1940 CON_GRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6669 Federal chain-store bill (H. R. 1), that it may be speedily N. Y., concerning the Nye resolution CS. J. Res. 92); to the enacted into law; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Committee on the Judiciary. 8373. Also, petition of Robert Wettengel and 17 other 8388. By Mr. LUDLOW: Petition of sundry residents of citizens of Green Bay, Wis., asking support of the Federal Indianapolis, Ind., favoring the passage of Senate bill 1776, chain-store tax bill (H. R. 1), that it may be speedily en­ by Senator McNARY, of Oregon, providing for an annuity acted into law; to the Committee on Ways and Means. of $50 per month for all blind persons; to the Gommittee 8374. By Mr. LYNCH: Petition of the Keystone Club of on Pensions. New York City, N. Y., urging that indictment against labor 8389. By Mr. O'BRIEN: Petition of sundry citizens of unions brought under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act be dis­ Rochester, N. Y., urging enactment of the general welfare missed; to the Committee on the Judiciary. bill CH. R. 5620); to the Committee on Ways and Means. 8375. By Mr. MAHON: Petitions of Melvin Eaper, 0. L. 8390. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the Employees' Com­ Miller, and others, and of J. M. Ables, Ben Moore, Jr., and mittee to Maintain Brooklyn's Cane Sugar Refining Industry, others, and of Paul Boggan, Lee Garner, and others, and of William P. Coster, chairman, Brooklyn, N. Y., favoring the 0. E. Roberson, Bill Ellis, and others, all of O'Donnell, Tex., amendment of House bill 9654, to restore limitations on urging favorable consideration of the Townsend bill; to the tropically refined sugar and not increase beet-sugar quota; Committee on Ways and Means. to the Committee on Agriculture. 8376. By Mr. MICHAEL J. KENNEDY: Petition of the 8391. ·Also, petition of the State council of parks, conserva­ State Council of Parks, New York City, opposing Senate tion department, Albany, N.Y., concerning Senate Joint Res­ Joint Resolution 92, which provides for the establishment olution 92; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of right, title, and interest of the United States in and to 8392. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Local No. 51, United all submerged lands under the territorial waters of the Automobile Workers of America, Congress of Industrial Or­ United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ganizations, Detroit, Mich., petitioning consideration of their 8377. Also, petition of Local No.2, Marine Division, Ameri­ resolution With reference to .antialien bills; to the Committee can Communications Association, New York City, opposing on Immigration and Naturalization. American participation iri the present world conflict; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 8378. Also, petition of the United Office and Professional SENATE Workers of America, Local No. 16, representing 3,500 mem­ bers, urging enactment of Senate bill 1620, known as the THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1940 national health bill; to the Committee on Labor. (Legislative day ot Wednesday, April 24, 1940) 8379. Also, petition of Joseph Curran, president, National Maritime Union, urging passage of Casey amendment to The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of Work Projects Administration bill to increase funds; to the the recess. Committee on Appropriations. The Chaplain, Rev. Z§Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the 8380. Also, petition of the commissioner of docks, city of following prayer: New York, opposing the Nye resolution, Senate Joint Resolu­ Almighty God, who art ,enthroned in light eternal yet con­ tion 92, which would strip States of submerged and reclaimed descendest to stand at the gate of the years to guide Thy chil­ lands and endanger city ownership of such properties; to the dren safely through the paths of the unknown: Hold us, we Committee on the Judiciary. beseech Thee, by Thy hand, that, with perfect trust and child­ 8381. Also, petition of the Amalgamated Machine Shop, like faith, we may follow where Thou leadest; and, even Local No. 475, of Brooklyn, N.Y., opposing involvement of this though the night be dark and we seem far from home, do country in any European war; to the Committee on Foreign Thou lead on. Affairs. At the beginning of this, another day of service, we pray 8382. Also, petition· of the Amalgamated Machine and In­ that to our minds Thou wiit give wisdom, to our hearts sin­ strument, Local No. 475, United Electrical, Radio, and Ma­ cerity of purpose, to our wills the rapture of a high resolve to chine Workers of America, Brooklyn, N.Y., urging enactment do only that which is well pleasing in Thy sight, that, when of the Wagner housing bill, Wagner health bill, and the Amer­ the daylight wanes and sinks under the shelter of the night, ican Standards and Assistance Act for Work Projects Ad­ we, too, may seek our rest and find it because the day's knowl­ ministration; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. edge has revealed our great concern for all God's children, 8383. Also, petition of the United Office and Professional and that, as we deeply care, we humbly pray for all, in the Workers of America, Local No. 16, New York City, opposing name of God's dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Norton and Smith amendments to the Wagner Labor Rela­ tions Act; to the Committee on Labor. THE JOURNAL 8384. Also, petition of the Campbell Transportation Co. of On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, Pittsburgh, Pa., relative to recommital of the Wheeler-Lea the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ transportation bill; to the Committee on Interstate and For­ dar day_of Wednesday, May 22, 1940, was dispensed with, and eign Commerce. the Journal was approved. 8385. Also, petition of the National Society of Mural Paint­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT ers, opposing any curtailment of funds on the New York City art project; to the Committee on Appropriations. Messages in writing from the President of the United States submitting nominations were communicated to the Senate by 8386. By Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY: Petition of the New Mr. Latta., one of his secretaries. York State Society-of the Cincinnati, New York City, adopted at their annual meeting held on May 10, 1940, to celebrate the CALL OF THE ROLL one hundred and fifty-seventh anniversary of the founding of Mr. MINTON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. the society by their ancestors, the officers of the American The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Army who f~:mght under Washington, calling upon all right­ The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators thinking Americans and upon the Government of the United answered to their names: States to express not in words only but in acts and deeds their Adams Burke Donahey Hayden indignation against the aggressors, and to render generous Andrews Byrd Ellender Herring Ashurst Byrnes George Hill and substantial help to the nations engaged in defending Austin Capper Gerry Holman those exalted rights and liberties of human nature for which Bailey Caraway Gibson Hughes our fathers fought, which we have ever since enjoyed and Barbour Chandler Gillette Johnson, Calif. Barkley Chavez Glass Johnson, Colo. defended, and the destruction of which would be indeed a Bilbo Clark, Idaho Guffey King curse; to the Committee on the Library. Bone Clark, Mo. Gurney La Follette Bridges Connally Hale Lee 8387. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the State council of Brown Danaher Harrison Lucas parks, division of parks, conservation department, Albany, Bulow Davis Hatch Lundeen 6670 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 23 McCarran Norris Sheppard Thomas, Utah He also presented a resolution of the Boston <Mass.) In­ McKellar Nye Shipstead Townsend McNary O'Mahoney Slattery Tydings terrace Commission, protesting against the enactment of Maloney Overton Smathers Vandenberg pending antialien legislation, which was referred to the Com­ Mead Pepper Smith VanNuys mittee on Immigration. Miller Pittman Stewart Wagner Minton Reynolds Taft Walsh He also presented a resolution of Newton Post, No. 211, Murray Russell Thomas, Idaho Wiley Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Newton, Mass., Neely Schwartz Thomas, Okla. commending the public service rendered by the Director of Mr. MINTON. I announce that the Senator from Wash­ the Federal Bureau· of Investigation and his associates under ington [Mr. ScHWELLENBACH] is · absent from the Senate the Department of Justice, which was referred to the Com­ because of illness in his family. mittee on the Judiciary. The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. GREEN] is unavoid­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ably detained. The Senator from California [Mr. DowNEY] is detained Mr.- WALSH, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to on official business for the Committee on Banking and which were referred the following bills, reported them Currency. severally without amendment and submitted reports thereon: The Senator from Alabama [Mr. BANKHEAD], the Senator S. 3808. A bill to provide for the reimbursement of certain from West Virginia [Mr. HoLT], the Senator from Maryland officers and enlisted men or former officers and enlisted men [Mr. RADCLIFFE], the Senator from Missouri [Mr. TRUMAN], of the United States Navy for personal property lost in the 21, and the Senator from Montana [Mr. WHEELER] are neces­ hurricane and :flood at New London, Conn., on September sarily absent. 1938 (Rept. No. 1656) ; Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Massa­ S. 4026. A bill providing for the reorganization of the Navy chusetts [Mr. LoDGE] is engaged in the war maneuvers at Department, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 1670); Camp Beauregard in Louisiana. S. 4027. A bill to transfer the active ·list of the Construc­ The Senator from North Dakota [Mr.
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