Pronunciation Problems of Chinese Learners of English Feifei Han, University of Sydney Increasingly Chinese students are pur- Problems in segmental aspects are primarily suing their studies abroad in English speaking concerned with the articulation of single countries, such as the USA, the UK, Australia, phonemes or combinations of phonemes in and New Zealand. Despite the fact that they both vowels and consonants. In supraseg- have studied English as a compulsory subject mental areas, Chinese learners are found to for a number of years and have passed multi- have problems with stress and intonation. In ple English proficiency tests, many still find it the following paragraphs, these problems are is difficult to communicate well in spoken presented by contrasting the phonology of English. One of the major obstacles for oral Chinese and English. Additionally, possible communication is undoubtedly English pro- causes are identified and detailed examples nunciation, which hinders many Chinese stu- are provided to illustrate problematic pro- dents’ ability to be understood by native nunciation. speakers or English learners from other lan- guage backgrounds. Problems with vowels Foreign language (FL) learners’ mis- In comparing the phonological sys- pronunciations are not random, as a foreign tems of Chinese and English, Chinese and accent produced by learners largely reflects English differ greatly in the number of vow- the phonetic features and intonation character- els. While English has 15 vowels (Ohata, istics of their first language (L1) (Avery & 2004), Chinese has only 5 vowels (San, Ehrlich, 1992; Ohata, 2004; Swan & Smith, 2007). Because of this difference, Chinese 1987). This article first examines some of the learners need to learn how to pronounce differences between Chinese and English pho- many new vowels when they start to learn nological systems and then summarizes some English. of the English pronunciation problems for Chinese learners. Ideally, this article will help Even when a vowel exists in both TESOL practitioners become aware of the Chinese and English, the sound’s manner of way in which learners’ L1 backgrounds may articulation and place of articulation is dif- influence their English pronunciation. In par- ferent from that in English. With respect to ticular, it is useful for English teachers with the manner of articulation, consider the Chi- Chinese students to have some knowledge of nese vowel [ ɪ] and English vowels [ ɪː ] and the phonological differences between English [ɪ]. In Chinese, there are no minimal pairs of and Chinese as well as the major problematic the long vowel [ ɪː ] and short vowel [ ɪ], areas in terms of pronunciation. whereas in English the long [ ɪː ] and short [ ɪ] form minimal pairs. This means that the Analysis of problems length difference for articulating the two vowels changes the meaning of words in Chinese learners of English have prob- which the sound appears. Most Chinese lems with English pronunciation both in seg- learners do not distinguish the long [ ɪː ] from mental aspects and in suprasegmental aspects. the short [ ɪ] when they speak English. In- 26 ORTESOL Journal stead, they tend to maintain the same length English consonants do not exist in Chinese. when articulating them in different words, This poses difficulties for Chinese learners such as ship / ʃɪː p/ (sheep) and / ʃɪ p/ (ship). It is trying to produce these consonants. As noted also common for Chinese learners to replace by Zhang and Yin (2009), one common strat- both English [ ɪː ] and [ ɪ] with the correspond- egy used by FL learners to produce phonemes ing Chinese vowel, which requires a higher that do not exist in their L1 is to substitute and more frontal position of the tongue for similar phonemes from their L1. Such substi- pronunciation. Hence, this illustrates how the tutions by Chinese learners are frequently ev- location of articulation can be problematic, ident in their English pronunciation of conso- even when a vowel exists in both languages. nants. A similar problem caused by differing loca- tions of articulation between Chinese vowels For instance, Chinese speakers gener- and English vowels is evident in Chinese ally have trouble with dental fricatives [ θ] learners’ pronunciation of the English [ ɑː ] and and [ð] in English as there are no dental frica- [ʌ], which is similar to the Chinese vowel [ ɑ]. tives in Mandarin Chinese (though there are Although the position of articulation for the dental fricatives in other Chinese dialects). Chinese [ ɑ] is higher compared to English [ ɑː ] Typically, the two dental fricatives [ θ] and and [ ʌ], Chinese learners only try to extend or [ð] are substituted with two similar alveolar reduce the length of the Chinese [ ɑ] to pro- fricatives, [s] and [z]. In order to counter duce [ ɑː ] and [ ʌ] respectively. When Chinese these problems, experienced teachers should learners pronounce the words “cart and cut”, always emphasize the differences between which are minimal pairs, there is often only a dental fricatives [ θ] and [ð] and alveolar fric- difference in the duration of articulation, atives [s] and [z]. whereas English speakers change the tongue’s position to generate the two vowels. Sometimes Chinese learners will pro- duce two English consonants interchangeably Just as English monophthongs tend to because the two consonants, which form a generate problems for Chinese learners, the minimal pair, have only one similar conso- diphthongs can also cause difficulties. For in- nant in Chinese. For example, in Chinese the stance, because of the mispronunciation of consonant [v] only appears as an allophone of monophthongs [ ɑ] and [ ɪ], the diphthong [ ɑɪ ] [w], therefore, altering the two does not cre- resulting from [ ɑ] and [ ɪ] also tend to be ate a difference in meaning. In English pro- misarticulated. In fact, Chinese learners often nunciation, Chinese students often mix up the confuse [ ɑɪ ] with [æ] and [ ɛ]. Consequently, English [v] and [w] and consequently articu- native English speakers often find it hard to late “village”, as / ˈwɪlɪdʒ/ or articulate follow Chinese learners when they try to say “window” as / ˈvɪndəʊ/. “bide”, “bad” and “bed”. Likewise, the Eng- lish diphthong [ ɑʊ ] tends to be mixed with Although some English consonants [ɔ:] and [ ɔ]. Therefore, it can be hard to distin- have counterparts in Chinese, the manner of guish Chinese learners’ pronunciation of articulation is very different in the two lan- “house” and “horse”. guages. Chinese learners often attempt to use the Chinese method of articulating the conso- Problems with consonants nants to produce the English consonants. Be- cause of this practice, native English speakers Chinese and English have roughly the always perceive such pronunciation as ac- same numbers of consonants. However, some cented even though it does not influence Volume 30, 2013 27 intelligibility. Alveolar glide [ ɾ] is a problem are similar words pronounced as /tə/, /də/, / of this kind. [ ɾ] is a consonant in Chinese kə/, /gə/, /pʊ/, and /bʊ/ in Chinese. Similarly, phonology. When producing Chinese [ ɾ], since the Chinese consonant [l] is only artic- the position of tongue is more forward and ulated at the beginning of a syllable, Chinese flatter compared to the position of tongue students exhibit a tendency to replace final when producing it the English [ ɾ]. The Chi- [l] with a vowel [ ə]. As a result, the word nese [ ɾ] can be placed in both initial and final “pool” is often confused with “poor”. positions of a syllable. When it is placed in the final position in English it is a retroflex. Suprasegmental problems When some Chinese learners try to imitate American English pronunciation, they add Suprasegmental aspects of pronuncia- the retroflex [ ɾ] randomly at the end of a syl- tion deal with rhythm, stress, and intonation lable. The added retroflex [ ɾ] moves the pro- in pronunciation (Ohata, 2004). Comparing nunciation of a previous syllable backwards Chinese and English phonology, it is evident in the mouth. Consequently, it is common to that the two languages have distinct features hear a Chinese student’s erroneous pronunci- in terms of rhythm, stress, and intonation. ation of “early” as / ˈəɾlɪ/, which in fact does These differences are discussed in turn and not need a retroflex even in American Eng- potential difficulties in pronunciation that lish. result are also discussed. Phonotactic problems Rhythm problems Not only do Chinese and English dif- Depending upon the types of rhythm fer in phonemes, but the two languages are presented in pronunciation, a language can also different in terms of the combination of be classified as either stress-timed or syllable phonemes. In Chinese, each syllable com- -timed (Ladefoged, 1982; Ohata, 2004). In a monly starts with a consonant and ends with stress-timed language, the production of a vowel, whereas in English a syllable can stressed syllables takes the majority of time start with a consonant cluster and can end for completing a sentence. On the other hand, with either a vowel or a consonant. Due to in a syllable-timed language, each syllable this phonotactic distinction between the two receives an equal amount of time for produc- languages, Chinese learners face difficulties tion. To be more specific, to articulate an when producing words ending with conso- English sentence, the amount of time for nants. completion of the sentence depends largely on how many stressed syllables are in the Chinese learners tend to add a vowel sentence, as “the intervals between stressed after a stop consonant, such as after [p], [b], syllables in speech are either equal or at least [t], [d], [k], and [g], as these consonants only more nearly equal than the intervals between appear in the initial spot in a Chinese sylla- the nucleus of each successive syllable and ble. For instance, Chinese students tend to next” (Matthews, 1997, p. 355). In contrast, pronounce “hot” as /ˈhɔtə /, “good” as / the time taken to generate a Chinese sentence ˈgʊdə /, and “map” as /ˈmæpʊ/.
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