'Tri' -■ I ^ f " v .. <:■.•■' iNET PRESS BUNl roMcaat %T O. S. WMtke* B«>cau . AVERAGE DAILT CERCCLATIOBf New Bares ^ ‘ ' j OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of Jane, lWt7 Glondy today, possibly showers; 4 , 9 9 0 Sunday generally fair. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL XU ., NO. 234. Classified AdTMtlslng on Page 10. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1927. PARIS CHEERS AND C R E W MANCHESTER PLANS Chief of C. M. T. C. He Missed Little RECEPTION SIMILAR This is Brig.-Gen- CfFICIAL PROGRAM On a six-months’ James C. Rhea, trip around the MANCHESTER’S world, Felix War­ now at Boston, burg, the banker, BIGGEST “ 4th” . YET who has assumed i photoed here upon TO THE ONE GIVEN charge of all the ]ULY FOURTH CELEBRATION ! his retmrn to New Citizens' Military I York, saw every- Auspices j thing there was to •.k'.W.-.V.'.'.-.'.VA'. Training Camps Double Amount of Fireworks COURT DECIDES 5TH ' : Manchester Improvement Club. 1 see. He was in in the First Army nearly every coun­ TO COL J^DBERGH Corps Area. Gen­ try and witnessed Band Concert, Movies, eral Rhea served MONDAY, JULY 4,1927. fighting in China, DISTRICT MUST PAY a financial crisis two years overseas in Japan and talk­ Singing Arranged For and knows his 8:00 p .m .— CONCERT, Colt’s Armory Band, thirty Throngs Swarm About Railroad Station As Flyers Arrive; pieces, at the Playgrounds, on Oakland Street, ed with Soviet shrapnel. leaders in Moscow. Manchester. Monday's Celebration. Loomis Wins Fight Over Bills Warburg Balchen Says Plane So Badly Damaged It Cannot Be 9:00 p. m.— BIG DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS, Connec- For Improvements At ONE HURT, 2 HELD cut Fireworks Co., of West Haven, Conn., on Play­ Used Again— Crew to Return Quickly to U. S. to P re; “ All ready for the biggest cele­ grounds. KERENSKY SCORES bration of the Fourth of July ever pare For Trip Over South Pole— All Drink Wine to held in Manchester.’’ School House. IN THREE CRASHES 10:00 p. m.— CONCERT, Colt’s Armory Band on. Depot This was the announcement of Square. Music and dancing till 12 o’clock mid­ SOVIET TERRORISM Delight of Frenchmen, the general committee at the close night. The loser In the recent battle «>- of its final meeting, held last eve­ 10:15 p. m.— MOTION PICTURES, Depot Square, Com- ning in the office of Chairman Wil­ for the leadership of the Fifth Invalid Goes to Hospital As dies. News Reels, “ Kitt-Kats,” feature picture. Paris. July 2.— Commander Levine explained that he had losi liam Foulds. Jr., in the Balch & school district, Arthur E. Loomis, Former Russian Premier Chamberlin somewhere in the Brown Building. The celebration former committeeman and antago­ Richard E. Byrd and the three in­ crowd. will be under the auspices of the Car Wrecks Fence; Two nist of the Manning faction in that trepid airmen who accompanied Triumphal Procession Manchester Improvement Club.. Adds Americans Under­ him on the dramatic flight of the Sub-committees reported on district, won a victory yesterday in Have Lucky Escape. SUNDAY EVENING, JULY 3 The trip from Caen was a trium­ every detail of the arrangements the Court of Common Pleas when "America” from New York to phal procession. Crowds were Judge Thomas J. Molloy handed 7;30 p. m.— CONCERT, Salvation Army Band of South Man­ stand the Russian Problem France, arrived at the St. Lazare gathered at every spot. The flyers last evening, including fireworks, chester, twenty-two pieces. bands, ground arrangements, park­ down a decision requiring the dis­ station here from Caen at 12:20 smiled at the people from the win­ ing of automobiles, police protec­ trict to pay the sum of $1,365 for One person is in the hospital here o’clock this afternoon and were re­ dows and at many stations leaned tion, firemen's and Boy Scout co­ improvements which were made on and two others were arrested as a New York, July 2.— Asserting ceived with hysterical enthusiasm out and shook hands with those who pressed about the window operation, motion picture show the school building two years ago. result of a series of three automo­ he has found the vast majority of similar to that marking the wel­ plans, erection of bandstands, re­ Mr. Loomis had been ordered to bile accidents, more or less serious come of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh panes. freshments, and financing. make improvements in the sanitary Americans “ appreciate the struggle Byrd and his companions were which occurred in Manchester and after his historical flight. Fireworks Doubled equipment at the school building PLANE SERVICE NOW UNDBERGH MEETS of the Russian people to free them­ Cheering crowds swarmed about kept busy all along the route ruto- The fireworks sub-committee following an investigation by the vicinity early last night. The man selves from the fetters of Bolshe­ the raili^oad station as the train graphing cards and pictures for submitted an imposing list of pieces Board of Health and the Town in the Memorial hospital is Charles vist despotism,” Alexander Keren­ pulled In with Byrd, Bert Acosta, their admirers. io be furnished under its contract School Board. Although the Man­ Risley of 31 Delmont street, and he CHICAGO TO FRISCO FORDS IN DETROIT sky, former Russian Premier and the pilot, Lieut. G. O. Noville, the An embassy physician, Dr. Bain- with the Connecticut Fireworks ning faction fought against these is not seriously injured. leader of the Menshivik party th^t radio operator, and Bernt Balchen, bridge, examined all the flyer.s Company of West Haven. The com­ Improvements and succeeded in get­ Risley, who is an invalid, was _________ I overthrew the Czarist regime and the relief man, on board. physically at Caen. He was worried mittee reported that the quantity is ting the district to table action on riding with three Hartford men in I who in turn were deposed by the “ ■yive Les Amerlcains!” shouted over the condition of Byrd and double the amount furnished at them, Mr. Loomis went ahead and a Chrysler roadster, the car being |\* P • f II 11 Bolsheviks, sailed for his present the huge throng. Acosta. Both of them, it was de­ last year’s celebration of the driven by Konstantly Wojthowski, Newspaper Woman Makes l l im ifir uU6Sl 0l ll6 n r v nnd Paris last night aboard the The cheers grew in volume as the installed them. He brought in Aime ^ White Star line Homeric. cided, will go to the American Fourth. The list includes the fol­ DeMars, a contractor, to do part of of 5 Clinton street. The Chrysler American flyers, their faces wreath­ hospital in Paris after Luncheon for was coming down Nigger Hill just I Events of the last few weeks in lowing; the work. ^ ed In smiles, stepped from the another examination. Opening pieces, 2 pin wheels, this side of the MancLester-Bolton First Trip— From Now Dn Edsel— Subiect of Talk I Russia,” Kerensky said, constitute train. Over Head of District the very best confirmation of changing two colors. Mosaic. town line when the driver lost con­ MiUlng Crowds. Near Evreux the train passed a "When the bills, presented by Mr. trol of his car and it swerved into what I have tried to convey to the boat train bound for the liner Set piece, changing two colors, Loomis and Mr. DeMars, came be­ The crowds pressed close to the white and yellow. the stout wooden fence at the side Daily Passenger Service. Not Given Out. American people. Aqu'.^.nia which is en route to fore the district meeting the voters I “ The despotism of the Bolshevist flyers, milling about them and Streaming flsfcwheel, green color. of the road, plunging through. The shouting words of praise. The Cherbourg. The passengers gave the Butterfly piece, electric effect. decided that they should not be car was badly damaged but the — — I rc.gime is hateful to Russia. In its flyers a real American cheer. paid, inasmuch as they had not Chicago, July 2.— Jane Eads, a Mt. Clemens, Mich., July 2.— Ac-1 nature Bolshevism is the most cruel crush was reminiscent of the mob Special revival wheel, goes on Manchester man was the only per­ that surrounded Lindbergh at Le The flyers were taken from the been incurred through district ac­ son injured. At the hospital it Chicago newspaper woman, will ar­ companled by a dozen picked pilots system of political and social reac­ station, through huge throngs of and off. rive In San Francisco tonight, if all from Selfridge Field the world- tion ever witnessed by Europe. Bourget field after he landed in the Girondole, Chinese fly-wheel. tion. Mr. Loomis contended that the was said that Risley did not appear Spirit of St. Louis. people, to the Continental hotel. Board of Health and the Town to be seriously injured, although goes well, and will thereby claim famous "W e”— Col. Charles A. Denounces Soviet Purposes There they appeared on the bal­ Electric waterfall. He had a )*tEe distinction of being the first Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. “ By its own irresponsible inter­ It required ten minutes for the Brilliant piece, three changes of School Board had the power to go he was in much pain, flyers to reach a small room in the cony, which was decorated with over the head of the district and bad bruise on the forehead, an in­ passenger to make the Chicagb-San Louis— hoped off at 8:18 this nal and foreign policies^the Soviet American and French flags. color.
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