REVIEW REPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD IN INDONESIA 1997-2009 ® Indonesia a Published by: Save the Children Jl. Taman Margasatwa No. 26C, Jakarta Selatan - 12550 Indonesia © Save the Children 2010 This book may be used, quoted, reprinted/photocopied, translated and disseminated in all or in part by non-profit organizations for non-profit purposes by stating the name of the copyright holder. This Project and Publication are funded by SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) b CONTENT Preface Acknowledgement Forward from Consortium International NGO Forward from National NGO Coalition for Child Rights Monitoring ChAPTeR ONe IntroduCTION 1 ChAPTeR TwO GeNeRAl MeASuReS OF IMPleMentation • Reservation of CRC, ratification status of CRC and ratification of other hu- man Rights instruments • Legislation, Decentralisation, and Disemination of CRC • Coordination and National Action Planning, Independent Monitoring and Data Collection. ChAPTeR ThRee DeFINITION OF The ChIlD • Starting point and the end of childhoodl • Maturity age of Marriage • Minimum age for sexual consent • Minimum age for admisión to employment, alcohol consumption and criminal responsibility. ChAPTeR FOuR ChIvIl RIGhTS AND FReeDOMS • Birth Registration and rights to citizenship • Violence and corporal punishment • Freedom for religión ChAPTeR FIve GeNeRAl PRINCIPleS • Rights to be heard and the best interest of the child. • Non-Discrimination ChAPTeR SIx FAMIly eNvironmeNT AND AlTernative CARe • Alternative Care • Adoption ChAPTeR SeveN BASIC heAlTh AND welfare • Disable Children • Health standard for children • Health Insurance • Adolesence health ChAPTeR eIGhT eDucation, leASuReS AND CulTuRAl ACTIvITIeS • Universal and free basic education • Rights to education for disable children and children in conflict with the law. • Children expelled from school • Curriculum based human Rights • Violence in school i ChAPTeR NINe SPeCIAl ProteCTION MeASuReS • Children in emergency situation • Exploited Children • Children in Conflict with the law • Children belong to ethnic minority • Street Children ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS we, the National NGO Coalition for Child Rights Monitoring and the Consortium International NGO would like to thank you to all children who have eagerly expressed the their views and opinions during the drafting of this report. we also would like to thank you to local organizations, individual, child rights experts and volunteer who have been involved in the process of research, legal review and child consultation. And lastly, we would like to thank you to all contributors of this review report who have been working hard to analyze and integrate all the findings from research, legal review and child consultation in to this review report. iii FORWARD FROM CONSORTIUM INTERNATIONAL NGO we would like to congratulate the National NGO Coalition for Child Rights Monitoring for completing the Review Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Indonesia 1997-2009. This review report will become the main source of Alternative Report to the Government of Indonesia’s periodic report III-Iv (1997-2007) to the Committee of uN CRC on the Implementation of CRC Indonesia once it is submitted. The process to draft this report has started since the end of 2007 through researches of legislatives, policies and programmatic measures of the Government of Indonesia. Most importantly, the child consultation process has been conducted from 2008 through 2009 in 14 (fourteen) provinces covering 14 (fourteen) child groups and issues. As part of the global movement in making child rights a reality globally, we are grateful that we have been partnering and supporting the National NGO Coalition for Child Rights Monitoring in Indonesia in the process of drafting this review report. This review report sees the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Indonesia through civil society’s and children’s perspectives. we hope that the findings and recommendations presented in the report will be considered by all the duty bearers of child rights realization in Indonesia. ChildFund Indonesia Sharon Thangadurai Plan Internasional Indonesia John McDonough Save the Children in Indonesia Mark Fritzler Terre des Hommes Netherlands leonarda A.I Kling World Vision Indonesia Trihadi Saptohadi iv FORWARD FROM NATIONAL NGO COALITION FOR CHILD RIGHTS MONITORING IN INDONESIA Child rights issues are too often not taken seriously. Therefore in almost every planning developed by the government, child rights issues are being kept aside. In every planning document, be it at national or provincial level, child rights have never been considered as one of the indicators, let alone as the main indicator. likewise in our law system and procedures, there is very few that regulates child rights. At the same time, there is still a misperception in understanding child rights issues. Therefore, ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and other relevant international instruments, which will subsequently be followed by other Acts or domestic regulations in line with the CRC, is a hope for a better world for children in the future. It will at least serve as a reference for upholding and protecting child rights in Indonesia. Furthermore, child rights issue is no longer a strange topic to be put forward in the national and provincial political agenda. The question is whether this political agenda is in line with child rights and human rights perspectives or, on the contrary, does it divert the main issue to another topic? This is where the right paradigm and perspective is required. This book of Review Report (based on legal Review, Policy Review and Child Consultation) aims to place child rights issues in the perspective of child rights and human rights. Taking this perspective as a starting point, we can then assess the legal, policy and situational analysis of child rights in Indonesia while taking into account children’s opinion. Integrating children’s opinion into this review is deemed essential because disregarding their opinion would reduce the essence of child rights perspectives. This review model is meant to provide us an objective, comprehensive and critical standpoint on child rights conditions in Indonesia. In so doing, we are more informed of what we have achieved and what remains as the major problems to be fixed in the future. Furthermore, by using this review model, we are expected to comprehend children’s real expectations. If we are of the same opinion that child rights have to be integrated in the national and provincial political agenda, each one of us should be involved in pushing forward a change of paradigm in our development planning, a reform of law system and a restructuring of the current institutions to be more sensitive and accommodative of child rights issues. Our involvement based on each of our own expertise is required. It is in that context that the National NGO Coalition for Child Rights Monitoring is willing to work together, hand in hand with anyone who is interested in this struggle. yes we can! Ahmad Taufan Damanik Coordinator of the Presidium of National NGO Coalition v CONTRIBUTORS/WRITERS Introduction Muhammad Jailani, Project Coordinator for Alternative Report, Executive Director for KKSP Foundation General Implementation Measures Emmy Lucy Smith, Presidium of National NGO Coalition, Ketua Yayasan Kakak Setiawan Cahyo Nugroho, PM Child Rights Save the Children in Indonesia Definition of the Child Ahmad Taufan Damanik, Ketua Presidium Ornop Koalisi Nasional, Ketua Yayasan KKSP Setiawan Cahyo Nugroho, PM Child Rights, Save the Children in Indonesia General Principles Setiawan Cahyo Nugroho, PM Child Rights, Save the Children in Indonesia Civil Rights and Liberties Freedom Muhammad Jailani, Project Koordinator Alternative Report, Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan KKSP Setiawan Cahyo Nugroho, PM Child Rights Save the Children in Indonesia Family Environment and Alternative Care Florence Martin, Advocacy and Research Advisor, Save the Children in Indonesia Basic Health and Welfare Aan Subhansyah, Presidium Koalisi Ornop Nasional, Director Advocacy Yayasan Humana Muhammad Jailani, Project Koordinator Alternative Report, Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan KKSP Education, Leasure and Cultural Activity Ahmad Taufan Damanik, Ketua Presidium Koalisi Ornop Nasional, Ketua Yayasan KKSP Muhammad Jailani, Project Koordinator Alternative Report, Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan KKSP Special Protection Measures Odi Shalahuddin, Presidium Koalisi Ornop Nasional, Koordinator Eksekutif Yayasan Samin Hening Budiyawati, Koordinator Fasilitator Konsultasi Anak, Ketua Yayasan Setara, Semarang Emmy Lucy Smith, Presidium Koalisi Ornop Nasional, Ketua Yayasan Kakak Aan Subhansyah, Presidium Koalisi Ornop Nasional, Director Advocacy Yayasan Humana Project Design Consultant / Reviewer Mohammad Farid Editor Setiawan Cahyo Nugroho and Muhammad Jailani. vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Muhammad Jailani. Convention on the Rights of the Child and Alternative Report The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a comprehensive instrument that represents a bringing together of the universal Declaration of human Rights, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Covenant on economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and is specifically directed at children bearing in mind that children, in the context of their growth and development, require special treatment. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the united
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