S8348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 27, 2001 Whereas, national governments, and par- tinue with no apparent effort to provide Federal—Political ticularly the United States government, mitigation for current or increased impacts: 04/28/2000, AMEX—Republican Na- should ratify and encourage implementation Therefore, be it tional State Elections Com- of key measures protecting children, such as Resolved, That the House of Representa- mittee ....................................... 40,000.00 the United Nations Convention on the Rights tives of the Louisiana Legislature does here- 06/27/2000, 4030—Tom Gallagher of the Child, to ensure that children are pro- by memorialize the U.S. Congress to direct Campaign (Contribution refund) ¥500.00 tected against slavery, should work to en- the Mineral Management Service to develop 07/17/2000, Allocation—Republican sure that the United Nations International a plan for impact mitigation relative to the National State Elections Com- Convention Against Transnational Organized OCS oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of mittee ....................................... ¥875.00 Crime includes a protocol to prevent, sup- Mexico. Be it further 07/17/2000, Allocation—Republican press, and punish the practice of trafficking Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be National State Elections Com- in slaves, and should urge the United Na- forwarded to the presiding officer of each mittee ....................................... 875.00 08/10/2000, 530—McCollum for US tions to adopt a specific year as the Inter- house of the U.S. Congress, to each member Senate (Contribution) ............... 500.00 national Year Against Trafficking in Human of the Louisiana congressional delegation, 09/08/2000, 532—McCollum for US Beings to focus attention on the issue; and and to the director of the Minerals Manage- Senate (Contribution) ............... 1,000.00 Whereas, governments may curb the prac- ment Service. 12/26/2000—Bush-Cheney 2000 Pres- tice of child slavery internationally via eco- f idential Transition Foundation 5,000.00 nomic tactics, such as embargoes on prod- ucts and countries that use child slavery and REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Total Political (Contribution) .. 62,250.00 urging action on the part of industries to 2. Spouse, Charles E. Cobb, Jr.: The following reports of committees purchase directly from plantations where FEDERAL—5081001—IN KIND CONTRIBUTIONS were submitted: they can ensure that growers implement 08/24/2000, 0972—Mac Parking, Inc. core international labor standards, particu- By Mr. HOLLINGS, from the Committee (Valet Parking Service 8/24— larly those banning forced labor and illegal on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Bush Event) .............................. $1,100.00 child labor, and by collaborating with other without amendment: 08/28/2000, 4832—Bill’s Catering countries to ensure that international labor S. 127: A bill to give American companies, (Catering Services Bush Event) 31,406.00 standards regarding slavery are enforced American workers, and American ports the throughout such countries; and opportunity to compete in the United States Total 5081001 in Kind Contribu- Whereas, having repealed the terrible and cruise market (Rept. No. 107–47). tions .......................................... 32,506.00 horrific practice of slavery within our own H.R. 1098: A bill to improve the recording FEDERAL—5081001—POLITICAL CONTRIBUTION— borders with the Emancipation Proclama- and discharging of maritime liens and ex- CASH PAID tion and the thirteenth amendment to our pand the American Merchant Marine Memo- 04/02/1996—Republican Ntl Com- constitution, the United States unequivo- rial Wall of Honor, and for other purposes mittee (1996 Team 100) .............. 55,000.00 cally opposes slavery in all forms and univer- (Rept. No. 107–48). 05/03/1996—Republican Party of sally endorses the freedom and dignity of By Mr. BAUCUS, from the Committee on Kentucky .................................. 500.00 every human being; and Finance, without amendment: 05/03/1996—Sutton for Congress .... 500.00 Whereas, in the true and compassionate S.J. Res. 16: A joint resolution approving 05/06/1996—Helms Campaign Com- knowledge that every child deserves the op- the extension of nondiscriminatory treat- mittee ....................................... 1,000.00 portunity to live the life of a child without ment to the products of the Socialist Repub- 05/14/1996—Senator Bob Dole for subjection to the burdens of injustice, child lic of Vietnam. (Rept. No. 107–49). (Compliance Fund) ................... 1,000.00 slavery can only be deemed insufferable and 06/14/1996—Weld for Senate ........... 1,000.00 repugnant: Therefore, be it f 07/01/1996—Republican National Resolved, That the House of Representa- EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF State Elections Committee ...... 3,100.00 08/05/1996—David Funderburk (8/5 tives of the Legislature of Louisiana does COMMITTEES hereby urge and request the United States reception) ................................. 250.00 Congress and the President of the United The following executive reports of 08/06/1996—People for Lightfoot, States to institute and enforce legislation committees were submitted: Inc. (reception 8/8/96) ................. 500.00 and diplomatic action toward the eradi- 08/27/1996—Jack Kemp for ............. 1,000.00 By Mr. BIDEN for the Committee on For- 09/19/1996—Ilena Ros-Lehtinen cation of child slavery internationally. Be it eign Relations. (Buffet 9/20/96) ........................... 200.00 further *Sue McCort Cobb, of Florida, to be Am- 09/30/1996—Bill McCollum for Con- Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary gress .......................................... 1,000.00 transmitted to the presiding officers of both of the United States of America to Jamaica. 10/10/1996—Republican Party (Sen- houses of the United States Congress, to the Nominee: Sue McCourt Cobb. ator McConnell) (Item not re- members of the Louisiana delegation to the Post: Ambassador to Jamaica. flected in FEC Receipts and Ex- United States Congress, and to President The following is a list of all members of penditures) ................................ 500.00 George W. Bush. my immediate family and their spouses. I 11/01/1996—Republican Fund ......... 1,000.00 have asked each of these persons to inform 03/14/1997—Republican Ntl Com- POM–164. A resolution adopted by the me of the pertinent contributions made by mittee (Team 100) ..................... 10,000.00 House of the Legislature of the State of Lou- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- 03/14/1997—Republican Fund isiana relative to the OCS oil and gas lease formation contained in this report is com- ($1,250 of $2,500 SMC) ................. 1,250.00 sales in the Gulf of Mexico; to the Com- plete and accurate. 03/26/1997—Campaign for a New mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. Contributions, date and no., name, and American Century .................... 1,250.00 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 149 amount: 04/02/1997—Ilena Ros-Lethinen Whereas, it has been almost four years 1. Self: (Item not reflected in FEC Re- since the environmental impact statement Federal—Political ceipts and Expenditures) .......... 400.00 06/11/1997—Clay Shaw, Campaign was prepared for the Oil and Gas Lease Sales 5/14/1996, 168—Senator Bob Dole Fund (Contribution) ................. 500.00 169, 172, 175, 178, and 182 in the Gulf of Mex- for President (Compliance 11/20/1997—Friends of Don Nickles ico; and Fund) ........................................ $1,000.00 of Senate ................................... 500.00 10/31/1996—Friends of Bob Graham 1,000.00 Whereas, as a result of public testimony in 01/05/1998—Bush-Quayle ’92 (92 02/03/1997, 223—Friends of Connie response to that EIS, there was recognition Compliance debt) ...................... 1,000.00 of the significant impact which will be felt Mack ......................................... 500.00 12/29/1997—Bill McCollum for Con- relative to the infrastructure in offshore ac- 03/26/1997, CEC—Campaign for gress .......................................... 1,000.00 tivity focal points such as Port Fourchon New American Century ............. 1,250.00 04/14/1998, 3474—Republican Na- and LA Highway 1 through Lafourche Parish; 09/23/1997, 230—Friends of Bob tional State Elections Com- and Graham ..................................... 500.00 mittee (98 Team 100 Contribu- Whereas, at the present time, forty of the 11/24/1997, 231—Friends of Bob tion) .......................................... 10,000.00 forty-five deep water rigs working in the Graham ..................................... 500.00 05/19/1998, 20071—Campaign for a Gulf of Mexico are being serviced through 03/04/1998, 234—Friends of Connie New American Century (1998 Port Fourchon as are many of the rigs lo- Mack ......................................... 500.00 Contribution) ............................ 2,000.00 cated on the OCS, with the accompanying in- 03/11/1999, CEC4012—Gov. George 05/19/1998, Re-election—Friends of crease in land traffic and inland waterway W. Bush Expl. Comm ................ 1,000.00 Mark Foley (Re-Election Cam- traffic, all primarily through Lafourche Par- 04/12/1999, 4570—Friends of Connie paign) ........................................ 1,000.00 ish; and Mack (Contribution refund) ...... ¥1,000.00 09/16/1998, 3716—Campbell for Sen- Whereas, efforts have so far failed to de- 03/22/2000, 522—Tom Gallagher ate Victory Fund (Campaign velop plans to mitigate these present and Campaign (Contribution) .......... 1,000.00
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