INDEX FARMERS UNION OF ALBERTA Names, places and file numbers. THERE ARE DIFFERENT WAYS TO FIND THE NAMES INCLUDED IN THESE 600 FILES. Approximately 1000 names are listed in alphabetical order followed by town or city, then the file number in which they appear. As I compiled this index, I wrote the location as they appeared on the documents. (Example: Although my address is Woking, school districts and post office names such as Northmark, Westmark, Chinook Valley, Bridgeview, & Saddle Mountain are referred to in these records. Today only Woking has a post office, but these other names appearing in these documents are also from this area. So don’t just look under “Woking”.). SCHOOLS: Look in the index for names of old country schools where the farm organization meetings were held. Some documents do not indicate the town or Local and only record the name of the school. There are many names in these files that are not listed individually. After typing about 1000 names, I just got too weary, so decided to let you, the reader look up the names. If the name you look for is not in the index, look in the index under the REGION they came from. (Example: Grandpa came from Youngstown, look under Region #11, and scan through all the files listed under Region 11). REGIONS (Districts): The province was divided into 14 DISTRICTS during the FUA era, (1949-1969). When Unifarm (1969) was organized, the same boundaries were used as were used for the FUA, except that “Districts” were renamed “Regions”. Therefore, I have chosen to refer to these areas as “ REGIONS (Districts)”. In this way I hoped that anyone familiar with farm organizations today would immediately know to look under “Regions”, but if anyone were familiar with the FUA era, they would look under “Districts”. You will find a map of each Region as you scan the files. The Regions are numbered from the north being #1 (South Peace area), to the south, Region #14, (Medicine Hat area). Then Region #15 (North Peace) was tacked onto the very northern part of the province, When Unfarm was organized, one change came about in the boundaries. Region #2 became Regions #2 and #15, adding one more Region in the province. The eastern part of Region #2 remained #2, and the northern part became Region#15. As I compiled the index, I tried to separate the activities, not as it was in the FUA era, but as the boundaries are today. All activities that took place in the northern part of the Region, can be found in the index under Region #15, all others will be listed under Region #2. LOCALS: Names may also be listed under the name of the “LOCAL”. There would be absolutely no way for me to know which Region to list Northmark Local, Saddle Mountain Local, or Bridgeview Local in if I didn’t live in the Woking area and was familiar with these names as being part of the Woking area. These are not places that are found on maps. Most of these names are just memories anymore remembered only by the old-timers. At one time they were school districts I apologize for any errors. I am a team of one. I have no proof readers!!!!! If you have any questions, call me. HAPPY HUNTING!!!!!!………………….Eileen Nagel, 780,774-2062, Abbis, Geo. W., Okotoks, 0198, Abbis, Mrs. K, Black Diamond, 0166f, Ackroyd, Ms., 0091, Adam, Norma, Vulcan, 0036, Adamkewicz, Leo, Hussar, 0198, Alberts. Mrs. Sam, Brooks, 0036, 0083, 0098, 0128, 0136, 0143, Alexander, Wm, Brownvale, 0198, Alix FWUA, 0131, Allan, Hugh, Wembley, 0046, 0065, 0233, Allard, Lila, Viking, 0177, 0181, Allard, Lila, Viking, 0532, Allen, Ken, Fairview, 0074, 0074, 0074a, 0238, Alstad, Miller, Wembley, 0036, Alton Local, 0553, Amisk Local, 0481, Amundson, Obert, Eaglesham Local, 0278, Andersen, Anders, 0026a, 0072a, 0073a, 0083, 0098, 0115, 0128, 0134, 0136, 0136a, 0143, 0154, 0160, 0177, 0198, 0204, 0204, 0208, 0209 Anderson, Bertie, Medicine Hat, 0216, 0561, Anderson, C., Brownvale, 0098, Anderson, Carl, Brooks, 0198a, Anderson, Clare, 0524, Anderson, Clare, Barrhead, 0026a, 0070, 0070a, 0072, 0073a, 0095, 0098,0115, 0128, 0133, 0136, 0136a, 0138, 0143, 0160, 0177, 0182a,0198, Anderson, Esther, Dixonville, 0394, Anderson, Hanna, Sugden, 0095, 0098, 0128, 0143, 0562, Anderson, Hubert, Barrhead, 0408, Anderson, Mills, Rycroft, 0296, Anderson, Wayne, Bow Island, 0134, 0571, 0572, Androssan FWUA, 0091, Anthony Hill Local, Region #9, 0534, Anthony Hill, FWUA, 0129, 0137, Armada Local, 0553, Armstrong, C.T, Hussar, 0003, 0026, 0036, 0039, 0040, 0048, 0052, 0054, 0068, 0070, 0083, 0095, 0098, 0101. 0102, 0108, 0128, 0138, 0148, 0199a, 0569, Armstrong, R.E.G, Parkland, 0095, 0098, 0119, Arneson, Mrs. Henry, Edgerton, 0321, Arnold, Leonard, Medicine Hat, 0135, Arrowwood Local, 0553, Ash, L.L., Vilna, 0115, 0128, Atkinson, J.R., 0091, 0171, Atkinson, Roy, 0048, 0252, 0258, Auten, Mildred, Grace, (Mrs Ed. Nelson), 0138, Babey, Paul, Beaverdam, 0026a, 0070a, 0071a, 0072a, 0074a, 0133, 0136, 0136a, 0177, 0198, 0199a, 0201, 0204, 0206, 0207, 0210, 0217, 0209, 0224b, 0225, , 0225, 0226, 0227, 0229, 0230, 0231,0232, 0234, 0236, 0237, 0238, 0238, 0241 to 271, 0273, 0274, 0290, 0305, 0320, 0413, 0414, 0526, Bachlater, 0048, Baird, Kenneth, Gadsby, 0198, Baker, 0005, 0008, 0010, 0012, 0014, Balanko, Mary, Eaglesham, 0513, Baldwin, Gerald, M.P. Peace River, 0283, Banta, Geo, Crossfield, 0177, Banta, R.B, Crossfield, 0543, Barbridge, 0004, 0015, 0021, Barker, G, 0154, Barker, W.L, Mrs., 0040, 0070, 0128, 0136, 0541, Barnhardt, Norman, Eaglesham Local, 0278, Baron, 0019, Barrhead Local, Region #3, 0408, Barton, Peter, Naples, 0180a, 0321, Barton, R, Lethbridge, 0128, Bauer, Muriel, Lacombe, 0083, Beach Corner FWUA Local, 0088, Beach, Hilda, Westlock, 0098, 0115, Beaton, C.M, Calgary, 0177, Beattie, A.W., AWP, 0179, Beavington, Allan, Gibbons, 0177, Belanger, Romeo, Edgerton, 0006, 0040, 0180a, 0321, Belik, (Bradley) Lena, Edgerton, 0072a, 0136, 0143, 0319, 0448, 0451, 0481, 0489, 0493, Belik, April, Edgerton, 0445, 0489, Bell, Ray, Carstairs, 0036, Bennett, John T, Edmonton, 0199a, Bentley, Jim. 0014, 0015, 0016, 0073a, 0154, 0154a, 0236, Berg, Ellen, Region #9, 0129, Berrywater, Local, Region #13, 0561, Bice, Alec, Eaglesham Local, 0278, Bice, Gilbert, Eaglesham Local, 0278, Billey, Sylvia, Edwand, 0115, 0128, Birch, Eileen, 0022, 0148, 0154, 0154a, 0172, Blemp, Ms. R. E., 0089, Blom, Bernard, Coronation, 0198, Bobryk, Jacob, Czar, 0198, Bonertz, Ms. Winnie, 0089, Boras, Walter, Iron Springs, 0238, Boutillier, Herb, 0009, 0010, 0011, 0014, 0015, 0017, 0019, 0021, 0041,0045, 0048, Boutillier, R.J., 0019, 0039, 0053, Bower, Jas, Red Deer, 0005, 0041, 0052, 0540, Bowie, Charles, Morningside, 0115, 0128, 0136, 0143, Boyd, Ida, Rise Prairie, 0394, Boyd, Jim, Heinsburg, 0070a, 0156c, Braithwaite, Hazel, Red Deer, 0066, 0066a 0068a, 0074, 0089, 0128, 0129, 0133, 0136, 0136a, 0139, 0143, 0160, 0160a, 0177, 0182, 0182a, 0198, 0451, 0522, 0532, 0541, 0561, 0573, Breese, Keith, Ponoka, 0238, Bridgeview, AFU Local, 0314, Bridgeview, FUA Local 106, List of names, 0325, 0327, 0333, 0334, 0335, 0336, 0337, 0338, 0339, 0340, 0341, 0342, 0343, 0344, 0345, 0346, 0347, 0348, 0349, 0350, Brocklesbee, 0048, Brooks Local, 0561, Brown, Ben C, Carmangay, 00198, Brown, Donna Faye, Region #3, 0513, Brown, Earl, Vimy, 0182a, 0420, Brown, L, Marwayne, 0449, Brown, Ms. Ed., Beaverlodge, 0095, 0098, 0115, 0128, Brown, Ms. R., 0091, Bruce, T, 0522, Bruce, Thomas, Flagstaff, 0182a, Bugeaud, G., 0154, 0154a, Burroughs, M, Eaglesham Local, 0278, Byler, W, 0154, 0154a, Byrtus, Mike, Athabasca, 0406, Calon, Paul, Michichi, 0083, 0095, 0098, Cameron, Jas. H., Youngstown, 0036, 0040, 0047, 0057, 0070, 0072, 0073a, 0074 , 0074a, 0083, 0095, 0098, 0108, 0128, 0134, 0143,0148, 0177, 0551, Campbell Les. 0048, Campbell, D.L., 0017, Campbell, Ms. R., 0089, Campbell, Ted, Eaglesham Local, 0278, Campbell, W. L, Eaglesham Local, 0281, Candish, James, Region #8,0497, Carlson, G.W., Dawson Creek, 0036, Carlson, Mrs. J, Gwynne, 0537, Carlton, L, Bon Accord, 0136, 0143, 0177, Carlyle, Robert H., Blackfalds, 0199a, Carroll, Mrs. G.P., Beaverlodge, 0036, Carter, J.E.,Edberg, 0061, 0152, Chaban, Rochester, 0182a, Chachich, Markko, Rycroft, 0320, Champlain, FWUA, Brosseau, 0089, Chapman, B, Brownvale, 0177, Charest, A, Eaglesham Local, 0278, Charon, 0048, Chastko, Casy, 0525, Cheldowski, Val, Sexsmith, 0305, 0394, Chesterman, Blanche, Wainwright, 0451, Chinook Valley AFU, 0314, Chrapka, 0156a, Christensen, T, Eaglesham Local, 0278, Christian, Harry, Holden, 0438, Christianson, Louise, 0513, Christie, Brock, Cardston, 0216, Chudyk, Ted, Vegreville, 0198, 0435, Church, Geo., Balzac, 0004, 0008, 0013, 0014, 0018, 0040, 0044, 0048, 0067, 0072, 0101, 0103, 0133, 0148,0153, 0153a, 0154, 0154a, 0172, 0174, Chynoweth, Myrle, Wainwright, 0448, 0485, Clark, 0048, Clark, Joe, Right Honorable, 0418. Clarke Wes, Bonanza, 0198, Clarke, Lucy, 0091 Clear Water FWUA #1308, Medicine Hat, 0492, Clover Bar, FWUA, 0089, Colvin, Carl, Sedgewick, 0020, 0148, Colwell, Chas, O, Calgary, 0199a, Connelly, John, Elmworth, 0135, Connibear, Robert, Donalda, 0135, Cote, Lucien, Donnelly, 0095, 0098, Cote, Zoe, Region#2, 0182, 0321, Coupland, M. Lethbridge, 0004, 0007, 0038,0064, 0065, 0148, 0154, 0154a, 0216, 0553, 0569, 0573, Coutts; 0005, Cragmyle FWUA, 0091, Crenshaw, Scott, Galahad, 0198, Culler, Carl, Warner, 0136, 0143, Curry, Lyall, Carolside, 0198, Czar Local, 0481, Dahlberg, Ms. Agnes, Region #9, 0129, Dakota FWUA, 0129, Dale, Clarence, Woking, 0294, Davidson, Mrs. E., 0075, Davidson, Robert, Delburne, 0115, Davies, 0048, Daysland Local #806, 0522, Dean, Glen, Ponoka,
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