This image cannot currently be displayed. 9 February 2016 Chairman: Alderman R Swann Vice Chairman: Alderman T Campbell Committee Members: Aldermen - F Agnew and J Smyth Councillors - T Beatty, J Bingham, H Cushinan, B Duffin, T Hogg, D Hollis, S Ross and B Webb Dear Member MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE A meeting of the Planning Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Mossley Mill on Monday 15 February 2016 at 6.30pm. You are requested to attend. Yours sincerely Jacqui Dixon, BSc MBA Chief Executive, Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council For any queries please contact Member Services: Kim Smyth 028 9448 1301 ([email protected]) Sharon McAree 028 9034 0098 ([email protected]) Dawn Hynes 028 9448 1301 ([email protected]) 1 Part One - The Planning Committee has the full delegated authority of the Council to make decisions on planning applications and related development management and enforcement matters. Therefore the decisions of the Planning Committee in relation to Part One of the Planning Committee agenda do not require ratification by the full Council. Part Two - Any matter brought before the Committee included in Part Two of the Planning Committee agenda, including decisions relating to the Local Development Plan, will require ratification by the full Council. 1 Apologies. 2 Declarations of Interest. 3 Report on business to be considered: PART ONE Decisions on Planning Applications 3.1 Planning Application No: LA03/2015/0627/F 3.2 Planning Application No: LA03/2015/0606/O 3.3 Planning Application No: LA03/2015/0519/O 3.4 Planning Application No: LA03/2015/0464/O 3.5 Planning Application No: LA03/2015/0602/A 3.6 Planning Application No: LA03/2015/0480/A 3.7 Planning Application No: LA03/2015/0208/A 3.8 Planning Application No: LA03/2015/0585/RM Decisions on Enforcement Cases 3.9 Enforcement Case: LA03/2015/00084/CA - In Confidence 3.10 Enforcement Case: LA03/2015/0016/CA - In Confidence 3.11 Enforcement Case: LA03/2015/0198/CA - In Confidence 3.12 Enforcement Case: T/2015/0012/CA - In Confidence Other Planning Matters 3.13 2015/0021/TPO - Willowbrook Tree Preservation Order Confirmation 3.14 Application U/2013/0147/O - Meeting with Strategic Planning 3.15 Proposal of Application Notification for Major Development 3.16 Pre-Determination Hearing 3.17 Delegated planning decisions and appeals 2 PART TWO 3.18 Regional Development Strategy - Revised Housing Growth Indicators 3.19 Tree Preservation Orders - Practice and Procedures 3 REPORT ON BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED AT THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE ON 15 FEBRUARY 2016 PART 1 PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND RELATED DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT AND ENFORCEMENT ISSUES 4 ITEM 3.1 APPLICATION NO: LA03/2015/0627/F DEA: ANTRIM COMMITTEE INTEREST: LEVEL OF OBJECTION Full details of this application, including the application forms, relevant drawings, consultation responses and any representations received are available to view at the Planning Portal www.planningni.gov.uk PROPOSAL: Proposed Dwelling SITE/LOCATION: Adjacent to No.9/9a Greenpark Drive, Antrim BT41 4EL APPLICANT: Anthony McNeill AGENT: D. M. Kearney Design LAST SITE VISIT: 17th December 2015 CASE OFFICER: Glenn Kelly Tel: 028 903 40415 Email [email protected] RECOMMENDATION: GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION SITE DESCRIPTION The application site is located within the settlement limits of Antrim, within a long standing housing development. The site is located adjacent to Nos. 9/9a Greenpark Drive, Antrim accessed off the Dublin Road. Nos. 9/9a appear to be two flats within a two storey detached building which is adjacent to the application site along the northeastern boundary. The majority of properties within the development are two storey terraced dwellings with a number having changed their appearances through extensions and alterations over the years. There are also a smaller number of two storey maisonette flats. The application site itself is relatively small in size at approximately 0.12 hectares, and currently comprises the side garden associated with the adjacent flats (Nos. 9/9a). The site is enclosed on the southern and eastern boundaries by high coniferous hedging approximately 4m in height whilst the western boundary is defined by a post and wire fence 1m in height. There is no existing or proposed vehicular access to the application site. PROPOSAL The proposal is a full planning application for the erection of a two storey dwelling on the site. 5 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY T/2014/0314/F - Proposed Dwelling on land adjacent to 9/9a Greenpark Drive, Antrim. Permission Refused 18th March 2015 PLANNING POLICY Decisions must be taken in accordance with the provisions of the Local Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Until the Council adopts its new Local Development Plan most planning applications will continue to be assessed against the provisions of the Department of the Environment’s Development Plans and relevant Planning Policy Statements (PPSs) which contain the main operational planning polices for the consideration of development proposals. The Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland (SPPS) published in September 2015 confirms that until such time as a Plan Strategy for the whole of the Council Area has been adopted the Council should continue to apply existing policy and guidance contained in retained PPSs and other relevant documents together with the provisions of the SPPS itself. Antrim Area Plan 1984 – 2001: The Plan offers no specific guidance on this proposal. SPPS – Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland: sets out that Planning Authorities should be guided by the principle that sustainable development should be permitted, having regard to the local development plan and other material considerations unless the proposed development will cause demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged importance. PPS 3: Access, Movement and Parking (Revised 2005) and PPS 3 (Clarification 2006): sets out planning policies for vehicular and pedestrian access, transport assessment, the protection of transport routes and parking. PPS 6: Planning, Archaeology and the Built Heritage: sets out planning policies for the protection and conservation of archaeological remains and features of the built heritage. PPS 7: Quality Residential Environments: sets out planning policies for achieving quality in new residential development. This PPS is supplemented by the Creating Places Design Guide. Addendum to PPS 7: Safeguarding the Character of Established Residential Areas: sets out planning policy and guidance on the protection of local character, environmental quality and residential amenity within established residential areas, villages and smaller settlements. It also sets out policy on the conversion of existing buildings to flats or apartments and contains policy to promote greater use of permeable paving within new residential developments. CONSULTATION Council Environmental Health Section No objections to the application 6 Transport NI No objections subject to informatives NIEA- Historic Monuments Unit No objections to the proposal REPRESENTATION Ten (10) neighbouring properties were notified about the proposal, a total of five (5) letters of objection were received from five (5) different neighbouring properties. The main concerns raised are as follows;- Loss of light/dominance upon neighbouring properties Impact upon existing character of the area Noise/disturbance during the construction phase Loss of views Inadequate car parking ASSESSMENT OF PLANNING ISSUES/MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS The main issues to consider in the determination of this application are: Principle of Development Design and Appearance Neighbour Amenity Car Parking Principle of Development The application site is located within an established residential area in the settlement of Antrim. Regional Strategic Policy set out in the SPPS (paragraph 6.137 on page 69) indicates that within established residential areas it is imperative to ensure that the proposed density of new housing development, together with its form, scale, massing and layout will respect local character and environmental quality as well as safeguarding the amenity of existing residents. Policy QD1 of PPS7 sets out that in established residential areas that proposals for housing development will not be permitted where they would result in unacceptable damage to the local character, environmental quality or residential amenity of these areas. Accordingly where proposals meet with the requirements of relevant planning policy and guidance the principle of residential development can be established and this is considered below. Design and Appearance The application proposes the erection of a new dwelling to adjoin Nos. 9/9a Greenpark Drive which is an existing two storey building with a pitched roof. The proposed dwelling is of similar design although it has a one and a half storey front projection which is off set to one side approximately 2.5m from the boundary with from Nos. 9/9A. The projection is 5m in width and 1.5m in depth and incorporates a dormer window on the front elevation that will rise from the wall plate. The proposed dwelling is finished in roughcast render with concrete roof tiles. There is no uniformity in the architectural style of other buildings in Greenpark Drive and it is considered that the appearance of the dwelling is in general conformity with the existing architectural style in the area and is
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