IN'BT PRESS RUN ▲VBBAOE DAtLX CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD lor the mooth of Febmatyi 1927. 1 . f. u >4. • l \ . t*?s Olqndy . and uranner '\toni|^t.' 4,956 lluiraday U|;h't «taow«i%. ) VOL. XU ., NO, 153 ClMsifled AdTortislag on Page 10. MAJJCHE^ER, CONN., WEDN^SDAV, MARCH SO, 1937. CrWELVB^i PRKXTHIffiE SUte^-ibr.ty_ FISHER5IAN CATCHES SKULL 0F A WO»IAN Shanghai—Heart of the Present Trouble in China. ;.v REED GRILLSi Sterling, Conn., March 30.— Visions of an nnusual tragedy were conJured up when George Dowd, Ashing in Perry’s pond SAPIRO IN on Satur4^y, hooked up a human skull and brought it in­ to town to Dr. B. F. Teflt, medical examiner, who declared FORD SUIT the skull to be that of a woman, and told the police of Con­ necticut and Rhode Island in M which Perry’s pond is locatea. Pillories “CooperaliYe King” Investigation disclosed an PROBE abandoned .tomb two miles from the pond had been broken into, On the Rack at Million 4 and the bodes disturbed. IS BALKED Dollar Trial. IN SENATE V.i' n . Federal Building, Detroit, Mich., Blast Buries Defenders of Concession Forced to Fire Oyer Heads of March 30.— Aaron Sapiro, the so- • W ■ * . 3alled “ cooperative king’’ was pil­ Rep. Citron Makies Charges; loried today on the act of cross ex- Small Boys and GirU-^Reinforcements Rushed to Bar­ imlnatlon at the mlllion-dollar 250 Miners Miss Marjorie Cheney Pord-Sapiro libel suit in Federal ricades— American Residents Ask For American Court. Asks For An Inyestiga- Before a crowded courtroom and Cresson, Pa., March 80.— Offi­ a Jury that hung on every, word. cials of the Pennsylvania Ck>al & Troops. Senator James A. Reed, Democrat Coke Co., ^whose Ehrenfeld, Pa., tion; Dehate State Rights. of Missouri, delved into the for­ mine was shaken by an explosion gotten past of Sapiro and into ev­ today, told International News Shanghai, Midnight, March 30. ery detail of his amazlnig rise to — Chinese' mobs opened attacks power in the American farm w'orld. Service that 250 miners are bcllcr- Hartford, Conn., March 30.— ^An Reed hammered away at Saplro’s ed entombed. and appropriation of $1,000,000 to be upon the barricades about the Shanghai statement that he earned $400,- The Ehrenfeld mine is one of the made annually for construction of French concession tonight. tory in the vicinity of Shanghai. 000 from his professional practice largest in Cambria county. Itxuor- rural roads was approved by the The mobs of Chinese approach­ in the years 1916 to 1S26. mally employs from 500 to «00 ed the barricades of the French Strange Contrast Senate here today; miners. concession, behind groups of small Reed and Sapiro presented a Although the blast did not occur "William Citron and. Rev. George \ Urange contrast. The senator, in the main passageway, company B. Gilbert, representatives, from boys and girls who had been herd­ Vhlte-halred and deliberate growl- officials believe 250 men were work­ FORD HURT IN ACCIDENT Middletown,;- made, today a second ed in front o f , the attackers and 5d his, questions, sometimes with ing In the wrecked channel. gave them shelter. 1 sneer in his voice and always in unsuccessful attempt on the floor All of these men were entombed The attack occurred at the Ave-. tones that expre.ssed doubt of Sa­ about 12:20 p. m. of the House to bring about the i piro. Th^ "wheat king’’ black­ A general alarm was spread to appointment of a commission to In­ nue Des Deux Republiques, where haired and Infectuous, replied in all mining communities throughout U. S. RADIO BOARD America’s First Billionaire THREE ARE KILLED vestigate public power companies mobs hurled missilec over the bar­ i soft voice, sometimes with a the district and they responded im­ and power sites within ■'.he state. ricades and fired occasional shots. break in tones as though he had mediately with rescue equipment Undergoes Minor Opera­ The House reJected the bill by oral Children in Front ;hoked a sob and with trained mine rescue crew,s. vote. The Annamite troops defending, Reed went back to 1916 to open At 1:45 p. m., twelve rescue FAVORS STABIU n IN FRANKLIN FIRE the concession were prevented the cross examination. He first An investigation of some sort crews were at the mouth of the tion as Resnlt — Was .was urged by Miss MarJorie Chen­ from returning th^ fire directly, be­ asked Sapiro how he and Philip mine and ready to take their turns ey, of Manchester, after disassocl- cause of the children in front of Ehrlich, San Francisco attorney, at burrowing through the debris th3 mobs. split their law fees. Sapiro said he .ating herself from Innuendoes to the entombed miners as soon as Better Broadcasting Means Alone In Auto. against the heads of the Republi­ The French defenders, however, got 60 per cent and Ehrlich got the gas has cleared sufficiently to Another SerMDsIy Hurt In fired volleys'cver-the heads of the forty per cent. Then Reed want- can Party In Connecticut, from permit their entrance. connection with the Democratic children. ;d to know what share of the fees Better Sales of Radio Reinforcements have been rush­ went to Sapiro in all other law Detroit, Mich., March 30.— Hen­ 50 Fhot Leap and 21 Men Party, and ipsults aimed at the Judiciary committee. ed to the French barricades, and firms in which he had a member­ ry Ford has been operated upon defeusive measures have ' been Citr<ni*ar Charges. ’ ship. Usually, Sapiro said, he got. Equipment, It Says. for InJuries received when he drove tightened In the.llnternatlohal set­ 80 per cent of the fees. and Women Saved. Charges 'were n ^ e by Mr.' Cit­ URGES EXTRA a Ford car down a steep embai^k- tlement. Reed Scores ron, who declared that the investi­ The French concession adjoins Reed scored when he produced ment near his Dearborn estate'last gation' of such companies would Washington, March 30.— Stabi­ the native city of Shanghai apd is papers from a San Francisco law Sunday, It was announced today by Franklin, N. H., March 30.— Two become a party Issue, if the matter regarded as .the weakest point in lization of the radio Industry by was neglected by the-Legislature. suit. Involving Sapiro and two of SESSION OF THE his counsel at the milllon-dollar : women and a man lost their lives, the' defense of the foreigners. his former law partners, David and the Federal Radio Commission, He. quoted Professor W, Z. Ripley, Ford-Saplro libel suit tridl. - apother man was seriously Injured Ask for Troops ‘' Lawrence Levy. Sapiro said he.nev­ which today was completing hear­ f Harvard,^ to the effept that, "a Ajuericah .seisldentii in the .con­ er read the paper and upon obJec­ Fbrd is now'a patient at‘ the in a fifty-foot leap- info a life net, ark Combination exists , between Miss Anna E. Moffet daughtci ings on regulatory measures, as­ S! cession have asked for American of Colonel and Mrs. W. P. Moffet 6l tion of his counsel, the court would LEG^ATURE Henry Pbrd hospital and Js JlresH and' twenty-one other men and the. bead of the Republican Party troQiis,; but the French commander not allow Reed to ask questions on sures radio equipment sales of and-^ publlti' utUlUes _ companies of Madi^n, Wis., was shot twice haa thiw .far.refused,.maintaining through the hqdy In.,escaping; from the case. deeUiiisd ihiWvhAk'-fottea-Affm sufflcbutt to ReSO’^ltrrbkBd” all cowtroom Nanking, China, under Chinese cording to man«octuro» „d. M -'Ocations )::. are-----------------. expected,’ . i ^ o f d ’pretention."' shfeii fife. ■ tricks to no avail. Time and again Senator Walcott Says Prob­ pertp attending the conferences. said.... ,> the. d'uinb bellk add- uTtmbikutis BStrl^hdA’* laVe been erected he apparently forgot date? or con­ syndicate bloclr. In the heart of the who. sit In the House and Jiist lis­ The curve of radio equipment Fordts inJuries will prevent him bet-ik'eeil the Frendh cohcessloh and fused Sapiro’s replies but the “ co­ sales which was moving upward business, district here. ten to reports;" . v the • International': settlement and members Include several Com­ operative king’’ never wavered. lem of ReyennesFiar State testifying this week at the inUlton- Mr. Gilbert-thought the bill vital, even though the- Chinese mobs pen-, rapidly early In 1926, promising a dollar libel su.it, it was said. The dead: Miss Mamie O’Brieil. munists. New Rule new record, suddenly slumped in to the state; He'sairt“ we;.want de^ etrate. the. French concession they The provisional government has Before Sapiro resumed the stand Details of Accident. 45; Mrs. Emma Phllbroot, 68, and velopmentof power but w# aiSo Needs Serious Study at November as the result of poor re­ The accident occurred when George Gage, 60. will, be faced by heavy defenses announced that dt :1s arranging a the court laid down a new rule lim­ ception conditions. Sales of the should control state-righta." before they can reach the interna­ mass' meeting to welcome Chlang iting each side to ten minutes ar­ Ford was forced ofi. the south sjde Fred Benjamin, 65, suffered a year are believed to have been lit­ of Michigan avenue,’ near.i,.;the A. W. Blssofl,. of Hebron, also, tional settlement, where the maJor­ Kal-Sbek. gument on all points of law. Here­ broken back-.when,, poised at thb favored the bill but House Leader ity 'o f the Ataerlcans In Shanghai Present. tle. If any above those of 1925.
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