#4 Co v e r B David WOHL • Emilio LAISO • Andrew CROSSLEY • Josh REED www.AspenComics.com Sample file HOMECOMING CREATED BY: MICHAEL TURNER, DAVID WOHL, BRAD FOXHOVEN AND SCOTT LOBDELL STORY:David Wohl PENCILS & INKS:Emilio Laiso COLORS:Andrew Crossley LETTERING:Josh Reed Edited by: VINCE HERNANDEZ, FRANK MASTROMAURO Design and Production by: MARK ROSLAN, PETER STEIGERWALD Lettering font designed by: DREAMER DESIGN A: Direct Edition B: Direct Edition C: Retailer Incentive EMILIO LAISO KHARY RANDOLPH “Sketch” Edition EMILIO LAISO BETH SOTELO EMILIO LOPEZ BETH SOTELO MYSTERY MURDERS ROCK PRIMM Authorities are baffled by the mysterious… =fik_\ j\Zfe[ k`d\ `e Xj dXep n\\bj# k_\ Z`k`q\ej f] ?`ccZi\jk n\i\ ki\Xk\[ kf Xe le\og\Zk\[ Èc`^_k j_fnÉ `e k_\ jbp# Xe[ X^X`e# E8J8 jZ`\ek`jkjXe[d\k\fifcf^`jkjXc`b\_Xm\XYjfclk\cpef\ogcXeXkSample file `fe]fi k_\g_\efd\efe% È@k nXj Xn\jfd\ 9\kk\i k_Xe :fXZ_\ccX#É jX`[ ?`ccZi\jk ?`^_ J\e`fi FOR ASPEN: <[lXi[fIXpdle[f% Founder: MICHAEL TURNER 9lkfk_\ii\j`[\ekjf]k_\efidXccphl`\kkfneXi\eËkjfjXe^l`e\%Jfd\ Co-Owner/President: Y\c`\m\`kËjXj`^ef]k_\8gfZXcpgj\#fk_\ijk_`ebk_Xkd`c`kXipdljkY\ FRANK MASTROMAURO `emfcm\[gfjj`Ycp`eZfee\Zk`fekfk_\jkiXe^\dli[\ij`eE\mX[X]ifd Co-Owner cXjkn\\b #YlkK`dfk_p?\ieXe[\q#ni`k\iXkk_\?`ccZi\jkAXZbXcfg\# PETER STEIGERWALD nfe[\ij `] k_\i\ `jeËk X dfi\ dle[Xe\ \ogcXeXk`fe ]fi k_\ g_\efd$ Editor in Chief: \efe%?\ZcX`djk_XkcfZXcpflk_j_Xm\Y\\eYi`e^`e^`e]`i\nfibj]ifd VINCE HERNANDEZ e\`^_Yfi`e^ kfnej# `e gi\gXiXk`fe ]fi ?`ccZi\jk ?`^_Ëj ?fd\Zfd`e^ Editorial Assistant: Z\c\YiXk`fek_Xk`jd\i\[XpjXnXp%?\jljg\Zkjk_XkX]k\ik_\Y`^YXj_ JOSH REED [`\j[fne#jfn`cck_\dpjk\i`fljc`^_kj`ek_\jb`\jfm\i?`ccZi\jk% Production Assistant: CHAZ RIGGS K_`j i\gfik\i `jeËk jf jli\% <jg\Z`Xccp X]k\i k_\ Y`qXii\ \m\ekj f] k_\ Office Coordinator: gXjk )+ _flij% DlZ_ c`b\ k_\ ]`ijk k`d\ k_\i\ nXj jkiXe^\e\jj `e k_\ ERICK RAYMUNDO jbp#k_\i\nXjXele\ogcX`e\[fZZlii\eZ\fek_\^ifle[Xjn\cc%K_`j VISIT US ON THE WEB AT AspenStore.Com: k`d\`knXjk_\XggXi\ekÈ^Xj$c\Xb\ogcfj`feÉfZZlii`e^Xkk_\_fd\f] ASPENCOMICS.COM CHRIS RUPP XcfZXci\j`[\ek%@]pflËcci\ZXcc#k_\cXjkk`d\#k_\i\nXjXefk_\ij`d`cXi WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ Director of Design HOMECOMINGCOMIC and Production: YcXjkXkk_\?`^_JZ_ffc%:Xek_`jgfjj`YcpY\XZf`eZ`[\eZ\68ZZfi[`e^ INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS REPRESENTATIVE MARK R OSLAN kff]]`Z`Xcj#p\j%9lkj\i`fljcp%%% CHRISTINE MEYER [email protected] %%%@jd\ccXZfm\i$lg% FOR MORE ASPEN COMICS ASPENSTORE.COM OR FOR THE COMICS RETAILER NEAREST YOU 1-888-COMICBOOK HOMECOMING™ Vol. 1 Issue 4 SEPTEMBER 2013. DIGITAL COPY. Published by Aspen MLT, Inc. Office of Publication: 5855 Green Valley Circle. Suite. 111, Culver City, CA 90230. The Aspen MLT, Inc. logo® is a registered trademark of Aspen MLT, Inc. Homecoming™ and the Homecoming logo, are the trademarks of Aspen MLT, Inc. and Blockade Entertainment. The entire contents of this book, all artwork, characters and their likenesses are ©2013 Aspen MLT, Inc. and Blockade Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Any similarities between names, characters, persons, and/or institutions in this magazine with persons living or dead or institutions is unintended and is purely coincidental. With the exception of artwork used for review purposes, none of the contents of this book may be reprinted, reproduced or transmitted by any means or in any form without the express written consent of Aspen MLT, Inc. FOR THE COMICS RETAILER NEAREST YOU CALL: 1888-COMIC-BOOK - INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS REPRESENTATIVE: CHRISTINE MEYER [[email protected]] Sample file Sample file Sample file Sample file.
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