fritutg irtpii Vol. LXVIII, No. 18 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD November 4. 1969 Senate Denies Power Of Discipline Group The new Senate passed a series committee to work with the half of legislation Sunday night attack- million dollar budget of the office ing the College's system of gov- of community life. ernance and the present handling •Investigate and hold an open of disciplinary problems. hearing on the "level of care" Specific actions taken were to: available in the College infirm- *Call for faculty and adminis- ary. tration endorsement of the Stu- •Endorse a profit-sharing plan dent Bill of Rights. for the bookstore and appoint two •Withdraw recognition of the students to a committee to study Committee on Academic Standing the bookstore. (Markovltz Photo) •Endorse the November Mor- "STOP CONSTRUCTION!' and Discipline and declare that That was the Tripp Ticket's reaction to all college employees should be in- atorium and sponsor two films in the gate now being built at the corner of Broad and Vernon Streets. cluded under the disciplinary regu- conjunction with the Moratorium, r The gate, according to administrators, is being financed by alumni lations in the COLLEGE HAND- •Urge a public apology from Marc S. Salisch, associate dean for Herman Badillo next contributions designated specifically for that purpose. BOOK. lecturer-in-residence. *Place students on an ad hoc community life, for the "inaction and indifference of both his office and his employees" in the case Students Express Dissatisfaction of a guard who refused to take Badillo Named a g-irl to the hospital Wednesday night. (See story below.) The resolution withdrawing re- New Lecturer- With Executive Council Election cognition from the Academic by Glenn Gustafson Standing and Discipline Committee "The election was a farce. I the second election was invalidated this size isn't a good idea." He cited the Student Bill of Rights In-Residence didn't vote because the candidates because Yeager won." In his suggested that each dorm set up which calls for "trial by peers." Herman Badillo, liberal candi- weren't representative." This opinion, the election was dominat- its own council, which would elect The "administrative disposition" date for the New York Democratic statement typified student reaction ed by Keeney supporters. "A friend a president of the House. Accord- of student discipline was "totally mayoralty nomination, will be this to the first Senate Executive Coun- of mine told me that after she had ing to his plan, "meetings could be unacceptable," the motion said. year's lecturer-in-residence, W. cil run-off election. voted for Yeager, she was told by held in all dorms on the same night The non-recognition will remain Miller Brown, chairman of the Most students interviewed ex- the ballot collector that she had and anyone interested could come in effect until an "acceptable judi- lecture committee, announced pressed dissatisfaction with the made the wrong choice. This is a and express himself." cial structure and an adequate Monday. platforms of the candidates in- clear cut case of poll tampering," To one coed, though, the election complaint procedure have been in- The 39-year-old native of Puerto volved. A freshman from South he added. didn't make any difference. "The stituted." Rico and Bronx Borough President Campus said that he was disap- According to one student, the candidates didn't really want to say The Senate will conduct an open will spend three days on the campus pointed because none of the candi- Senate should experiment with par- anything in particular, only the hearing on the Trinity College in February. dates represented the views of the ticipatory democracy since "re- usual garbage," she said. "Qh, I Council's report on the judicial Badillo received the endorse- majority of the student body: "Each presentative democracy in a school just don't care," she concluded. system during the first hour of ment of The New York TIMES in ticket seemed to appeal to the radi- its meeting next Sunday night at his bid for the Democratic nomina- cals on campus. This may be the 9p.m. tion but dropped out of the race reason why most of the students College employees were speci- before the primary declaring that are apathetic. Most of the propo- Senate Asks for Apology fied under college regulations, the he would not be "conducting an in- sals were vague and pertained to motion indicated, because ofanin- dependent candidacy." issues in which the minorities on cident last week In which a guard The Times praised Badillo and campus would have total say over Of Dean in Plnmmer Case refused Michael Plummer's re- described him as "innovative and the rest." quest that he take a girl to the practical." A resident of North Campus held hospital. The motion cited "In our judgment there is one that there were no major differ- The Trinity Coalition of Blacks of the Committee on Academic employees of buildings and candidate who stands clearly above ences in the platforms. In his (TCB), "in light of the incident of Standing and Discipline. The chair- grounds, campus security and his Democratic rivals. He is Her- opinion, Yeager and Preston had October 22, involving a College man indicated that he did not have medical services. man Badillo, Borough President a relatively good grasp of the is- guard and a Brother (Michael jurisdiction over a charge against After passing the motion urging of the Bronx," the Times editorial sues: "If they don't understand Plummer) and Sister, "has set forth a non-academic employee of the Dean Salisch to make a public said on May 20, 1969. them (issues), I don't see who can." a list of demands in an October 30 College, according to Salisch. apology, the Senate requested a Badillo dropped out of the race Another student described the plat- letter to President Lockwood. The Senate voted to include these explaination of the Plummer in- on July 15 and Mario Procaccino forms as "too pie in the sky." The Coalition wants the removal employees under the College regu- cident to the Senate, Salisch said won the nomination. Although most of the students of the Associate Dean for Commun- lations which are outlined in the that he "probably could have handl- In his campaign he said promises interviewed indicated that person- ity Life from anyposition of author- Student Handbook, "until a more ed it better" but that the source to make New York a "model city" alities were of small concern in the ity over Black students, the with- appropriate judicial system is in- of the problem was a "serious were "stupid and cruel." election, one person who was "im- drawal of the complaint against stituted." misunderstanding". He pointed out His platform called for neigh- pressed by Keeney's seriousness" Plummer, the establishment of Near the end of the meeting, his "dual responsibility" of pro- borhood involvement in municipal voiced his disapproval of Yeager's procedures to deal with student several members of the TCB, in- tecting the rights of all involved affairs. appeal to basic instincts." In complaints against College em- cluding a Jack C. Barthwell '72, but qualified the statement adding One of Badillo's principal themes his opinion, Yeager relied too ployees, and the dismissal of the asked if the Senate would be will- that at present there exists "no in the campaign was that the city's heavily upon his personality. "He guard. ing to take some action on behalf good way" of handlingjudicialpro- anti-poverty programs had pitted was running as Charlie Yea- The TCB also suggested that the. of Black students in their relations blems. (Continued on page 3) ethnic groups against one another, ger, everybody's friend," the stu- Associate Dean be removed from with the administration if such dent said. his position entirely. action proved necessary. A number Many had praise for the Maddux - The Senate, Sunday night, asked of senators, including Executive Newly Elected Council Outlines Brooke-Cuozzi ticket. One fresh- that Associate Dean for Commun- Council Vice-president Stevena man found it an "enjoyable mockery ity Life Marc S. Salisch "make a Keeney '71, responded affirma - Administrative Duties and Goals of the seriousness and mean- public apology for the inaction and tively. the indifference of both his office The Coalition's letter drew a by Robert Shapiro inglessness of speeches." Another elected President Stuart Vice-President Steven H. Keeney student asserted that Maddux's and his employees, including his response from President Lock- Newly guards." wood, who asked for a meeting be- W. Mason '71 stressed that the '71 said that there were "three dif- statement was the most eloquent ferent levels of platform planks." given. "Even the wildest things that Salisch, responding to the Senate tween himself and the group's primary aim of his ticket was "to representatives. establish a powerful student gov- (1) Intra-college concerns — the were done had a significance," he action, said "it is quite likely that TCC, the relation of the students said. I could have handled it better." "I Alfred A. Garafolo, the Director ernment" under which the indi- vidual student has the "ability to to the faculty and to the administra- The invalidation of the election spoke to the young lady and she in- of Campus Security, would not com- tion, the judicial structure. ment on the TCB letter, but held grow in the direction he wants to." and subsequent reformation of tick- dicated she was all right," he noted. Mason headed the Mason- (2) The bread and butter ets came as quite an annoyance to "I assumed that the problem had that the guard, Pat Migiiaro, "did issues — dorm repairs, the infirm- what he was supposed to." Keeney-Schaefer ticket which re- a number of students.
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