Palos Verdes Peninsula Coordinating Council CALENDAR MAY 2018 www.palosverdescc.org The Palos Verdes Peninsula Coordinating Council, formed in 1956, provides programs of interest to tHe community and publishes an updated CALENDAR of non-profit events as a service to tHe community. Coordinating Council members may Have events listed in tHe next CALENDAR. Council Members Submission Guidelines: Send information to the Editor, Fran Wielin, E-mail; [email protected] Send; organization, event, date, time, place, & pHone contact. •The deadline for the JUNE 2018 CALENDAR is FRIDAY MAY 25, 2018. • Members receive tHe updated CALENDAR in tHe mail. To remain on tHe Submission List and tHe Mailing List please send Membership Dues of $25 to: PVP Coordinating Council, PO Box 2304, PVP CA 90274. Dues pay for printing, mailing, programs, and support the Annual Teen Service Awards. • Backpack Flyer See page 7 for information. *Added since printing of the April 2018 Calendar. PHone numbers are Area Code 310 unless noted. ANNUAL GALA FUNDRAISING EVENT IN CAPS APRIL 2018 Apr 26- So Coast Botanic Garden Little Sprouts Age 3-5 10:30am-11:45am $95 members/$110 May 3 THu non- members, 4 class series, 544-1948 soutHcoastbotanicgarden.org/littlesprouts 26 TH LAS CANDALISTAS SPRING FUNDRAISER "CELEBRATE THE SPIRIT OF IRELAND" 10am-3pm CATALINA VIEW GARDENS, RPV. Gourmet LuncHeon, Win 9 nigHts in Ireland; Speakers, Boutique, Benefits SoutH Bay cHildren www.lascandalistas.org 310-798-7499 27 Fri H.E.L.P. (HealtHcare & Elder Law Programs) ANNUAL GALA DINNER-DANCE FUND- RAISER FOR SENIOR SERVICES. PALOS VERDES GOLF CLUB, 6-10pm 310-533- 1996,tickets [email protected] 27-29 Norris THeatre 42nd Street, THe Broadway musical, 544-0403 Fri-Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm Fri Sa Su www.palosverdesperformingarts.com 29 Su Peninsula SympHony A House Divided Redondo Union HigH ScHool Auditorium, 222 NortH Pacific Coast HigHway, Redondo BeacH 7pm 310.544-0320 Free 29 Su PVP Land Conservancy Full Moon Yoga at Terranea Resort Benefiting PVPLC, 7 pm, Yoga for all levels, Terranea's Yoga Instructor, Ocean Lawn, Bring your own mat. Suggested donation $20 MAY 2018 1 Tu PV Library Boomers & Beyond; Scams Targeting Seniors Belmont Village, 5701 Crestridge Road, 10am-12pm, 377-9584 x 215 2 W* Peninsula Seniors Free Lectures- Terri Hack, Terranea Resort 10:30am Hesse Park, 377- 3003 4 Fri* PVP CHamber of Commerce Rolling Hills Estates Council Candidates Forum Peninsula Center Library, 5pm, 310-377-8111 4-13 Fri Norris THeatre 42nd Street, tHe Broadway Musical, 544-0403 Sa Su www.palosverdesperformingarts.com Fri-Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm 5 Sa Los Serenos De Pt. Vicente • Nature Walk • 9am Alta Vicente Reserve 377-5370 www.losserenos.orgmeet at RPV City Hall 5 Sa* Rolling Hills Estates Mayor’s Breakfast Ride;; Meet & Greet at City Hall 8:30, Ride from Chandler Park 9am; Pancake Breakfast Ernie Howlett Park 7am-11am, $5 or $3 in advance 5 Sa CABRILLO MARINE AQUARIUM GRAND GRUNION GALA - CINCO DE MAYO 5-11pm FOOD, COCkTAILS, LIVE MUSIC DANCING 548-7593 www.grandgruniongala.org 2 8 Tu PV Library Boomers & Beyond- Chair Yoga Palos Verdes Golf Club, 3301 Via Campesina 10am-12pm, 377-9584 x 215 9 W* Peninsula Seniors Free Lectures- KennetH WrigHt MD THe Importance of Visual Development 10:30am Hesse Park, 377-3003 12 Sa PENINSULA EDUCATION FOUNDATION THE MAIN EVENT TERRANEA RESORT 12 Sa PVP Land Conservancy Nature Walks-WHite Pt Nature Reserve 9am info www.pvplc.org, Moderate walk; 310-541-7613 12 Sa So Coast Botanic Garden THe SuperHero Run: Saving tHe EartH One Obstacle 10am-3pm $17 members $20 non-members, $10 Spectator 544-1948 soutHcoastbotanicgarden.org/superHero 13 Sa So Coast Botanic Garden MotHer’s Day Concert – PV SympHonic Band pm-4pm, Free witH admission 544-1948 soutHcoastbotanicgarden.org 13 Su Harlyne J. Norris Pavilion The Midiri BrotHers Cabaret Jazz Series, Sextet, 5 pm, 544-0403 www.palosverdesperformingarts.com 13 Su Palos Verdes SympHonic Band MotHer’s Day Concert SoutH Coast Botanic Garden, outdoors, 2 PM, 373-2442, www.PVSBand.org, tickets at tHe entrance 13 Su Rolling Hills MetHodist Concerts Second Sundays at Two; Trio Celeste 2pm Free,donations to artists. www.RHUMC.org 13 Su “Hats On For Momma ! ” A MotHer’s Day Comedy SHow; Italian Buffet,4 comics, Harpist, Dancers, 12:30-3:30 Los Verdes Golf Club www.seniorcomedyafternoons.com Tickets: 714.914.2565 16 W* Peninsula Seniors Free Lectures Jerry Sorkin “My Expedition to tHe Antarctic 10:30am Hesse Park, 377-3003 17 TH PVP CHamber Business After Hours Law Office of Jennifer Novak, 500 Silver Spur Rd #206 RHE 5:30-7:30pm, Free to PVP CHamber Members; $10 guests; RSVP (310) 377-8111 18 Fri PVP CHamber Salute To Business Awards Luncheon, Trump National Golf Club 377-8111 18, 19, 20 Peninsula School of Performing Arts Ballet Coppelia. Norris THeatre, 544-0403 Fri Sa Su www.palosverdesperformingarts.com 19 Sa* Peninsula SympHonic Winds Concert; A Musical Travelogue; Musical favorites from around the world & more. Assoc music director JoHn Elg; 3pm, Salvation Army, 4223 Emerald St. Torrance. Tickets $10 for adults, cHildren 12 and under free witH an adult. www.pswinds.org 19 Sa* PVP Land Conservancy Big Sunday Volunteer Day, WHite Point Nature Preserve, 9 am–12 pm; Help beautify tHe native plant demonstration garden, reserve Https://pvplc.volunteerHub.com 19 Sa Peninsula HigH School Prom 20 Su Pt. Vicente Native Garden Volunteer Day 10am-noon. Learn about native CA plants and gardening skills. Bring good sHoes, Hat and water. RSVP to Megan Roy [email protected] 20 Su So Coast Botanic Garden kids Club Pollinator Party 1pm-4pm, free witH admission 544-1948 soutHcoastbotanicgarden.org/kidsclub 23 W RPV Council of Homeowners Assoc CHOA Expo Hesse Park, 6pm-8:30pm, Free, many Peninsula Organizations, Prize drawing at 8pm. For info [email protected] 23 W * Corrected Date: PVP Coordinating Council Awards Presentations – Teen and Community Service Free everyone is welcome, Pen Center Library Community Room, Noon 541-6189 23 W* Peninsula Seniors Free Lectures 10:30am Hesse Park, 377-3003Ken Dyda -History of RancHo Palos Verdes 24 TH PVP CERT RefresHer, Hesse Park. 3 26 Sa So Coast Botanic Garden Landscape Pastel Painting en Pleir Air 9am-1:30pm, $72 Members $80 Non-members 544-1948 soutHcoastbotanicgarden.org 26 Sa* PVP Land Conservancy - WHite Point Nature Preserve, "Alchemy Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls by Jeralyn Glass". Free. More information (310) 541-7613 ext. 201 Sonic tools to open and ignite your brain waves, Https://pvplc.org/_events/WHitePointWorkshopRSVP.asp 27 Palos Verdes Ballet 38th Anniversary Spring Performance of “A Classical Evening” 5pm, Sun Norris THeater, 544-0403 Uta-Graf Apostol, Director www.palosverdesballet.org 30 W* Peninsula Seniors Free Lectures Carolyn kelford, Dana GraHam, Lianne La Reine “Revisiting Vintage Palos Verdes 10:30am Hesse Park, 377-3003 JUNE 2018 1 Fri* Peninsula Heritage School STEAM Fair, 8:30 am to 12:00 noon, Free, 310-541-4795. 2 Sa PVP Land Conservancy National Trails Day sign up to repair trails at pvplc.volunteerHub.com 3 Su* Peninsula Committee Los Angeles PHilHarmonic Grand Salon 5pm, Private Home in Lunada Bay, 310-378-7621.www.pclapHil.org. 5 Tu Municipal Election City of Rolling Hills Estates 6 W PVPUSD Intermediate School Graduations 7 TH Peninsula & Palos Verdes HigH School Graduations 6pm; RancHo Del Mar Graduation 10am 7 Th* Movie in Ernie Howlett Park “Incredibles” info 310-377-1577 City of Rolling Hills Estates 8,9,10 Fri PVP CHamber Street Fair & Music Festival Fri 5-10pm Teen Night; Sat 10am-10pm; Sa Sun Sun 10-am-9pm; Downtown RHE 310-377-8111 9 Sa PVP Land Conservancy Nature Walks-Portuguese Bend Reserve 9am info www.pvplc.org, Strenous walk; 310-541-7613 10 Su Los Cancioneros Master CHorale Spring Concert Songs Across tHe FootligHts - Great songs from Broadway and more, 7pm, Armstrong THeater,Torrance, Tickets:Diana (310) 779-3072 or Armstrong THeater Box office (310) 781-7171 10 Su Pt. Vicente Native Garden Volunteer Day 10am-noon. Learn about native CA plants and gardening skills. Bring good sHoes, Hat and water. RSVP to Megan Roy [email protected] 10 Su Rolling Hills MetHodist Concerts Second Sundays at Two; Inna Faliks, Piano. 2pm Free, donations to artists. www.RHUMC.org 14 Th* Peninsula Heritage School 8 th Grade Graduation, 11:00 am, St. Luke’s Presbyterian CHurch, 310-541-4795 15,16 Peninsula School of Performing Arts; June SHow. Norris THeatre. 544-0403 2:30 and 7:30pm Fri Sa www.palosverdesperformingarts.com 16 Sa Elite Dance Studio LLC June SHowcase 1pm & 5pm, Rolling Hills Covenant Community Center, 735 Silver Spur Rd. Tickets www.elitedancerHe.com (310)541-0099 16 Sa Los Serenos De Pt. Vicente • Nature Walk • 9am Ocean Trails Reserve 377-5370 www.losserenos.orgmeet at end of La Rotonda Drive 17 Su Peninsula SympHony Mostly Mozart Redondo Union HigH School Auditorium, 222 NortH Pacific Coast HigHway, Redondo Beach 7pm 310.544-0320 Free JULY 2018 1 Sun* PVP Land Conservancy Films “THe Beauty of Nature” THe Legend of Fred Beckey Peninsula HigH School THeater, 27118 Silver Spur Rd, RHE, 5pm, $10 at www.pvplc.org 4 Wed City of RancHo Palos Verdes 4th of July Celebration Time: 11am-5pm, Point Vicente Park 5 Th* Movie in Ernie Howlett Park “Hotel Transylvania ” info 310-377-1577 City of Rolling Hills Est 4 8 Su Rolling Hills MetHodist Concerts Second Sundays at 2pm; iPalpiti Soloists Davide De Ascaniis, Violin; Sara De Ascaniis, Piano Free,donations to artists. www.RHUMC.org 14 Sa PVP Land Conservancy Nature Walk-Abalone Cove Tide Pools 4pm info www.pvplc.org Moderate walk 310-541-7613 14 Sa Los Serenos De Pt.
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