Vladimir Sotirov ARITHMETIZATIONS OF SYLLOGISTIC `ala LEIBNIZ1 1. The Prehistory ÃLukasiewicz had every reason to suppose that Leibniz's winged Calculemus! had been connected with the Aristotelian syllogistic [4, x 34]. Indeed, after Louis Couturat's pioneer e®orts in commenting and publishing Leibniz's logical opuscula ([1], [2]). The basic idea of the arithmetization of syllogistic was to establish a correspondence between terms and suitable integers (the characteristic numbers of notions), so that the logical truth of a proposition would turn into an arithmetical truth of unsuccessful. The second one used a transla- tion of terms into pairs of co-prime numbers and was successful, as SÃlupecki proved ([8]; see also [4, x 34]). This second translation obviously was more so±sticated but the bigger trouble was in the paper we justify the viability of the earlier (and less complicated) Leibniz idea. Moreover, we propose two translations into arithmetic which are appropriate for syllogistic with all Boolean term operations. 2. Arithmetizations of the Traditional Syllo- gistic We will treat the Aristotelian syllogistic in the style that became canonical after ÃLukasiewicz's celebrated book [4]. For this purpose the language of the classical propositional calculus is extended by term variables (for short, terms) t1; t2; . together with two binary term relations: A and 1Supported by contract U{705/1997 with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. An extended version of the paper will appear in the special issue of the Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics dedicated to the memory of George Gargov. 156 I. Syllogistic atoms are all formulae of the kind sAp or sIp with s and p being terms. A syllogism is any propositional formula with all propositional letters replaced by syllogistic atoms. The standard and the most intuitive semantics of the Aristotelian syllogistic is that in the theory of sets: if S and P are arbitrary non-empty sets, sAp (\Every s is a p") is translated into S ⊆ P , sIp (\Some s is a p") into S \ P 6= ; (briefly, SθP ), and the formal propositional connectives are replaced with the informal ones. Thus any syllogism is translated into a sentence about non-empty sets. If this sentence is true, i.e., if the expression so obtained is a set-theoretical tautology, the syllogism is said to be true. It is true in a given (non-empty) set U when any replacement of its terms with (non-empty) subsets of U gives a true sentence. This semantics we call Scholastic following Leibniz himself. It is characterized by (⊆; \ 6= ;). Another semantics in the theory of sets is possible; it will be named Leibnizian being (partially) accepted by him. When a non-empty set U is given, term variables are evaluated by subsets of U di®erent from U. If S and P are such sets, sAp is interpreted as S ¶ P , sIp as S [ P 6= U, and the formal propositional connectives are replaced by informal ones. This semantics is characterized by (¶; [ 6= U). A syllogism is said to be true in U when the sentence obtained after any replacement of all term variables with subsets of U (di®erent from U) is true. The syllogism is true when it is true in any set U. Obviously, both semantics are dual, and a syllogism is true in the Scholastic semantics i® it is true in the Leibnizian one. The following theorem expresses the decidability of syllogistic: Theorem 1. A syllogism with n term letters is true i® it is true in any set with no more than 2n elements. The theorem is similar to the statement of decidability of the monadic predicate calculus. The only-if part is obvious. For the if part, let us suppose that a syllogism is not true in the Scholastic semantics, and let T1; ... ;Tn be some non-empty sets rejecting it. Denote by U their union. Let us identify the elements of U following x ¼ y $ (8i)(x 2 Ti $ y 2 Ti). Denote by jxj the equivalence class of x, i.e., w 2 jxj $ w ¼ x. The factorization of U produces no more than 2n elements2 2The upper bound 2n can es obtain the proof for the Leibnizian semantics, the ¤ ¤ ¤ complements of T1 ; ... ;Tn to U may be taken. 157 The ¯rst interpretation of the traditional syllogistic in arithmetic we name Scholastic. Let a1; a2; . denote arbitrary integers greater than 1. Given a syllogism, replace tiAtj with aijaj (\ai is a divisor of aj"), tiItj with a new relation aiGaj (\ai and aj have a common divisor greater than 1", or: g.c.d. (ai; aj) > 1), and the formal propositional connectives with informal ones. In short, this interpretation is characterized by (j, g.c.d. > 1). Call the syllogism arithmetically true (in the Scholastic sense) if the sentence so obtained is an arithmetical truth. Theorem 2. (Adequacy of the Scholastic arithmetical interpre- tation): A syllogism is true i® it is arithmetically true (in the Scholastic sense). Let faig denote the set of all divisors of ai greater than 1. Then ai j aj is equivalent to faig ⊆ fajg, and ai G aj to faigθfajg. So, if the syllogism is true in the Scholastic semantics of sets, it will be arithmetically true as well. Conversely, if the syllogism is not true in the Scholastic ¤ ¤ semantics, and contains n term letters, let T1 ; ... ;Tn be the rejecting sets n provided by Theorem 1. Suppose all their elements are w1; ... ; wk (k · 2 ). ¤ Take p1; ... ; pk to be di®erent prime numbers. If the elements of Ti are ¤ wi1 ; ... ; wim (remember that Ti 6= ;), pose pi1 ... pim = ai. Any of the ¤ ¤ integers so obtained is greater than 1, and aijaj $ Ti ⊆ Tj ; aiGaj $ ¤ ¤ Ti θTj . Ergo, the integers a1; ... ; ak will make the syllogism arithmetically false. If the empty set is admitted to evaluate terms in the Scholastic seman- tics, a new syllogistic will be obtained which di®ers from the traditional one. For example, some of Aristotle's syllogisms like Bramalip stop being true. The law sIs introduced by Leibniz will not be true, either. The arithmetical interpretation can be modi¯ed to serve syllogistic with empty terms by admitting 1 as their number value together with a sole modi¯ca- tion in the proof of Theorem 2: 1 has to be added to the list of divisors of ai being the number corresponding to the empty term; in the second part ¤ of the proof, if Ti = ; then pose ai = 1. Further, for the arithmetical interpretation named Leibnizian, let u (the Universe number) be an arbitrary integer greater than 1, and let a1; a2; . be arbitrary its proper divisors, i.e., ai < u for any i (however, ai = 1 is permitted). Replace tiAtj by a relation ai=aj (\ai is divisible by aj"; this notation is to remind of the division ai=aj), and tiItj by a 158 relation ai L aj de¯ned as \the least common multiple of ai and aj is less than u", or: \there is a prime divisor of u dividing neither ai nor aj". Finally, formal propositional connectives are replaced with their informal analogues. In short, the Leibnizian arithmetical interpretation is charac- terized by (/, l.c.m. < u). The syllogism is said to be arithmetically true (in the Leibnizian sense) with respect to u if the sentence so obtained is an arithmetical truth. The syllogism is arithmetically true (in the Leibnizian sense) if it is arithmetically true, in the same sense, with respect to any u > 1. Theorem 3. (Adequacy of the Leibnizian arithmetical interpre- tation): A syllogism is true i® it is arithmetically true in the Leibnizian sense. For proving Theorem 3 a bridge will be thrown to Theorem 2. If a and b are arbitrary integers satisfying the conditions of the Leibniz inter- u u pretation with respect to a Universe number u, then a and b are integers u u satisfying the conditions of the Scholastic interpretation, and a = b $ ajb, u u a G b $ aLb. So, if a syllogism is arithmetically true in the Scholastic sense, it will be arithmetically true in the Leibnizian sense as well. Conversely, if the syllogism is arithmetically true in the Leibnizian sense, and a1; ... ; an are arbitrary integers satisfying the Scholastic con- u ditions (i.e., ai > 1 for any i), take u = l:c:m: (a1; ... ; an). Then all a u u i satisfy the conditions of the Leibnizian interpretation, and aijaj $ = , ai aj u u u u aiLaj $ G . Because the syllogism evaluated by ; ... ; was sup- ai aj a1 an posed to be true, the sentence obtained after evaluating it by a1; ... ; an will be true, too. Ergo, the syllogism is arithmetically true in the Scholastic sense. 3. Arithmetizations of Syllogistic with Term Negation In contrast to the traditional syllogistic, there are many systems contain- ing term negation, and none of them is canonized. To compare di®erent semantics and their correspondent axiomatics is not our aim; see, e.g., [6] and [7]. Here we will examine only the system that is nearest to Leibniz's view. 159 Expand the language of syllogistic by adding an operation of term negation ¡; then, if t is a term, ¡t (\non-t") is a term, too. The de¯nition of atoms is modi¯ed by permitting s and p to be arbitrary terms in sAp and in sIp as well. In both set-theoretical semantics, a universal set U is introduced. Terms are evaluated by subsets of U di®erent from ; and U. If a term t is evaluated by a set T , the value of ¡t is the complement of T to U.
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