North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 9-16-1960 The Register, 1960-09-16 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1960-09-16" (1960). NCAT Student Newspapers. 166. https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister/166 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. / iiM^iA 1 1 i Hilftrf mt AGRICULTURAL AMD TECHNICAL COLLEGE: * The Cream o/* Cetfe-qe <Ueus&M VOLUME XXXII, No. 1 THE A&T COLLEGE REGISTER, GREENSBORO, N. C FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1960 630 FRESHMEN CHOOSE A&T By ERNEST L. JOHNSTON, JE. The more serious part of work was begun when freshmen were When 630 freshmen entered A&T greeted formally by the Dean of Class of '64 College for the first time, they Men and Dean of Women. These were somewhat bewildered. Many two persons gave the students many of them immediately felt homesick essential facts which should govern Scores High and others were glad to get a them during their stay at A&T. change of scenery. The orientation also included Hailing from East and West, placement tests in Mathematics and On Tests North and South, these students English which the freshmen took came through the gates of A&T by prior to registration. Another phase "The results of the Freshman different modes of travel. of orientation was the guidance test Placement Tests were better than Holland Hall became the home of which the students took in order to usual," stated Dr. Arthur F. Jack­ freshmen girls and the big Scott be kept on file in the guidance cen­ son, director of the Guidance Cen­ Hall was assigned to freshmen men. ter. * ter. Many students got to know each FRESHMEN HAD FUN As of September 15, the English other for the first time and others Of course all work and no play and Mathematics placement exam­ just sat back and talked with makes Jack a dull boy and vice inations had been administered to homies and close friends who lived versa. Young Aggies injected a lit­ 621 students. Of this total sixty-nine nearby back home. tle fun in their work. They were students passed both examinations. FRESHMEN ORIENTATION seen in the canteen digging the Ninety-two students passed, the This process of meeting and get­ latest of Ray Charles and newest in mathematics test, and 249 success­ ting acquainted was one of the the Shimmy. Others were seen get­ fully passed the English test. more joyful events during this time. ting acquainted with the young lad­ "These results also indicate that ies while still others played lazy a larger number of freshmen enter­ and lounged in their dormitory ing A&T College passed the Exams suites. in comparison with those in past New President Challenges UPPERCLASSMEN ARRIVE years," said Dr. Jackson. During different times of the day Students who successfully passed Freshmen To Excel Adjustment droves of Aggies could be seen both placement tests are as follows: making their way to Harrison Aud­ Winsor E. Alexander, Roger M. Committee itorium. A handful of upperclass­ Aiken, Joan C. Alston, Annie M. You are beginning your college and it must be reflected in your men were on hand to heckle and Anderson, Edwin L. Archie, Re­ career at a most dramatic moment test scores, your appearance and jeer which made many of the fresh­ your manners, your use of English, becca Bailey, Charles H. Bates, in the history of this country. For Organized men just plain nervous. Many of James W. Beane, Cary P. Bell, Ben­ your public demeanor, the books them kept walking and ignored the nie F. Blair, Ronnie Bruner, Vic­ one thing, our moral and intellec­ you prefer to read, the music you Among the new group organized big boys while others stopped to toria Burney, William E. Burton, tual supremacy is being threatened prefer to listen to, how you respond on campus is the Student Adjust­ listen to what they had to tell them. William J. Caraway, Ethbert S. Carr, by a bold, aggressive nation which to an unfavorable referee's deci­ ment Committee, the only on» of REGISTRATION A NEW Cecil R. Conley, Thomasine Corbett, embraces atheism and materialism sion at a big game, and the courtesy thirteen standing committees with EXPERIENCE you extend to campus visitors and student representatives. Janece Coley, Deennie T. Culman, as officials philosophies of life. After getting used to their upper­ Betty E. Dalton, Shirley B. Dean, to motorists passing through the The primary purpose of this com­ classmen friends, the new born and Gloria J. Debnam. America is looking to its youth — streets adjacent to our'campus. mittee is to consider and review Aggies became settled in their new Also, Melvin Degree, George W. to you, to recover the spirit of a Somehow, I have a strange feeling appeals of students who have beefl headquarters. Engram, Johnny L. Ervin, Herman free democracy under God. that the class of 1964 will be tops! dismissed from the College for dis­ Registration proved to be a new^ ciplinary, academic, or other rea­ experience for them as they busiecBf ^ H. Faucette, Jarvis R. Fulp, Doris The nation is looking to you also Sincerely yours, A. Goins, Maurice A. Harris, Var- sons. themselves getting into the classes^ to master the sciences, technology, SAMUEL D. PROCTOR At the first meeting of the Ad­ for the Fall quarter. nard L. Harris, Calvin L. Hill, Dan­ President iel J. Hodges, Jerry L. Hunter, the humanities and the social sci­ justment Committee during orien­ With all the waiting in line, the Frances M. Johnson, Nathan H. ences so that having found a "why tation week, Walter T. Johnson, change of schedules which the stu­ president of the Student Council, of life, the "how" of living may be dents underwent, they can sit back (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) was elected secretary. and ^reminisce over the fact that refined and shared with the world's While students have been restrict­ they are college freshmen only once destitute peoples. Student Council ed to ONE standing committee, the in a lifetime. You have yet another challenge. proposed reorganization of the col­ Our people have been the victims lege provides for a council on which A&T Retains Prexy Welcomes eleven students will hold member­ of frozen and unscientific preju­ ship. dices. As new opportunities open The announcement of other stand­ Senior Army every day — almost always at the Freshmen ing committees reveals that some Twenty-two cost of bitter struggle, we look to committee chairmen have not been restricted to their fields of speciali­ you to prove to the world that color Dear Class of 1964: zation and that the number of ROTC Unit and race have nothing to do with We are writing this letter to wel­ standing committees has been re­ Additions brain and character. You must be come you on behalf of the A&T duced considerably. Information received by the col­ living incarnations of this truth Student Government. Dr. Ralph L. Wooden, professor lege indicates that the Army has This past week we saw the zeal of audio-visual aids, is chairman of agreed to continue its ROTC pro­ the Lyceum Committee. Dr. Albert To Faculty gram here. with which you went through your orientation program. The enthus­ Spruill, professor in the Graduate The Army Reserve Officers' iasm you exhibited was really heart School heads the Religious life Twenty-two persons, some addi­ Training Corps program at A&T National Defense warming. Your quest for a college Committee; and Dr. Artis P. Graves, College has been under the scrutiny chairman of the biology depart­ tions and other replacements, have education can be compared with joined the A&T College faculty for of Army officials for continued fail­ (Christian's quest for he)av)en in ment, heads the Athletic Committee. ure to commission the required Loans Available Other committee chairmen in­ the fall term. twenty-five (25) officers dnnually. John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress." Like Christian, in his pilgrimage, clude Mr. Gerald E. Gray, associate Among the new personnel are This problem has existed since professor of architectural engineer­ three former members of the A&T 1954 and in no way reflects on the you too will meet the pitfalls Of To Students despondency, passing, shame, and ing, Building and Grounds; Mr. B. College faculty. Harvey R. Alexan­ caliber of officers produced at der, former business manager! at A&T. It appears that the basic vanity fair. Be particularly wary of (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) Dr. G. F. Rankin, dean of stu­ the goods of the fair; for, although Shaw University, returns as assis­ cause of this annual failure to pro­ dents, has announced that the Na­ tant professor of business educa­ duce twenty-five (25) officers lies the goods may have a cheap first tional Defense Student Loan is still installment, you sometimes never tion and assistant to the president. in the inability of the Military Sci­ Mrs. Nan Manuel rejoins the facul­ ence enrollees to complete their available to all qualified students. finish paying for them. Recalling Christian's fulfillment will doubt­ AFROTC Unit ty as assistant professor of mathe­ academic requirements for gradua­ "The purpose of this program is matics, having left a similar post tion at the same time as they com­ lessly help you in your quest.
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