(Mrs.) Isabel Huffton. Dated 12th May, 1944. (Mrs.) Leela Thorat. Dated 15th December, 1944. (Miss) Khorshed Irani (now Mrs. Pasricha). Dated 20th May, 1943. (Miss) Latif Begum Khan. Dated 20th March, 1943. (Miss) Shanta Jayawant. Dated 29th August, 1944. (Miss) Daisy Pereira. Dated 4th September, 1944. (Mrs.) Maude Elisbeth Khan. Dated 9th May, 1944.. (Miss) Jaul Barjorji Hakim. Dated 11th March, 1943. , , (Miss) Sillo Sorabji Daruvala. Dated 15th April,. 1943. (Miss) Mary Thomas. Dated 8th October, 1943. (Miss) Malati Mallannah Shrinagesh. Dated 11th June, 1943. (Miss) Zubaida Hazi Yousof Sobani. Dated 20th September, 1943. (Miss) Achy Mathew. Dated 19th March, 1945. (Mrs.) Greta Darretto (nee Neri). Dated 25th. March, 1943. (Miss) Lalithakrishna Rao. Dated 13th January, Service Notes 1944. (Mrs.) Gladys Connor. Dated 1st August, 1942. (Miss) Mary Kozhimannil Verghese. Dated 2nd Appointments and Transfers November, 1943. Dr. R. Viswanathan, Officer on. Special Duty (Miss) Nivedita Sen. Dated 15th June, 1943. (Tuberculosis), on relief by Dr. P. V. Benjamin, is (Miss) Lakshmiraju Suryakantham. Dated 31st appointed temporarily as Assistant Director-General of May, 1943. Health Services (Resettlement), with effect from the (Miss) Hannan Cohen. Dated 14th March, 1943. 1st June, 1948. (Miss) Mavis Gomez. Dated 23rd March, 1943. Dr. M. N. Lahiri is appointed to the Medical Re- (Mrs.) May Frances Huiton. Dated 19th July, 1943. search Department on probation for 2 years with effect (Miss) Jasmine Enoch. Dated 21st June, 1943. from the 2nd July, 1948. (Miss) Mahalakshmi Subbarayalu Naidu. Dated 23rd Lieutenant-Colonel C. Mani, Additional Deputy March, 1943. Director-General of Health Sendees (Public Health) II, (Miss) Mary Isaac Judah. Dated 18th December, was placed on deputation to Geneva from the 15th 1943. June to the 1st August., 1948. (Miss) Sarah Abraham Shellim. Dated 25th Septem- Dr. R. K. Goyal, an Officer of the Medical Research ber. 1943. Department, is transferred to foreign service for 2 years (Miss) Roshan Nusserwanjee Chinoy. Dated 17th for employment as Professor of Pathology, Medical January, 1944. College, Gwalior, with effect from the afternoon of the (Miss) Amy Jungalwalla. Dated 2nd August. 1943. 20th September, 1948. (Miss) Harbans Kaur Garewal (now Mrs. Inderjit Singh). Dated 3rd July, 1943. Women's Services in India (Miss) Puthuzeril Puthenpurakal Elizabeth Kuriyan. Indian Medical Service Dated 5th September, 1944. (Emergency Commissions) (Miss) Louise Mary Tellis. Dated 16th February, 1944. To be Captains (Miss) Chariotte Dequadros. Dated 12th March, Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps 1943. (Mrs.) Tharmapuram Krishnasami Sundaram. Dated (Miss) Lucy Achamma Verghese (now Mrs. Iuiru- 30th May. 1943. villa). Dated 15th January, 1944. (Miss) Vidyavati Saberwal. Dated 9th March, 1943. (Miss) Leela Nihal Chand. Dated 29th March, 1943.. (Mrs.) Jean Robertson Biggar. Dated 20th April, (Miss) Kamala Khanna (now Mrs. Bhandari). 1943. Dated 14th February, 1943. (Miss) Violet Mary Nazareth. Dated 10th May, (Mrs.) Mangalore Sangannabai. Dated 1st January,. 1943. 1944. (Miss) Perin Mullaferoze. Dated 27th May, 1943. (Miss) Dina Langrana. Dated 9th August, 1943. (Miss) Alva Adeline Daniell. Dated 27th March, (Miss) Kootalathodi Gopalapanikker Janakibai. 1943. Dated 4th July, 1943. (Miss) Jacinth Muriel Goudoin. Dated 19th April, (Miss) Saradadevi Subbarao. Dated 8th December, 1943. 1943. (Mrs.) Janaki Abdul Karim. Dated 14th May, 1943. (Miss) Nargesh Murzban Kothawala (now Mrs. N. P. (Mrs.) Mathurabai Bhawanishankar Kagal. Dated Mistree). Dated 8th June, 1943. 16th December, 1943. (Miss) Teresa Dominic. Dated 22nd April, 1944. (Miss) Annie Christine Pichaimuthu. Dated 24th (Miss) Dina Burjorji Lovji. Dated 9th August, 1943. July, 1944. (Miss) Anne Rocha. Dated 12th August, 1943. (Mrs.) Amy Winifred Burrowes. Dated 6th August, (Miss) Matilda Butt. Dated 18th June, 1943. 1943. (Miss) Betsy Christina Zachariah. Dated 21st July,. (Miss) Berenice Criouleanskv. Dated 26th Januarv, 1944. 1943. (Miss) Muriel Marie D'Souza. Dated 13th Decem- (Miss) Cochee Narayanaswamy Rukmini. Dated 8th ber, 1943. June. 1944. (Miss) Mary Hilda Juliet James (now Mrs. Leela (Miss) Winifred Agnes Vaz (now Mrs. Fernandez). Ramchandran). Dated 1st September, 1943. Dated 19th April, 1943. (Miss) Annamma Abraham. Dated 25th November,. (Mrs.) Rajrajeshwari Devi Karki Pahwa. Dated 17th 1943. November, 1943. (Miss) Simantini Balkrishna Kekre. Dated 7th (Mrs.) Saralabai Atmaram Kulkarni. Dated 13th February, 1944. November, 1943. (Miss) Freda Emilia Preitas. Dated 11th December,. (Miss) Shireen Ardeshir Lai. Dated 2nd January, 1943. 1944. (Miss) Lourda D'Cunha. Dated 17th January, 1944. (Miss) Perin Ratnshah Dibam. Dated 14th April, (Miss) Chittur Subramanya Ananthalakshmy. Dated 1943. 15th May, 1945. 488 THE INDIAN MEDICAL GAZETTE [Oct., 1948 (Miss) Beatrice Mary D'Souza. Dated 1st August, (Miss) Lilian Margaret Reeve (now Mrs. Burbidge). 1944. Dated 22nd February, 1943. (Miss) Ruby Vurgese. Dated 16th February, 1945. (Miss) Bessie Howarth. Dated 14th July, 1945. (Miss) Leela Bhagwan Das (now Mrs. P. V. Ram (Miss) Hoskete Krishna Nanjamma Shastry. Dated Chandran). Dated 23rd July, 1944. 11th August, 1942. (Miss) Kalangi Jessie Balasundaram. Dated 18th (Miss) Clare Mary Rogan. Dated 17th May, 1943. October, 1944. (Miss) Helen May Herbert (now Mrs. Wilkes). (Miss) Leela Dattatray Tilak. Dated 17th October, Dated 6th April, 1942. 1944. (Miss) Phiroza Santook Davar. Dated 8th April, (Miss) Mylai Ranganatham Jamnabai. Dated 16th i942. April, 1945. (Miss) Lajjavati Bhargava. Dated 11th April, 1942. (Miss) Elizabeth K. Markos. Dated 14th April, 1945. (Miss) Doreen Mary Josephine Stracey. Dated 17th (Miss) Eunice Helen Adolphus (now Mrs. Johnson). April, 1942. Dated 23rd August, 1945. (Miss) Loma James (now Mrs. L. M. Corall). Dated 10th 1942. be Lieutenants August, To (Mrs.) Svarna Lata Bhatia. Dated 2nd May, 1942. Hewlett. Dated (Mrs.) Isabella Lousie Hamilton (Miss) Freny Pestonji Wadia (now Mrs. Nautiyal). 29th 1942. May, , Dated 4th May, 1942. (Miss) Hilda Margaret Garlick. Dated 7th Maj*, (Miss) Rose Helen Fonseca. Dated 19th May, 1942. 1942. (Miss) Merle Winifred Beeby. Dated 31st May, (Miss) Isabel Daisy Patterson (now Mrs. Simpson). 1942. Dated 29th May, 1942. (Miss) Corallie Leonora Mary Drummond. Dated (Miss) Mary Antonia Columba MacHugh. Dated 1st June, 1942. 18th June, 1942. (Mrs.) Manijin Rustam Tarapore. Dated 1st June, (Miss) Emily Elspeth Grace Baillte. Dated 15th 1942. December, 1942. (Miss) Catherine Tweedie Howat (now Mrs. Gray). (Miss) Hannah Billing. Dated 16th Januaiy, 1943. Dated 22nd July, 1944. (Miss) Grace Margrete Frederickson Dover. Dated (Miss) Kamala Patricia Roe. Dated 13th March, 28th June, 1943. 1943. (Miss) May Emma Maud Fleming (now Mrs. (Mrs.) Jean Meckenzie Rae Mason Johnson. Dated Napier). Dated 29th May, 1942. 18th June, 1942. (Miss) Brenda Fife. Dated 12th April, 1942. (Miss) Rohna Lowry McCully. Dated 12th June, (Miss) Enid Gwenllian Fisher. Dated 15th Decem- 1944. ber. 1942. (Miss) Myra Kathleen Beattie. Dated 1st July, (Miss) Elizabeth Mary Morgan (now Mrs. Bowles). 1942. Dated 15th December, 1942. (Miss) Kamala Isaac (now Mrs. K. R. Khan). (Miss) Dorothea Mary Norman Jones. Dated 12th Dated 20th March, 1943. June. 1944. (Mrs.) Georgina Elizabeth Brindley. Dated 12th (Miss) Beryl Alberta Barlow. Dated 22nd Feb- July, 1942. ruary, 1943. (Miss) Louisa Mary D'Silva. Dated 17th May, 1943. (Miss) Eunice Heath (now Mrs. Ellen). Dated 16th (Miss) Dulcie Teresa Dias. Dated 31st March, 1943. January, 1943. (Miss) Geraldine Eleander Lvle Cummins. Dated (Mrs.) Margaret Ellen Mary Blanden. Dated 29th 10th August, 1943. May, 1942. (Miss) Margaret Sylvia Garden (now Mrs. Austin). (Mrs.) Dorothy Fraser MacQueen. Dated 17th Dated 23rd August, 1943. February, 1945. (Miss) Margaret Therese D'Silva. Dated 5th (Miss) Mary Scot. Dated 7th May, 1942. August, 1942. (Miss) Nora Kathleen Woll. Dated 29th September, (Miss) Evelyne Verenica Tobit. Dated 17th July, 1942. 1945. (Mrs.) Marjorice Lawton. Dated 7th May, 1942. (Mrs.) Eleanor Hope Barrington. Dated 7th August, (Miss) Florence Annie Griffiths (now Mrs. Scott). 1942. Dated 24th May, 1943. (Miss) Amy Lucy Forbes Hankins. Dated 8th (Mrs.) Sheila Maureen Lorimer Howell Roberts. August, 1942. Dated 12th June, 1944. (Mrs.) Chander Kanta Lai. Dated 8th August, 1942. (Miss) Evelyn Monica Eldrid. Dated 7th May, 1942. (Miss) Una Roy (now Mrs. Wickers). Dated 8th (Miss) Beatrice Mary Medley (now Mrs. Newey). August, 1942. Dated 11th April, 1942. (Mrs.) Rajni Kanta Puri. Dated 1st August, 1942. (Miss) Jean Mary Drury White. Dated 25th July, (Mrs.) Elisabeth Muriel McDonald. Dated 5th 1942. August, 1942. (Miss) Adelia Alice Maiy Coutts. Dated 12th April, (Miss) Janaki Bai Vidur Raj. Dated 14th August, 1942. 1942. (Miss) Dorthy Fraser MacBeen. Dated 14th July, (Miss) Anna Mathew. Dated 17th August, 1942. 1945. (Miss) Alice May Waters. Dated 18th August, 1942. (Miss) Lorna Christine Peterson (now Mrs. Hylton). (Miss) Patricia Lucy Fraces Heaton (now Mrs. Dated 13th April, 1943. McKimmie. Dated 7th June, 1943. (Miss) Dorothy Winterbon Smith (now Mrs. Wells). (Miss) Sylvia Mavis Rapson (now Mrs. Mathews). Dated 17th February, 1945. Dated 19th August, 1942. (Mrs.) Rosalind Storey McGown. Dated 16th (Miss) Phyllis Balfour Bellhart. Dated 21st August, December, 1943. 1942. _ Barbara Fleetwood Thomas (Miss) (now Mrs. (Miss) Putli D. Nanavatty. Dated 21st August, Dickinson). Dated 23rd August, 1942.
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