ev -V • V ; 1934 ^ VOLUME 20 NUMBER 23 * O N l J t O ^ Washington, V/ednesday, February 2, 1955 such procedure, because of the nature of CONTENTS TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE these rules, serves no useful purpose. Chapter VII— Commodity Stabiliza­ These schedules are effective from Feb­ Agricultural Marketing Service Page tion Service (Farm Marketing ruary 1,1955. Proposed rule making: Quotas and Acreage Allotments), 1. The schedule in § 202.405 Invar Milk handling in Philadelphia, base-line tapes is amended by the re­ Pa____________ ___________ 704 Department of Agriculture vision of items 1 and m to read as follows: Prunes produced in California; P art 721—C orn handling__________________ 706 Item Description Fee PROCLAMATION OF ACREAGE ALLOTMENT FOR Agriculture Department See also Agricultural Marketing 1955 IN COMMERCIAL CORN-PRODUCING 202.4051 Invar base-line tape not more than AREA 50 meters in nominal length—de­ Service; Commodity Stabiliza­ termination on bench'standard at tion Service. § 721.603 Basis and purpose. Section room temperature of length of 1 interval when supported at 1 Notices: 721.604 is issued under and in accord­ method of support and under 1 Florida; designation of areas for ance with sections 301 and 328 of the tension, or determination of the tension to the nearest integral half production emergency loans— 718 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as pound or quarter kilogram at Virginia; designation of addi­ amended. Its purpose is to announce which the correction to the length tional areas for production the acreage allotment for 1955 for the of the interval is most nearly zero at a specified method of support... $15.50 and economic emergency commercial corn-producing area. The 202.405m Invar base-line tape not more than loans____ :________________ 718 findings and determination made by the 50 meters in nominal length—each additional determination on bench Civil Aeronautics Board Secretary in § 721.604 have been made on standard at room temperature of the basis of the latest available statistics length of interval, or tension to the Notices: of the Federal Government. nearest integral half pound dr Hearings: quarter kilogram at which the Airwork Ltd_______ ________ 718 § 721.604 1955 acreage allotment for - correction to the length of an Linea Aéropostal Venezolana. 718 corn. The acreage allotment for corn interval is most nearly zero__..... 4.50 for 1955 for the commercial corn-pro­ Commerce Department ducing area is 49,842,697 acres. 2. The schedule in § 203.101 Ldbora- See National Bureau of Standards. tory thermometers is amended to read Commodity Stabilization Service (Sec. 375, 52 Stat. 66,- as amended; 7 U. S. C. as follows: 1375. Interpret or apply secs. 301, 328, 52 Rules and regulations: Stat. 38, 52; S. 1301, 1328) 7 U. C. Item Description Fee Corn-producing area, commer­ Issued at Washington, D . C., this 31st cial; acreage allotment for 1955______________________ 701 day of January 1955. 203.101a Thermometers, testing at points from0° to400° C., inclusive, or from Customs Bureau [seal] T rue D . M orse, 32° to 212° F., inclusive, for each Acting Secretary. point tested....________________ $3.50 Notices: 203.101b Thermometers, testing at points Fish; tariff-rate quota— -------- 707 [F. R. Doc. 55-1008; Filed, Jan. 31, 1955; from 101° to 300° C., inclusive, or from 213° to 600° F., inclusive, for Federal Communications Com­ 4:53 p. m.] each point tested__________ ____ - 7.25 203.101c Thermometers, testing at points mission from 301° to 500° C;, inclusive, or from 601° to 950° F., inclusive, for Notices: TITLE 15— COMMERCE AND each point tested___________ ____ 12.00 Hearings, etc.: 203.101 d Thermometers, testing at points Anferican Southern Broad- FOREIGN TRADE from —1° to — X10°C., inclusive, or from 31° to —166° F., inclusive, for casters (WPWR)------------- 719 Chapter II— National Bureau of Stand­ each point tested—........................... 13.75 Great Lakes Television, Inc., 203.101e Thermometers, testing in liquid air, ards, Department of Commerce liquid oxygen, or liquid nitrogen et al___________________ - 719 (—183° to —196° C.), for each Miners Broadcasting Service, Subchapt$r A— Test Fee Schedules 21.00 Inc., et al----------------------- 719 203. lOlf Calorimetric thermometers, testing P art 202—O ptic s and M eteorology at intervals of 2° C. or 2Ji° F ------- 26.50 Times-World Corp. and Radio 203. lOlg Beckmann thermometers, with 5° Roanoke, Inc________ — 719 P art 203—H eat and P ow er or 6° C. scale, testing at 1° in­ tervals by comparison with pre- Village Broadcasting Co. Subchapter B— Standard Samples ciiion standards________________ 31.00 (WOPA)_____ ____ 719 203.101h When instruments submitted are Western Union Telegraph Co. P art 230—S tandard S amples and R efer ­ found to be unsuitable for test or unreliable a charge will be made et al____________________ 719 ence S tandards I ssued by t h e N a­ to cover the cost of the work done. tional B ureau o f S tandards Minimum fee $1. \ Federal Power Commission 203.101i Preliminary examination for foreign Notices: miscellaneous amendments material in the mercury column and bulb and for a separated mer­ Hearings, etc.: In accordance with the provisions of cury column will be made as re­ Alabama Power Co________ - 722 quired. Separated mercury col­ Almeida,' A. S______________ 722 section 4 (a) and (c) of the Administra­ umn will be reunited provided tive Procedure Act, it has been found that this can be accomplished readily. Bonneville Project, Columbia notice and hearing on these schedules of Maximum fee $2.50. River, Wash.-Oreg. (2 doc­ fees are unnecessary for the reason that (Continued on next page) uments) ____________ _— 721, 722 701 702 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Power Commission- Pag® Securities and Exchange Com- Pa§® FEDERALBREGISTHI Continued mission— Continued Notices—Continued Notices—Continued Hearings, etc.—Continued Hearings, etc.—Continued Panola-Quitman Natural Gas Sun Valley Mining Corp___ 722 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, C o..____________ _______ and days following official Federal holidays, 722 Treasury Department by the Federal Register Division, National Interior Department See Customs Bureau. Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ See also Land Management Bu­ ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ reau; Reclamation Bureau. thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Notices: CODIFICATION GUIDE approved July 26, 1935 (49 S tat. 500, as Ute Indian Tribe of Uintah and A numerical list erf tbe parts of the Code amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Ouray Reservation; proposed of Federal Regulations affected by documents tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ membership rolls___________ 708 published in this issue. Proposed rules, as mittee of the Federal Register, approved by opposed to final actions, are identified as the President. Distribution is made only by Interstate Commerce Commis­ such. the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ sion m en t P rin tin g Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Notices: Title 7 Page The F ederal Register will be furnished by Chapter v n : mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Applications for relief: per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Clay, ground fire, between Part 721___________ 701 advance. The charge for individual copies points in Illinois territory Chapter IX: (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to and from Missouri to Illi­ Part 961 (proposed) 704 the size of the issue. Remit check or money nois territory____________ 733 Part 993 (proposed) 706 order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, directly to the Government Pish scrap from Lake Charles, Title 15 P rin tin g Office, W ashington 25, D. C. West Lake Charles, Holm- Chapter II: The regulatory material appearing herein wood and Sulphur, La., to Part 202___________ 701 is keyed to the Code op F ederal Regulations, Quincy, 111_______________ 733 Part 203____ _______ 701 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Grain from Milwaukee, Wis., Part 230___________ 701 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as to East_____ ___ x________ am ended A ugust 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ 733 Title 29 Rates: Subtitle A: eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Minimum, on clay or pyro- tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Part 4 (proposed)_ 703 pocket supplements vary. phyllite to Arkansas and There are no restrictions on the re­ Louisiana________ ;_____ 733 publication of material appearing in the Motor-rail, in East; substi­ F ederal R egister, or th e Code op Federal tuted service.__________ 732 Item Description Fee Regulations. Stone, crushed, from Canon City, Colo., to Oklahoma 203.101z For special tests not covered by the and Texas__________ $____ 732 above schedule, fees will be charged dependent upon the nature of the Now Available Motor carrier applications____ 723 test. Vegetables, fresh, from Texas et al.; investigation and hear­ UNITED STATES ing-------------- -------- *----------- 733 3. The schedule in § 203.102 Thermo­ couples, thermocouple materials, and GOVERNMENT Labor Department pyrometer indicators is amended to read Proposed rule making: as follows:, ORGANIZATION Occupations particularly haz­ ardous for employment of MANUAL certain minors or detrimental Item Description Fee to their health or well-being; 1954—55 Edition 203.102a High temperature thermocouples motor-vehicle driver and and thermocouple materials. Mini­ (Revised through July 1) helper__ ___________ _____ r 703 mum length 24 inches. Certifica­ tion of corresponding values of Published by the Federal Register Division, Land Management Bureau temperature and emf of a thermo­ the National Archives and Records Service, Notices: couple material against the plat­ inum standards of the NBS or General Services Administration Alaska: of temperature and emf of a ther­ Piling of objections to trans­ mocouple at any 4 to 15 points 742 Pages— $1.00 a copy w ithin the range 0° to 1,450° O.
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