VOLUME XLIV VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MAY 24, 1954 NUMBER 28 Ralph Marteiie And Ray Anthony Will Play For 1954 Finals AF ROTC Graduates Instrumental Soloists Offered Commissions And Popular Vocalists Under New AF Ruling To Augment Both Bands Music for Finals will be provided by the two top bands Under a nevTAir Force ruling all graduating students in in the land, Ralph Marterie and Ray Anthony, Marterie will AFROTC, including those in Catagories II and III, can now hold sway on June 12, at the Saturday Night Final German obtain commissions. Thirteen VMI first classmen in these while Anthony will do the honors at Monday Night's Final Ball. catagories have been awarded normal reserve commissions Repeat Performance and the remaining nine men in<f RALPH MARTERIE RAY ANTHONY Ralpth Marterie was brought these classifications have the op- back for finals after having given tion of electing to accept a com- Review Honors Timmins Club such a sparkling performance at mission in the Air National Guard Ring Figure last November. The of their respective states. This Four First Classmen Speak Lt. Schowalter band will swing into action at 8 information has just been for- Holds Banquet o'clock with the brand of music warded from General Deichelmann To Faculty on System Changes Fri., May 28 enabled it to cope the number one at Headquarters, AFROTC to Colo- Last Tuesday band spot in the 1954 Billboard nel Pancake, PAS&T here at VML On Thursday, May 19th, the Faculty Club held its final On Friday, May 28th, a regi- Magazine poll. Ralph will play the The Timmins Music Club held meeting of the year. This meeting was marked by speeches mental review is scheduled for the New Plan its annual banquet at the R. E. nimierous songs which have become given by four first classmen designed to let these men voice purpose of honoring 1st Lieutenant top sellers for him on records such "Under this new plan any Lee Hotel Tuesday evening. They Edward C. Showalter of the Class <$>thcir opinions on matters of in- as "Pretend" and "Caravan" which in Category n or III who has not were the guests of Mrs. J. W, of 1951 and the recent Congres- terest and controversy about the sold over a million copies each. been offered a commission imder Timmins. Each year, Mrs. Tim- sional Medal of Honor winner. Institute. The four speakers were He has several popular albums in regular circumstances may join mins comes to Lexin^on to meet Cadets Take Part J. P. Diuguid, D. J. Dunlap, H. V. The ceremony will take the circulation in addition to the single the Air National Guard with the with the Club. White Jr., and W. R. McCarthy. form of a re^lar retreat parade records. His current top seller is reserve rank of 2nd Lt. He would The elaborate music room was hi Memorial Day E. M.-Newton acted in the'capacity followed by a regimental review. "The Creep." be called to active duty with the established by Mr. and Mrs. John of Master of Ceremonies. Following the retreat ceremonies, National Guard for a period of W. Timmins and their son Robert, the Regimental Adjutant will read Ray Anthony of Dallas, Texas, as a memorial to Duiguid's speech was concern- three years and would remain an Services Here the citation that accompanied the The Final Ball will find Ray Lt. John W. Timmins, Jr., honor ed with conditions in the Mess active member of his Air National presentation of the Medal of Anthony on the stand. Ray has graduate of V.M.I. Class of 1949, Hall, Tailor Shop, and the Q.M.D. Guard unit for an additional three by L. H. Bowen Honor last year. After the reading what is unquestionably the most years. This calls for forty-eight who was killed in Korea in Novem- He suggested various methods of of the citation over the public On May 31 wreaths from the popular band in the country today. paid unit training assemblies and ber of 1950. The memorial was de improving conditions in the Mess address system, the only other governors of sixteen states will be "The Young Man With The Horn" fifteen days field training per dicated during Finals of 1951 and Hall. He stated ' that more time VMI Alumnus holding the Con- placed' on Stonewall Jackson's started his climb to fame early, year. Any of the nine men af- has been gratefully used by cadets should be spent on the washing gressional Medal of Honor, Lt. grave in celebration of Memorial when at eighteen he joined the fected by this ruling who do not and the faculty since that time. and drying of dishes. He also General Charles E. Kilbourne, Su- Day. V.M.I, cadets from the six- late Glenn Miller's orchestra. Be- wish to accept commissions under An informal reception at the thought that it would be a good perintendent Emertitus of VMI, fore he left the group he was one teen states will participate in the this provision may still receive home of Col. Herbert N. Dillard idea to hire a person who has had will make an address. of its most popular soloists. He got began the evening. Present were ceremony, which is being sponsor- previous Army mess hall experi certificates of completion under On the reviewing stand for the his first band when he was in the Mrs. Timmins; Col and Mrs. Dixon; ed by the Martha Lee Custis Chap- ence to take charge of operations. the old plan. parade will be Lt. Showalter, Lt. Navy during the war. He has never Col. and Mrs. Lancaster; Mrs. ter of the United Daughters of The merits of a cafeteria system Gen. Kilbourne, Major General stepped dovm from the stand since. Normal Commissions Jones, the librarian; and the mem- the Confederacy, the Lexington were also discussed. Milton, Brigadier General Ander- bers of the Timmins Music Club. Chapter of the Sons of Confed- Vocalists This ruling does not apply to IB regard to the tailor shop and son, Colonel Pancake and Colonel , Later, the group adjourned to erate Veterans, and the Stonewall Tommy Mercer and Marcie men in Categories I Or lA who the Q.M.D., Duiguid found fault Kerlin. The reviewing stand will the hotel where, after dining, the Jackson Memorial, Inc. Miller occupy the vocal spotlight have withdrawn approved applica- with the speed of delivery of uni- be arranged in a manner similar Club business meeting and elec- The ceremony is planned for for the band, with Ray aiding on tions for flight training. forms to the new cadets and also to the one at the Superintendent's tions were lield. For next year's 5:00 P.M. on May 31. The tentative the wilder numbers. Tommy and Men who will receive normal thought the prices charged by the Inauguration last year with flags officers, the Club elected Knute program opens at Jackson's grave Marcie have been responsible for reserve commissions in Categories tailor shop for minor repairs were and aides. There will be one, two Lawson, president; Rosser Cole, with the presentation of the colors many hit recodings with the band. II and III are Gee, Henderson, too high. At the conclusion of Diu and three star flags for the Gen- vice president; and Bill Washing- by the V.M.I. color guard. The The Skyliners and the Anthony Ewing, Ford, Lamb, Novak, guid's speech, Col. Hanes an- erals and the New Market Flag ton, secretary-treasurer. Reverend James J. Murray, pastor Choir round out the vocal enter- Dougherty, Wallace, Drake, Addi- nounced that a huge automatic for Lt. Schowalter. son, Price, Plunkett, and Windie. of Lexington Presbyterian Church, dishwasher would be installed in tainment. The choir consists of the As previously mentioned, all other will lead an opening prayer. Then the Mess Hall to improve the speed Skyliners and the vocalists and men in these categories may obtain Alunini Banquet the Institute Glee Club will sing and the efficiency of dishwashing. men from the band. a hymn. commissions with the Air National Dunlap spoke on' the entrance Liicado, New Pres, The Anthony band Is a top Guard. Honors First Class The climax of the ceremony will requirements at V.M.I. He dis- record seller for Capitol Records. Their "Dragnet" and "Bunny Hop" Old System take place when cadets from Ala- cussed the actual admissions policy Will Head ASCE Last Wednesday night. May bama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, and brought out the fact that and "Harlem Nocturne" have had Under the old system of Certifi- 19th, the First Classmen were The Second Class members of Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, V.M.I, is one of the two state tremendous popularity. Ray also cates, graduates in the Air Force honored by the VMI Alumni Asso- the ASCE met last Monday night recorded several originals as "All Mississippi, Missouri, North Caro- supported schools that maintained ROTC program who because of ciation with a banquet in the and elected officers for the coming Anthony and no Cleopatra," lina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, a selective admissions policy. He their respective catagories were officers' dining hall. There were gave two suggestions on how to year. Curtis Lucado was elected "Cook's Tour," and "Mr. Anthony's Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and not commissioned. They were, how- four speakers at this dinner: these improve the caliber of cadets: president of the chapter. He is Boogie." ever, given a certificate of comple- West Virginia place wreaths on were Mr. Hobie Doyle, President a member of the Glee Club and the Ray's endeavors have included tion of the advanced ROTC course (1) to increase the number of of the* Alumni Association; Colo- Jackson's tomb as a memorial top man in his class in civil engi- frequent radio and television ap- in the event that they should be boys interested in coming, and nel Lipscomb, who spoke on the from the governors of the South- neering.
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