location of the study area (Source: [7]) (A)selected to President between’s Maharagama College junction Bo-tree (C junction) along Administrative authority of these two main Figure 1 - Location of the study area (Source: [7]) Old Road (distance of about 800m) and along (A)roads to Presidentis the Road’s CollegeDevelopment junction Au (thority.C) along In A. S. Amarasinghe, BTech (Eng) (Hon) (OUSL), High Level Road (distance of 820m). Oldthe Rselectedoad (distance study ofarea about there 800m are) andfour along main Department of Civil Engineering, The Open University AdministrativeHigh Level Rauthorityoad (distance of these oftwo 820mmain). of Sri Lanka three legged intersections. They are Bo-tree roadsAdministrativejunction is the (A),Road authority DevelopmentPamunuwa of these Aujunction thority.two main (B),In A.A. S. I. Amarasinghe, Gurusinghe, Undergraduate, BTech (Eng) (Hon) Department (OUSL), of Civil throadsPresidente selected is the’s RoadstudyCollege Developmentarea junction there are(C) Au fourthority.and mainClock In DepartmentA.Engineering, S. Amarasinghe, of CivilThe Open Engineering, BTech University (Eng) The (Hon) of Open Sri (OUSL), Lanka. University of Sri Lanka threethtowere selected leg junctionged studyintersections. (D) asarea indicated there They arein Figureare four Bo 1main-.tree Department of Civil Engineering, The Open University ofEng. Sri (Prof.)Lanka K. S. Weerasekera, BSc Eng (Moratuwa), junctionthree leg ged(A), intersections. Pamunuwa They junction are Bo -(B),tree A. MEngSc I. Gurusinghe, (UNSW), Undergraduate, PhD (UNSW), Department FIE (Sri Lanka of Civil), Presidentjunction ’s (A),College Pamunuwa junction (C)junction and Clock(B), Engineering, The Open University of Sri Lanka. A.CEng, I. Gurusinghe, IntPE(SL), MIEUndergraduate, (Aust), CPEng, Department MIHT (UK),of Civil towerPresident junction’s College (D) as indicatedjunction in(C) Figure and 1C. lock Engineering,MASCE, Professor The Open in Civil University Engineering, of Sri Lanka.Department of Eng. (Prof.) K. S. Weerasekera, BSc Eng (Moratuwa), tower junction (D) as indicated in Figure 1. MEngScEng.Civil (Prof.) Engineering, (UNSW), K. S. Weerasekera Ph TheD Open(UNSW), University, BScFIE Eng(S riof Lanka(Moratuwa),Sri Lanka), . CEng,MEngSc IntPE(SL),
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