The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus The Notre Dame ALUMNUS Vol. 24 JUNE, 1946 No. 3 Admiral Nimitz Meets Officers of the Student Council and the Veterans' Club (See Page 3) ."fen tes The Notre Dame Alumnus Allocation of the Third Annual Alumni Fund In a previous report to the alumni in money is forthcoming from both the en­ Notre Dame's growth is not an end in regard to the allocation of the Centen­ dowment and the alumni funds, our itself, but a means to one great end: ary Fund, I said: "Privately-controlled plans quite naturally will materialize the preservation and dissemination of universities generally are suffering from more slowly. the Christian culture which is our com­ the impact of the war, and Notre Dame mon heritage and our common hope." is no exception. I know, therefore, that Knowing our alumni to be loyal when our alumni will be happy to respond, in they appreciate Alma Mater's problems, With renewed appreciation and abid­ greater numbers and a correspondingly I am still optimistic. As I said on a pre­ ing good wishes, greater amount, to further appeals of vious occasion, "The phrase 'alumni the national officers." participation' has a broader and deeper (Bev.) J. HUGH O'DONNELL, C.S.C. meaning than we sometimes attach to it. PresUient As you will note from the report on the Third Annual Alumni Fund, I was perhaps a little too optimistic about an R" ••a increase in the Fund. Undoubtedly there are good reasons for the decrease, but unfortunately the needs of Kotre Dame THIRD ANNUAL ALUMNI FUND DISTRIBUTION have not diminished in the postwar. Significant, too, is the fact that about the same percent of alumni — 30.6 to be exact — participated. One might call Total Third Alumni Fund Participation this group "the loyal guard." (February, 1946, Alumnus) $94,284.27 I wonder if the suggestion is in order Balance from last report that this group take it upon itself to (October, 1945, Alumnus). 1,070.92 enlighten some of their associates as to the duty that devolves upon them, in the hope that the current Alumni Fund will 195,355.19 show a substantial increase not only in the total amount, but also in the total Less difference between Maturity Value and number participating. I make this plea present Cash Value of United States not in the sense of criticism, but in the Savings Bonds constituting part of this hope that those who have been derelict fund J 5,105.25 will be aroused to an appreciation of the need in the light of the terrific problems Less special purpose gifts of 16,070.00 21,175.25 that confront Notre Dame in the post­ war. Net cash available for distribution.. $74,179.94 We have determined to strengthen the undergraduate division wherever it I 1. Expenses connected with the operation of needs strengthening, and we have also I Alumni Association from January, advanced certain conservative plans for I 1945, to December 31, 1945. the graduate division. Both undertak­ ings mean added expense, and unless the 1 The Alumni Fund replaces the former i payment of annual dues..Hence, part I of it -will be used to print the ALUM- f I Nus, pay salaries of the secretary and COMMENCEMENT BULLETIN! I assistant secretary, maintain club or- George Sokoltky, brilliant columnist I ganizations and class programs, etc $37,279.44 for King Feature*, has graciously ac­ cepted the invitation of Rev. Hugh I 2. Library Fund, for both the University O'Donnell, C.S.C., president of the Uni­ versity, to deliver the Commencement I and departmental libraries .' 18,000.00 address on Sunday, June 30. I 3. Faculty Fund for advance study. 3,000.00 Hon. Arthur Vandenberg, United States senator from Michigan, who had I 4. Bishop John F. O'Hara Scholarships for expected to visit the campus for that occasion and to deliver an address, was I graduate school .... „ 5,000.00 obliged to cancel his appearance to I 5. James A. Burns Scholarships 10,000.00 73,279.44 attend a meetinK of the Big Four rep­ resentatives of the United Nations in Paris. I Available for future use . % 900.50 d E>" • "" > • M •»niniin>nunnmnnn..nnn>»M.i....»n>ii. ..Q The Notre Dame Alumnus His magazine is published bi-monthly by the University ot Notre Dame, Notre Oamek bdiana. Entend u second eUa matter Octo­ ber 1, 1939, at the Postofiice, Notre Dame, Indiana, under the act of August 24, 1912. Member of the American Alumni Goancil. lames E. Armabong, '25. Editoi; VniUcon B. Doolay. '26. Managing Editor - /s^^- Vol. 24 JUNE. 1946 N6.^3 Admiral Nimitz Receives Honorary' Degree Comes to Campus on May 15th as Central Figure in Special Convocation; Ceremony in Drill Hall Follows Reception at the Airport; Pitches Horseshoes with J. Mangan and Coach Leahy (Other pictures on back cover) At the fifth special convocation in warmly to the honor conferred on him. cently in defending our country from Notre Dame's 104 year histoiy on May (Father O'Donnell's and Admiral Nimitz' her foreign enemies in two 'world con­ flicts, whose prudent counsel is as effect­ 15, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, speeches are printed in full in this issue). ive in peace as is his sagacious leader­ Chief of Naval Operations, was awarded ship in war, on Fleet Admiral Chester the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris The citation, read by Rev. Howard William Nimitz- of the United States causa. Not since the present Pope, His Kenna, C.S.C, director of studies, was Navy. as follows: Holiness Pope Pius XII, then Cardinal At the conclusion of the ceremonies Pacelli, was similarly honored in 1936 The University of Notre Dame confers the degree of Doctor of laws, honoris in the drill haU, the Admiral received has the University called such a con­ causa on a stalwart christian gentleman representatives of the Notre Dame Stu­ vocation. The degree was awarded to who has served his country with loyalty, dent Council and the Notre Dame Vet­ Admiral Nimitz in 1943, but problems distinction, and honor in the various eran's Club. A reception for the' mem­ both of war and peace had prevented ranks of his profession from Ensign to bers of the faculty and their wives followed in the Administration Building. an earlier acceptance. Fleet Admiral, whose present position as Commander in Chief of the United The clock was striking five when the States Fleet and Chief of Naval opera­ The Admiral's party, including Con­ Admiral appeared at the horseshoe tions is a tribute to his ability and an gressional Medal of Honor winner courts behind St. Edward's Hall. Clad indication of the trust and confidence Comdr. E. B. Fluckey, his aide, arrived in blue shorts and sweat shirt he pre­ which his fellow citizens repose in him, at the South Bend airport aboard the sented quite a different figure from the an officer whose gallant service and Admiral's private plane at 12:30 P.M. one he had made on the platform in the brilliant strategy have aided magnifi- after fluctuating weather reports had drill hall as he received the doctoral caused repeated changes in the time of cape. The horseshoe match grew out arrival. As the Admial stepped from of a rivalry begun at Pearl Harbor when' the plane he was greeted by Eev. J. the Admiral used to beat the then Lt. Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C., representing the Frank Leahy with regularity and dis­ University, by various city officials and patch. Teamed with Johnny Mangan, members of the University Board of Lay university chauffeur of 36 years stand­ Trustees, and by Capt. J. Richard Barry, ing and onofiicial horseshoe pitching commandant of naval units at Notre champion of the campus, the Admiral Dame. made a game fight but eventually fell before the ringers and hear ringers of Thousands of South Bend residents Coach Leahy and-his teammate Bill lined the route used by the motorcade as Vangen. As a matter of fact, the coach it made its way from the airport to the used two partners to win. The first two University. Upon arrival at the campus. games were played with Madill (Bud) Father O'Donnell was host to the Navy Gartiser, Navy veteran of Webster party at a luncheon in the Trustees Room Groves, Mo., as Frank's partner, and in the dining hall. the last two with Vangen, also a Navy At the convocation in the Navy drill vet, of Bell, Calif. hall, some 3,500 students arid faculty members weire on hand as Father O'Don­ Following the historic match Father nell and Admiral Nimitz stepped onto p'Doimell was host at a dinner in the the platform. FoUomng a selection by Faculty Dining Hall. The Admiral and the Glee Club, Father O'Donnell in­ his party left for Washington, D. C, troduced the Admiral who responded Admirol Nimitz Speaking the following morning. The Notre Dame Alumnus Admiral Nimitz receives degree from Father O'DonnelL Admiral Nimitz. Father ODonnell and Captain Barry. Father O'Donnells Address at Nimitz Convocation Special convocations are very rare April, 1942. It was on Universal Notre versity. Our task is to provide leader­ occurrences at Notre Daihe. As a matter Dame Night, and I spoke in behalf of ship, not only during the war, but also of fact, I douht if more than five have Notre Dame men everywhere.
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