Inverclyde CHCP Inverclyde Health 2010 Health and Wellbeing Profiles published by the Scottish Public Observatory Health presented instead. of CHPs number areas andcontain aCouncil Highland areasnestThese autho38 councils within 32 (local comparator areasfor Profiles.2010 the for presentedhave threeareas,results coverin the Community Health &(CHSCPs Social Care Partnerships used toCommu*CHP is all global term toas refer a interpretedin the lightoflocal knowledge. being availablea in consistent form for allofSco While there be may additional sources of informatio This profile contains: serviceproviders, planning teams, policy makers an aim Our is to support health improvement in Scotlan published in Additional2008. profiles focusingon This is setof a one Healthof38 andWellbeing Pro Scotland available.are also All areavailprofiles CHP CHP Population: 80,210 4. Measure shown as a crude rate per 1,000 populati 1,000 perrate crude a as shown Measure 4. author (local council reported for relevant Data 3. popul age working of percentage as shown Measure 2. populat total the of percentage as shown Measure 1. Population Population 75+ years Population 65–74 years Population 16–64 years Population 0–15 years Population Population 85+ years Population 16+ years Live births workers migrant registrations for National insurance • • • • • • ‘At glance’a commentary theon findings for the a Aof thearea map demographyand table A spinechart detailing indicatorsacross59 10 do A table of definitions sourcesand for allindicat Time andtrend rank eightcharts for key indicator Details Profilesof other products.2010 4 2,3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Number Measure Scot. Av. 860220 10.6 1,72966,203 0.4 6,645 2.2 82.5 7,71951,839 8.3 14,007 9.6 64.6 17.5 ity)area g Glasgow North Glasgow North Westg andEast,Glasgow Glasgo on ion rities) in Scotland. In most cases, the CHP andmost in Incou Scotland. CHP cases, rities) the nity Health Health Health /nity Partnerships Community (CHPs) ation . Where. unavailable at are indicators CHP level, da or CHaSCPs) ininstead or Scotland.of inclu However, able the ScotPHOon atwebsite tland, allowingtland, valid comparisons made.to be They the the health and wellbeingofchildren andpeo young filesScottish for Community Health Partnerships (C 11.6 82.4 65.7 17.6 n inn some local areas, indicatorsthese have the st 1.3 2.0 7.7 9.0 ors d the publicmake informeddecisions toimprove hea (ScotPHO)collaboration and updating profilesprev d by providingd by clear relevantand information that s mains rea ! Skelmorlie ! Wemyss Wemyss Bay ! Inverkip ! GOUROCK ncil area are coterminous, but Glasgow, Fifebut ncil coterminous,Glasgow, are area & Care Partnerships (CHCPs) / & Care Partnerships (CHCPs) ta forthe are area relevant ta council w South. This gives Thisaof total 38 South. gives w www.scotpho.org.uk/profiles ding five CHPs for Glasgow City City CHPs five forwe ding Glasgow ! GREENOCK Health Observatories. Health Public of Association Ireland & UK the ScotPHO of part is ! 0 1 2 PORTGLASGOW 0.5 Miles Kilmacolm should be ple in rength ofrength will will help HPs)*, ! iously iously lth. © Community Health Partnership boundaries – Scottish Government 2010 (draft). This product incl udes mappi`ng data licensed from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2010. Al l rights reserved. Li cence Num ber 399221. Inverclyde CHCP at a Glance Population Profile Inverclyde Community Health & Care Partnership (CHCP) has an estimated total population of 80,210. The percentage of the total population who are of working age is significantly lower than the Scottish average, and the percentage aged 65-74 years significantly higher. National Insurance registrations for migrant workers are significantly below the Scottish average, as is the live birth rate. Life Expectancy & Mortality Male and female life expectancy (71.6 and 78.1 years respectively) is significantly lower than the Scottish average (74.5 and 79.5 years respectively) although it has been rising steadily over time. Mortality rates from all causes (all ages), coronary heart disease (under-75s) and cerebrovascular disease (under-75s) are significantly higher (worse) than the Scottish average. Behaviours An estimated 25.0% of adults smoke, the same figure as for Scotland as a whole. There have been 302 deaths from alcohol conditions in the last five years and the death rate is significantly higher than the Scottish average. The proportions of the population hospitalised for alcohol conditions and for drug related conditions are significantly higher than the Scottish average. Active travel to work and levels of sporting participation (including walking) are similar to the Scottish average. Ill Health & Injury and Mental Health Cancer registrations and the proportions of the population hospitalised for coronary heart disease, COPD, emergency admissions, and multiple admissions (65 years and over), are all significantly higher (worse) than the Scotland average. The rate of road traffic accident casualties is significantly lower (better) than the Scottish average and the rate of hospitalisations after a fall in the home (65 years and over) is significantly higher (worse). The percentage of patients prescribed drugs for anxiety/depression/psychosis and the patient psychiatric hospitalisation rate are also significantly higher than average. The suicide death rate in the CHCP (16.2 per 100,000 population) is similar to the Scottish average (15.1 per 100,000). Social Care & Housing Inverclyde has a significantly higher percentage of older people (65 years and over) receiving free personal care at home compared to the Scottish average, and the percentage of adults claiming incapacity benefit/severe disability allowance is significantly higher than average. The rate of children looked after by the local authority is significantly higher than the Scottish average. Extreme fuel poverty is significantly lower than Scotland-wide (5.3% of households compared with 7.5% respectively). Education & Economy Levels of income and employment deprivation, the percentage of working age population claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance, dependence on out of work benefits or child tax credit, and people claiming pension credits, are all significantly higher than the Scottish average. Crime and Environment The crime rate is significantly higher than the Scotland average. Compared to Scotland as a whole, a significantly high rate of patients are hospitalised after an assault. The proportion of the CHCP population living within 500 metres of a derelict site is significantly lower than the Scottish average. The proportion of the population living in the 15% ‘most access deprived’ areas is significantly above the Scottish average. Women's & Children's Health Breast screening uptake is significantly lower in the CHCP (68.6%) compared to the Scottish average (75.3%). The teenage pregnancy rate (under-18s) is significantly lower than the Scottish average. The prevalence of pregnant mothers who smoke is higher than the Scottish average. The percentage of babies exclusively breastfed at 6-8 weeks is significantly lower than the Scottish average. ScotPHO - Health and Wellbeing Profiles 2010 Page 2 of 12 Inverclyde CHCP Health Summary This chart compares the local value for each indicator to the Scottish average and range for all profile areas. Statistically significantly 'worse' than Scottish average Statistically not significantly different from Scottish average 'Worse' Area Scotland Average 'Better' Area Statistically significantly 'better' than Scottish average 5th Percentile 25th Percentile 75th Percentile 95th Percentile Statistically significant difference compared to Scottish average No significance can be calculated Scot. Domain Indicator Number Measure Type 'Worst' Scotland Average 'Best' Average 1 Life expectancy - males 1 n/a 71.6 yrs 74.5 2 Life expectancy - females 1 n/a 78.1 yrs 79.5 3 Deaths all ages 2 2,975 793.5 sr 707.8 4 Early deaths from coronary heart disease (< 75s) 2 192 68.7 sr 57.2 & Mortality & 2 Life Expectancy Life 5 Early deaths from cancer (< 75s) 383 134.9 sr 134.7 6 Early deaths from cerebrovascular disease (< 75s) 2 73 24.8 sr 18.7 7 Smoking attributable deaths 2 730 24.6 % 24.1 8 Smoking prevalence 3 n/a 25.0 % 25.0 9 Patients hospitalised with alcohol conditions 2 3,838 1,414 sr 1,088 10 Deaths from alcohol conditions 1 302 64.8 sr 46.4 2 Behaviours 11 Patients hospitalised with drug related conditions 388 185.0 sr 85.1 12 Active travel to work 3 n/a 9.0 % 14.0 13 Sporting participation 3 n/a 75.0 % 73.0 14 Patients registered with cancer 1 2,423 445.5 sr 412.6 15 Patients hospitalised with COPD 2 701 204.6 sr 158.6 16 Patients hospitalised with coronary heart disease 2 1,239 392.1 sr 347.0 17 Patients hospitalised with cerebrovascular disease 2 667 182.3 sr 173.8 18 Patients hospitalised with asthma 2 863 335.3 sr 472.9 19 Patients hospitalised as an emergency 2 20,539 7,504.4 sr 6,378.9 20 2 2,334 5,258.8 sr 4,607.6 Ill Health & Injury & Ill Health Patients (65+) with multiple hospitalisations 21 Road traffic accident casualties 2 159 64.9 sr 79.4 22 Patients hospitalised after a fall in the home (65+) 2 501 946.3 sr 710.4 23 Prevalence of diabetes 3,590 3.5 sr2 3.5 24 Patients prescribed drugs for anxiety/depression/psychosis 10,833 12.6 % 9.7 25 Patients with a psychiatric hospitalisation 2 1,341 486.6 sr 303.0 Health Mental 26 Deaths from suicide 1 65 16.2 sr 15.1 27 People (65+) receiving free personal care at home 3 1,156 8.0 % 5.3 28 Adults claiming incapacity benefit/severe disability allowance 5,410 8.2
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