\, \s\ State Highway Administration Maryland Department of Transportation Karl L Hess Highway Information Services Division 707 North Calvert Street, Baitmre, MD 21202 410-333-1310 IMPORTANT MESSAGE ! FOR- A.M. DATE. TIME .P.M. WHILE YOU WERE OUT M OQ^ OF. ,' PHONE NO. J\ TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WfLL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH RETURNED YOUR CALL MESSAGE. / X SIGNED. J L1-A2334 PRINTED IN US A The Howard County Times 6-17-93 Route 94 gets a name change Betsy Stfeff in the county's Bureau of Communica-; A road by any other name ... tions. The fire was actually on Route) may not cause as many prob- 94 just two miles from the station, butj lems. the fire engines were dispatched to the! After a near disaster last April, it other Florence Road, passing the actual looks like Route 94 in western Howard site on the way. : County is going to get a name change. "It was almost 30 minutes before the'' If the county Planning Board approves, engines got to the right location,"t the rural highway will be renamed Jordan said. "Thankfully, the situation Woodbine Road from Route 26 in turned out to be minor, but it could' 5 Carroll County all the way to the have been serious." si, Montgomery County line. In May, Jordan wrote a letter'to the The problem is not that the road State Highway Administration, which •1 currently changes names three times in agreed to support the name change: Howard County — from Woodbine to The county's Fire Prevention Bureau ii Florence to Ellicott Road — but that also lobbying for the change. ; the county also has a Florence Road "This is going to be quite irritating with duplicate house numbers. The two to a tot of people ... but we are trying roads actually cross at one point. to make it as safe as we can," said Lt; After years of confusion, the prob- Ken Byerly of the Fire Prevention lem came to a head on April 8 when a Bureau. report came in to the Lisbon Volunteer TTie Planning Board is holding a Fire Company that there was a fumace public hearing on the change Aug. 5 at fire at 2822 Florence Road, according 10:30 a.m. in the Ellicott Room of the I to Richard Jordan, computer specialist George Howard Building. ~J .oward County Subject: street Renaming - Planning Board Approval Internal^A^n^O^nuUm MD Route 94 (Florence RoadJEllicott Road) to Woodbine ^JttvJElVjPO To: DPW, Traffic Engineering, C. Edward Walter ^ DPW, Bureau of Highways, Andrew Daneker DPW, Real Estate Services, Tina Hackett bJGHWAY INFORM DPW, UtiUty Design/Engineering - Don Lieu SERVICES DIVISION0'* DPW, Bureau of Udlities, Montgomery Road - Robert Beringer DILP, Building Permits DILP, Inspections and Enforcement, Inspections Service Center - Brenda Hill DPZ, Graphics - Mike White DPZ, Division of Land Development and Research - Lenny Sheubrooks FinanceAVater Billing - Charlotte Cavey Tax Assessments Central Communications - Dick Jordan Department of Fire and Rescue Services - Ken Byerly Health Department Board of Education - Bill Grau State Highway Administration - Hal Kassoff C&P Telephone BG&E Lisbon/Woodbine Post Office 0 ( /) %£ J From: Richard Blood, Acting Chief /4. ^^ ^-^^ Division of Land Development and Research Date: August 20, 1993 The purpose of this memo is to inform you that on August 5, 1993 the Howard County Planning Board granted approval for the renaming of a segment of MD Route 94, also known as Florence Road and Ellicott Road, to Woodbine Road. Tne segment of MD Route 94 that was renamed is located between Old Frederick Road and the Montgomery County line, as shown on the attached vicinity map. This street renaming will now establish one continuous road name for MD Route 94 throughout Howard County. The residents street address numbers will remain the same except for the road name change (see attached list). If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Cindy DelZoppo at 313-2354. EJH/CD/cs/woodbine.mem Attachment %?'<*• 's •i<, SOBRINf !/^f/<0 FARMS i/Q VO "WUTESI 1 /P-Jl t^f*-.. ^V i ? JL|. \\ K^W^ CHARLES COUNTY The Maryland Indpendent 9-17-93 SHA will provide new highway signs Charles/•u^^iiit County/^mmtv officialsnffn'ials in a letter from SHA Administrator Hal Kas- By SHANE ARTIM soff last week. lna«pono«nlSl»nwnl«r One aspect of the pending SHA i. —" policy, said administration State Highway Administration spokesman John Healy, will in- officials have pledged to post new volve placing signs before an in- road signs at critical locations in tersection to notify motorists of the county by the end of Septem- the names of the upcoming roads, ber, as part of the countywide re- rather than just those with state addressing for enhanced 911 dis- route numbers. patching of police, fire and emer- "We have a pretty large list of gency services. signs and all have to be hand-let- As far as installing new signs at tered," added Healy, as the other less critical points in the county, reason for the delay in the policy. though, state highway officials County officials, though, are say those locations will have to providing the SHA with some input wait until development of a regarding where new road signs statewide policy this fall. are of critical importance and The SHA's plan was detailed to See Signs, All Signs. C6nf d from A-1 bacco Road (Route 6), for in- should be installed first. and Cobb Island, Boswell said, new road signs where the names stance, Route 425 will be named "The list (of critical sigris) was have changed have been installed. Mason Springs and Ironsides reduced," said Assistant County Boswell noted, for example, that Road and Route 344 will become Administrator Paul Wright of the under the new 911 addressing, Gilroy Road. "critical" list the county for- Route 6 west of U.S. 301 in La warded to the highway adminis- Plata will be changed to Port To- Later, with ' development of tration. bacco Road. East of U.S. 301, the SHA policy, ior example, new The list of signs to be installed Route 6 in La Plata will be road signs will be placed along first nears 90 road signs in the changed to Charles Street. Port Tobacco Road (Route 6) at county along intersections of The county also installs new Quailwood Parkway, Valley Road, state-maintained roads and major road signs on private drives with Chapel Point Road, Rose Hill county roads. more than three homes that have Road and Poseytown Road. been addressed in the new en- The list signs along state roads hanced system. Along Indian Head Highway demoted to less-critical impor- (Route 210), (or example, new tance numbers about 75, and will Two of the critical sign changes by the end of September will be road signs will be placed at the in- be installed by the SHA when it de- changing the signs at the intersec- velops its statewide policy. tersections at Chapmans Landing tion of Route 210 and Route 225 to Road and Glymont Road. According to Sheila Boswell, the read the intersection of Indian county 911 enhancement coordina- Head Highway (Route 210) and The county is required to com- tor, county crews are installing Hawthorne Road (Route 225). plete its 911 enhanced addressing new county road signs roughly Route 224 will be changed to Liv- by 1995. So far, county officials three weeks after residents of an ingston Road. say, roughly 40 percent of the area that has been readdressed county is complete. have been informed. In Bel Alton At intersections along Port To- CHARLES COUNTY The Maryland Indpendent 9-17-93 SHA will provide new highway signs Charles,.i i r'^ontir County officialsnffi/MalQ in a letter from SHA Administrator Hal Kas- By SHANE ARTIM soff last week. maeponaent Suit Wnt«r One aspect of the pending SHA policy, said administration State Highway Administration spokesman John Healy, will in- officials have pledged to post new volve placing signs before an in- road signs at critical locations in tersection to notify motorists of the county by the end of Septem- the names of the upcoming roads, ber, as part of the countywide re- rather than just those with state addressing for enhanced 911 dis- route numbers. patching of police, fire and emer- "We have a pretty large list of gency services. signs and all have to be hand-let- As far as installing new signs at tered," added Healy, as the other less critical points in the county, reason for the delay in the policy. though, state highway officials County officials, though, are say those locations will have to providing the SHA with some input wait until development of a regarding where new road signs statewide policy this fall. are of critical importance and The SHA's plan was detailed to See Signs, A-ll Signs. Cbnf d from A 1 bacco Road (Route 6), for In- should be installed first. and Cobb Island, Boswell said, new road signs where the names stance, Route 425 will be named "The list (of critical sigrts) was have changed have been installed. Mason Springs and Ironsi-e» reduced," said Assistant County Boswell noted, for example, that Road and Route 344 will become Administrator Paul Wright of the under the new 911 addressing. Gilroy Road. "critical" list the county for- Route 6 west of U.S. 301 in La warded to the highway adminis- Plata will be changed to Port To- Later, with the development of tration. bacco Road. East of U.S. 301, the SHA policy, for example, new The list of signs to be installed Route 6 in La Plata will be road signs will be placed along first nears 90 road signs in the changed to Charles Street.
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