YOUR GUIDE TO SHOWS, SHOPS, ANTIQUE/FLEA MARKETS AND AUCTIONS • READ US ONLINE CELEBRATING Renninger’s OUR 45TH YEAR ANTIQUE GUIDE VOLUME 45, NUMBER 1 WWW.RENNINGERS.NET JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2019 CURRENT ‘Clobbered’ Porcelain PRICES By Terry and Kim Kovel he English word “clobbered” has been used since at Current prices are recorded least the 1600s, but its meaning has changed. It still IURP DQWLTXHV VKRZV ÁHD PDU means beaten up, badly injured or damaged. But the NHWVVDOHVDQGDXFWLRQVWKURXJK word had a very different meaning in the 1700s. It out the United States. Prices vary describes porcelain dishes or ornaments with blue- in different locations because of and-white7 underglaze decoration that were altered. And in an local economic conditions. auction catalog or antiques display, the clobbered alterations Porcelain vase, double handles, are not bad and not damaging, but enhancing, and not a reason OHDYHVÁRZHUVSLQNJUHHQEURZQ WRSD\DORZHUSULFH7KH&KLQHVHPDGHPRVWRIWKHEOXHDQG continental, 13 x 17 inches, $70. ZKLWHSLHFHVLQWKHODWHVWRHDUO\V7KH\ZHUHVKLSSHG &KHOVHD ÀJXULQH -RKQ 0LOWRQ to many countries and overpainted with colored glazes because standing, leaning on pedestal, gilt WKHSXEOLFZRXOGSD\PRUHIRUFRORUHGXUQVRUGLVKHV7KH highlights, print shirt, purple drap- decorations did not follow the blue-and-white outlines of the ing, 1800, 12 1/2 inches, $120. original glaze, but were applied as new pictures and ornamental -DSDQHVH SULQW 8WDJDZD .XQL GHVLJQVRYHUWKHROGJOD]H7KH(QJOLVKGLGWKHVDPHRYHUJOD]H yoshi, samurai holding large staff, GHFRUDWLQJEXWPDQ\WKRXJKWLWZDVGDPDJHGQRWLPSURYHG7KH beach, waves, blue, orange, cream, Germans called it “schwarzlot” (blackish) decoration. A pair of 1840, 15 x 10 inches, $145. “Chinese Export clobbered porcelain vases” were sold at a New 7D]]DEURQ]HJLOWFDWRZODUD Orleans auction for $5,750. Clobbering in green, pink, yellow and besque, leaves, vines, berries, An- copper red in the mid-1800s has added to its value today. toine-Louis Barye, 7 1/4 x 6 1/2 inches, $170. Fireplace, andiron, brass, steeple ÀQLDOEDOOVFUROOLQJOHJVEDOOIHHW 22 inches, pair, $480. Evans-Carlson Commander Bi- A pair of clobbered Chinese urns decorated with blue-and-white pictures of houses and a river were overpainted cycle, yellow and green, fenders, with colored fl owers, leaves and a cracked ice design. The pair sold for $5,750. Continued on page 2 What Is An Antique? – A 21st Century Defi nition By Harry L. Rinker separated handcraft from machine LVDQ\REMHFWPDGHEHIRUH7KH doubt and requires no thought. It is younger generations approach an- hat is an antique?” technology in the United States. RQO\ PHULW WR WKLV GHÀQLWLRQ LV LWV safe and absolute. WLTXHV DV D FRQFHSW 7KH\ FOHDUO\ is a question I was Although machine technology was forward movement. In late October 2018, Linda and KDYHQRLQWHUHVWLQDÀ[HGGDWH$V Ϋ: asked a great deal in in place in England and Europe by :KHQ,EHJDQZULWLQJ´5LQNHU I attended a Halloween dinner at indicated earlier, it is highly pos- the twentieth century. Only recently the end of the eighteenth century, on Collectibles” in the mid-1980s, WKH8QLYHUVLW\&OXERI:LQWHU3DUN VLEOHWKH\GRQRWHYHQFDUH7KH did I realize that I only have been collectors and museum personnel I selected 1920 as the dividing line Florida. During a break one of the more I think about this, the more I asked this question a few times in thought in American terms. between antiques and collectibles, individuals seated at our table came question if I care. WKHWZHQW\ÀUVWFHQWXU\7KHREYL ,Q WKH HDUO\ V :LQWHUWKXU a new term to the trade at the time. over to talk with me. ,PDJLQHDGHÀQLWLRQWKDWLVLQGL ous conclusion is that most col- used an 1830 cutoff for its collec- Over the years, I updated the divid- “You mentioned your strong in- vidually relevant as opposed to an lectors and the general public as a WLRQV)LIW\WZR\HDUVODWHU:LQWHU LQJ OLQH³ÀUVWGHÀQLQJ DQ DQWLTXH terest in antiques and collectibles,” DEVROXWH FRQFLVH À[HG GHÀQLWLRQ ZKROH QR ORQJHU GHVLUH WR VSHFLÀ thur has expanded its collection to as anything made before 1945, any- he began. “My wife collected an- that is universally acceptable. Ac- FDOO\ GHÀQH WKH WHUP ,I WKH\ OLNH include material from the early and thing made before 1962, and most WLTXHV 6KH KDG DQ XQXVXDO GHÀ WXDOO\DÀ[HGGDWHLVPHDQLQJOHVV something, they buy it no matter middle Victorian period. It is only recently anything made before QLWLRQRIDQDQWLTXH7RKHUDQDQ ,IFROOHFWRUVDUHDVNHGWRGHÀQH KRZLWLVFODVVLÀHGZLWKLQWKHWUDGH DPDWWHURIWLPHEHIRUH:LQWHUWKXU 1980. tique was anything older than 25 an antique, it is highly likely that Although what follows will be includes the late Victorian period. In 2019, 2045 is only 26 years in years that she did not remember or RU PRUH VHSDUDWH GHÀQLWLRQV repetitive for longtime “Rinker on 7KH JHQHUDO SXEOLF XVHG WKH the future. In 2045, 1945 will quali- recognize.” each with a different date, will re- Collectibles” readers, it is neces- \HDUROGUXOHWRGHÀQHDQDQ fy under the obsolete 100-year rule. Cue the lights. Sound the alarm VXOW7KHGLFWLRQDU\GHÀQLWLRQVRI sary to set the stage for a new ap- WLTXH7KHUXOHLVWKHUHVXOWRIWKH I would love to live long enough to bells. Slap the side of my head. antique are broad and vague to the SURDFKWRGHÀQLQJDQWLTXHV:KHQ United States Custom Agency’s see this happen, but the odds are :K\GLG,QRWWKLQNRIWKDW",PDJ point of uselessness. I studied with the Henry Francis du rule that any item imported into the against me. LQH D GHÀQLWLRQ RI DQWLTXHV WKDW Older, more traditional collectors 3RQW:LQWHUWKXU)HOORZVGXULQJWKH United States older than 100 years A date is the common element ÁRDWHG,WLVHQRXJKWRFDXVHDOH[L SUHIHUWRGHÀQHDQDQWLTXHDVVRPH spring 1963 semester at the Univer- can enter duty free. In the 1960s, LQ DOO WKHVH GHÀQLWLRQV 7KLV GLG cographer to turn over in his/her thing older than them. Few indi- sity of Delaware, I was taught an this meant an antique was an object not strike me as odd until recently. grave. viduals are willing to accept they antique was anything made before made in the 1860s or earlier. Us- $ VSHFLÀF GDWH LV FRPIRUWLQJ DQG Since the end of the 1990s, I have have reached the point in their lives 1830. 1830 was the magic date that ing this approach today, an antique easy to understand. It removes all wrestled with understanding how Continued on page 3 EXTRAVAGANZA DATES MOUNT DORA, FL Jan. 18-20•Feb. 15-17, 2019 KUTZTOWN, PA 2019•April 25-27•June 27-29•Sept. 26-28 2 Renninger’s Antique Guide January- February 2019 COMING UP National Black Memorabilia, JANUARY FEBRUARY 18-20 State 2 .......Penns Landing Fine Art &Crafts Show April 6 & 7 Fairgrounds, Caterers, Raleigh, NC Phila., PA he 35th annual Na- the United States with black Panther Party, Dorothy Dan- of Fame. He was named as 18-20 Renningers, 2-3 tional Black Memora- PHPRUDELOLDÀQHDUWDQG dridge, Malcolm X, George one of the 50 Greatest Play- ....Hilton Hotel, bilia, Fine Art &Crafts crafts for sale. Items for sale :DVKLQJWRQ &DUYHU 1HJUR HUV LQ 1%$ +LVWRU\ 7KH\ Mt. Dora, FL., 7 Naples, FL Show will be April 6 & 7 at include slavery artifacts, his- League Baseball, Nannie will be at the show both days Extravaganza 3 .......VFW, Manville, the Montgomery County Fair- torical documents, black dolls, +HOHQ %XUURXJKV 7XVNHJHH talking with fans and signing 18-20 Raceway NJ….Bottle grounds, 501 Perry Parkway, books, autographs, stamps, Airmen, Frederick Douglass, autographs for a nominal fee. in Gaithersburg, Maryland. coins, toys, kitchen collect- Hip-Hop and others. Also, there will be autograph Complex, 7-10 ...Expo Centers, 7KH REMHFWLYHV RI WKLV VKRZ ibles, advertisements, paint- Also, Daphne Maxwell sessions with Negro League Richmond, VA Atlanta, GA are to educate the public on ings, prints, magazines, jewel- 5HLGDQG6DP-RQHVZLOOEH %DVHEDOO3OD\HUVDQG7XVNH- 19-20 African American History ry, textiles, political and civil guest celebrities. Daphne gee Airman. NYS 14-16 Fairgrounds, Fairgrounds, and Culture, and to provide rights memorabilia, sports and Maxwell Reid, is the well- 7KLV VKRZ LV DQ H[FHOOHQW Nashville, TN one an opportunity to pur- entertainment memorabilia NQRZQ79DQGPRYLHDFWUHVV opportunity for all to be ed- Syracuse, NY 15-17 Lakewood chase unique, rare and col- and much more. In addition, who starred as Vivian Banks ucated on African Ameri- 26 .....Penns 400, lectible pieces of black mem- there will be educational ex- in the very popular NBC can History and Culture. For Landing RUDELOLD ÀQH DUW DQG FUDIWV hibits that give an in-depth 6LWFRP ´7KH )UHVK 3ULQFH additional information and Cumming, GA Admission is $7 and students look at important people and RI%HO$LUʮ6DP-RQHVLVD space reservations call (301) Caterers, 15-17 Renningers are admitted free. Show hours events in African American former NBA Boston Celt- 649-1915, email Ljohnson- Phila., PA Extravaganza, are Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. KLVWRU\7KHVHHGXFDWLRQDO ics basketball player. He has [email protected] , view www. 26-27 and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. exhibits include Slavery Arti- the second most NBA cham- johnsonshows.com or view Expo Center, Mt. Dora, FL Columbus, At this event there will be IDFWV-LP&URZ%XIIDOR6RO- pionships of any player (10) www.facebook.com/Black- 16-17 Crowne Plaza, many vendors from across diers, Marcus Garvey, Black and is a member of the Hall memorabiliashow. OH Pittsburgh, 26-27 Wheaton Arts PA….Glass & Cultural 21-23 Main Street, Center, Madison, GA Vocabulary of Collectibles Millville, NJ 23 .....Penns Landing FEBRUARY Caterers, By Terry and Kim Kovel Phila., PA ntique shoppers must learn the vocabu- 1-2 ....Congregational lary of collectibles to read catalogs, make 23-24 Church, Glen Expo Center, online searches or understand words with double meanings like commode Ridge, NJ Celeste Bldg., Columbus, OH (dresser) and commode 1-3 ....Expo Center, A(toilet.) You also need to know that 23-24 Mem.Hall Community :HGJZRRGDQG:HGJHZRRGDUH two unrelated, different companies. East, York, PA Center, Venice, FL :KDWLVWKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQD match strike, match safe, match case DQGPDWFKKROGHU"7KH\DOOZHUHPDGHLQ the 19th century to hold wooden matches.
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